When rains coming and the roofer is booked out a week you call in the A team!
I bought the PDF.Kinda a cool idea. It says you can get the pdf free but he’s changed that policy. Bummer. Interesting idea for sure though. Thinking of making something similar the kids can move their plants too since they are sprouting and it’s far too cold. Thanks for the post.
Just completed my Jury Duty summons paper work. Now I have to decide which shirt to wear. The "Hang em High" or "Shoot them all and let God sort them out". I am also going to take my new book my son gave me, "Gunsmithing the AR-15 - How to maintain, repair and accessorize" by Patrick Sweeney. So which shirt to wear? Your vote please.![]()
Thank you.MO: You are a really good grandmother, Keep up the good work. Your granddaughter will remember it for a lifetime.
Thank you.
I just hope she won't forget me the 6 weeks I'm dealing with this knee.
Thank you, for the encouragement.Mo she will not forget you for the rest of her life. You will always have a cherished place in her heart and mind.
View attachment 5571 I went to the city and picked up my hearing aids today. I can hear again,
Good for you! :thumbs up:
I'm still steaming from new news last night about things I have no control over.
Cameras on border instead of wall?. More money to Planned Parent Hoods, and Sanctuary Cities?
More stirring up crapola for more wars.![]()
Reel mower, less mechanical trouble, and the benefit of a bit of exercise. Win - Win.
Very true, plus nice and quiet.
If anyone has been thinking about getting housewares stuff, tools/generators etc.. you might want to check out ebay now (until monday). A lot of sellers are participating in a 20% off coupon deal for orders over $25. Coupon code "prettyday" and the various vendors are here: https://www.ebay.com/rpp/6508?rmvSB=true
The Durostar dealer is like 30% less than big box stores for the same tools/generators/equipment plus another 20% off with the coupon, I got lucky on the mower timing: http://stores.ebay.com/MaxToolSales?_trksid=p2047675.l2563
Well-done. You are doing "Gods Work". Its not worth the Money, I get that, God Sees. Your reward is in Heaven. Ministry isn't behind Pulpits, its life. Godspeed, "See You On The Other Side" "Here, There or In The Air". Semper Fi.I am serving and protecting the fine people of my state by proactively enforcing laws, deterring criminal activity, preserving the peace and making myself reading at a moments notice to respond to a critical event or emergency. Which is to say I am sitting at my desk reading reports about the drunken stupidity that Saint Patrick's Day has evolved into and wondering if we would not be better off with a good old testament purging. Maybe @gumpy can stop working on his house and start building an Ark. The SS Homesteader.
The most depraved call so far was the intoxicated woman who removed a feminine product from her body and secretly put it in another woman's fruity adult beverage. Apparently she was angry because she showed up at at the St. Patty's Day pub crawl wearing the same dress. After the discovery of said item this of course resulted in a physical fight between the two which was cheered on by the crowd who even provided makeshift weapons like wine bottles and pool cues. The bouncers were unable to get through the crowd until the damage was already done. Both women were hospitalized with contusions, lacerations, concussions and possibly traumatic brain injuries, one is possibly going to lose an eye and the other is having troubles speaking coherently. And all over a fashion statement.