What's everybody doing today?

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This Granny is done wrapping Christmas presents with any kind of tape.
Ran out of scotch tape, so used what I had packing tape.
My sons are real lucky, I couldn't find "Duct Tape".
Sipping coffee.
Strawberry has been walked several times.
She's snoozing on my leg with her head propped up on my foot.
Trying to finish her ugly dog sweater.
Got my labs done for my thyroid this morning.
Went to wife's RA clinic to pickup some paperwork.
Went to big hospital to pay on wife's hospital bill. Looks like our total out of pocket for 6 surgeries , everything is about $1400. Used the $500 free credit card from Humana to pay it off.
Drove south about 1 hour for pizza, stopped on the way , at a Ford dealer , they got me the exact car I been looking for. Bought it, pick it up Saturday.

Wife is in Walmart now picking up something.

I'm in parking lot as usual.🙄😊

Got to be at small local hospital at 8:30 tommorow morning for her lung test.

That's about it.

Y'all just kick back and have an outstanding evening.

@Amish Heart just wait until your girls are ready for dating and being on the phone, but I guess you've been through that already with your older girls.
I'm sad you keep doing so much around the house and errands and stuff, and then are so tired. Things aren't going well at work. Plus didn't get enough sleep last night (see first sentence).
Beautiful day here, low 60s.
@phideaux Finally someone is getting a car they like!
My dad bought a new VW bug in 66, I don't know if he had other new cars before that. Then he bought a new Buick every few years. I don't know why he liked Buick.
The problem with watching it snow all day is the following day inolves a lot of shoveling.


I did just enough for The Princess to get out for Kung-fu tonight.
I did earn a hug for my efforts.

As I was writing this update I got a call from my brother to tell me we will not be working together for 2 weeks. His stepdaughter tested positive for the Kung-Flu.

That means I will be working on the return duct project.

Urban, I always hated convertibles for just the reasons you mentioned. I also am not fond of moon roofs and sun roofs. Just too much potential for breaking/cracking and leaking. Makes it harder to put stuff on top of the vehicle if you get a roof rack and don't want to worry about breaking the glass. If I could design my own dream vehicle there would be no such nonsense. That space could be better utilized for a top console and air conditioning vents for the rear (like in the 2005 Expedition).

Patchouli, my father was quite the storyteller, as was his father (although I never met him). I'm not as proficient at it as they were. One of these days I'll clean up and publish his memoirs. Wish he'd completed them before he passed away. LOL. If it weren't for the fact that I have seen what my friend goes through in person, I would find it hard to believe anyone could have such bad luck. I'm hoping we can straighten things out with the police because he really doesn't need this hanging over him. Mom told me that almost all of us had fevers after vaccines when we were little so she said that's "normal".

Back to moon roofs and leaking: My brother didn't have a moon roof leak but he had a bad habit of leaving his doors unlocked when he was at work. One or more people decided to vandalize his vehicle for no apparent reason. Ripped off the trim on the side of the pickup bed and stole some screws out of the moon roof. He was driving and the moon roof started to fly up. He duct taped it but one day he was driving and I was with him and the tape gave. It nearly flew off. I had to reach up and grab it and then hold it on to the truck the entire drive to the Honda body shop. Went in and told them the situation. At first people inside were saying we'd have to make an appointment and I asked about any temporary fixes and one guy overheard. He was shocked and said he couldn't leave us in that situation-- especially since it was raining. So he grabbed a couple screws and put them in to hold it down until he could order all of the screws he needed to properly secure it again.

Mo, I'm certain if I tried to use packing tape I would make a huge mess. I'm a monkey with anything adhesive and always manage to get it stuck to itself and to me. No matter how straight I tried to put things on it always messed up. Still remember how I could never get labels on the cassette and VHS tapes straight. LOL. Glad to hear Strawberry is comfortable.

Ben, the snow looks so beautiful but I'm sure it is not fun to deal with. I remember loving it as a kid because we could play in it and then go inside and we didn't have to drive on it or be responsible for it. Lived places where it doesn't snow for probably the last 30 years though so we aren't used to it. Not something I would want to deal with.

