What's everybody doing today?

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She got to self isolate or quarantine...don't know the difference.

We believe it's a false negative. Little county hospital.
She feels fine .we check our ,BP, oxygen,and temp 2-3 times everyday.
No problems.

She has been short of breath since August, so the doc sent her for a simple lung capacity test.

So we'll stay in, no Christmas for us.
I may take her to big hospital for another test.

I suspect they will want me to take a test.

You can postpone Christmas. Daughter would often be with her dad and his family for Christmas, so we would have our Christmas before she left. It is not ideal, but life does throw curve balls. Praying for a quick recovery for your wife.
My mom doesn't want to come for Christmas supper, even though we'll be over it by then, so she ordered the Mennonite Manor luncheon that'll be brought to her apartment. We'll drop off a gift to her to her back door before Christmas. She was exposed by us, but no symptoms, and done with her quarantine the 23rd. She wasn't much for doing the holidays when I was growing up, though. We'd get a tree, only because I would insist. I would have to set it up and do it all. She would get presents and wrap them, stuff I picked out from the Montgomery Wards or Sears catalog. We would go to Christmas dinner to whoever invited us. I don't remember her ever cooking a holiday meal. So.... I told her maybe she'll come out for a New Years eve meal. Christmas eve is prime rib, Christmas day is turkey, and New Years eve is ham.
Jim, sorry to hear about your wife's Covid results. Hope she won't get symptoms.

I think I will hibernate today, maybe process some brass I have laying around.
How do you "process" the brass?

Today was not the best day. Went into town for groceries but stopped at friend's house first because he was asking for some help to troubleshoot issues with his truck. His vision wasn't good enough to really see. He's had the hood up a couple days and he's not sure if someone vandalized it under the hood, but there was brake fluid on some round metal cover, the cover was warped, his spark plugs had all blown and he needed help pulling them out. I was able to help with one but it was the only one I could reach. I have a short torso and arms so I couldn't get in there far enough. Friend had to get up on the front of the truck and I put a hand under his lower torso and one on his leg to stabilize him a bit and helped him get back out. There was oil on the spark plugs from the inside. So something is leaking in there. He said something about the motor. It's not even that old of a motor- only had 17k miles on it. I bought him the new spark plugs since he's flat broke. He took a little chunk out of his knuckle removing the spark plug cable so I went and bought him bandaids.

My friend's uncle and cousin work at the shop where we got the new spark plugs. They were telling my friend about all of the family members who have Covid. All of my friend's sisters got it. My friend told them about what was going on with the casino and how he was accused of robbing the place while he was in the hospital over a blood clot. Apparently he hadn't told them about it so he told about the stroke and going blind in his left eye. His uncle was upset. He seemed far more concerned than my friend's mom-- who has only visited once and when she realized she couldn't get any money or rides out of him she hasn't been back since. She pretty much only comes around when she wants/needs something.

After we got back a neighbor's dog got out and scared one of the kittens into the road. An SUV driving on the wrong side of the road ran the poor thing over. My friend went and brought the body back out of the road but doesn't have a shovel. The kitten's mother and siblings were coming over to inspect the body. No idea what they were thinking. The mother sat near the body for awhile. I love animals so the waterworks started. My eyes were still red when we went to the store. Got the groceries, dropped something off with my friend, and then went back home.

My friend said he called the doctor's office and they said he would have to switch insurance in order to be seen by a neurologist. Although, some medical professional friends of mine said he should try going back to the ER and see if they can do something for him. They said the hospital can't legally refuse treatment and I said "explain that to them, they do it all the time". Someone doesn't have insurance, they refuse to run tests.
Soon we won't need a vaccine, everyone's will have endured it and be immune. Jim, you 2 need to figure out how to stay out trouble- praying for you both.
I actually worked from home today which was awesome! Got quite a bit done (I like quiet- shop is very loud), but seemed like everything I did brought up 2 more things to do. 😂
Soon we won't need a vaccine, everyone's will have endured it and be immune. Jim, you 2 need to figure out how to stay out trouble- praying for you both.
I actually worked from home today which was awesome! Got quite a bit done (I like quiet- shop is very loud), but seemed like everything I did brought up 2 more things to do. 😂
Talked to son today, he has been treating 45 patients with COVID-19, he told me that a number of the doctors (the words he used was A LOT) who had Covid last Spring/Summer have gotten sick again in the past 2 weeks..... does not bode well for the Herd Immunity theories...

Son got the 1st shot today, we will be keeping tabs on him by phone/text. Still not clear on how long the shots are good for.

Our DIL was planning on coming here just after Christmas, she is a teacher doing in person classes; we canceled her visit because the wife is high risk and there is no way to control exposure in the classroom or on the plane.

Wife and I are just frustrated at this point, I think this will be the 1st time ever to just be us home at Christmas.

I am enjoying indoor gardening, but I am also learning a lot more about Aphid control than I ever wanted to know. I am short 4 containers for my long range plans, Lowes has them for $7 each. I am having more success with plants that I could never get to grow before, so I am learning a lot. I was looking at the frost dates and realized that the indoor stuff will only be necessary about 5 months out of the year, actually with the covered raised beds that would be cut back to 3.

