What's everybody doing today?

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Self medication can be a bad thing, but I remember a time when my friends would go into Mexico to by Meds for infections because they didn't have health care and you could buy them over-the-counter, if you knew what you needed.

Abuse of anything can have negative outcomes.

That's how we have a surplus off all our meds. That's the only perk of living near the border.

Only use distilled water .

Add nothing to it.

Try for 10 minutes , hot as you can.

At least twice a day.

You'll be breathing better and stop coughing in 2-3 days.

That's good to know for the next time. With my allergies I usually have a cough. Doctors have never suggested this. Thanks Jim.
I need to not read this thread .....it's making me have anxiety. Is there anyone actually healthy and doing great on here? I am so depressed now :(
Hope everyone feels better

I wrote some letters to friends today ( yes, some people still do that, some older people like my dad don't have computers or Iphones believe it or not)
Made lunch ( lamb , rice and carrot pilaf) , paid bills ( also not online, I refuse), of course took care of the animals , do that every day

We're healthy here on our mountain!😇
Strawberry walked-checked
Floors swept-checked
furniture dusted- no
Moved Strawberry's kennel into living room-checked
Pulled bench from underneath the vanity-checked
Rearranged grand daughter's toys again- checked
Made lunch-checked
Paid off completely 4 more debt- double dang checked
Rewarded myself with something I wanted for reducing debt by $5000 in 2020-dang right.
Saved the money for my reward- dang right.
Only debt I still have besides the car, is monthly bills.
All other moneys that were going toward debt will be split in to for savings account and emergency account.
Just so you all know I bought an apartment size washer and dryer and spent less than $500.
It will be here next week.
Strawberry walked-checked
Floors swept-checked
furniture dusted- no
Moved Strawberry's kennel into living room-checked
Pulled bench from underneath the vanity-checked
Rearranged grand daughter's toys again- checked
Made lunch-checked
Paid off completely 4 more debt- double dang checked
Rewarded myself with something I wanted for reducing debt by $5000 in 2020-dang right.
Saved the money for my reward- dang right.
Only debt I still have besides the car, is monthly bills.
All other moneys that were going toward debt will be split in to for savings account and emergency account.
Just so you all know I bought an apartment size washer and dryer and spent less than $500.
It will be here next week.
That's awesome Mo! Congrats :)

@Terri9630 Good to "see" ya. Hope everything is okay.
@Sewingcreations15 Glad to hear from you again. I had hoped that you guys were just busy during the holidays... and not having health issues. Many of us here seem to have had issues of late. Glad you and yours are well.

I went to town one last time before the chaos starts. I found gas cans on sale and got 2. I found rice marked down and got 15lbs. I bought extra chicken feed and dog food, a few other odds and ends. The last thing I did for the day was top off all my fuel cans. I'm as prepped as I can be.

I met a young lady at a store today, chatted while in the check out line. She was very excited to learn I teach classes on wild medicinal plants. So maybe she and her family will come over for a class.
I woke up early having bad arrhythmia that persisted through the day. I took my brother for his x-ray at the hospital in the morning and he was out pretty quickly. No one else was there for x-rays. Plans to help my friend with stuff were put off because he went to his grandfather's funeral. Some people from the funeral invited themselves over to his house afterward. A couple of his sisters were there (they no longer have Covid). My friend said that he found out his blood results showed Covid antibodies so he'd had Covid back before they were doing testing. He'd been very ill and had to use a nebulizer. His boss called him out of the blue and told him that all the stuff with the false accusations at the casino had been cleared up and they wanted him to return to work that day. He told them he had a funeral to attend. Not sure if he's planning to go back to work or not yet. He can't work nights since he can't drive at night. His sisters found out about his ex hitting him and caving his eye socket in a bit & said if he gets worse bc of this blood clot thing (that could have been caused by her or by Covid or a combination of both) they are going to find the ex and beat the crap out of her.
I need to add one of his sisters as a friend on FB since she flips houses for a living and I'd love to chat with her. She was giving advice to my friend on how to fix his ceiling.
There were too many people around so I got out asap. We'll have to pick another time to work on stuff.
Arrhythmia finally went away so I'm feeling a bit better but I'm tired. Unfortunately, my brain is pulling the thing where it won't let me sleep.
Still working on the kitchen declutter/purge. Today I went through our small appliances. I found three so far that I can get rid of- bullet blender, Mickey waffle iron and an ice cream maker that is a pain to use. I could get rid of our Keurig but I am still unsure if we could use it still. I plan to make some coffee with it this weekend and see if it is worth hanging on to.

