What's everybody doing today?

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Annealed brass for the next reloading session.
I installed a “transmitter” in the RV for hands free cell.
Visited mom. Health is declining rapidly.
Sister thinks roof is leaking. Didn’t see any evidence of any leak in the attic.
Store moms snow blower for the year and pickup fallen branches from her yard.
Mowed my lawn.
Called to schedule tomorrows inspection on the house construction, hoping for approval to start the drywall.
Carried another few dozen boxes and items of stuff out to storage to make room for the drywall install.
Checked on the small, wilted tomato starts i planted yesterday, they are perking up so I hope they make it. Bought them for the GF's birthday 3 weeks ago then the snow started again. Hoping that is past us for this year.
Drained the last of the old water out of the pool and started filling it again. Used the old water to deep soak the apple tree and grapes and an area of bushes and new cover crop seeds.
Had taco salad for dinner. About time for a shower and early to bed. More work on the agenda for tomorrow.
Not to alarm you guys and gals.
When they take blood out me they have to do it with Pediatric Butterfly needle.
I have teeny tiny veins.
And my veins like to roll.
That's why they take it when they can get it.
On a happier note, this time around I have no bruising, none what so ever.
Lab lady was really good, she got that vein on first jab.

As someone who got jabbed every 2 weeks when I was pregnant with Roo I bruised every time. I found that if I massaged the bruise with pressure it sped up the healing.
Trouble shooting my den computer. Why can't the wife send emails but I can? Recall the same problem before the last time the computer updated OS software. Just upgraded to 11.2.3...anyone remember how I fixed it last time? Screen capture settings before deleting her email account and then reinstall...or do an Internet search before really messing things up? Nah!

Calling for heavy rain this afternoon. Good time to make those special ammunition reloads the #1 son wants.
Corvette sold in 3 hours from time I posted ad.

I'm in mourning.

Now I gotta find another project.

But this guy stayed and talked for 3 hours. Wore me out. He was a disabled Viet Nam veteran.

I'm absolutely beat.


A vet, maybe that talk or vet or both saved his life? Glad you listened. Too many VN vets not doig good now a days.
Also congrats on the quick sale.
Yesterday, walked first and walked dogs.
Went to insurance appointment for dental and vision insurance.
Went to local grocery for sales.
Stopped at thrift stores--nothing of note.
Made more caramel apple cobblers to distribute Friday morning.
Cut up and added sugar to some strawberries I was given.

Today, walked first.
Made copies of insurance policy.
Cleaned bathrooms and washed rugs.
Swept house.
In a bit we will go to my Orthopedic appointment.
Stop at Walmart in bigger town for a couple of items.
Thrift store and get home!
Will probably do eBay photos later this afternoon.

Side note--Every time I use the weed eater, the position I have to hold my thumb in relaxes the trigger thumb--for about 10 minutes. I will let the doc know this afternoon. Not sure if it will help.
Yesterday, walked first and walked dogs.
Went to insurance appointment for dental and vision insurance.
Went to local grocery for sales.
Stopped at thrift stores--nothing of note.
Made more caramel apple cobblers to distribute Friday morning.
Cut up and added sugar to some strawberries I was given.

Today, walked first.
Made copies of insurance policy.
Cleaned bathrooms and washed rugs.
Swept house.
In a bit we will go to my Orthopedic appointment.
Stop at Walmart in bigger town for a couple of items.
Thrift store and get home!
Will probably do eBay photos later this afternoon.

Side note--Every time I use the weed eater, the position I have to hold my thumb in relaxes the trigger thumb--for about 10 minutes. I will let the doc know this afternoon. Not sure if it will help.

Hope you get good news from doctor Snap.
Had kidney stones acting up yesterday so didn't get anything done other than cooking dinner.

Today I went to get mail & popped in to see my friend.

Back home cooling off. Even though it's only 74 it feels a lot hotter.
I would take 74 anyday. We are at a windy 60. Went to the bigger town to Lowes for our new bathroom stuff...a shower rod, curtain, liner, hooks, garbage can, towel rod, bath mat, and a door hinge stop. Also found 10 good looking strawberry plants (they're here, Phideaux!), and a couple of mints. Went to lunch at the Amish place, and our mower had been delivered when we got back. Lots of laundry going on, and there's the greenhouse to water and dinner to be made.
Had kidney stones acting up yesterday so didn't get anything done other than cooking dinner.

