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I have to investigate.
We normally spend 2 hours or more doing our baconalia .


I bought one from a company named Camp Chef years ago. They were located in Utah, american made. It has a nice wooden handle. I bought it for a 10.5 inch flat skillet I got from Lodge. It was a little to big so I trimmed the corners with the shop grinder.

I heat up the skillet with the bacon press on it. I lay out my bacon in the pan then put the press on, best way to cook thick slice bacon.

Bacon press.JPG

@LadyLocust I just checked amerzon They have dozens of them in any style or shape you might want. Several have wooden handles, even one made by Lodge with a metal sprial handle.
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I bought one from a company named Camp Chef years ago. They were located in Utah, american made. It has a nice wooden handle. I bought it for a 10.5 inch flat skillet I got from Lodge. It was a little to big so I trimmed the corners with the shop grinder.

I heat up the skillet with the bacon press on it. I lay out my bacon in the pan then put the press on, best way to cook thick slice bacon.

View attachment 60637
"Flat Skillet"
I never heard it called that.
My Mother had one that I cooked PanCake in in 1968.
Mother lift all outdoor tools & gun to the boys & all indoor home & kithen ware to the girls.
My sister told me I could have the Flat skillet, which made me very happy.
I have a bacon press, cast iron.
Thanks for the photo.
They even had round cast iron bacon presses on amerzon.

I have a 10.5 x 17 inch rectangular non stick pan for when I'm doing a lot of bacon. Most of the time I use it when I make pancakes. It'll cover 2 of my stove eyes, I fry bacon at one end of the pan and make pancakes at the other.

The stove eyes are on 9 inch centers so the long pan cooks great. I can even cook with different heat on either eye.
I bought one from a company named Camp Chef years ago. They were located in Utah, american made. It has a nice wooden handle. I bought it for a 10.5 inch flat skillet I got from Lodge. It was a little to big so I trimmed the corners with the shop grinder.

I heat up the skillet with the bacon press on it. I lay out my bacon in the pan then put the press on, best way to cook thick slice bacon.

View attachment 60637

@LadyLocust I just checked amerzon They have dozens of them in any style or shape you might want. Several have wooden handles, even one made by Lodge with a metal sprial handle.
"Flat Skillet"
I never heard it called that.
My Mother had one that I cooked PanCake in in 1968.
Mother lift all outdoor tools & gun to the boys & all indoor home & kithen ware to the girls.
My sister told me I could have the Flat skillet, which made me very happy.
I have a bacon press, cast iron.
Thanks for the photo.
Also called a diffuser. If you have a gas stove, you set that on there then your other pot or pan and the cast iron diffuses the heat so you don't get the scorch ring in your other pot/pan. They do make square ones like Spike mentioned but I haven't found an oldie yet. I have 2 round ones (different sizes). Lodge has gone down hill. My older Lodge skillets are nice, but looking at the new ones is disappointing. Even some of the older no name ones are better than new Lodge. I don't care what name- just want the quality.
Wow! Thank you!!! If/when you find one, just PM me. Thanks again. It might sound silly, but our “old” out here is so much newer than back east. It’s ironic that more of the good stuff hasn’t found its way west. We want to take our trailer and make a trip east at some point. When we do there are a few things we want to look for the other side of the Mississippi. We already said we’ll have to pack light because we’ll probably come back with a full load.
If youbdo head east with a trailer, you gotta hit up Lehmann in Eastern Ohio. They have so much stuff its hard to imagine. Look them up online
If youbdo head east with a trailer, you gotta hit up Lehmann in Eastern Ohio. They have so much stuff its hard to imagine. Look them up online

They are about 2 hours west of us.

That place is half museum.

I was impressed by the gasoline powered wringer washer and meat grinder combo.

They offer a catalog if you can't make the trip.

Brother is busy with an emergency project so I have a chance to work outside in the nursery. I need to cut back the raspberries at the very least. I also have a English Walnut that has a tight crotch that will eventually suffer from bark inclusion and rot. Half of it will have to go.

I did my treatment plan from the dentist. The good news I should never have to deal with a bad tooth again. Bad news it may run$10k after insurance. It is worth it to me to be free of dental issues. I will be getting impressions for the temporary dentures tomorrow.


The boy came in with an envelope today. I opened it an it was an application to join the National Junior Honor Society. The kid has a 3.96 gpa for the year. My parents couldn’t get me to go to school and if they did I would run off. It’s unbelievable that I would have a kid that takes his studies seriously.

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Congrats to him and you.

