What's everybody doing today?

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Strawberry has been outside twice.
Made breakfast, ate said breakfast.
Sipping coffee.
Working on Strawberry's new kennel pad.
Old one is ratty, but well loved and used.
Will have to cook something today.
Looking out the window at cold,foggy day.
Finishing up odd and end projects leftover from who knows when.
Checking out my new sewing machine.
Reading at least one cold, cold, frigid cold case file today.
One of my neighbors said he goes to the local barber shops and asks for the hair clippings. He scatters them around the perimeter of his fenceline and near his garden. It is supposed to deter deer. Haven't asked him if it actually works or not.

When our pear tree still bore fruit, we had a few deer that would come in and eat pears that fell on the ground.

Several thing like hair will work until the first rain washes off the scent.

The only thing I've found that will work long term is electric fences and peanut butter. Deer love peanut butter, they just can't help themselves. I would buy the cheapest, smelliest peanut butter I could find. I'd use a plastic knife to apply it to the electric fence every 12ft or so. Deer smell the peanut butter and can't resist. They have to lick it!
They won't be back for a couple of weeks which is usually all the time I need for a crop to be harvested etc.
K is taking down the Christmas lights on the outside of the house. The girls are outside with him picking up sticks on the lawn from the last wind storm. All the outside decor is down and just the tree needs to be packed up. Since our 6 foot tree bit the dust a few weeks ago (cat killed it) the tote for the tree is now K's lighting overflow tote. :rolleyes:

I packed up my putz houses. One full tote of paper wrapped houses with packing peanuts to prevent them from bumping each other. I still have one more to pack but it does not fit in the tote. Not to mention the 2 I have started that I haven't yet finished. The unpacked house needed the fence reglued to the base so this gives me an excuse not to have the others finished and packed yet. :p. I plan to work on them tonight after the girls go to bed.

Starting to get some decluttering done. No one is happy about it because I am making everyone fill a donate box each month until next December. The more I can get rid of the better when we move.

Made the first deposit in our "Get Out of Kommiefornia" fund. Money will be tight but better we live on chicken scratch and get out of state than not. Right?
My brother made pork ribs and pork chops in the pressure cooker and went to the store to get more stew meat. I had him get mushrooms this time. Stew will have carrots, mushrooms, and potatoes. My brother joked about putting in onions bc he knows I'm allergic.

Still feeling like garbage-- head hurting and was nauseous a bit earlier.

Talked to my friend online. Apparently his ex was whining about how she has nowhere to put all of the stuff she's packing up and he told her "Too bad, you have 25 days to get the rest of your $#!+ out." He's trying to be civil, but now that he has full custody of the baby he doesn't need to worry about her trying to take him & use him as leverage so he's standing up to her. He let her get away with all sorts of crap in the past but now he's done with her. If they didn't have a baby together he'd cut her out of his life completely.

Friend also was giving me technical advice on my computer. He's going to clone and change out my old hard drive to an SSD. At some point when the prices come down I'm going to get a faster SSD, but the one I'm going to install next will already be much faster. Mine is currently making a lot of noise and running slower. I'll keep all of my files on it as backup. May even clone it to a portable drive too.

Really hoping I'm better by at least Wednesday so I can get that taken care of.
Hope you all had a wonderful New Year 🎉
We went and spent the weekend with some friends who have a cabin. We took our little trailer. Mostly ate too much, talked a ton, and laughed. It was wonderful! Forgot the world was nuts which was nice. Hubby went fishing yesterday. He’s still a fisherman not a catcherman 😁. It snowed most the day yesterday and by last night it was big fluffy flakes. Sitting inside watching was like sitting in a snow globe. I told Hubby it was so fascinating to watch because there is so much movement, but it’s silent. I love that. There were deer and Turkey meandering around the whole time. Our friend has an orchard so takes his soft apples up and feeds them to the wildlife.
A beautiful way to start the new year ~
My free loading duck ups haven't started laying yet.
They are deeply stupid creatures who can't be trained or acclimatized to not panicking when I bring them the very food they've been yelling their heads off for since 3 in the morning.
The Rohen Claire and the Welsh Harlequin females which were part of the mix up by the hatchery are some of the loudest creatures ever created. They rival mules and that isn't an exaggeration.
I'm going to eat them in a pancake stuffed with cucumber, scallions and Hoisin sauce.
My free loading duck ups haven't started laying yet.
They are deeply stupid creatures who can't be trained or acclimatized to not panicking when I bring them the very food they've been yelling their heads off for since 3 in the morning.
The Rohen Claire and the Welsh Harlequin females which were part of the mix up by the hatchery are some of the loudest creatures ever created. They rival mules and that isn't an exaggeration.
I'm going to eat them in a pancake stuffed with cucumber, scallions and Hoisin sauce.
Tell us how you really feel @Tank-Girl .

