I was so annoyed that I didn't have the flow to the water filter (stupid saddle valves) and I had all day to think about it. After work I turned off the water, took the needle out of the valve, cut it off with a hack saw, put it back and turned the water back on, I got flow now.... Just no way to turn it off. I'll worry about sometime in the future.
The wife doesn't feel well, the weather and all, she is hungry but doesn't want to eat anything. I am making us baked potatoes.
Oh, I checked my little ucon-gold potatoes, they have eyes that are well developed now, so I think I will plant them as soon as I can find 3 buckets. I transplanted 6 of my starter lettuces into hydroponic tubs. I had put one of the lettuces in the kitchen last week, we ate half of it then the wife watered it, actually drowned is the better word. So on Monday I brought up a new head and put the old one back into a hydroponic tub, it bounced back and is looking very healthy tonight.
I have decided that I don't like the netting on seed starter pucks, the roots get bound up in the netting and slow the plants growth after sprouting. I will have to figure out a way to hold the soil together and not hinder growth (maybe a single layer of TP?).
We got 2 inches of snow followed by sleet and freezing rain, drive way is an ice ramp. Don't care, not planning to go anyplace anytime soon.
Heard from the son, he may be getting the vaccine. We will see how sick he gets. I'm happy to wait, I pass out just looking at needles (I would not make a good junkie, unless it is junk food
