What's everybody doing today?

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Need to do another early morning at the Grade School tomorrow. 7:30 volunteer to be the secretary. Today the Fire Dept came for their inspection. Met the little girl that our young granddaughter fights with. Watched a first graders blood sugar monitor, it was online in the office. He ranges from 74 to 228 all in a 3 hr time. Answered the phone, answered the door. Not much to it. Pulled out my dead frozen plants from the greenhouse (after our negative 13 week), and reseeded lettuce, spinach, and radish. Looks like our middle child, our son, will be visiting late next week (from NM) and is bringing a "friend". Must be a good "friend", we never get to meet anyone. I wonder what she'll think of our family here? Making plans for a family reunion on my husband's side in TX for Thanksgiving. That should be fun.
First day of jury duty! I was dismissed the first round because I didn't say the right things about covid. This time they didn't ask. So, after a long day I got assigned to the jury.
Can't and won't say anything else about it but I will be spending my days sitting in an uncomfortable chair in a mask listening to the facts of the case.
Ben, great pics & it's good to see progress being made

Jim, sorry to hear about your friend

GrannyG, sorry to hear about the lady's dog. I hope the dog made it.

Got up early, picked up my friend, went to Lowes to get parts to repair water lines. Got enough (I thought) to fix two separate spots both hot & cold.. Turns out it was just the hot (at least as far as we can tell). Friend patched it. Tested-- pipe split behind the patch. He patched more. Tested water long enough to fill toilet for flushing. Friend reported leaks everywhere from hot water. Said it was pouring down from behind where he patched-- to the laundry room, and all the way across the house from the bathrooms. Looks like the entire run of CPVC split down the middle. Thursday we're going to the hardware store and getting a ton of PEX and fittings & he's replacing the whole lot (hot and cold) with PEX. Friend also used my chainsaw to cut down some small trees growing too close to the house.

Why no PVC in water lines?All ours are pvc.
PVC- the white pipe- is safe to use for cold water but it is not safe to use for hot water as it can't withstand higher temperatures. The chemicals in it leach out into the water & it breaks down.
CPVC (off-white/beige pipe) can withstand higher temperatures. It also has thicker walls. Codes used to allow the use of PVC for cold water and CPVC for hot water, but it became difficult for inspectors to differentiate between hot & cold when doing inspections (so they could tell someone to change it if they improperly used PVC for hot). So they changed the rules that PVC could no longer be used in houses. It's fine for outdoor faucets and such, but not indoors to make things easier on inspectors.
Woke up three hours before my "normal" time.
Checked on some orders that were delayed by winter and the China flu.
Check Facebook to see if the kids posted any new pictures. No. :(
Checked Newsmax and Foxnews to see if the world is still here. It is.
Mentally thought through the steps for a project I was volunteered to do.
I still wake.
Head to the den to update a clients website, instead typing a post on this forum.
Work on a client's website.
First day of jury duty! I was dismissed the first round because I didn't say the right things about covid. This time they didn't ask. So, after a long day I got assigned to the jury.
Can't and won't say anything else about it but I will be spending my days sitting in an uncomfortable chair in a mask listening to the facts of the case.
No idea about your case. But keep jury nullification in mind...if appropriate
Sitting in waiting area at Ford dealer.
Getting first oil change at 1400 miles on the White Knight.

Yep the wife wanted to finally , after surgery 2 weeks ago today, get out and go for some lunch after the oil change.

Stopped at Lowes and picked up 2x4x12s, 2x4x8s, and 5/4x6x8s for the raised beds. Also got a box of screws and a couple Diamond metal cutting blades. Gonna order my metal tomorrw and get ready to start building 2 12' raised beds and 1 6'er
Good plan! I'm going to Home Depot tomorrow morning and get the materials for my second 12' X 4' X 2" raised bed. Same lumber as yours (only treated) and three 2' X 12' sheets of corrugated aluminum; I believe I have enough fasteners already. Dawn wants me to get about20 feet of 3/4"sch 40 PVC, tees, and elbows to make a holder for the fluorescent fixtures. Here in southern Idaho, our books suggest getting the seeds in t ground (indoors, of course) by March 1, so we're going to start them in the pantry room. We're also going to need about 3-4 yards of fill dirt for the two big beds. I have a neighbor who will come by with about a half dump-truck's worth and put it where we want it. Then it'll be a couple days of shovel-and-wheelbarrow work. I'm going to have to re-cut and splice the tubes for the drip irrigation system to fit the new layout, and we should be done with the garden prep.

The landscape people have finished all the underground irrigation work and have trenched and laid the flexible conduit for the two electric outlets in the pasture area. The electrician will be by in two weeks to wire the 50-Amp line to them, and then we should be done with all the improvements for this season (hopefully!).

Both of us have been feeling pretty ratty, recently, with what appears to be a typical cold, so all we're doing right now is setting up our shopping lists, planning out a week's worth of meals, going through seed catalogs and relaxing a bit.
Happy Belated Birthday, Mrs. Urbanhunter!
Sorry about your friend, Jim!
And sorry about your neighbor's pup, GrannyG.

DH got friend to court yesterday and it was just to do a not guilty plea. Now waiting til the beginning of May for next court date.

Turns out, I can't go to the only Urgent care my insurance takes unless my PCP refers me. What's the point of calling it Urgent care? My doc got me in when she found that I was going somewhere else.