I slept today. Woke up coughing up mucus (I think bc of all the cold and moisture & being outside in it for too long yesterday). My mom actually heard me coughing and paged me to ask if I needed some medicine. I stuffed a cough drop in my mouth and went back to sleep. Woke up when cough drop was about gone. Popped another one in. Now that I'm sitting up I feel better though. I sometimes feel a bit congested in the morning and I hadn't taken my allergy meds yet.

Looked out the window and saw my cows in the front grooming one another. It was sweet. The horned one has learned to hold her head still so she doesn't accidentally hurt the other one.

I worked on my Houzz and Pinterest pages devoted just to the stuff in the various rooms in my house-- mostly the mom's ensuite and the guest bathroom. I'm cataloging the fixtures and such in it. Waiting for Walmart to refill my naproxyn prescription but will probably have to get it tomorrow. I will endeavor to make that trip quick.
I was so annoyed that I didn't have the flow to the water filter (stupid saddle valves) and I had all day to think about it. After work I turned off the water, took the needle out of the valve, cut it off with a hack saw, put it back and turned the water back on, I got flow now.... Just no way to turn it off. I'll worry about sometime in the future. :)

The wife doesn't feel well, the weather and all, she is hungry but doesn't want to eat anything. I am making us baked potatoes.

Oh, I checked my little ucon-gold potatoes, they have eyes that are well developed now, so I think I will plant them as soon as I can find 3 buckets. I transplanted 6 of my starter lettuces into hydroponic tubs. I had put one of the lettuces in the kitchen last week, we ate half of it then the wife watered it, actually drowned is the better word. So on Monday I brought up a new head and put the old one back into a hydroponic tub, it bounced back and is looking very healthy tonight.
I have decided that I don't like the netting on seed starter pucks, the roots get bound up in the netting and slow the plants growth after sprouting. I will have to figure out a way to hold the soil together and not hinder growth (maybe a single layer of TP?).

We got 2 inches of snow followed by sleet and freezing rain, drive way is an ice ramp. Don't care, not planning to go anyplace anytime soon.

Heard from the son, he may be getting the vaccine. We will see how sick he gets. I'm happy to wait, I pass out just looking at needles (I would not make a good junkie, unless it is junk food ;) ).
Hey Patch...I know we only have 6 months till the twins start dating (16), but the phone deal around here is: not during school, chores, at the table, and they are turned into us before bedtime. I am dreading when they start dating. Little one is only 9, so she has 7 more years. Hoping the tiredness is temporary, and will go away when I hit the two week point with covid. Which is next Wednesday. We will see. Husband was feeling a bit better yesterday, too, like I was, and I think we both expected a big improvement today, but it's about the same. Windows were put in on the add on, an outside door, and under eave flashing. The twins killed and plucked three roosters after school, and brought them in to me to finish. Three more down. Many roosters to go! Hope your brother is doing ok, Ben. I'm almost secretly glad I'm getting this over with.
There's a lot of good things about being a experienced and licenced reptile keeper.

You learn tricks of the trade about how to track snakes ....and that translates to the 2 legged variety.

I'm going to the big smoke tomorrow for specialist appointments.
I'm leaving the house unattended and even though I have cameras I'll be using a reptile keepers trick...
I'll be using a sieve and laying down a super fine layer of flour on the path to the front door and in front of double gates that lead to my back yard.
Any one walking up to the door or the gates will have their foot prints show...if they try to rub them out..it'll show.
It's a low tech way of keeping tabs on the place.

We do this to see if dens/burrows are abandoned or are in use. We have a badger den on the far side of our property but there are many burrows scattered around. We had a coyote den. Never saw the yotes but you could hear them every night.
Been working from all week and taking care of the wife. Been busy at times, nothing happening at others. She still feels like crap and has very little energy. But today after sleeping late and taking a nap early afternoon, she woke up and is feeling a little better. Hopefully is turning the corner. I got my test results back yesterday, negative. I was expecting to have it. Gonna test again Monday.
Was suppose to have my yearly physical today, but had a telecom with Dr instead. Had to get refills on meds. Did take out mexican tonight. Better than my cooking for sure.
We were gonna go to wife sisters for Christmas for Christmas, Cancelled that when she got sick. Not gonna go to my parents either. Mother wouldn't make it through a Covid bout. Can't take that chance.
K got the results for his second covid test today. Negative again. He is going to work tomorrow.

