What's everybody doing today?

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We don't know each other Meerkat, but I am sorry for your loss. Please do not get mad if I say something tho. You said he was your best friend since childhood but you had not seen him in 10 years...can't understand the sentence. I have left all my friends in America to come to Germany with my wife, left all my friends in Germany to come to Hungary to retire since I can't afford to live in Germany any more...I would love to be able to visit my friends again...go visit your friends more often, they may have problems just like the one you lost and are needing consoling from someone like you so they stay alive...stay in contact my friend...it is not your fault he is gone, that was his decision, but maybe he would have decided otherwise if, if, if, things had gone different...nothing is more valuable than a true friend...Gary

I've been friends with his mother for that long, not him he was her youngest and only son.Thank you for kind words Gary.So your in Hungary now?
Would a curb key be used to shut off water at the meter? I can shut my water off in my basement, but not sure that I can shut it off before the house. I would think where the meter is, but for me, I would think the city would be the one to do that. I searched for an image of a curb key, and it looks as though they are used for sprinkler systems as well.

If your water meter is in your basement/crawl space then no you do not need a curb key. If the meter is in a pit in your yard, then perhaps you will need a curb key.

A curb key has a two pin and/or five side socket on the handle to remove the lid (cast iron 4" in diameter) from the curb stop riser. Then you lower the main body of the curb key down the now exposed pipe opening. The curb stop shut off valve is installed below frost depth (or it should be!!!!) and will require a quarter turn clockwise to shut off.
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If your water meter is in your basement/crawl space then now you do not need a curb key. If the meter is in a pit in your yard, then perhaps you will need a turn key.

A curb key has a two pin and/or five side socket on the handle to remove the lid (cast iron 4" in diameter) from the curb stop riser. Then you lower the main body of the curb key down the now exposed pipe opening. The curb stop shut off valve is installed below frost depth (or it should be!!!!) and will require a quarter turn clockwise to shut off.
Meter is out closer to the street with a heavy metal (likely iron) cover. I've never opened it, because I didn't know how but have seen meter reader open it. Basement is just a turn off valve. When I took one of my CERT classes, one of the assignments was to locate the water turn off valve. I knew where it was and I have needed to turn it off a few times. The last time was when I got my new refrigerator a couple years ago because of the ice maker and water dispenser.
Did video first thing this morning.
Went to hardware stores looking for 7.5 gallon propane tank. Have one located at local hardware. It is supposed to be on the truck today. We will see.
Went to Kroger for local sales. Ha! They were out of many, many items.
Came home and had telephone doctor visit for trigger thumb.
Hope to not do anything else today.
Made hamburger vegetable soup, bran muffins, pumpkin pie with cream, a thermos of coffee and husband and I went to the Menno Manor and brought lunch for mom and Uncle Melvin. Listened to her crazy stories...she dreams stuff and thinks they happened. Couldn't get her to eat much, because she had chowed down on donuts before we came. Made a pot of coffee for her when I left...she asked me to, and now I realize I'd better call her to tell her to turn it off. The twins are playing pep band at the basketball game at the High School tonight, so thinking we'll take little granddaughter out to eat at the Amish restaurant tonight.
I've been friends with his mother for that long, not him he was her youngest and only son.Thank you for kind words Gary.So your in Hungary now?
Yes, I live here now. We had planned it to happen in a few more years when I could retire at 65, but after an on-the-job accident and losing my drivers licenses and all my instructors licenses, going deaf in my left ear and breaking a bone in my back........we just left earlier and are now still renovating the old house I showed a pic of in the thread "my dream house". My BIL is 200 meters away, our Godchild and her family one mile and my family relations from my wife are in Serbia, about an hours drive from here...we butcher, garden, fish and raise our own chickens now, what we cannot do in Germany from the stupid laws there. Make our own wine and moonshine soon too. Hope you are fine, Gary
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Long week at work, 3 days working on failure report for some of our standards to make sure they didn't affect our customers. Out of almost 70, we only had one and it was less than 4 decimal places out. Then had an audit yesterday for our radio system, not done with that yet. Most of today was taking care of 5 little things I haven't had time to do. Got home from work and decided I needed some OUTSIDE time. Pruned up 2 of my blueberry bushes and loaded the trash for a trip to the dump tomorrow morning.
Also stopped by a roofing shop yesterday and got prices for some metal I want for my raised beds. I'll order it Monday and pick it up Thursday. Picking up part of the lumber this weekend, the time to start building.
Beautiful sunny day here, temp got up to 53 on my porch. I went to the little town this afternoon, got a haircut and meat from the little market.

Last week the doc at the VA said I only need some "readers" for my vision. It's perfect at distance, can't see anything clearly at less than 2ft.

Anyway, the store had 5 strength levels to choose from, 1, 1.5, 2, 2.5 and 3. Wasn't sure what to buy so I bought 2.5 level, seemed okay at the store. After trying them at home several times this evening I think these are a little strong. Next trip to town I'll get #2's... and buy 2 pairs. I need a pair by my recliner and another for my kitchen table... else I'll be walking back and forth forever looking for them. They were <$10, not bad. I'll put the 2.5's I bought today in the tool room, I'll need the extra strength there.
Power went out after my last post here.