K is taking down the Christmas lights on the outside of the house. The girls are outside with him picking up sticks on the lawn from the last wind storm. All the outside decor is down and just the tree needs to be packed up. Since our 6 foot tree bit the dust a few weeks ago (cat killed it) the tote for the tree is now K's lighting overflow tote. :rolleyes:

I packed up my putz houses. One full tote of paper wrapped houses with packing peanuts to prevent them from bumping each other. I still have one more to pack but it does not fit in the tote. Not to mention the 2 I have started that I haven't yet finished. The unpacked house needed the fence reglued to the base so this gives me an excuse not to have the others finished and packed yet. :p. I plan to work on them tonight after the girls go to bed.

Starting to get some decluttering done. No one is happy about it because I am making everyone fill a donate box each month until next December. The more I can get rid of the better when we move.

Made the first deposit in our "Get Out of Kommiefornia" fund. Money will be tight but better we live on chicken scratch and get out of state than not. Right?

I’m very happy to hear your working on escape. Not gunna lie but were jealous 😉 Hope it works out as your planning.
Yesterday was a good day, with the warm-up and rain it was good for my covered raised beds. This morning we have ICE, would rather have snow... I went to the shed and pulled out some 2 gallon buckets I got in late November, I plan to move some herbs into them. The new "good & large" self watering pots that we ordered for the wife's African Violets arrived on Saturday night, they were hard to find but her plants are so big now the 4" & 6" pots will not work.

I sat at the computer last night and was calculating when my different plants will be harvest ready based on the date they sprouted; this will be helpful in calculating when to start new seedlings as replacements. During this process the Prepper side of me noted that if you were going to have to switch over to growing your own food you would need at least 4 months lead time, and 6 months would actually be more reasonable if you including planning. This is vastly different from people's beliefs that they can just throw a switch, grab some seeds and have fresh vegetables in the yard. 6 months is a long time to go if you don't have access to the food you want...
Tank-Girl, I love Hoisin sauce! Hope the birds start laying soon though. Is it summer or spring over there now?

I'm with snappy-- too cold to walk right now. I will probably walk in place on the anti-fatigue mat in my kitchen after I get some breakfast and take my morning antibiotics. Still feeling off-kilter and get winded very easily. Mom's leg pillow slipped out from under her legs last night and I was wheezing after getting it back in place under her legs and making sure the blankets were over her feet properly. I think her dog shoved the pillow off. She has a pile of stuff on what was my father's side of the bed. She didn't like having that side of the bed empty so she piled stuff up there and it keeps sliding more toward her. I have no clue what to do with the stuff though. I re-arranged some things so they won't slide as much. The dog likes to get between her and the pile of stuff, but sometimes he pushes on her and the leg pillow. She has to keep her legs elevated so her feet/legs don't swell.

Trying to build up the mental fortitude to pry the warm sleeping cats off of me and get out of bed.
Strawberry got walked this morning.
Window shopping this morning for small washer and dryer.
Almost got enough saved.
Took bucket of change to bank( had to make appointment use change machine).
The bank's lobby is closed due COVID-19 virus.
While in lobby made deposit into savings account.
Made deposit of $96.48 and 3 washers, 1 nut(not counting me),1 bolt.
Sipping coffee.
Relaxing, crocheting, thinking about that washer and dryer .
Will have to do laundry soon, before the next rain comes in.
How quickly priorities change

The Princess discovered a small crack in bottom of the tub. Bummer!

We have a second bathroom but the shower needs new caulking.

Ran to Lowes to caulk the shower so we can use that until I get the tub repaired...hopefully. I did find someone JB weld epoxy made for tubs. Yeah!!!

So I spent the day working on getting the shower cleaned up so I can get it calked. I want to get one bathroom fully functional before I attempt to fix the tub. If the tub repair doesn't work I have a major bathroom rebuild ahead of me.

