What's everybody doing today?

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Yesterday afternoon, I got a call from my little brother's supervisor asking if I'd heard from him. He hadn't been at work for 2 days and wasn't answering phone. Police were sent for wellness check. He had passed away 2 days before. Dealing with a lot of people over the phone. I've not had to do this before. I have done some walking and been on the phone. If I'm not here so much, I'm ok but wanted to explain. I talked to my brother every other week and we texted, but he was 1,700 miles away. Hug your loved ones when you can!
So very sorry for your loss
We got 2.5" rain yesterday! Good deal.
First do video.
Going to get dry needling done on my trigger thumb this morning. Hope it works as the steroids did not.
Also local grocery sales
Thrift shop for soft side cooler for my trip.

Hope to clean front porch and carport today, but that might wait.
Walk dogs?
Well, poop,
sinuses started running like a water faucet yesterday.
Up all night , couldn't breathe.

Sinuses not running so bad today, but I feel like crap.
Not in my chest or head , no temp, but can hardly talk and throat is burning .

Just laying around.

Kinda lifeless.
I think it's allergies, Pollen is at a peak here.
I was outside all day Monday.

Hate feeling like this.

UrbanHunter, I hope your wife won't need the central line in for long. My dad got a bad infection after botched surgery & had to have the central line for awhile and then had to have one in his arm. I remember all the syringes and various fluids that had to be pushed in to the line. He hated it-- and one of the antibiotics started giving him really bad symptoms where he couldn't focus, said the wrong words, and couldn't remember things. It was quite a bit like when I was having the worst part of perimenopause. Feels like losing your mind.

Jim, I had the same problem with my sinuses. I had to take 2 of my otc allergy pills instead of one and now one nostril is stuffy/drippy. Sinus headache is not fun either.

The replacement toilet tank I ordered has arrived for pickup at HomeDepot but I'm not sure if I'm up to going today. I might just go to Walmart to get some medicine locally and go to HD tomorrow. I believe my brother has an appointment with the foot doctor tomorrow (same doctor my mother sees). I'll be driving him since I know exactly where the place is and he's never been there.

Felt too sick to get rested last night so I played around with Sketchup. I'm getting better with the tools, but I also downloaded Blender to try some of the more complex curvy shapes. I'll be watching tutorials later. Shoulder & arm still aren't cooperating enough to do repair work. My shoulder keeps making sounds like rice crispies & I had a charlie horse in my arm last night. Turns out I'd accidentally been taking my otc allergy meds instead of my multivitamins bc they have similar bottles, pills are the same shape and color... Good news on Sketchup is I've figured out how to make cabinets much easier now. I deleted the old ones I did that took a long time to draw, were all wonky bc I didn't get measurements exact, & I just wasn't happy with them. I used the push/pull tool and offset tool to make them much more quickly.

Still feeling cruddy but will try to nap a little longer to see if it helps.
And you will juggle so well that senior management will decide to let you continue to do the work of XX. When you ask for increase wages they will offer you a fancy sounding job title instead with a quickly forgotten promise of more money down the road.
More likely ill screw so bad they'll send me packing and ask how I ever got hired in the first place.
Well...February's meeting a policy was proposed that I believed was unConstitutional. Total of five Board members. One Board member agreed with me, that's 2 out of five. Third member was hesitate, fourth disagreed with me and the fifth wasn't present. Board Attorney said was up to the Board. No vote majority so the Policy was table. The next day I provided our Board Attorney proposed wording that replaced the illegal (IMHO) wording .

Two days before March's meeting the Board member that had disagreed with me gave us Their updated version. More restrictive than the original version (and more unConstitutional, again IMHO). Policy was adopted with a 4 to 1 majority with the unConstitutional wording replace with the wording I had proposed.

Could be my one and only "win" during my four year term...and it might not be. Time will tell.

Good for you LazyL. They say if you want real change,start local.
Well, poop,
sinuses started running like a water faucet yesterday.
Up all night , couldn't breathe.

Sinuses not running so bad today, but I feel like crap.
Not in my chest or head , no temp, but can hardly talk and throat is burning .

Just laying around.

Kinda lifeless.
I think it's allergies, Pollen is at a peak here.
I was outside all day Monday.

Hate feeling like this.


My goodness Jim hope you feel better soon.
Daughter is looking for brooder light and assembly for her peeps she is getting tomorrow.She also has all four of of the granskids this weekend. Zane is now 3 so told her to make sure he doesn't sqeeze the life out of the peeps,lol She is getting 7 Barred Rock hens.
Well, I thought it was made up, but today I saw it :(. Stopped at the market for a few beers. When I came out, the car next to me was being loaded by a couple. I had taken my face covering off when I cleared the door, but they were outside, both wearing 2 masks. The poor guy got an elbow in his side from the wife, no doubt to encourage him to make me safe and wear a mask. Good thing he was the smarter of the two, he went and sat in the car. He didn't take the masks off though.🐑
Well, poop,
sinuses started running like a water faucet yesterday.
Up all night , couldn't breathe.

Sinuses not running so bad today, but I feel like crap.
Not in my chest or head , no temp, but can hardly talk and throat is burning .

Just laying around.

Kinda lifeless.
I think it's allergies, Pollen is at a peak here.
I was outside all day Monday.

Hate feeling like this.

Try some extra zinc - can usually feel sinus relief within about 20-30 min. Not a cure, just a boost to your system.
More likely ill screw so bad they'll send me packing and ask how I ever got hired in the first place.
I suspect at a couple of those positions you will be covering you will realize the real work takes far less than expected, but the full time employee knows how to drag it out and make it look harder and more involved than necessary.
Do good, just don't over due it.
Well, poop,
sinuses started running like a water faucet yesterday.
Up all night , couldn't breathe.

