What's everybody doing today?

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When I tried to have the same conversation with my wife she started to cry. :(
Yes, it is very hard on them. Guys tend to build their lives around their jobs and their hobbies, the ladies then to be more social, with strong ties to people.

I remember when I was still in High School, I ran the graveyard shift at my dad's business; he let me hire all my friends, then I had to fire them all (some wouldn't show up, caught some stealing, the reasons were all just), it was painful and it left me jaded. To this day, I don't tend to get too attached to people....
Still waiting for doctor to call with surgery schedule.🙄

Old friends stopped by yesterday, stayed about 5 hours.

We are trying to decide what to do for lunch. :dunno:

Got to fill up everything with firewood .
We just can't break outta the 30s , and Arctic blast coming this weekend. Possibly 0 degrees.

My friend wanted a handgun for home protection , couldn't find anything in stores. So I sold him a nice 357 revolver for only $50 profit , could a made lots more.

Oh well , he's a friend from many years ago .

Our old heeler has gone demented and now hates his old buddy, a heeler mix. So we have to keep them apart.
Hey, Urban, Kansas would appreciate you when you retire.
Husband had his pulmonology appt today, and the doc is very pleased he is actually better than he was before covid. We are thinking it's the Bam infusion he got, and there's theories that it actually improves immune diseases, like the sarcoid he has. He asks if he could have another one after 90 days from the first. Ha Ha.
Went out to Wild Wings for lunch and then to get ice cream.
My brother had a real job for today so I was operating under the priorities established by @ThePrincess .

First job was to fix a bad hinge on our mailbox. A handful of hardware and kneeling in a snow bank and that job was done.

The Princess got a text from her cousin "Jesus came to visit and Mom followed". The Princess knew it was coming and seems to have taken it well.

My next task was to make some progress on the return duct project.

The return duct project will add three new return vents to improve the air conditioning performance in three rooms and has to be completed before The Hobbit Hole remodeling.

I cut a hole in the floor of my closet.


That happily lines up with the hole I opened up with one cut in the ceiling of the basement.


The next step will require a new prototype plenum be made to ensure the the alignment and fit.

Nuff for now

Ben, sorry to hear about your mother-in-law (I'm assuming she was your mother-in-law?)
I don't think I could ever break that kind of news via text.

I forced myself to get up early, ate a breakfast burrito & then cleaned out the kitchen sink. Cleanest it's been in years. I lacked the mental fortitude to clean it before bc my brother had it so piled with junk. He was supposed to clear it out but never did. There were a few dishes in there with the garbage and gunk. I really should have done it sooner. Just got frustrating having to clean up after someone else who never cleans up after himself. I didn't know where to put stuff but I finally decided to just stuff a bunch of things in the dishwasher so I can clean them more thoroughly later and then find places to put things. Some stuff may need to get thrown out.

Made mom a breakfast burrito (she wanted one after I mentioned I had one). Bacon, scrambled eggs, & cheese in a buttered tortilla. I'll have to see if sauteed mushrooms work well in it next time.

Got a call from doctor's office wanting to schedule Mom for her vaccine. Just *had* to be the dental appointment day so they put her down for next week instead.

Listened to some music. I like bass singers (whole family likes bass singers) and this was a cool version of a song we used to sing in the car on long trips
Yesterday, we had chicken baked on a bed of home made rice-a-roni with veggies and roasted pine nuts... Today, is a leftovers day. But, the wife was talking about doing a pot of beans tomorrow or Friday. She asked me to go out to the raised bed and pull some carrots, there was 6" of snow on the top of the raised bed, but I raised the lid and dug up an 8" circle with enough carrots to cover several meals.... I will have to harvest the other 18 sq-ft of them in the early spring so I have space to plant new things.....

I have 2 - 3 gallon buckets with in-door carrots that are just getting started, they should be ready in mid-summer...

My bush beans are now making fruit, so we will have a mess of ham a green beans sometime soon. I spotted a sugar snap yesterday, it was so cute, I ate it.... ;)

Am currently in the process of planning my first batch of seed starting for the spring garden... The wife added a couple of plants to the list of seeds she wanted, but most of the seed places don't have what she wants in stock, or they are not shipping... I have sufficient to improvise, but it will not be exactly what she wants. That is what happens when you can't make up your mind until after the ship sails....

This morning I mopped the wood floors that I put in over the summer, I can see a few spots that will need to be touched up, but I will wait till I can open up the house.

Was talking to the wife about getting out of here when I retire (6 yrs), the property the guy got (On another post) in northern NV sounded interesting, but the Mid-west might be better. I like TN but my visits there give me the feeling that it is getting crowded. Have kids in WY, but I don't like freezing, CO was good as a kid but I would want be able to afford enough property to have a real garden and a few small animals. But the real problem is I don't think I will have much money available and that will be a limiting factor. It's hard to believe that I've been working for over 50 years and don't have much to show for it....

Right now we are in a very liberal area of the East and the only thing that makes us stay is my job, the medical facilities, and the hunting (which was a flop this year). But I can see the writing on the wall, I have reached the advancement potential of the job, the wife needs the medical facilities but her condition is terminal so the medical facilities won't matter after that, and I can see how my eye sight and stamina will be limiting my hunting soon....

