What's everybody doing today?

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@Neb If you have mentioned this before, I'm sorry to have not noticed. You're in an area well known for radon. Have you thought about what you might do about that? Apparently the rock is what releases the radon gas. In a basement type situation, without a way to vent it, it would collect in the air and also seep up into the next floor. It is odorless.
My in-laws had a beautiful A-frame home in the woods, he decided to do a self-test for radon or had a business come check it, forget which, found out their radon level was dangerously high.
EPA came to visit, to be amazed and collect numbers, right before the filtering and venting was put in.
Radon, if you recall, can cause cancer.
Good point. Thank you for adding another item to my to-do list ( smiley-wink).

My family has been in this house for eighty years or so but the back basements ( the part that is under ground) has never been occupied much serving mostly as root cellars When we had our most recent rental property inspected by a house inspector, he did run his gizmo for a couple of days and deemed that place safe. While that place is being safe does not clear my place or the place I am excavating... So I will have to purchase a few test kits... just to be safe. Just using my Geiger counter on my chest is probably not a good alternative ;) .

The Princess would back me up when I claim that I seldom use four letter words (speaking as an ex-sailor mind you) but today is one of those days.


The digging is DONE!


That image shows the trench as viewed from one corner of the crawl space looking across to the other side.

My brother is currently using our pick-up (we split the cost since we seldom need tow pick-ups at the same time) since the brakes in is vehicle went out. He is not going to fix the brakes because he has another vehicle waiting to be inspected and is intended to replace his old one. He also has a water heater he needs to replace a water heater in one of the places he maintains... So it will be a couple days until I can get started filling the trenches with gravel.

So it looks like I will be switching over to HVAC contractor mode for the near future. Why so?

When I purchase my place from grandfather 36 years ago or so, it had an old furnace and no air conditioning. The Princess was working for a gas company that in a consortium with York and Briggs & Stratton to sell natural gas fired heat pumps. The deal ended up giving so much of a discount that we got the place updated to a modern heat pump and and air conditioning for about $3K. The trick was that I had to do all of the duct work. But not knowing what I was doing ( par for the course) I did not understand details of having proper return ducts in place to suck the hot air form the rooms at the top of the house.

I did a quick experiment earlier this year where I fashioned a duct out of cardboard to extend the air return from the floor level on the second floor of the house to just short of the ceiling. The effects were notable. IN prior years I could feel the hot air just as my head rose above floor level while climbing the stairs. With the temp duct in place the second floor was nice and cool.

So I will have to figure out where and how I can run the duct. I am hoping the dead space behind a wall holds my answers.

Nuff for now.