I also started fixing the cat tree. I replaced one section months ago and bought the sisal to replace the other two but didn't do it until they needed it. Well, they need it. I have them on the counter and started binding the raw edges of the sisal so it doesn't fray with use. Once all 4 sides of the fabric is dry I'll de-carpet one section and add the carpet tape to the post. It is a simple job it just takes time in letting glue dry. I'll need to replace the carpet on the second tree soon so I better place an order for the sisal. The second tree didn't last as long as the first. We had the first for almost 2 years before the carpet needed to be replaced and the second is less than 6 months old. I guess that means Amazon brand products are worse than China-mart junk.
This is the quietest I've ever seen the forum - understandably. I've not known war in my lifetime, but I might yet. I cannot say.
Regardless, there is goodness if we but look. This is one of my favorite pieces. I find it comforting when life gets turned up-side-down. It was written for Christmas, but considering it's age and that yesterday was 12th day. . .

Fra Giovanni Giocondo (c.1435–1515)
There is nothing I can give you which you have not got; but there is much, very much, that, while I cannot give it, you can take. No Heaven can come to us unless our hearts find rest in it to-day. Take Heaven! No peace lies in the future which is not hidden in this present little instant. Take peace!

The gloom of the world is but a shadow. Behind it, yet within our reach, is joy. There is radiance and glory in the darkness, could we but see; and to see, we have only to look. Contessina I beseech you to look.

Life is so generous a giver, but we, judging its gifts by their covering, cast them away as ugly or heavy or hard. Remove the covering, and you will find beneath it a living splendour, woven of love, by wisdom, with power. Welcome it, grasp it, and you touch the Angel’s hand that brings it to you. Everything we call a trial, a sorrow, or a duty: believe me, that angel’s hand is there; the gift is there, and the wonder of an overshadowing Presence. Our joys, too: be not content with them as joys, they too conceal diviner gifts.

Life is so full of meaning and of purpose, so full of beauty—beneath its covering—that you will find that earth but cloaks your heaven. Courage, then to claim it: that is all! But courage you have; and the knowledge that we are pilgrims together, wending through unknown country, home.

And so, at this Christmas time, I greet you; not quite as the world sends greetings, but with profound esteem, and with the prayer that for you, now and forever, the day breaks and the shadows flee away.
Just a cold old gloomy day today. Slept in until 8.
Got my meds down.
Stoke up the fire.
Went for lunch at Kay's Kitchen , picked up our grocery order at Walmart.

Dang I love the new SUV , it literally drives itself , with lane centering and adaptive cruise.

The wind has really picked up , out of the north, wind chills in the 20s.

Looks like we are gonna be very cold for several days.
Watching Robin Hood.

Can't watch news lies anymore today.

Y'all have a beautiful evening.

I think everyone it just warn.

Tonight we had a broccoli salad, pork chops, and steamed asparagus. The wife had me bring up the last of the shallots I grew last year, I was so pleased that we didn't lose any. This summer I made a storage rack for them using 7 large cooling racks, similar to the layout of a square dehydrator and I was pleased at how well it worked. The nice thing is it fits right on the top shelf of the food storage store so it doesn't take up much extra space.
This is the quietest I've ever seen the forum - understandably. I've not known war in my lifetime, but I might yet. I cannot say.
Regardless, there is goodness if we but look. This is one of my favorite pieces. I find it comforting when life gets turned up-side-down. It was written for Christmas, but considering it's age and that yesterday was 12th day. . .

Fra Giovanni Giocondo (c.1435–1515)
There is nothing I can give you which you have not got; but there is much, very much, that, while I cannot give it, you can take. No Heaven can come to us unless our hearts find rest in it to-day. Take Heaven! No peace lies in the future which is not hidden in this present little instant. Take peace!

The gloom of the world is but a shadow. Behind it, yet within our reach, is joy. There is radiance and glory in the darkness, could we but see; and to see, we have only to look. Contessina I beseech you to look.

