What's everybody doing today?

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Happy 36 the anniversary , hope you have many more.

Today was almost a disaster. I got to thinking about how much the soaking finger in epsom salt helped my finger , I asked the wife if she thought she could soak in a tub.
Well, we did a dry run. Got in the tub ok.
We spent 30 minutes trying to get her back up and out. Finally I slid a pillow under her, then another then a third. After resting 5 minutes between each one.
Got her high enough to slide over on the edge of tub , then swing around and stand up.
Now she's done in for the day .

She's down to only 1/2 pain pill in am , then Tylenol , then 1/2 at bedtime.

We keep trying to engineer a way .
I believe an hour soak would help her.

Now I got to go for more labs Friday then liver ultrasound next week.my liver enzymes are too high.

Geeeeeze I'm falling apart.

Too much meds.


Jim nottrying to scair you but that is what killed hubby mom liver medication toxicity. I know you don't hve time to do your own reserach but try to do what you can. Thats what I 'HaD to do because I couldn't handle the meds anymore.But be sure its "thourough" research.I feel for you and the wife.:huggs:
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Strawberry has been walked several times today.
I've been outside doing some sanding on my wash tub on legs.
Fresh colors, not sure I care for the black legs.
So tomorrow unless it's raining will be sanding that black off.
Finish putting a turquoise strip on the tub itself.
Then will paint the rest of the tub white,maybe silver legs.
Have decided that's the colors for Christmas this year too.
Turquoise, white and silver.
Bought myself an Air Fryer for my birthday next month.
Also got cookbook too.
Feet are swelling again.
No clue.
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So....hubby had my truck last night, so I just left some of my groceries in the back, figured I would get them out this morning....and what a surprise...THE CATS GOT INTO MY BERRY FLAVORED TWINKIES, TORE UP THE CELLOPHANE, AND ATE THEM !! also, they got into the rice-a-roni and it was all gone...came in and fussed about it...hubby told me to leave a can opener out there, as they did not touch the cans....LOL
Strawberry has been walked several times today.
I've been outside doing some sanding on my wash tub on legs.
Fresh colors, not sure I care for the black legs.
So tomorrow unless it's raining will be sanding that black off.
Finish putting a turquoise strip on the tub itself.
Then will paint the rest of the tub white,maybe silver legs.
Have decided that's the colors for Christmas this year too.
Turquoise, white and silver.
Bought myself an Air Fryer for my birthday new month.
Also got cookbook too.
Feet are swelling again.
No clue.

Check meds for this I know colesterol drugs will do it.
@UrbanHunter , Happy Anniversary!

Epsom salt has magnesium, doesn't it? I think that the body absorbs it from soaking. I wonder if even just soaking your feet in epsom salt can help other parts of the body? Or am I just really off. I know we soak injured ankles, etc., but I wonder. Anyone have an idea?

Peonies came today. I will start trying to get them planted tomorrow.

Got the anemone corms planted today, all 138 of them. Most of them were planted in the newly tilled and amended area. About 40 of them were planted in an adjoining bed that I thought I had amended earlier this year. Well, it was not the best and it got more peat moss added. Forty eight of the corms are blanda mix and the rest are mixed de Caen colors.


de Caen
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Just got back from another round of Dr. appointments.

They took the ureter stent out of my new kidney (not a procedure I EVER want to go through again).
Everything looks healthy (I did get to watch the camera when they went in).
All my labs are exactly where the doctors want to see them.

I'm moving better as well. Little to no discomfort and only took the cane for "just in case" today.

Got approval to start moderate exercise like walking, weather permitting.
Looking for a good, used, cheap or free treadmill for the crappy weather days.

So far, so good!
Walked first, fed and walked dogs, went to Walmart for monthly stock up and Dollar General for what Walmart was out of.
Once home, washed rugs and swept house.
Tuna sandwich for dinner. Still need to put rugs back out.