We've been so consumed with work and getting Pa healthy, it's easy to get stuck in a rut. Something in me got stirred up yesterday, and I got to looking around. I've had a few boxes I was filling to go to donation when CV started. I went out and wiped things off and put a box in the trunk and took it this morning. There's more to go, and I need to continue to "filter" our belongings. I just need to "keep at 'er." But I figure that's one less box in our possession.
I'm in the same boat with needing to purge stuff. I've been working on the entry way this week. I receive notices from someone about what to focus on for decluttering and cleaning. This week is the entry way.
The coat closet needed a good purging and I have started, but some things need to be washed before I can donate them. The place where I make donations, like so many places, had been closed and is only open for donations on an appointment basis now.
I did find wool mittens that daughter bought for me years ago in Iceland. I hadn't seen them in years and was glad to find them.
Been cleaning, dusting furniture.
Moved furniture so I could catch those dog hair dust bunnies before they got much bigger.
Strawberry has been walked several times today.
Cleaned out the car: front, back seat and trunk area.
Loaded the car with laundry for in the morning.
Returned shoes that didn't fit to Wal*Mart for money back will try different pair in morning.
Had grand daughter yesterday for 5 hours.
Windows are open, got a good breeze going right now.
Not sleeping well.
Cleaned out all the dead tomato plants for the trash man yesterday.
Planted bulbs today in the whiskey barrel.
Tri color Crocus, Miniature dwarf tulips and daffidols that should be pretty come spring.
Moving raised beds this weekend to the East side of the house.
Strawberry is laying beside me snoring.
Dishes are done.
Errands have been done mostly except for laundry tomorrow.
Then will be pretty much caught up for the week.
Down to the last two colors of grand daughter's crocheted twin size blanket.
Will finish tonight.
Then will start Baby Reign's snuggle bag for her car seat for colder months for Christmas.
Might make Granny's big little girl hat, scarf and mittens for Christmas too.
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I'm in the same boat with needing to purge stuff. I've been working on the entry way this week. I receive notices from someone about what to focus on for decluttering and cleaning. This week is the entry way.
The coat closet needed a good purging and I have started, but some things need to be washed before I can donate them. The place where I make donations, like so many places, had been closed and is only open for donations on an appointment basis now.
I did find wool mittens that daughter bought for me years ago in Iceland. I hadn't seen them in years and was glad to find them.
I don't like clutter and find when I have "stuff" decluttered, my brain is less cluttered - I need all the help I can get in that dept. 🙃
Still have plumbers here doing fix it problems from the previous owner. Finished painting the milk house. Hooray! I'll be working on many, many more painting projects. Mom's upset. The medical side of the manor has 13 covids. They moved them to one of the offsite rehab buildings for care. My aunt is in the medical side, but has tested negative. It was brought in by traveling nurses from other parts of Kansas, to fill in while staff took vacation. I told her she could buy a mobile home and put it on our property, so she's thinking about it. She lives on the residential side, but it's connected to the medical side. Granddaughter has work, and grandson has church group tonight.
Still have plumbers here doing fix it problems from the previous owner. Finished painting the milk house. Hooray! I'll be working on many, many more painting projects. Mom's upset. The medical side of the manor has 13 covids. They moved them to one of the offsite rehab buildings for care. My aunt is in the medical side, but has tested negative. It was brought in by traveling nurses from other parts of Kansas, to fill in while staff took vacation. I told her she could buy a mobile home and put it on our property, so she's thinking about it. She lives on the residential side, but it's connected to the medical side. Granddaughter has work, and grandson has church group tonight.
Too bad they didn't do temperature testing each day before shifts. In my home town, it has kept patients in nursing home safe. But your mom and others can come and go as they wish, so any of them could be bringing covid back.

I thought about your mom having a place on your property and then going into your home and taking what she wants from your place, if she would be that close. Would you keep your house locked up when you leave and she doesn't go with you?
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Worked, then came home and picked a gallon of Muscatines. Got a call from mom, she saw the second Dr today for the valve replacement. Told her all her test have been good and they think she is a good candida. Sounds like surgery will be sometime in October. Thanks for all the prayers

Glad test were good and hope she improves till dr.s repair her .
Mom's not so mobile anymore. She won't use a walker (because she says she's not old), but couldn't walk much unless she has a hand or a rail. In her own place, she's happy with the Hallmark channel and a pie in her fridge. She distracts easy. I'm sure decorating a new place would keep her busy for a long while. But I'm not sure if she wants to do that. I think nursing homes are pretty crummy places to be right now. She's in assisted living, but still has someone do her laundry and her meds. She's not capable of doing either of those. And, yes, she would drive me bonkers, because she usually does. But I don't want her dead, either.
Mom's not so mobile anymore. She won't use a walker (because she says she's not old), but couldn't walk much unless she has a hand or a rail. In her own place, she's happy with the Hallmark channel and a pie in her fridge. She distracts easy. I'm sure decorating a new place would keep her busy for a long while. But I'm not sure if she wants to do that. I think nursing homes are pretty crummy places to be right now. She's in assisted living, but still has someone do her laundry and her meds. She's not capable of doing either of those. And, yes, she would drive me bonkers, because she usually does. But I don't want her dead, either.

When mama got old she dtove me nuts at times,but she was just repaying the favor I guess.
Husband has an allergist appt this morning that we'll go into the bigger town for. I have a ton of laundry to catch up with today, since the plumbers were out here all day yesterday and the water was off. The guy that farms here, my cousin's son in law has a brother (confusing, huh?) that will be out today to see about putting in a car battery solar charging area so we can have easy back up on husband's medical stuff if the power goes out. Maybe I'll start painting another building, or maybe I'll take a painting break today.
Will walk in a bit and feed dogs. Will wash dog blankets and dogs today. My company was testing electric and now I have my stovetop and no oven. Yikes! Have 6 pounds of apples to dehydrate, 4 butternut squash to bake and a bunch of jalapeno poppers to make also. Electrician friend won't be here until next week, so I have less to do this week. Should be a lower key day!
When mama got old she drove me nuts at times, but she was just repaying the favor I guess.
I think we get more eccentric when we get older. Those children who act out in all kinds of ways, and then get trained to behave better, probably still have thoughts about what they can do that annoys others, such as demanding their way, stealing, lying, and more. We must lose the filter in our brain again as we age.
Staying productive not progressive,:D. I'm awake,not woke. Been on phone with daughter and youngest grandson time to get busy soon.
Today will be the job less wanting to do 'windows' has to be done every fall and spring .Then workout.:dancing:/