His company ended up giving him 2 separate grocery gift cards this year. He got an e-giftcard like all the upper management did and then got a regular one like the grunts got. They must not have checked their books when they sent everything out. So I took the 2 cards and ran to the store today and spent the cards on groceries and holiday snacks.

We are watching Christmas movies in front of a fire right now.
K got the results for his second covid test today. Negative again. He is going to work tomorrow.

His company ended up giving him 2 separate grocery gift cards this year. He got an e-giftcard like all the upper management did and then got a regular one like the grunts got. They must not have checked their books when they sent everything out. So I took the 2 cards and ran to the store today and spent the cards on groceries and holiday snacks.

We are watching Christmas movies in front of a fire right now.

Did he have a good time?
Did you get access to the laundry?
The wife had company tonight so I stayed in the basement, I finished installing the "High Bay" growing area, it is a 4' X 4' space with 4' Led light bars mounted every 3 inches accross the top (7 feet above the floor) alternating between grow lights and white lights, it's not a lot of wattage (240) but I think I need pair of sun glasses. That should give the cucumbers and tomatoes enough light once they are established. About half of the seeds I planted 4 days ago have sprouted so I will be needing access to more of the grow shelf space in a couple of weeks, the buckets will need to be moved by then. Tonight I noticed that my radishes are about the 1/2" in diameter, so it will not be long before the can add them to the harvest list. I don't think I will be planting anything for a while, no place left to put any more new plants.
The wife had company tonight so I stayed in the basement, I finished installing the "High Bay" growing area, it is a 4' X 4' space with 4' Led light bars mounted every 3 inches accross the top (7 feet above the floor) alternating between grow lights and white lights, it's not a lot of wattage (240) but I think I need pair of sun glasses. That should give the cucumbers and tomatoes enough light once they are established. About half of the seeds I planted 4 days ago have sprouted so I will be needing access to more of the grow shelf space in a couple of weeks, the buckets will need to be moved by then. Tonight I noticed that my radishes are about the 1/2" in diameter, so it will not be long before the can add them to the harvest list. I don't think I will be planting anything for a while, no place left to put any more new plants.
Can you share a photo?
Remember that light energy per sq in falls off at radius squared

Can you adust the distance betwee lights and plants

Hey @Neb I can easily raise the plants, to within 3' of the lights using the storage containers for the growing supplies or a rolling cart that I have. I also have a grate that came out of an old freezer shelf that I mounted lights to, that could could be raised and lowered on a lightweight pulley, I have 6 lights on it 2-4' white and 2-2' yellow, I used it when I was starting my potatoes. I am finding that the plants seem to be responding better to the yellow/white combination than they do to those multi-colored squares that have a violet hue to them. These are relatively cheep lights, the lights in the picture represent about a $120 investment and very low wattage.


For me the goal is to greatly reduce the number of trips to the market and the cost of those trips, I am already seeing a reduction because we no longer need lettuce, if I could have bell peppers, cucumbers, and tomatoes available my trips would go from weekly to monthly. We already harvest, blanch and freeze our spinach, if I could get more side dish veggies going it would be a hugh thing for us.
Getting ready to go to hospital for wife to get a lung capacity test.
Hope she passes.

We are taking our pastor and his wife out for Friday night fish dinner at our favorite place to eat tonight.

No more doctors or hospital visits (scheduled) until Dec 29th. YAY!!

Gotta go finalize the deal on new SUV tomorrow , and bring it home to cuddle.😊

Still working out a day for all to come over to open presents.

Have to make a run this morning to deliver some banana breads and pick up tostado chips for a Mexican casserole.
Then feed dogs
Dig up turnips and remove garden fence. Supposed to get up to 58 degrees with a light South breeze.
Cook the collards that I cut yesterday.
Cut cheese for dog treats.
Make a couple of phone calls.
Hope that's it but maybe eBay photos.
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So what happens now Jim!? I’m so sorry. Big hugs coming your way! Prayers she continues to have no symptoms.

She got to self isolate or quarantine...don't know the difference.

We believe it's a false negative. Little county hospital.
She feels fine .we check our ,BP, oxygen,and temp 2-3 times everyday.
No problems.

She has been short of breath since August, so the doc sent her for a simple lung capacity test.

So we'll stay in, no Christmas for us.
I may take her to big hospital for another test.

I suspect they will want me to take a test.


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