Fireant beds have already gone vertical and it's still September.
I have a couple of vertical ones already here in Southwest MS.
So....hubby had my truck last night, so I just left some of my groceries in the back, figured I would get them out this morning....and what a surprise...THE CATS GOT INTO MY BERRY FLAVORED TWINKIES, TORE UP THE CELLOPHANE, AND ATE THEM !! also, they got into the rice-a-roni and it was all gone...came in and fussed about it...hubby told me to leave a can opener out there, as they did not touch the cans....LOL

Granny I like your avatar donkey.
@UrbanHunter , Happy Anniversary!

Epsom salt has magnesium, doesn't it? I think that the body absorbs it from soaking. I wonder if even just soaking your feet in epsom salt can help other parts of the body? Or am I just really off. I know we soak injured ankles, etc., but I wonder. Anyone have an idea?

Peonies came today. I will start trying to get them planted tomorrow.

Got the anemone corms planted today, all 138 of them. Most of them were planted in the newly tilled and amended area. About 40 of them were planted in an adjoining bed that I thought I had amended earlier this year. Well, it was not the best and it got more peat moss added. Forty eight of the corms are blanda mix and the rest are mixed de Caen colors. View attachment 51052
View attachment 51053
de Caen

Very pretty Weedy.:thumbs:
Very pretty Weedy.:thumbs:
We will see in the spring. The crocus should come up first, and they are the first, then these anemones are next. Tulips and daffodils will be behind that. I planted the crocus 3 deep, the anemones 4 deep, and I have lots of tulips, so it will be a deep amount of rows.

I found out the ranunculus are not hardy enough to be planted outdoors here. I will get them planted in a couple big pots and keep them indoors.

I planted a package of asparagus seeds 2 weeks ago. Package said 3 weeks to sprout. Many are coming up now. They will get transplanted in a while to a couple large bins, and then transplanted outside next spring.
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I love the ranunculus but have not planted any. I have some pansies of odd colors I want to put out. You said it might be a cold winter, so they probably will not make it through to spring but they do last long around here. You planted asparagus SEED? That is awesome. I wish you the best on that. My mom grew asparagus for years, which is, of course, what it takes to grow asparoooogus.
I love the ranunculus but have not planted any. I have some pansies of odd colors I want to put out. You said it might be a cold winter, so they probably will not make it through to spring but they do last long around here. You planted asparagus SEED? That is awesome. I wish you the best on that. My mom grew asparagus for years, which is, of course, what it takes to grow asparoooogus.
Daughter worked in a flower shop for a couple years and has learned a lot about flowers, arrangements, and what she likes. She is not a fan of roses, after having to remove the thorns on 1000's of roses for Valentine's Day. All of the times that I have flowers growing, she never wants iris. She says they smell like urine. She sure loves ranunculus. I saw them and ordered a package of 25 of them, then I saw that they need to grow in zones 8 - 10, and I live in zone 6b.

Pansies actually seem to like cool weather. I plan on spreading some viola (related to pansies) seeds in the yard sometime this fall. The seeds, like some others, need stratification to sprout.

I have tried to grow asparagus a few times with no luck, but this is the first time I've tried from seed. I was trying to grow it when I hadn't amended my soil enough, and I probably didn't water it enough. I wish I had planted the seeds in January, and then they could have been planted in my yard and ready to over winter outside. Daughter and I save the plastic pots when we buy seedlings and other plans. I will use some of the larger ones to transplant the asparagus into to encourage root growth.
Just got back from another round of Dr. appointments.

They took the ureter stent out of my new kidney (not a procedure I EVER want to go through again).
Everything looks healthy (I did get to watch the camera when they went in).
All my labs are exactly where the doctors want to see them.

I'm moving better as well. Little to no discomfort and only took the cane for "just in case" today.

Got approval to start moderate exercise like walking, weather permitting.
Looking for a good, used, cheap or free treadmill for the crappy weather days.

So far, so good!