Sorry about your wife Urban.🙏
My brother had a real job for today so I was operating under the priorities established by @ThePrincess .

First job was to fix a bad hinge on our mailbox. A handful of hardware and kneeling in a snow bank and that job was done.

The Princess got a text from her cousin "Jesus came to visit and Mom followed". The Princess knew it was coming and seems to have taken it well.

My next task was to make some progress on the return duct project.

The return duct project will add three new return vents to improve the air conditioning performance in three rooms and has to be completed before The Hobbit Hole remodeling.

I cut a hole in the floor of my closet.

View attachment 58462

That happily lines up with the hole I opened up with one cut in the ceiling of the basement.

View attachment 58463

The next step will require a new prototype plenum be made to ensure the the alignment and fit.

Nuff for now


Sorry about the families loss.
The vertigo started when I was pregnant with Juju but it comes and goes. Mostly I'll have months without the spins then I get it bad when I get up too fast in the morning.
Watch your blood sugar, I don't have as many problems as I used to but occasionally I do get vertigo and by eating more protein foods, it seems to balance my blood sugar and the vertigo goes away.
Do you have low blood sugar normally, Viking? My sis has hypoglycemia. If she skips a meal, she blacks out and hits her head on things. She has to eat three good meals a day with protein in each. She's learned to keep protein bars in her purse for times she's stuck. Grandson was skipping meals. His "love" at school never eats lunch, wants to be super skinny, so he wasn't eating either. He went for a run one afternoon, came back complaining of being dizzy. His sugar was at 74. A pbj solved that problem. He's bringing a lunch from home to school now.
Watch your blood sugar, I don't have as many problems as I used to but occasionally I do get vertigo and by eating more protein foods, it seems to balance my blood sugar and the vertigo goes away.

I actually found out the vertigo is one of the odd symptoms of a candida overgrowth. I am doing a cleanse and experiencing candida die-off right now. Not fun.
Do you have low blood sugar normally, Viking? My sis has hypoglycemia. If she skips a meal, she blacks out and hits her head on things. She has to eat three good meals a day with protein in each. She's learned to keep protein bars in her purse for times she's stuck. Grandson was skipping meals. His "love" at school never eats lunch, wants to be super skinny, so he wasn't eating either. He went for a run one afternoon, came back complaining of being dizzy. His sugar was at 74. A pbj solved that problem. He's bringing a lunch from home to school now.
It doesn't bother me like it used to, the big change came after we got the book "Eat Right For Your Type", it's about adjusting your diet for your blood type and by following lists of foods to avoid and eating foods that were neutral or beneficial, most of my hypoglycemia went away in four months also as a side benefit I lost over 20 lbs., the big culprits in my diet were peanut butter and whole wheat bread, actually a lot of breads are bad because they convert to sugars. Because I worked for a school district, in custodial/maintenance, I saw things, the school provided a breakfast program, usually heavy on bread but also orange, grape and apple juice, those three juices are very high in sugars which go into the blood stream immediately, not only did the teachers have to deal with children from bad homes, they had to deal with what sugar did to the kids. The high school wasn't any better, their lunch program had the availability of 36 oz. cups of soda pop, they'd shut off the 12 oz. pop machines in the hallway so the student would buy the pop out of the lunch program kitchen. Before I found that I had hypoglycemia, there were times I had to pull over to the side of the road and let my wife drive, it became impossible to keep my eyes open when my blood sugar would drop like a rock. I'm so grateful that I no longer have that problem, the blood type book was a blessing from God.
One of the things I found in researching blood sugar problems is that when there high levels of sugar in your blood, it feeds candida and candida can cause all kinds of side effects, usually it causes a great deal of pain, that's what I went trough years ago, my shoulder hurt so bad that only an ice pack would help, our chiropractor at the time put me on a derivative of coconut, that was nasty in flavor and I didn't want to belch because the smell was horrible, it did get rid of the candida thankfully. At this time I don't remember what it was called and I'm not sure I'd try it again.
Neb sorry for your loss. My prayers are with you and the Princess.
Urban parts of Tn is getting crowded, but there is other places that isn't. Just takes time to find the right one. We are looking ourselves. I've got 5-7 years before I hang it up.
I had to go thru a audit for our radio system today along with a bunch of other folks. This likely was the first of several parts. I did find 2 things that I need to do. One is to write a procedure for running the OpChecks on one of our systems. Gotta get that done ASAP. The other was more of something for myself to make life easier for me. But the auidters will like it too.
After that had to do a 30 day review with my new tech. He's doing good, now is time for him to start getting his hands dirty. Had a nice talk with him.
Hey @Bacpacker sounds like we are on similar timelines. Right now all I can do is identify what my options are, but the time is coming when I will have to do something... I like to have a clear plan of attack before making any important moves.

This morning I went to the all night drug store, the wife had identified some off the shelf items that we were low on, so I picked them up before starting my work day. On the way home I was able to stop at Home Depot as they opened, got some gardening stuff, was home by 06:30.