Also yesterday, did laundry and made a loaf of cheese bread in a bundt pan. Turned out great!

Today, I have been washing rugs and dog blankets, while I had help for top to bottom clean in the house.
Walked dogs.
Still need to walk me.
Re-arrange laundry room for freezer.
Mmmmm. Snappy. Cheese bread in a bundt pan is good stuff. I like to add some chopped pepperoni and make it pizza bread.
Finished by volunteer secretary work at the grade school today, then met husband for lunch. Have a new O2 provider coming out today in a few minutes, then the old unit needs to be picked up. Stopping in at cousins after that.
Ben, I wish my brother was that helpful.

We both slept in today-- not feeling great. He thinks he accidentally took his insulin twice instead of once and felt like garbage. He was supposed to empty all the trash cans in the house and put new bags in. He emptied one trash can and didn't put a bag in.

We were supposed to clean up the hallway and laundry room so my friend can access the pipes. He held a bag open for me and griped the entire time while I cleaned. He flat out refused to help me clear his crap from in front of the back door and I can't pick it all up by myself. After several minutes he gave up and left. I needed his help bc I couldn't lift stuff so I'm taking a break. Plus I had to get more food for mom. She's in a bit of a mood. Griping about everything I've ever done wrong, etc. Turned on the water long enough to fill the toilet and some buckets and then cut it off. Only faucet in the house that works is the tub & it doesn't stop running when we turn the handle to off. I think my brother broke it somehow.

Still working on a plan for getting the waterlines replaced.
Ben, I wish my brother was that helpful.

We both slept in today-- not feeling great. He thinks he accidentally took his insulin twice instead of once and felt like garbage. He was supposed to empty all the trash cans in the house and put new bags in. He emptied one trash can and didn't put a bag in.

We were supposed to clean up the hallway and laundry room so my friend can access the pipes. He held a bag open for me and griped the entire time while I cleaned. He flat out refused to help me clear his crap from in front of the back door and I can't pick it all up by myself. After several minutes he gave up and left. I needed his help bc I couldn't lift stuff so I'm taking a break. Plus I had to get more food for mom. She's in a bit of a mood. Griping about everything I've ever done wrong, etc. Turned on the water long enough to fill the toilet and some buckets and then cut it off. Only faucet in the house that works is the tub & it doesn't stop running when we turn the handle to off. I think my brother broke it somehow.

Still working on a plan for getting the waterlines replaced.
You got that backwards.

He Is the one with tools experience, skill and strength and I can at best hope I can help him.

Got home and bush hogged for a little while, then hooked up cultivator plow and plowed both lower garden spots. Ground was fairly dry, but was hard as a brick in places. Really should have pulled subsoiler thru last fall. Probably gonna end up having to turn part of it. But The area I want to plant taters tore up close to a foot deep. Here's a pic

2021 Garden plowed.jpg
Got home and bush hogged for a little while, then hooked up cultivator plow and plowed both lower garden spots. Ground was fairly dry, but was hard as a brick in places. Really should have pulled subsoiler thru last fall. Probably gonna end up having to turn part of it. But The area I want to plant taters tore up close to a foot deep. Here's a pic

View attachment 59925
My ground is just to steep for that. I have to terrace . There is a 50' climb between the the bottom of my orchard and the top.

Is all that you plowed targeted at potatoes?

You can feed a small army on that!

Hey Ben, you two work faster than the guys doing our add on. The one that was started mid November, and was supposed to take 3 weeks. Ha Ha Ha.
The air and heat unit were put in today. But there's no electricity put in yet.
And it hasn't been connected with a door to the existing house yet. So I can open the window in the little bedroom and look into it.
Yesterday was a good day for the wife, she got calls from old friends plus all the kids and grand-kids, 3 sets of flowers appeared out of no where, and we spent the morning at the fabric store (were waiting as they opened so the wife was able to get the only motorized cart that have), dinner turned out well, but she had me run get her a different cake to suite her mood.... in all she had a very good day. I had planned to go to HD but just didn't have the energy, went this morning instead.

Today the weather is expected to be nice, not freezing, with some sun... I can deal with that.
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My ground is just to steep for that. I have to terrace . There is a 50' climb between the the bottom of my orchard and the top.

Is all that you plowed targeted at potatoes?

You can feed a small army on that!

From the woods to just below where I was standing is about 20' difference in elevation. Wood line is high point of property, low point in the middle, back up high behind me where the house sits. I have to be careful how I plow since heavy rains can wash away the soil. But in general it works for us. And no thats not all for taters. I plan to do some squash, melons, beans, maybe corn, pumpkins, ect. Its likely I will work up and plant the space on the left in clover and let it sit this year. I have grown both of those spots fully and one smaller area next to the house all at the same time. But my work schedule don't permit that right now. And wife just ain't able to help like she once did. So I've cut back. Having the raised beds up front will help too. I can get more production in a much smaller space and not need as much time.
Goshen, where I was standing was still pretty wet. Next week will have water running across it due to expected rain over next several days
I look forward to getting my gardens started but the way this year has been so far, I may wait until Easter. I usually start it in March.

Today, after feeding dogs, I will walk.
Walk dogs.
Take eBay photos.
Ready DH's meds for the next month.
Hard boil eggs.
Call Tractor Supply around noon--still trying to track down a 30# propane tank.
Order my train tickets for June's adventure.
Make Goulash for dinner.

Tired me out just writing it! LOL

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