Life is so generous a giver, but we, judging its gifts by their covering, cast them away as ugly or heavy or hard. Remove the covering, and you will find beneath it a living splendour, woven of love, by wisdom, with power. Welcome it, grasp it, and you touch the Angel’s hand that brings it to you. Everything we call a trial, a sorrow, or a duty: believe me, that angel’s hand is there; the gift is there, and the wonder of an overshadowing Presence. Our joys, too: be not content with them as joys, they too conceal diviner gifts.

Life is so full of meaning and of purpose, so full of beauty—beneath its covering—that you will find that earth but cloaks your heaven. Courage, then to claim it: that is all! But courage you have; and the knowledge that we are pilgrims together, wending through unknown country, home.

And so, at this Christmas time, I greet you; not quite as the world sends greetings, but with profound esteem, and with the prayer that for you, now and forever, the day breaks and the shadows flee away.
Maybe half of us were up to the wee hours watching sausage being made. ;)

Today I finally removed all of the 20+ year old caulking removed fron the shower. The tool I purchased to remove the caulking wore out before I was 1/4 done. I resorted a razor blade and my finger nails.

Wiped up all of the cleaner I used to clean the shower (1/2 cup dawn dish soap in a spray bottle the rest was vinegar) using a power scrub brush. Then I went over all of the seams with acetone before applying the caulking.

Let that cure and installed a new blind since The Princess is funny about taking a shower with an open window. I was not happy with the low quality screws that came with the blinds. Three out of three bent before they seated even after drilling pilot holes. I went with 2-1/2 torx drive screws and was done until I tried to mount the blinds. Silly me! Of the 27" of blind I installed one of the brackets at exactly wrong place to avoid the internal mechanism. Moved the bracket and now I have a fully functional second bathroom.

Tomorrow I am scheduled to resume the house rebuild project with my brother. He is finally out of quarantine. It is supposed to be in the low 30s but with a propane space heater I should be fine once I start working.

I'll take pictures to share with y'all but until then...


Yesterday was epiphany, so I visited with my favorite cousin today, after we finished the doc appt and lunch. It was good to see her and her family, and of course she wanted all the scoop about what happened at the Trump rally. Stayed till we picked up little granddaughter from school. Had some great ginger cookies. Quiet night tonight, which I'm ready for.
Yesterday was epiphany, so I visited with my favorite cousin today, after we finished the doc appt and lunch. It was good to see her and her family, and of course she wanted all the scoop about what happened at the Trump rally. Stayed till we picked up little granddaughter from school. Had some great ginger cookies. Quiet night tonight, which I'm ready for.
So you serve as the town cryer?

Mostly just been workin this week. Haven't done a great deal around the house. Been in the 20's/40's all week. Tomorrow rain turning to snow (already snowing in the mountains).
I'm so disgusted with everything going on and the way the last couple days have went if I get up to snow, think I may call in and take a vacation day.
Yep, Ben. I get called and asked if someone told someone somethings going on (that was last night), and today I elaborated. And the old men were chastised for "gossip" at the coffee shop about the silly rumors they talk about. When you're an old man around here, you go for coffee with the other old men late morning. You don't have to farm. Communicating around here is different.
Yep, Ben. I get called and asked if someone told someone somethings going on (that was last night), and today I elaborated. And the old men were chastised for "gossip" at the coffee shop about the silly rumors they talk about. When you're an old man around here, you go for coffee with the other old men late morning. You don't have to farm. Communicating around here is different.
Then make sure you are never fake news

Nope. I heard some fake news today, and it went through the men's coffee group, too. Little granddaughter's awful mother is in town and told the mechanic that she's our daughter, and that her and her boyfriend are fire evacuees from California...that they lost their home and their RV in the fire. And she said that they were kicked out of the soup kitchen because they had lice.
Seriously. I had to set those old men straight.
Cold and rainy here. Rained off and on all day, got about an inch, temp never got above 40. I took the day off an rested, was pretty busy the last week making sure the folks had everything they needed for a few weeks. For myself also, laid in extra supplies. No reason to leave home for at least 30 days barring a medical emergency.

Almost had one of those... dad called around noon. Somehow mom had fallen out of a kitchen chair and couldn't get up. So I went over, she wasn't helping at all so I had to call a cousin. Between he and I we got her back into a chair.

Just sitting and watching tv, nothing going on tonight.

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