Today, I will be doing a set of project close-out reviews, and then will have a couple of strategic planning calls with my counter-parts in your neck of the woods; overall an easy day.

Well it's 07:00 time to switch computers and hats for the day....
Will walk a bit later and do a short video much later.
Do eBay photos.
Prune roses since that didn't get done a week ago. Getting up to 69 today!

Oreo's vet visit went a little better this time. All the meds still didn't calm him down but the tech had a death grip on his neck so he couldn't bite anyone.

We always muzzle our dogs just in case. Now we only have one dog and may not have anymore. Just keep the 4 hens.
Weuse to have ducks,chickens donkey,hourse, cats and dogs. Planned on rasing guard donks had donk registered along with ranch ,called it Sassy Ass Acres but hubby got disabled so plans changed.
Neb, and Princess,
Sorry for your loss.
Strawberry has been outside.
She didn't diddly dally along like she has been doing.
Weather is getting cold again.
One load of laundry is in dryer.
Will start another load in a bit in the washer.
Getting creative with leftovers today.
Sipping coffee.
It's sleet raining here at the moment.
Spitting snow.
Little yarn balls make 1 full size wash cloth.
And good size stripe on the second washcloth.
It's all good with me.
Now if someone just tell me who I am making these for would be nice.
Almost time to walk again with timer.
Timer keeps me on track of sorts.
Dropped another pant size, honestly don't see how on that one.
All I seem to do is eat, sit, walk, sometimes I get some decent sleep.
Decent sleep to me is 4 or 5 hours.
Oreo won't let us or the vet near him with a muzzle. They come up behind him and hold him with a towel over his head. We know he was abused before we got him from the scars on his neck, leg and tail.

I never understood how people would enjoy abusing an animal. OurAlice never was agressive unless she felt one of us were threatened like when daughter was helping hubby do fence post,she was stomping the dirt in around the posst hole next to hubby and Alice showed her teeth ,Alice thought she was being agressive to hubby. Plus bit nephew on the leg when he lunged toward me at camp site to show me his baby.Spent night in er with him.She latched on his leg but only one place bled bad. He knew she was just protecting me and thought he was attacking me.
Poor Oreo. One of our dogs has to be muzzled, and he wasn't abused, but just nervous.
On our way to another doc appt (a walk test for husband), then out to lunch, then to the Krogers to pick up steaks on sale. T Bones. My favorite. The builder's toady came to put in a window on the add on today. Slow as a snail.
Meerkat, I lived across the street from a lady who couldn't spank her kids bc her doberman pincer would grab her hand and protect the children. The dog once bit a guy who was throwing a toddler in the air and catching her. Kid was squealing & the dog thought the guy was hurting her. Some dogs are very protective.

People who abuse animals often escalate to humans at some point. There's just something wrong with them & they are scum.

Went to the store & post office today. Popped in to see my friend & how he's doing. He's starting to lose vision in his right eye now (already blind in his left) so I'm worried about him. His ex was freaking out bc she couldn't find one of her work shoes & her ear piece. I found her shoe but no luck on the ear piece. Then we found her work vest (which was newly issued) had a hole in the pocket and that's the pocket the earpiece went in. Told her to show the hole in the pocket to her boss. Not really her fault if she didn't realize a brand new vest had a hole. Friend is still stressed about her being there, but I think it's partially bc he knows how mad my brother is about it.
@Firepolice271 and I worked to raise the roof...

off the dividing wall that supports the roof.


That wall will be replaced by a beam that spans the entire width of the house. Removing that wall will let us implement a floor plan that includes a central great room open from the front of the house to the back.


If we have a good day tomorrow, we may have the roof on our temporary support wall.

Take care,

Spent the morning reloading a new (to me) caliber of ammunition.
Fixed a turkey sandwich for my lunch.
Took a nap.
Shoveled snow off the sidewalk and driveway for wife's hen party this evening.
Got the mail.
Read the instructions on how to program a new handheld radio via computer.
Make myself scarce during wife's party.
Found a trainer for the kids dog in Santa Fe that doesn't cost a fortune. We have go take her in for an evaluation then they will help us train her for the things we haven't been able to. Well, as long as she passes their evaluation... We will have to drive to Santa Fe once a week but if it makes the dog work better for the kid its will be worth it.

They can train one of their dogs for her but there is a 4yr waiting list, and its almost $8,000!
Ok, some of you know, I left work for a possible heart problem a couple days ago. It ended up being non cardiac - my heart is fine, and I'm thankful for that. However, even though the doctor signed off on me returning to work with no restrictions, my employer is no allowing me to go back to work. I have to provide them with all the documentation of my trip to the hospital and they have to review it. Even though the hospital says I'm good to go, the company has discretion to do whatever they want. So I might be in a fight for my job. The company won't even return my calls.

So I'm stuck in a hotel, 1600 miles from home, and my boss has told me he has been instructed not to even allow me on company property until I'm cleared to return. My stress level is through the roof. I'm getting the union involved, and it looks like it's time to settle in for a fight...

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