K is taking down the Christmas lights on the outside of the house. The girls are outside with him picking up sticks on the lawn from the last wind storm. All the outside decor is down and just the tree needs to be packed up. Since our 6 foot tree bit the dust a few weeks ago (cat killed it) the tote for the tree is now K's lighting overflow tote.
I packed up my putz houses. One full tote of paper wrapped houses with packing peanuts to prevent them from bumping each other. I still have one more to pack but it does not fit in the tote. Not to mention the 2 I have started that I haven't yet finished. The unpacked house needed the fence reglued to the base so this gives me an excuse not to have the others finished and packed yet.

. I plan to work on them tonight after the girls go to bed.
Starting to get some decluttering done. No one is happy about it because I am making everyone fill a donate box each month until next December. The more I can get rid of the better when we move.
Made the first deposit in our "Get Out of Kommiefornia" fund. Money will be tight but better we live on chicken scratch and get out of state than not. Right?