Tree branches snapped and severed several lines. Power company wouldn't even answer the phone.

Ventured in to town to find the city had shut off the water so no food places were open. Mail didn't run. Rolling blackouts were happening in poorer neighborhoods (mayor was not affected). Even Walmart was closed. Bathrooms there are still closed today but they have port-a-potties outside.

Spent 2 nights in the cold without heat but the cats kept me warm. Friday we got a bbq and cooked some pork chops (only meat in the stores). Had some leftovers we kept in an insulated bag wrapped in foil. Had some for breakfast today.

Took Mom to friend's house so she could warm up and get some food. Fish and shrimp were still frozen in our freezer so we brought them along with some dipping sauce she made for the shrimp.

Friend cooked-- meat & potatoes. My brother ate most of the potatoes so friend's ex was annoyed. She gave me some chocolate cake and I drove her to the store to get more food. Got some warm fuzzy socks.

Checked the house and the power had just come back on. Was still cold and it was dark out (except for the security light). Turned water back on and it ran for a bit but is still having pressure issues. Bathroom sink only dripped a little & stopped. Toilet did flush at least. Pump was running like crazy. Water heater filled up at least part way. I still have it off in case it's not full. I'll check for leaks and issues tomorrow.

Right now I'm curled up with my cats and a heating pad. I was so stiff this morning I could't get the cats off me to get up & I'd just been dreaming about trying to find a bathroom & was about to sit on a toilet when I woke up. Sure sign I needed to go to the bathroom. Got my brother to feed the cats so they would get off me. Shoulders hate me today.

Mom is still at friend's house bc we didn't want to try to get her out of the truck, over snow & ice in the dark. Plus I have a hard time backing up into the parking space in the dark.
Today was planned as a range day, but got word that all the ranges are not usable right now because of the global warming deposits. Told to cancel the event... :(

For me the snow is over, driveway shoveled (broke 2 handles), it is clear and 25 outside today with a stiff breeze. I figure I have way too many plants started and will need to start transplanting them, so I made a run to WM this morning as they opened and picked up 400 20oz plastic cups, I have a step drill bit (max diameter is 1/2") and a 12" extension for my drill, so I drilled a hole in the bottom of a couple stacks of the cups, now they are seedling cups.. ;) I only drilled 100 today, so I can be sure they do what I want.

Being Saturday, it is our normal laundry day, so that will keep me busy early. I would love to work on the garden but everything around the raised beds is a nice shinny sheet of Ice.... I'll pass... I may just start transplanting some of the tomatoes or something, unless I turn on the TV, I saw Amazon Prime had a number of John Wayne movies for free this month, might be an easy way to lose a day.. :)
Now I can get up our driveway , finally.
Home health Care nurse refused to try it.That's ok , it's a scam anyway.
Went to our favorite restaurant last night got us supper , brought it home.
Wife just can't seem to get over this last surgery.

Probably will go pickup pizza for lunch today.

Suppose to get above freezing today, first time in 2 weeks. Hope all the snow is gone soon.

Y'all have a good day.

And now for something completely different...

@ThePrincess cut me a break today so I worked with my buddy enhance an N-scale model train layout. It is a computer controlled layout that uses cicuit cards based on an old Bruce Chubb design.

The first version of the control software was written in Basic about 30 years ago and rewrote it using LabVIEW about 20 years ago.

My buddy wanted help figuring out how to expand beyond the first 12 blocks and add 3 more.

Eventually I asked if the control lines for those 3 cab selection boards had ever been wired. Turns out no.

So my buddy will take care of adding the control lines and building another digital output card to drive those lines.

He is happy and I am out of the loop until it comes time to add the new card to the messages sent to the control logic.

Here are some more images.




This is the control chassis were the control lines need to be added.

If you think it looks like old modem terminal server and DEC Rainbow cabinets, you are correct.

It was fun.

Praise the Lord, have water now in the house...the heater element has started to work...hubby says he hasn't had a shower in so long, he might be afraid of the water...Bless those that came to help us...all my renters now are doing okay...few little things to do yet, but we will make it....Hubby got the well to pump and tried to draw water for Hombre, the Longhorn...he was not going to let hubby break the ice to get his nose in to drink, he was thirsty...you cannot argue with over 20000 pounds of steer...
Wife fixed us a big old ham, onion, & cheese omlet for breakfast. The I went to the dump, came back and started on my remaining blueberries. Finally got them all pruned just before dark. They were a mess. I now have a big pile of trimmings to get rid of. Plants look this, but in much better shape now. I'll rake around them, treat for Ph and fertilize tomorrow. Glad to get that done. Now on to getting the garden spot cleared so I can start building some more raised beds. I'll do that tomorrow and gonna plant my early onions as well.
Praise the Lord, have water now in the house...the heater element has started to work...hubby says he hasn't had a shower in so long, he might be afraid of the water...Bless those that came to help us...all my renters now are doing okay...few little things to do yet, but we will make it....Hubby got the well to pump and tried to draw water for Hombre, the Longhorn...he was not going to let hubby break the ice to get his nose in to drink, he was thirsty...you cannot argue with over 20000 pounds of steer...