I have an area just outside the walkout basement that I keep looking at, it is covered but has no walls or screens, it is about 8' X 4' with a generally western exposure, I am thinking about making a sort of sun room using wood framing and that transparrent window weatherproofing material, it would be a good way to give plants that cold night that they need to produce a good crop... If I could get it built in time it could also serve as a small greenhouse to transition container plants out in spring. Still just thinking but I would need to figure out how to enter and exit, I guess a door would be required. Like I said, just thinking, but I usually don't turn lose of an idea once I get it into my head.
Where do I start… the week began with another flood. It was 48hrs before I got the area rugs dried, especially the braided rugs. One of the longer braided rugs was coming apart between two of the seams. I took the opportunity to practice some hand stitching with a big leather needle and thread for leather, plenty tough enough for a rug.

Wednesday just before dark I needed to make a quick trip to town. My battery was dead, just my luck. I had to take my dads car, a chevy Captiva. I hate that thing, it’s top heavy, like driving a roller skate. I needed to get 10ft of 3” downspout drain pipe, of course it wouldn’t fit in the car so it’s still on the list.

I got a decent wet/dry vac in town. I spent more than I intended but I need some power just in case it floods again this winter before I can get the situation professionally taken care of. Most of the units at the big box store had about 3.5hp for suction. The one I bought only has a 4-gallon tank but had 5.5hp for suction. When the 2 bedrooms on that back-wall flood I’m only mopping up about 10 gallons max. However, I need it up as quickly as possible. So, I spent an extra $40 for power. I got it home and set up the filters for wet vacuuming, then put everything back in the box and stacked it on the shelving in the canning room. It’s ready to go at a moment’s notice when I need it.

I got a small ceramic heater also, only 5K btu. I tried it out and it’ll heat the bathroom fine, and speed drying of rugs I might need to hang in there.

Dad went to town yesterday and got me a new battery for the truck, hard to believe but the old one lasted 7 years, amazing considering it was only a 36-month battery. My cousin has an auto parts store, gave me a good price on the new one. I put it in today and will drop off the core next trip to town.

This afternoon I did some ditching around the corner of the house where the water has started to come in. It didn’t solve the real problem but it’ll help some of water to drain away from the house faster. Oh, finally got around to calling yet another cousin, he's a general contractor. He didn't have the number of his basement sealing guy with him but will call or stop by tomorrow and let me know how to reach the guy. Maybe I can get that guy to come out for an estimate after christmas.

I still need another trip to town for the downspout piping and get a tarp. I forgot the tarp the other night… A busy week all in all.
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Soon we won't need a vaccine, everyone's will have endured it and be immune. Jim, you 2 need to figure out how to stay out trouble- praying for you both.
I actually worked from home today which was awesome! Got quite a bit done (I like quiet- shop is very loud), but seemed like everything I did brought up 2 more things to do. 😂
The thing about this virus is that you can get it again. Having it once is not like other things where you are now immune. I know someone who has had it twice now, once in March and again in November.
Remove the old primer (decapping), tumble in corn cob/walnut shell mix with some polish. Inspect and run them through a go/no go gauge to check for length, separate the long ones, then resize them to spec. This is for .223/5.56 brass.
We could sure use a thread about reloading: how to, needed tools and parts. Does it exist here? Videos are always helpful, imho.
Thanks baby girl,
How's the tractor holding up ?

Hello 👋🏼
Tractors doing well. Taking some getting used to the “updates” but seems to be working properly now. Getting ready to work a couple gravel driveways now that we’ve gotten a little bit of rain.
How are you guys holding up? Sending tons of hugs and prayers to you both 🤗
The thing about this virus is that you can get it again. Having it once is not like other things where you are now immune. I know someone who has had it twice now, once in March and again in November.

It is not something that you get and get over forever. It is a virus (like chicken pox) and stays in the body forever. Period. You can catch it fight it off but still have it just like chicken pox! The chicken pox virus still lives in your body after you are 'over it'. Next to your spine in fact. It can even reappear decades later. That is what Shingles is!

Covid is a virus and will always be in our bodies once we catch it. It will just take time for everyone to get it and then it will be like our seasonal colds and flu thereafter. Think H1N1.
I'm hoping I keep working on immunities like I did when working with children. Something was always going around, and I'd typically get an ear infection maybe once a year, but really didn't get the other stuff. Normally a new employee would get sick in their 2nd week, and be out a number of days. There is so much junk around saying you can't get it again, you can get it again, I don't even know. But I do know that I'm probably immune for a bit.
Hello 👋🏼
Tractors doing well. Taking some getting used to the “updates” but seems to be working properly now. Getting ready to work a couple gravel driveways now that we’ve gotten a little bit of rain.
How are you guys holding up? Sending tons of hugs and prayers to you both 🤗

I'm glad your having a better experience with the tractor , this time.

