What's everybody doing today?

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Today took a half day off to do car stuff. Did the emissions inspection on the old truck... pain but done. Then changed out the locking mechanism on the car, had to crawl in from the back seat to open it, then took about 30 minutes in the rain... Wet but done, found a blown fuse in the process.

Spent over an hour watering plants, I now have blooms on my squash.. ;) We may have some snow and a hard frost this weekend but I think I can safely move them outdoors by the end of next week.

Wife and I were discussing quick meals, she suggested getting some hoagie buns and freezing them in small batches. I suggested making single serving packets of the meat and cheese for our favorite sandwich, then you just grab your frozen bun and the right meat pack, thaw heat/toast, add greens and spreads, assemble and eat.... sort of a do it at home Subway.... We are always trying to find ways to make our food storage work for us and quick meals for bad days is something we have found to be very useful.
Clean leaves out of the drainage ditch.
Work on the 3/4" = 1 foot model of my dream house.
Listen to the radios while I check the forums.
Fix my lunch.
Get the mail.
Purposely stay out of the cold damp outside air.

Is your model a paper study or are you actually building a 3-D model, if so what are your building materials? I would love to see that model.
Labs done,
Breakfast done....worst ever at Bob Evans. Yuck.

I'm in my normal spot ...parking lot while wife picks up some thank you , and birthday cards in Dollar Tree.

When there's time to pass...she knows how.😁
My next parking lot.

Then who knows where.
Still almost 2 hours before my VA appointment.

Jim :cry::fun fun:
Is your model a paper study or are you actually building a 3-D model, if so what are your building materials? I would love to see that model.
3-D model using 1/4" foam board. Exterior walls are two 2x4 studded with a 1" gap between. Last, first floor end wall glued and held in place by hi-tech weight boxes.

Labs done,
Breakfast done....worst ever at Bob Evans. Yuck.

I'm in my normal spot ...parking lot while wife picks up some thank you , and birthday cards in Dollar Tree.

When there's time to pass...she knows how.😁
My next parking lot.

Then who knows where.
Still almost 2 hours before my VA appointment.

Jim :cry::fun fun:

Yep. Been there, done that. Honey I just need to run in quick and get...a nap later, check emails, help the cart guy retrieve carts, direct traffic, another nap....
A steady rain overnight and through the day today is great for the garlic thinning I did yesterday but was not good for installing the back door of the remodeling project. No need to torture ourselves.

So returned to the duct work project.

I cut the hole between the two sides of the basement.

The air return duct I need to tie into can be seen on the right side of the picture below.


That gave the opportunity to put the mockup in the hole and get an idea how it would line up with the path through the wall to the second floor.



On the other side of the basement I positioned the curved duct where it will eventually live.


At that point I was finally able to get a good measurement of how much I will have to extend my prototype too reach the curved duct.

The next steps will require I figure out how the parts are going to join and the installation plan. I am working in an extremely cramped space so I have to figure out how to fasten the duct sections together. Ideally I would like to build up assembly on the floor and push the whole thing in from one side or the other.

Tomorrow the rain should clean so the door installation is planned.

I think I've got a cataract on my right eye making my vision really blurry. Reading and typing is about impossible at times because it makes both eyes tired and blurry. I guess I'll have to make an eye appointment and I don't have insurance,it sucks. Prayers are welcome.

Just went through it... left eye surgery Dec2018, right eye surgery Nov2020. 3 years of difficulty reading, driving (glare at night) and a 101 other situations where I had to make an extra effort to see.

Now I have 20/20 in both eyes at distance, best vision since I was a kid. But less than 3ft being crap. You'll need some "readers" for up close vision afterwards.

If you have any questions feel free to message me. If you are ex-military all of it should be free through the VA, both of my surgeries were free. I was only out the price of hotel rooms for a few nights.

But eye surgery is very advanced these days. They can do amazing things. My surgeries were at an amazing hospital. They are one of two, level 1 eye trauma centers in the US with an ER open 24/7. People fly in from other countries for eye surgery there, great doctors.
Lazy L,
If you will construct a 3D home of that stuff for me from a drawing I will gladly pay for the materials and $100 for your time.
I will warn you that it is a bit larger than the one you are working on but it is a single floor house with a hip roof. :)
I’m not in the position to commit to your project. I’d suspect shipping would be expensive and fragile.
Prepped some tree cutting to try and root them. Took 2 trailer loads of tree branches to the shred pile at the dump, then a trailer load of small branches and trash to the dump. Helping the kid try to trouble shoot his motorcycle, damn electronics making it very difficult. It starts and runs good for a few minutes then just dies. Wont restart, but let it sit over night and the next day it starts fine and runs until something warms up then quits again. Possibly the timing pick up module thingy (technical term). He is back to his computer to research more.
I walked around the yard and was pleased at the new growth and sprouting leaves on the trees and flowers, the abundance of water from the rain and snow the past few months has done very well soaking the manure and fertilizers into the wood chips and ground.
I need to clean and store the fish tank we emptied last week but that would involve getting out of this chair.
Well , it was a long day...after Home Depot ,then Lowes , I found out she's looking for strawberry plants.
None in yet.

Then onto the VA evaluation , which I failed with flying colors.
Which is good. Looks like I'll be getting a raise.

Then made it home.



Try tractor supply I've saw berry plants at 2 stores last couple days. They looked good to
Just went through it... left eye surgery Dec2018, right eye surgery Nov2020. 3 years of difficulty reading, driving (glare at night) and a 101 other situations where I had to make an extra effort to see.

Now I have 20/20 in both eyes at distance, best vision since I was a kid. But less than 3ft being crap. You'll need some "readers" for up close vision afterwards.