Help setup tables and chairs at church, reopening Sunday School in a few weeks!!!!!!
Fix my lunch.
Run and audio cable from radio monitor jack to headset jacks in the Mule.
Pickup fallen branches from the yards.
Walk out to the mailbox for the mail.
Order a Kydex holster for use during this year's rimfire competition. Soft holster goes to inventory.
Brother is busy with an emergency project so I have a chance to work outside in the nursery. I need to cut back the raspberries at the very least. I also have a English Walnut that has a tight crotch that will eventually suffer from bark inclusion and rot. Half of it will have to go.

I did my treatment plan from the dentist. The good news I should never have to deal with a bad tooth again. Bad news it may run$10k after insurance. It is worth it to me to be free of dental issues. I will be getting impressions for the temporary dentures tomorrow.


Here is the English Walnut I was talking about before attacking it. It was very symetrical.


The tight crotch is shown below which is subject to bark inclusion and rot. Eventually one or the other trunk will fail in a wind storm.


I had to adhere to the rule of thumb that says do not remove more than 1/3 of a tree at one time. So the right hand trunk had a lot if branches removed and I will finish removing the right hand trunk next year.


The boy came in with an envelope today. I opened it an it was an application to join the National Junior Honor Society. The kid has a 3.96 gpa for the year. My parents couldn’t get me to go to school and if they did I would run off. It’s unbelievable that I would have a kid that takes his studies seriously.

View attachment 60653
Son got his looks and brains from his mother? ;)
The boy came in with an envelope today. I opened it an it was an application to join the National Junior Honor Society. The kid has a 3.96 gpa for the year. My parents couldn’t get me to go to school and if they did I would run off. It’s unbelievable that I would have a kid that takes his studies seriously.

View attachment 60653
Friday went to KCVA for pre op.
Blood work, my right arm now is the fine shades black,blue,lavender,green.
My hometown is having city wide yard sales 16 and 17 th of April.
Several friends are getting rid of quilting supplies and yarn.
Been exercising using that dilly bobber thing Neb and LL told me about.
Manual yarn ball winder.
I certainly won't have flabby arms using that thing.
Been condensing yarn down, rearranging quilting fabric etc.
Don't believe I need anything, but it will get me out of house for awhile.
Dishes are done.
Floors need swept still.
Picked up grocery order and that's put away too.
Neb, Lady Locust,
Do you leave yarn on the thing after you roll it up?
The boy came in with an envelope today. I opened it an it was an application to join the National Junior Honor Society. The kid has a 3.96 gpa for the year. My parents couldn’t get me to go to school and if they did I would run off. It’s unbelievable that I would have a kid that takes his studies seriously.

View attachment 60653

That's fantastic...tell him we said congrats.

Son got his looks and brains from his mother? ;)

Yes he did.

The boy came in with an envelope today. I opened it an it was an application to join the National Junior Honor Society. The kid has a 3.96 gpa for the year. My parents couldn’t get me to go to school and if they did I would run off. It’s unbelievable that I would have a kid that takes his studies seriously.

View attachment 60653

Tell him Congrats. To you and your wife too.
Took mom to her doctor's appointment, went to samsclub to get more water & my shoulders are not happy with me for the lifting. I also helped an old man who was having trouble unloading his groceries from his riding cart into his car. He and his wife each had a riding cart. He mentioned he was in pain so I offered to help him load up. My mother needed a riding cart but I decided to help unload both of them. Had to wait for mom to finish her shopping. Grabbed Burger King on the way home and unloaded stuff-- got my brother to help a little.
My right knee tried to go out on me and my body is achey all over.
Getting bloodwork taken tomorrow.
Friday went to KCVA for pre op.
Blood work, my right arm now is the fine shades black,blue,lavender,green.
My hometown is having city wide yard sales 16 and 17 th of April.
Several friends are getting rid of quilting supplies and yarn.
Been exercising using that dilly bobber thing Neb and LL told me about.
Manual yarn ball winder.
I certainly won't have flabby arms using that thing.
Been condensing yarn down, rearranging quilting fabric etc.
Don't believe I need anything, but it will get me out of house for awhile.
Dishes are done.
Floors need swept still.
Picked up grocery order and that's put away too.
Neb, Lady Locust,
Do you leave yarn on the thing after you roll it up?
Nope, I take it off the winder. The way it winds on there, it should come off kinda a cylinder shape - much easier to stack then round balls. Wish I was there to meander the yard sale(s) with you. I think all of last summer there might have been 3 yardsales. I went to one which was outdoors. I would like to find a few more older buckets.
The super fun news~ I received my laptop today :woo hoo: I can now type and click "like" on posts and everything and even see pictures. I am so excited.