Health dept called the wife today, with " how to conduct her life"
We are sleeping desperate rooms.
They encouraged her to go to health dept for a more accurate test because of no symptoms.

Neither of us have any symptoms whatsoever. We feel fine.

I had to go pick up my new car today...that was interesting. 6 ft apart .

Got it home. We won't be out at all for next 9 days.

I'm hoping I keep working on immunities like I did when working with children. Something was always going around, and I'd typically get an ear infection maybe once a year, but really didn't get the other stuff. Normally a new employee would get sick in their 2nd week, and be out a number of days. There is so much junk around saying you can't get it again, you can get it again, I don't even know. But I do know that I'm probably immune for a bit.
My first year of teaching was the worst. I had never been sick so often in my whole life. I probably had more sickness that first year than I had had in my previous life. I was teaching preschoolers then, 3, 4, and 5 year olds.

One of the lessons I have given many times in my life to young children is how to blow your nose. And right after working on nose blowing was how to wash your hands.

One thing I learned was when a child was standing in front of me and I could see a cough or sneeze coming was to turn my head from them, so I wasn't getting it full on in the face.

Hand washing was something that children did a lot of in my classroom. I had children tell me they had washed their hands when getting ready for lunch, not knowing I was watching and checking them off on a list, and knowing that they hadn't washed their hands. There are many ways to try to get over on teachers if you think she hasn't seen that trick before. Hand washing is not a favorite activity for some.
Today started off nice, finally got a problem on my work computer resolved (it only took 6 weeks and hours of phone calls) so that is nice. We made a menu for Christmas Dinner and I picked up most of the order this morning. I spent most of the day cleaning and organizing - plus I did a half dozen loads of laundry. Today it was clear and cool (not COLD) so I was able to do some work outdoors too...

At one point I made the mistake of sitting down in a chair, fell asleep and 3 hours later was trying to figure out where the day went...

It looks like we might get a white christmas, that would be nice.....
@UrbanHunter I still have not planned our Christmas meals. What are you having? I'm looking for ideas.
The wife wants to do a stuffed pork loin with sweet potatoes, green beans, canberry pilaf, mashed potatoes and gravy, fresh bread/rolls, and some type of desert most likely a pie or pineapple upside down cake.
That sounds yummy. We do prime rib the night before and turkey the day of. Reminding me to take the turkey out of the freezer tomorrow. Chores are done, grocery order put away. Granddaughter is painting her hallway to her room. We never got to that when we were painting a few years ago. Husband and I are resting, watching mindless something on tv. Checked in with my favorite cousin, and her husband has a light case, kinda like a cold.
.... Husband and I are resting, watching mindless something on tv. Checked in with my favorite cousin, and her husband has a light case, kinda like a cold.

The Princess acquired rib eye and prime rib for the freezers. It was job to cut them up into individual servings.

But while waiting for her to return I binge watched the old 1960 Batman series. Talk about mindless.

Today would have been my parents' 50th anniversary and mom is a bit bummed. She was crying this morning. I held her hand (she was lying in bed with her tablet on her lap so I couldn't lean down to hug her). My sister called to try to cheer her up.
Kittens are enjoying running amok in the front room. My brother didn't secure the door properly so I freaked out a little thinking they had gotten out, but they were still in there on mom's recliner. The lights don't work in there so it was hard to see them. I need to check the breakers and maybe replace some outlets in there.

I didn't wake up until afternoon and it was raining hard, which put me back to sleep again. Didn't do much at all but sleep and make lunch and dinner for Mom.

My cat, Yasuke, who loves being in the front room doesn't like the new lock situation, but he enjoyed playing with the kittens. It's already dark and cold so I'm lying here under the covers with cats piled on me.
@UrbanHunter just curious, what kind of gravy is made for pork? I mean, is it pork gravy?
That mostly sounds like what I have been thinking of...have been considering a pork loin, but I think I will ask eldest son to fix a beef brisket in his smoker. I always love mashed potatoes, would like homemade fresh rolls, thought about barely cooked peas and carrots with tzatziki dip stuff (so the kids will eat). If son says no on the brisket, then we will not be eating. ha. haha. I think they made brisket in the smoker for Easter. It is a new favorite.
We don't eat much beef. I don't recall eating prime rib or rib eye. Have been relying on the crock pot for most beef dishes.
Goodness, Amish, it sounds like it has really run through your community. I hope you are feeling much better.
I am feeling pretty good, but husband is coming down from lg doses of prednisolone, and that always causes problems...achiness and wheezing. Yep, it is/has run through the community and hardly anyone gets tested, so it doesn't make the daily count. People stay home unless they're really bad, then they go in. Counting on herd immunity here, we're in the middle to last count, I bet. There's about `150 Amish that sit shoulder to shoulder in church every other Sunday, and three groups of them. And sometimes visitors. That's been spreading it really quickly. I did not go to a cousins funeral the day before Thanksgiving because I didn't feel good about it. Funerals can have 400 to 500 people easy.

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