If you have any questions feel free to message me. If you are ex-military all of it should be free through the VA, both of my surgeries were free. I was only out the price of hotel rooms for a few nights.

But eye surgery is very advanced these days. They can do amazing things. My surgeries were at an amazing hospital. They are one of two, level 1 eye trauma centers in the US with an ER open 24/7. People fly in from other countries for eye surgery there, great doctors.
No I'm not ex-military,I tried to join when I was around 20 but for health reasons they denied me. I'm on disability. My Medicare don't cover vision I don't think,I know it don't dental. But since this is probably considered a medical issue instead of just normal vision problems they might cover it,I'm not sure. I'vev been using readers for a few years now so that's nothing new.
The Ear Doc called with the kids ct scan results. Like we already knew, her right sinus isn't "there". It never really developed but she's been having an on again off again ear pain for almost a year. The scan showed a blockage of what is there and massive infection so she's going to need surgery to fix it.
At least there is the hope she'll be better after a surgery, shame she has to go through it though... thoughts and prayers...

Is it soon? Is there a way to keep it open after surgery?

We haven't scheduled it yet. I have to go through the available dates to make sure there are no scheduling conflicts with other Dr appointments. The doc said they can unblock what is there but can't correct the part that never developed. If they can correct this its one less thing she has to struggle with. I'm just concerned about her blood pressure.
Terri, sorry to hear about the kid's infection. That must be painful and frustrating for her. I hope she can get the surgery and will feel better afterward.

Lazy L, I love your foam model! Where do you find foam board? Is it expensive? How do you figure out the scale ratio?

I've been playing around with 3D modeling in Sketchup. Trying to draw the vanity and mirror for the guest bathroom. Mirror turned out ok. Base of the vanity was OK but I'm struggling with the top. It's got all sorts of complicated curves-- something Sketchup doesn't do well even with plugins.

Metforming gave me the runs and I felt like garbage most of the day. Tried to sleep it off. Was supposed to go to the post office and then up to Lowes to pick up an order. Forgot the post office. Popped in to check on my friend. The drainage system we set up in his yard worked. That nasty rainstorm didn't flood his lawn.

Cooked for mom when I got home. My cat, Predicate, missed me while I was gone and followed me all over the house-- into the bathroom, the living room, and how he's happily sitting on me.
Terri, I am glad that you know what the problem is now. Good first step and I hope her BP will cooperate!

have you ever tried roasting them.
That is definitely the way to go with elephant garlic. Delicious! And healthy!

We made it through the storms easily but were without power for another 2 days. Had partial power yesterday for a while, then none. Came back on at 8 PM.
Before we even started calling yard guys, someone knocked on our door and asked if we needed someone. Will do it for the same price as the last fellow who just quit.
Went to Kroger for local sales.

Today, I've done video.
Going to walk dogs in a bit.
Sweep house.
Take eBay photos.
Rest and watch some TV.
The Ear Doc called with the kids ct scan results. Like we already knew, her right sinus isn't "there". It never really developed but she's been having an on again off again ear pain for almost a year. The scan showed a blockage of what is there and massive infection so she's going to need surgery to fix it.

Sorry about the kid Terri,,thats got to be hard on both of you. As usual we pray for all here nightly.
Terri, sorry to hear about the kid's infection. That must be painful and frustrating for her. I hope she can get the surgery and will feel better afterward.

Lazy L, I love your foam model! Where do you find foam board? Is it expensive? How do you figure out the scale ratio?

I've been playing around with 3D modeling in Sketchup. Trying to draw the vanity and mirror for the guest bathroom. Mirror turned out ok. Base of the vanity was OK but I'm struggling with the top. It's got all sorts of complicated curves-- something Sketchup doesn't do well even with plugins.

Metforming gave me the runs and I felt like garbage most of the day. Tried to sleep it off. Was supposed to go to the post office and then up to Lowes to pick up an order. Forgot the post office. Popped in to check on my friend. The drainage system we set up in his yard worked. That nasty rainstorm didn't flood his lawn.

Cooked for mom when I got home. My cat, Predicate, missed me while I was gone and followed me all over the house-- into the bathroom, the living room, and how he's happily sitting on me.

My friend went thru same thing, lowered does to let it aslowly build up and now she is fine. Hope you get adjusted soon Zanne.
I had a great time today!

My brother was distracted by real work so I got started working on removing a tree limb that suffers from bark inclusion.

It is the large mulberry tree in front of one of our rental places.


I point out the bark inclusion and the root that threatens the branch to the left. A heavy wind could take off the limb and threatens the front porch if it did come down.

I had to be careful because of the car parked in front of the house. I nibbled away at most of the branches using a pruning hook and saw. Working from the top of the house I managed to take most of the limbs off reducing the load greatly. Two more large limbs remain but I did not want to threaten the car. I will return another day with my brother when there is no car in the way. I will use a rope to pull the branch away from the house and use a chainsae to cut the branch.

After I had finished up that my brother showed up and he wanted trim back the other small tree to get it away from the house.

After cutting some wild grape vines we did some recreational digging to tame the stream at the bottom of the gully where the ram pump will be.


We diverted three streams to run in one channel. This wasn't just an excuse to play in the mud. We want to develop a path for the quad and lawn tractor get across this stream bed someday. Diverting all of the flow into a single channel will make that project easier. I suspect we well need a 24" culvert to handle storm runoff.

The funny part of this adventure was neither of us planned to play in the mud but we both had a shovel in our vehicles.


Tomorrow I be doing some duct cyphering and then entertaining the granddaughters for a sleep over.


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