What's everybody doing today?

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You're a sweetheart, snappy. So sorry to hear of the passing away of your friend. I will shed a tear for you both cuz I'm just sitting here sad, don't know why. Wasn't thinking sad things. TMI I know. I'm sure you will miss her.
Worked today and so tired of it. Feet hurt. Girls are chattering, giggling, and being busy in the kitchen. A friend stopped by with flowers, cookies, and a present for me! She's such a sweetie too. Turns out that she's just like that.
@Neb you should be proud of yourself. Impressive work you do. But you'd probably say, Aw, t'werent nuthin'.
LadyLocust Have fun camping. It is cold and raining all day here
So sorry about your neighbor, Snappy. That is sad. Just saw that one of my favorite Youtubers, Howie of Cedar Creek Homestead passed away from covid. Only 50 yrs old and leaves behind his lovely wife, Josie. Very sad. I enjoyed listening to his porch talks while I cooked dinner. I will miss him.
Had a fun time catching up with my favorite cousin and her family today for lunch. She made two types of soups, and I brought sliced swiss and summer sausage. She made cinnamon rolls and carrot cake for dessert. Dropped granddaughter off for work, and will start some cooking soon to have with game night.
@Neb you should be proud of yourself. Impressive work you do. But you'd probably say, Aw, t'werent nuthin'.
That was sweet. Thank you.
Doing stuff like that is how I earn my keep and have fun doing it. Every one of the properties we own were all fixer-uppers as was all of my father's houses. That let us stay out of debt.
The Princess keeps me aimed at the next target.
Happy wife, happy life.


Just got back from the ethnic market near my folks place. We are here for New Years. My dad wanted to take me to get some feta and halvah. Got some baklava as well. Normally my mom will make it but they are getting old and I never tried my hand at it. Now we are sitting in the den drink beer. As some of you know I don't drink but I finished my first bottle in a few gulps. Sometimes a cheap beer hits the spot.

Other than the usual middle eastern snacks (holiday staples in our family) we are just having pasta for dinner. Tomorrow is lamb roast. Yum! I need to add lamb to our Costco list.
Sorry to hear about your neighbor Snappy. Thats rough.

Back to work, tried to close up a couple things for end of the year. Got planning meetings for a couple projects coming up in the next 2 weeks. Left there and went to get hair and beard trimmed. Girl the does mine and the wifes hair was messin with me. Told me she might braid my beard next time. Cracked me up.
Got home and wife had been to the store. She picked up 2 lbs of shrimp for supper. We hadn't had that in a while. Said she cleaned out all they had left. Man was it good.
@Bacpacker you've had sad times lately too. Hope you can be a support for your friend.

Also glad you got a trim. One of my sons has a beard that is incredibly long. Never thought I'd see that on him.
We had shrimp soup for dinner. Thai soup, they call it. I can also say man was it good. Lots of peppers, carrots, mushrooms, shrimp, ginger root, coconut milk and chicken broth.
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Snappy, I'm sorry to hear about your neighbor as well. :-(
Ben, looks like you've got things figured out with that ducting. Graph paper is great. It's like Sketchup for people who can actually draw! LOL. Despite taking art classes, I've always sucked at proportion and perspective so I use Sketchup when I can. My dad used CAD but I never learned how to use it. I still have some of his paper drawings of kitchen plans, desk plans, etc. I helped him build a custom desk. One of these days I'll post the sketch and get things cleaned up enough to get a good enough picture of the desk, but it will be difficult to get the camera at a good angle.
Patchouli, could it be the seasonal sadness some people get this time of year?

Weirdly, my nasal passages now feel better after the scrubbing because it seems to have cleared out some crud when she did it. My friend's first test actually left the inside of his face sore for several days afterward-- but I think it was bc the nurse was too aggressive & he is more sensitive to things. I sometimes get migraines so I have a higher pain threshold.

I just took my daily meds and need to stay awake long enough to take my 2nd dose of antibiotics-- about 1 more hour-- then I can hit the sack and ring in the new year snuggling with my kitties.
They were the last thing I harvested from my Fall garden. I do have a few collards leafing out again though. I scrubbed and sliced the turnips in the processor (I'm lazy like that), Put in boiling water for 3 minutes, drained, and then put in ice water until cool. Lastly, spread them out on cookie sheets and put in chest freezer. Packaged today and re-froze.
Thanks for Sharing, never thought of putting them up like that!
...Twice a year I can get a real reading on the health of the local economy by watching the fireworks that are put up by neighbors, July 4th and New Year's eve.
It's basically a measure of spare money that they have to 'burn'.
It's maybe 70% of normal for this year :(.
I'm hoping it's the fault of rainy weather.
Walked first this morning and did dog chores.
Ran to town for sodas for DH and some meat specials.
Went to the Verizon store to re-activate my old phone and reset new one to return. It stays hot all the time and won't hold a charge.
Mailed off returned phone for a refund.

