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- Sep 4, 2020
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My mother had one. My sister probably has it now. As a mechanical type fellow it fascinated me.When I learn the machine, I'm thinking about a sweater.
Today @Firepolice271 got started well before me but got distracted by a call after a shingle delivery truck that ended up taking out 5 telephone poles, power lines fiber optic before he realized what he had done.
That left me unsupervised to unload wood from the truck and doubling up 2X4s to use as beams to support the roof.

We put in another row of beams to support the roof and get ready for removing the old supprt wall.

It was just a matter of a 1/2 hour and all of the old wall was gone.

The beam that can be see on the floor is supported by concrete pillars and big posts. The new main beam will be assembled above that beam to support the roof above and will be supported by big beams hidden in the walls of the great room.

The image above shows the view as we enter the front door. All of those support beams will be removed for a clear view to the back of the house and the horse farm beyond. The view of the horse farm out back is shown below.

Granted we will have to clear the construction debris, level out the ground and replant grass before we can rent the place out. We raised the level of the backyard by almost 2' with the dirt escavated from the basement and it is quite an eye sore.
Afterwards the kids showed up and I did a sales pitch to get my son to listen to the audio book version of Atlas Shrugged.
All of my girls are currently up in the Ravenclaw Room settling in for a warm winters night.
God has smiled on me and mine. May he do likewise for you and yours.