And to think I just put that bathroom in 30 years ago.
dancing chicken

Evening all!
Just got in from unloading a second pallet of pellet stove pellets. Should be set now for the rest of winter. Slim pickings for pellets so I try and make sure and get a pallet at a time. Decided to not play with whatever is coming in 2021 and snagged a second pallet to put away. We just finished last years pallet so we have two for the rest of winter. Should be good to go and now don’t have to worry and try and find them when there’s a shortage and its cold (we’ll CA cold 😜) which sells them out anyways. Plus who knows what’s coming in this state. Better play it safe than cold 🥶
Garden planning is moving along well. Compost piles looking good.
Had some more rain. Almost a 1/2 inch. Thin layer of green on the ground which always makes me happy.
I’ve updated the canning happenings in the All American canner post. Kind of excited and hope it all works out.
Seeds are ordered for us and the folks. Going to have to figure out starting seeds indoors. Been years since we’ve done that.
Now that the holidays are over it’s time to start getting fabric cut for my InLaws 50th anniversary Quilt.
For now it’s time to get hubby’s lunch ready and get him off to work.
Hope y’all had a good day!
Another truckload of split hedge wood delivered today. Went into town with husband to get his bloodwork done, and to get a birthday card for my Uncle Melvin for tomorrow. He'll be 97. I'll bake him a cherry pie in the morning to bring to him. Took care of the laundry, housework, cooking, greenhouse. Then grabbed the kids and we dug out a large area near the house for a soon to be tea garden. I'll be planting a number of types of mints there in a few months.
I just got too busy last few day, grand kids, and visiting a friend.

We are fine.
Wife is doing really good.

Thanks .

Glad you're well and being able to spend time with grands and friends.

Amish, mint tea is my favorite 😊

I've been going through a giant tote of photos dating back to the 90's which really doesn't seem like that long ago yet like forever ago. So far a big stack for each of the kids, a bunch in the garbage, a few to send to friends, and a stack that once the rest is out of the way, I will go back through, organize and get into albums. Why do we keep blurry photos and eighteen extra copies of each and the negatives and. . . . Once this project is complete, I will need to go through the photos on the computer and get those I want printed, in albums, and ditch the rest. If I explode while walking down the road or something, nobody is going to keep computer files. An album they might pass on. The key is careful editing so I don't end up with 43 albums. (I won't because I really don't want extra "stuff.")
Wow! That was strange. I had a dream just before I woke up this morning. I was building Hadrian’s Wall. I ran the crane crew who were all from Texas and spoke with Texas accents except the 2 brothers from Samoa who were trying to get up a game of football for after work. The topic for the day was whether or not it should be named Hadrian’s Wall. The stone masons hated it because required to many letters. Then I woke up...

I have to pick up the big dog from the vet's office this morning. Going to grab a few groceries while in town.. No plans other than that.
Grandkids started back to school today...the twins HS is online still, and little granddaughter gets to go to school. So up and out the door early to get her there. Two cherry pies are in the oven; one for us and one for Uncle Melvin for his birthday today. We'll be heading over later to see him. A big flatbed with lots of wood just delivered for our add on. Haven't seen any work on it for about 3 weeks, so I'm hoping that they're gearing up to get it done.
Grandkids started back to school today...the twins HS is online still, and little granddaughter gets to go to school. So up and out the door early to get her there. Two cherry pies are in the oven; one for us and one for Uncle Melvin for his birthday today. We'll be heading over later to see him. A big flatbed with lots of wood just delivered for our add on. Haven't seen any work on it for about 3 weeks, so I'm hoping that they're gearing up to get it done.

Daughter is celebrating her 4 grands being back in school and with their mom again. She had to work so daughter had to keep the kids. 8 y.o. thinks she is boss and 4 yo is changing itno a real hand full now. And of course Tarzan 2yo,is alway into something. 6 yo picks fights
Worried about grandaughter #3.She has panic attacks and now the pushers have her on adiral'spl' for 6 months now..Its her personality that drives her to perfection and of course no such thing. She has always been aiming fro the stars and hard working,driven. I called grandaughter number 7 which is close to her and ask her to talk to her about getting off that poison.

One of the wisest men I've listened Jordan Peterson who is a psychitrist aka shrink got strung out on antidepressants when his wife got very sick with cancer.He went thru hell to get off now he is doing good and off them.

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I'll be headed out the door in a few to go to the surgical center where they will remove the 7 stitches from my foot surgery 2 weeks ago. It'll be nice to quit walking like Festus, or actually Walter Brennan. I know you young'uns are scratching your heads thinking...."Who the heck are them people?"
I'll be headed out the door in a few to go to the surgical center where they will remove the 7 stitches from my foot surgery 2 weeks ago. It'll be nice to quit walking like Festus, or actually Walter Brennan. I know you young'uns are scratching your heads thinking...."Who the heck are them people?"

Glad its almost over. I know Festus Walter too ,wasn't Walter Amos?

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