I came home and found that my next door neighbor had passed on in the middle of the night. We were pretty close and did things together often. I will miss her a lot!

I packaged my turnips for the freezer that I blanched last night. Blanched the turnips, not the freezer!

We will probably say Happy New Year to each other and then go to bed around 8 pm. LOL

Happy New Year, Family!!!
So sorry for the passing of your friend.
I don't think you're missing her posts, she is not on past couple days but quiet anyway.
Someone said there have been major power outages in Colorado, hope she isn't being affected by that.
Thank you. I think I did hear something about those but didn't put two and two together. Hope she's alright. Thanks Patch.
Strawberry didn't get walked till mid morning.
It was 13* when we got up.
Dog walker wanted to wait till it got above freezing.
I'm good with that.
We're under winter weather advisory, I think till Saturday at 8 pm.
Maybe longer.
Strawberry got walked this morning.
But she didn't dilly dally around like normal.
Dishes are done.
Chili is good.
Sitting here eating ice cream, then going to bed.
Don't have my hearing aids in, but I think firecrackers are going off since dark.
And I still flinch every time they go off.
I have black eyed peas among other bean types in my chili.
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Mo have you recovered from Christmas yet? And did I read correctly you had snow? We've only had a skiff Christmas afternoon- no shoveling yet.
Just about regrouped.
Had to re wrap all of Baby Reign's Christmas presents.
Estelle thought she would help Reign unwrap her presents.
All Christmas decorations are put away.
No, that's not right, I think door bells are still outside.
@Bacpacker you've had sad times lately too. Hope you can be a support for your friend.

Also glad you got a trim. One of my sons has a beard that is incredibly long. Never thought I'd see that on him.
We had shrimp soup for dinner. Thai soup, they call it. I can also say man was it good. Lots of peppers, carrots, mushrooms, shrimp, ginger root, coconut milk and chicken broth.

LOL, it was just a trim. I try to keep it healthy and not split up. Beard is longer than it's ever been. Sides are very short though. I've got a huge head and keeping them cut down looks better, more normal anyway.
That supper sounds good.
Morning all! We had a nice New Year's Eve, ate shrimp and chips, watched a nice movie, we blew the New Year's horn. Over all it was a nice quiet night with a pleasant feel, we are healthy (all things considered) and strong.

This morning I slept in, started the new Garden 2021 thread and made a post to it. I plan to assemble some shelves on rollers today, start recycling some soil, and transplant some celery and spinach.

Some time during the day I need to clean, lube, and charge my muzzle loader in hopes of a morning walk tomorrow.
Happy New year everyone, hope this one is better !

We didn't stay up until midnight, but did play some games ( Settlers of Catan , it's fun, you get sheep :) , and had some champagne. Last alcohol for me for a long while.

Sorry about complaining earlier. I think a lot of us on here are older that's probably why. Healthy 20 some year olds are not homesteaders lol. Our 22 year old son plays civilization online, and doesn't post to old people homesteading forum ...

So I made a bunch of food yesterday, collard greens , black eyed peas, corn bread, Korean bbq pork, sweet potatoes and dessert. Today the diets starts, but I will just cut out all junk, desserts, alcohol and extra bread ( that isn't part of a meal) and only eat 1 plate of food That should cut out about the 500 calories a day you are supposed to cut out to lose weight. We will see how it goes
Today the diets starts

Mine started the day after Christmas. Started at 169.6 and today am 163.0. I know it will slow down and that is ok. I do one meal a day with maybe a beef stick or slice of turkey and cheese stick in the morning and evening. End date for diet is April 26th and then maintain wherever I am at for a year or two like I have done so far.

Today, going to help a friend, actually the next two days. Lots of visiting!
Have a great day, friends!
Happy New Year!
Watching it snow, ice,sleet.
Staying home.
Strawberry hasn't been walked yet, but that's okay too.
She didn't waste anytime outside this morning.
She doesn't like to get her feet wet.
She comical to watch trying to balance on front paws tp take care of business.
She usually goes nose first into snow when she tries that.
Got food, coffee, Strawberry's food we're good.
Mine started the day after Christmas. Started at 169.6 and today am 163.0. I know it will slow down and that is ok. I do one meal a day with maybe a beef stick or slice of turkey and cheese stick in the morning and evening. End date for diet is April 26th and then maintain wherever I am at for a year or two like I have done so far.

That's a good weight loss for a week, congrats! I doubt I will lose anymore than a lb a week unless I do a real diet week.
Daughter and I stayed up long enough to see the ball drop. I was asleep in my chair a half hour later. Lol we both slept in until 10, which I wasn't planning on doing, but it's a holiday so oh well...😁

Now we just finished a game of "Horrified". It's a game involving the old monsters from the classic horror films like Dracula, The Mummy, the Wolfman, etc. The players have to work together to keep the monsters from overrunning the village. It's hard but a lot of fun. And we've had scrambled eggs, bacon, and pancakes. Life is good today...

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