I wouldn't dream of arguing with a steer, or anything else, that weighed over 20 thousand pounds!! 😂😇
Ben, I LOVE the model train & it's whole setup. I've always enjoyed those but never had the space for them.

Just waking up now. It's comfortably warm inside. Screen on my computer keeps going black with white horizontal dotted lines going across the screen. Not sure if it's the monitor or the video card. I suspect the latter.

Tired and sore today. Been thinking about my water troubles & I suspect I have a leak in the well shed. There was a lot of water in there. Gonna have to see about getting my friend to help me with fixing it up since my body is not cooperating with bending. One cool thing I found in the store are sort of shark-bite like fittings for pvc. They have little teeth & there is a removal tool for them. Not sure if they can be re-used or not. But I'm thinking I can temporarily slap a cap on certain pipes while working on pipes after them to keep too much water from pouring out. I want to install a shut off in case I need to work on stuff later & don't want to have to slap a cap on things. They are obviously only temporary fittings. Gonna have to see what sizes they are available in.

Water ran to the tub and I could hear it filling the water heater-- for several hours- but the sinks wouldn't work. I finally shut the water off bc I could hear the pump running and I was worried it would burn out.

Cats are gathered around me but not piling on like they did when it was cold. Although, my oldest cat is on my lap but just because he likes the feel of the soft blankets on his feet. ok I was wrong. He wanted cuddles-- he's up in my face now. Orange cat got jealous so he climbed on me and I only have 1 free hand to type.
Ben, I LOVE the model train & it's whole setup. I've always enjoyed those but never had the space for them.

Just waking up now. It's comfortably warm inside. Screen on my computer keeps going black with white horizontal dotted lines going across the screen. Not sure if it's the monitor or the video card. I suspect the latter.

Tired and sore today. Been thinking about my water troubles & I suspect I have a leak in the well shed. There was a lot of water in there. Gonna have to see about getting my friend to help me with fixing it up since my body is not cooperating with bending. One cool thing I found in the store are sort of shark-bite like fittings for pvc. They have little teeth & there is a removal tool for them. Not sure if they can be re-used or not. But I'm thinking I can temporarily slap a cap on certain pipes while working on pipes after them to keep too much water from pouring out. I want to install a shut off in case I need to work on stuff later & don't want to have to slap a cap on things. They are obviously only temporary fittings. Gonna have to see what sizes they are available in.

Water ran to the tub and I could hear it filling the water heater-- for several hours- but the sinks wouldn't work. I finally shut the water off bc I could hear the pump running and I was worried it would burn out.

Cats are gathered around me but not piling on like they did when it was cold. Although, my oldest cat is on my lap but just because he likes the feel of the soft blankets on his feet. ok I was wrong. He wanted cuddles-- he's up in my face now. Orange cat got jealous so he climbed on me and I only have 1 free hand to type.
There is more than one type of Sharkbite removal tools. The cheap "C shaped" is hard to use.

Checked the well shed. No significant leaks. Minor leaking from the check valve where it connects to pvc going toward the inlet side of the jet pump. Also some dripping from the stainless steel elbow on the pipe coming out of the jet pump. I think if I raise the pump up higher and adjust the pipes, it will not capture air in the suction end of the pipe. It will also allow me to tighten the elbow (repair guy loosened it to change the angle). I definitely need to get a shutoff installed somewhere between the cistern and the inlet side of the jet pump. Maybe I can have one after the check valve so I can shut off water in emergencies. I can't put it before bc the repair guy made a mess of things with a pile of pvc fittings.

Bad news: Water was absolutely pouring from the waterlines under the kitchen sink. So one or both hot & cold lines are broken. I'm wondering if it would be worth it to replace them with short runs of PEX.

I know PEX can't be used on the inlet side of the jet pump because of the suction, but can it be used on the outlet side between pump and pressure tank (after a short run of brass or stainless steel piping).

I'm considering replacing the galvanized steel pipes on my jet pump with brass.
You could absolutely use pex under your sink but normally it's the braided hose there.
Depends on where the leak is.

While I absolutely love working with copper soldering and brass, I am a convert to PEX. If money reveals the heart then the hundreds of feet of PEX in multiple sizes and bin of Sharkbite fittings shows how enamored I am with that suff.

Yes the Sharkbite fittings are dear. But I can do in a few minutes what take a half hour using copper. It's ability to withstand freezing is a bonus. The only time I saw PEX fail was the pressure regulator for my sons place failed resulting in 155 psi !

Crimp connections are cheaper and worth the investment in the crimping tool.

Barring a heat exchanger or still, I don't see myself doing much with copper when it comes to water lines.


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