So glad its coming along ok Sparky.:great::thumbs:
Filled up my paper pulp bucket this morning while Roo was doing her school work. I will press some bricks on Wednesday while we still have this high heat.

Got some of the household chores done. Watering/caring for my plants. They are not doing well since our last heat wave. Moved some of them around hoping the change in light perks some of them up.

Making dinner and spending time with the kids and K.
This evening, hubby went down to our old place to feed the donkey and the sheep...he had a problem with Jimmy, the donkey, he would not stay out of the sheep's feed, so he went to see why...the neighbor's cat was eating Jimmy's sweet feed. The cat striped his nose last week to get to the feed, so Jimmy backed off and let the cat have it...and hubby says...."You think that donkey is going to protect your sheep? " and walked off laughing...what could I say ?
This evening, hubby went down to our old place to feed the donkey and the sheep...he had a problem with Jimmy, the donkey, he would not stay out of the sheep's feed, so he went to see why...the neighbor's cat was eating Jimmy's sweet feed. The cat striped his nose last week to get to the feed, so Jimmy backed off and let the cat have it...and hubby says...."You think that donkey is going to protect your sheep? " and walked off laughing...what could I say ?
I would love to illustrate your last 2 comments with cartoon drawings 😂
@Weedygarden when I lived "back east", in the spring the yard had violets and johnny jump-ups growing through out. Sometimes I would pick the violets and put them in a salad, YUMMY.
The wild johnny jump ups, which I called wild pansies, were purple and yellow. I had never planted them, they just...jumped up. These flowers were much smaller than regular pansies or as you are referring to it, viola.

The violets spread. Some people don't like them. I thought it was beautiful to see both, wild pansies and violets growing throughout the green grass of spring.

@Weedygarden when I lived "back east", in the spring the yard had violets and johnny jump-ups growing through out. Sometimes I would pick the violets and put them in a salad, YUMMY.
The wild johnny jump ups, which I called wild pansies, were purple and yellow. I had never planted them, they just...jumped up. These flowers were much smaller than regular pansies or as you are referring to it, viola.
View attachment 51071

The violets spread. Some people don't like them. I thought it was beautiful to see both, wild pansies and violets growing throughout the green grass of spring.

View attachment 51072
And they smell sooo good
After feeding dogs, I will go to a graveside funeral for a friend's mom. I have directions in my phone and it is about 35 miles away. After that, I will go to a salvage grocery store and a pawn shop that is in the area. Then head for a closer town to a day old bread store and another pawn shop. Finally home, go for my walk, start laundry and make cucumber salad. Not sleeping much the past couple of nights. Maybe tonight!
Not much today.

Wife wants to go for a ride , just to get out of the house.
May order stuff at WM , go pick it up.

Need to cut up my yearly supply of kindling , as l always use a lot this time of year. Burn small fires at night , let it die in daytime.

Need to get the garden fence down and put away. That's the last time for planting anything. We learned this year , we can't do it anymore.

May try to get rear deck ready for a coat of stain.

Be watching the Superbowl tonight.😆

@Weedygarden when I lived "back east", in the spring the yard had violets and johnny jump-ups growing through out. Sometimes I would pick the violets and put them in a salad, YUMMY.
The wild johnny jump ups, which I called wild pansies, were purple and yellow. I had never planted them, they just...jumped up. These flowers were much smaller than regular pansies or as you are referring to it, viola.
View attachment 51071

The violets spread. Some people don't like them. I thought it was beautiful to see both, wild pansies and violets growing throughout the green grass of spring.

View attachment 51072
Johnny jump ups are exactly what I am going to plant. They are such a sweet flower. I have tried them several times, but I have always tried to seed them in the spring. I'm going to seed them this fall.
I have neighbors who allow whatever grows there to stay. They have lots of violets and weeds. I decided I'd let the violets grow. I like them, but they began pushing other things out, so now I am working to get rid of them. I know you can make jelly with them.

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