Sinuses not running so bad today, but I feel like crap.
Not in my chest or head , no temp, but can hardly talk and throat is burning .

Just laying around.

Kinda lifeless.
I think it's allergies, Pollen is at a peak here.
I was outside all day Monday.

Hate feeling like this.


Allergies suck! I live on allergy meds...
Took the truck to the shop yesterday to get checked out. When I went through the fence the barbed wire wrapped around the drivers side tire. There's a pull to the left now so I'm thinking a bent tie rod. Told them to check out everything. Now I need to find a replacement door or 2. Not sure how bad that rear half door was damaged.
Allergies suck! I live on allergy meds...

Been on Loratadine and Singulair for almost 20 years.

Rarely have any problems, but I spent all day outside Monday, and realized later that everything is covered in yellow pollen. I'm sure I got an overdose of it.

My doctor friend put me on the steam breather every 3 hrs and Mucinex D every 12 hours. Tylenol helps .

Been on Loratadine and Singulair for almost 20 years.

Rarely have any problems, but I spent all day outside Monday, and realized later that everything is covered in yellow pollen. I'm sure I got an overdose of it.

My doctor friend put me on the steam breather every 3 hrs and Mucinex D every 12 hours. Tylenol helps .

I take those along with zyrtec and Sudafed when they get really bad. The best stuff ever was Histinex but it was discontinued years ago. It was awsome stuff. 1/2 a tsp knocked me out for about an hr but then I was good to go the rest of the day.
Yesterday afternoon, I got a call from my little brother's supervisor asking if I'd heard from him. He hadn't been at work for 2 days and wasn't answering phone. Police were sent for wellness check. He had passed away 2 days before. Dealing with a lot of people over the phone. I've not had to do this before. I have done some walking and been on the phone. If I'm not here so much, I'm ok but wanted to explain. I talked to my brother every other week and we texted, but he was 1,700 miles away. Hug your loved ones when you can!

Snap I must have tried to reply during the orange line thing and it didn't work,but I just noticed I didn't send our condlences to you and yours,It is hard to lose a brother I lost two already and sorry for your loss.
Looks like beach trip is on hold,I totally didn't think bout SPRING BREAK! I don't want to be anywhere near all that or exposed to the water in case they washed off the blood from the fun times of beating the heck out of each other and no telling what else. So maybe go to a deserted beach after the ocean cleans the shores for a week or so.
Is there anything they don't control and contaminate? So guess get the boat ready needs a carburator and we got one last year so need to get it running now that spring is here. America is not much different now than any other third world hellhole.
1 load of laundry washed, dried and put away.
Dishes are done.
Will have to set up medicine for the coming week.
Went VA for Post- Op Surgery appointment.
Hand,wrist arm doing well.
Blood pressure shot up then dropped.
I hit the floor.
No clue what happen.
Lady near me had some strong perfume on.
I will be seeing new Doctor in my future.
Diabetic Doctor.
24 hour blood fasting test said I was becoming Diabetes Mellitus
Pretty good size weight gain too.
Over 10 pounds in less than 9 months.
Will be seeing Dietitian for new eating plan.
Feeling bummed about the news of Diabetes.
Diabetes might be the reason for exhaustion all the time.
Got new supplies ordered for Sleep Apena machine.
VA appointments were long and drawn out.
Iron count dropped again too.
Lady Locust,
No bingo for right now got to get car new tags.
Maybe later.
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I suspect at a couple of those positions you will be covering you will realize the real work takes far less than expected, but the full time employee knows how to drag it out and make it look harder and more involved than necessary.
Do good, just don't over due it.
To some degree you are right. But safety is such a huge push, as it should be, everything takes longer. I'm sure I can keep up with some stuff, some stuff will just have to wait till more help is available. No way I'm gonna cover the work of 12. Stuff is spread out to even off site in several instances. What's on site is spread out too. I'm gonna focus on breakdowns and add in what I can after that. We have been able to reschedule some work into this month, that'll help some.
Today was busy again trying to get parts ordered, had to schedule the garage to move the tool boxes and work bench from our old calibration truck to the new one. They'll do that Tuesday. Hopefully only a one day thing. While my guys were cleaning out some stuff from it, one of my guys pulled a muscle. But when he came to the office he was sweating badly and seemed really anxious. I took him to medical to get checked out to rule out a heart issue. Thankfully just a muscle.
Got home from work, took the trailer and got another load of compost, got back home and finished loading the last 2 beds I biult. I've got enough left to top off the 3 new beds as they settle. I think I'm gonna wait until fall to built the rest I have planned. Too much going on right now and I don't want to tie up the space and not get it finished. I'm thinking I'll just purchase the rest of the lumber and metal I need and have it ready to go once the garden stuff dies back. All I'll like then will be getting more compost. I'm happy with what I've got done so far. Gonna rain tomorrow and over the weekend, so they should settle out good.
Picked up mail
Went to Walmart for medicines
Stopped by hardware store to talk to the owner about a barn. He really listened, drew diagrams, took pics of my pics on my phone, etc.
Went by friend's house with earth auger to see if we could find his sewer pipe- found out problem is on city's end but city refuses to fix it.
Battery had to charge more on auger but hopefully we'll be able to find it.
Cooked for mom, probably will cook again soon.
Tomorrow I'm taking my brother to the foot doctor & picking up the replacement toilet tank.

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