@zannej Be careful with knees! Those are not good injuries.
@Neb Evidently I don't have thumbs because I'd never heard that rule. Now I know.
Went to the funeral this morning... It was a nice service for a nice guy. Got to see lots of kinfolk I haven't seen in almost a year, since the last funeral.

Several people made a point to come over and talk to me up in the graveyard. I had no idea who most were, but they seemed to know me. My mind must be slipping.

A quiet afternoon at home, resting this evening. A lot needs to be done tomorrow. I'll be happy if I get through half of it.

Edit to add...

I have to tell this story… I remember the grandparents of the man who was buried today. Even though I was too young to understand exactly what was happening I remember something his grandmother did at church. She stood and announced to the pastor, and everyone else, she wanted a divorce. Unheard of in the deep south at that time.

Seems the day before she’d set out a bunch of rose bushes. Afterwards her husband finally got the lawn tractor with no muffler running. He didn’t care that it was noisy since he was deaf as a post anyway.

Anyway, as he mowed she kept pointing out the little roses she’d just set out. He couldn’t see much better than he could hear. He thought she was pointing out spots he missed so he kept circling back… There has to be a moral of this story somewhere…
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Good morning!
Will walk first, as usual.
Write Sunday School announcement to put on Church page of Facebook.
Call acupuncture offices for prices and possible appointment.
Call mortuary in UT and pay for little brother's cremation.
DH and I are going to put together the 2 burner propane cooker--finally and hopefully. LOL
Make a few family phone calls.
Find a tote for winter clothes to clean out closet.
Took the snowplow off the mule.
Wife decided she's going to start riding her bicycle again.
Unhook wife's bike from the garage ceiling.
Air bike's flat tires.
Drove mule to Church. Fix a lag bolt that was striped out of the plastic children slide. Pickup road trash by the main entrance.
Drove home and put the mule away.
Checked wife's bike tires. Air pressure hasn't change, tubes must still be good!
Made up my mind what to do with my IRA to get a better return. Call Credit Union and told them, yes.
Listen to the HF radio and scanner while I dink on the Internet.
Took mom to her doctor's appointment, went to samsclub to get more water & my shoulders are not happy with me for the lifting. I also helped an old man who was having trouble unloading his groceries from his riding cart into his car. He and his wife each had a riding cart. He mentioned he was in pain so I offered to help him load up. My mother needed a riding cart but I decided to help unload both of them. Had to wait for mom to finish her shopping. Grabbed Burger King on the way home and unloaded stuff-- got my brother to help a little.
My right knee tried to go out on me and my body is achey all over.
Getting bloodwork taken tomorrow.

Hope things level out for you Zanne,and knee improves ,mine went out las month slowed down garden work,its better this week.Freinf passed andcap came off tooth so had it pulled.So far tooth is ok.And I have some good memories ofour times together.

Yesterday was not good ,one of my freinds since 1976 died of lung cancer yesterday,she was 78. We has some good times together.2 divorced mothers living together in Jax Fl.I was a bar tender and manager for strip club at the time.Most our custermers were from NAS in Jax. Some were on heavy drugs and I lost lots of coats and sweaters from helping those in rest room who ODed on drugs. No fun being den mother to strippers aka dancers. Nursery would drop off my 3 kids at the door at 6 pm.Money was good.Beat Waffle House.Always brought two pair of heels for comfort.
Kids daddy SOS came in and said" never thought my kids mother would work in a place like this:ghostly:how ironic! I answered ,where is my last 2 yrs of child support.

In 1978 we took Disco dance lessons at high school auditorium. She really was good at it [I was surpresed so good she could dance and how fast she picked up on it.

Her passing brought back some good and some bad memories. I loved her sense of humor, we both loved Lewis Grizzard books.And would laugh for hours reading his books.
Took the snowplow off the mule.
Wife decided she's going to start riding her bicycle again.
Unhook wife's bike from the garage ceiling.
Air bike's flat tires.
Drove mule to Church. Fix a lag bolt that was striped out of the plastic children slide. Pickup road trash by the main entrance.
Drove home and put the mule away.
Checked wife's bike tires. Air pressure hasn't change, tubes must still be good!
Made up my mind what to do with my IRA to get a better return. Call Credit Union and told them, yes.
Listen to the HF radio and scanner while I dink on the Internet.

We have man and womens bikes we need to sell,after my flip backwards on mine a few moths ago think its time to give it up.Very nice bikes, bothare pedal forward Townie's.

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