Hope all have a great day.
Up, dressed, coffee.
Strawberry been walked several times.
0600 hours testing out my new air fryer- chicken strips
Must be learning curve- you guessed it haven't learned it yet.
Not bad though.
I for see chicken strips, french fries, onion rings,mushrooms in my future.
Left the house at 0830 hours- laundry mat
Laundry is washed, dried, folded, hung up and put away all before 1005 hours.
Dishes are washed, they're drip drying in drainer.
Floors have been swiftered.
On the last color of grand daughter Estelle's crochet blanket.
Finished her crocheted doll blanket yesterday.
it's also for Christmas.
Made second pot of coffee.
Enjoying it now.
My new shoes are Avia and they hurt my feet.
But my left foot has broken bones so it hurts any hoo.
Strawberry seems to think she needs to go back outside.
Opened back up the house awhile ago, nice cool breeze coming through.
Brought out fall and winter clothes hung in closet.
Will be rotating spring and summer clothes out of closet.
Also will be rotating shoe around too.
Have a good day.
Later gators.
Started going through my spring and summer clothing to take out unworn/don't like clothes for donations. I have a small bundle- some with tags. I am debating trying to sell them online or just getting rid of them.

Sell them or thats what I'd do, most of these clothes are like the Toys For Yots scams.You see them fighting over these toys and nextsee them at flea markets for sale.
Went to the Amish restaurant in town for lunch with hubby after his dr appt. Got a bunch of boxes delivered to go through...I'm thinking it's coffee and paper products. Came home to a cow in the driveway. Grabbed the feed bucket and couldn't figure out how it got past the hot wire. Then I started walking fast towards it and it jumped back over the fence. Ha Ha. They're getting older, bigger, and fatter now and will be returning to cousin's farm soon. Went to the close out store in town and bought random stuff.
Fed Ex made 2 deliveries today.
Air fryer cookbook showed up one day early.
I'm impressed.
Fire engine red fabric I ordered 2 months ago to finish quilt top with.
I'm not impressed.
I could gain weight with air fryer.
But the potato wedges fries were good.
I'll give you 3 guess who wants to go back outside.
Yep, Strawberry.
Later gators.
Poor @Amish Heart I think that grosses me out too.
They really should change the name. Didn't anyone tell them?
I don't know what I'm doing today. Enjoying not having to do anything at all, even though there is a lot that needs to be done and taken care of.
Actually slept longer than 4-6 hours! I could get used to that. It's been a long time.
I keep looking at all these windows with sheers,curtains contimplating when to attack them.Thats lots of washing and I'm sore from yesterdays janitoreal work with my giant mop I pushed around the whole downstairs.
I didn;t think about all the work haveing a house of glass would create l
Went to the Amish restaurant in town for lunch with hubby after his dr appt. Got a bunch of boxes delivered to go through...I'm thinking it's coffee and paper products. Came home to a cow in the driveway. Grabbed the feed bucket and couldn't figure out how it got past the hot wire. Then I started walking fast towards it and it jumped back over the fence. Ha Ha. They're getting older, bigger, and fatter now and will be returning to cousin's farm soon. Went to the close out store in town and bought random stuff.

Cows can be mean for sure.I know from experiance.:)
Poor @Amish Heart I think that grosses me out too.
They really should change the name. Didn't anyone tell them?
I don't know what I'm doing today. Enjoying not having to do anything at all, even though there is a lot that needs to be done and taken care of.
Actually slept longer than 4-6 hours! I could get used to that. It's been a long time.

Goodfor you I use to go right to sleep now I'm lucky to sleep more than a few hours..Too much going on I guess .

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