Today I went to get mail & popped in to see my friend.

Back home cooling off. Even though it's only 74 it feels a lot hotter.

Not giving medical advice just saying what has worked for hubby now for over 20years. He got his first painful turned hin grey kidneystone back in 1993.Another one in 2001.His mother sent him a newspaper clip saying coffee helped prevent kidney stones,he drinks lots of coffee every since and hasn't had another lipotripsy very excrusiating treatment since or kidney sstone.
He drinkd about 5 cups a day ,2 or 3 instant during day and ground coffee in the am.
Be care if you have high BP though I hear it raises it.He doesn't have high BP so it doesn't affect him.
Sorry about the steroids, Snappy. Husband has been on them for 40 yrs, and they're no fun.
He had his three month general doc check up today. Asked the doc when he should get the shot. He has had covid in Dec, and had the antibody infusion. Doc said if you've had covid, then you don't need the shot till next fall/winter. You're immune.
Went to Aldi, and still have alot to put away. Just had lunch, so being lazy.
Taking the day to rest. Soooo, checking on trees and plants around the yard. Need to water the cover crop areas to keep the seeds moist. Considering potting the tree starts I have rooted in water. Waiting for a friend to walk through the house and make the game plan for how he wants to proceed with hanging the drywall. Collecting trash to take to the dump. Washed the dishes. A few dozen other things I haven't thought of yet. All the things I don't think about when I am not taking a break. So, yup, a day of rest.
Spring seems to have finally decided to stick around. We are still waiting on our winter/spring rains. But because the weather is getting warmer it is time to put away the thick blankets and get out the summer bedding. I have been working on putting all our winterizing away until next fall. Time to purge all the unused not needed weather gear and switch out the clothing in the bobs.

I came home from my folks' house with a hand stitched quilt top made in the 1930s. One of the ladies in my mom's BSF group gave it to her. She was cleaning out her sewing room and found the top. Someone in her family made it but it was never completed. She figured my mom might finish it since she quilts big time! My mom was afraid to do anything with it since it is hand sewn so she gave it to me thinking I might use it as a cutter.

I plan to iron it then get a back and batting for it and turn it into a wall hanging as is. It actually is the reverse of the quilt pattern I was planning to start soon and in REAL depression era fabrics while I was going to use the repros in my fabric stash! I was going to make a quilt-as-you-go quilt using the charming circles pattern with unbleached muslin as the primary fabric.

I filled another box with donations from my craft stash and the school room. Just some things I have too many of or no use for anymore. Now if I can get K to take it to Goodwill this weekend with the others...!
Went to furniture store today got wife a new recliner, she's happy.

Then had bluegill lunch...awesome.
Next door was County Co-op stopped just per chance they had strawberry plants.
OMG..they had 6 variaties, and tons of them..
Guess who bought 2 bundles of June bearing Tennessee Beauty. She's even happier now.
Made it home , swapped out the recliners, mowed , then set strawberries.

guess I'm ready for bed.

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Spring seems to have finally decided to stick around. We are still waiting on our winter/spring rains. But because the weather is getting warmer it is time to put away the thick blankets and get out the summer bedding. I have been working on putting all our winterizing away until next fall. Time to purge all the unused not needed weather gear and switch out the clothing in the bobs.

I came home from my folks' house with a hand stitched quilt top made in the 1930s. One of the ladies in my mom's BSF group gave it to her. She was cleaning out her sewing room and found the top. Someone in her family made it but it was never completed. She figured my mom might finish it since she quilts big time! My mom was afraid to do anything with it since it is hand sewn so she gave it to me thinking I might use it as a cutter.

I plan to iron it then get a back and batting for it and turn it into a wall hanging as is. It actually is the reverse of the quilt pattern I was planning to start soon and in REAL depression era fabrics while I was going to use the repros in my fabric stash! I was going to make a quilt-as-you-go quilt using the charming circles pattern with unbleached muslin as the primary fabric.

I filled another box with donations from my craft stash and the school room. Just some things I have too many of or no use for anymore. Now if I can get K to take it to Goodwill this weekend with the others...!
Picture please 😊
My strawberries are still on the porch. Maybe tomorrow. A neighbor came by and brought a quart sized bag full of giant marigold seeds. So I'll need to get those in the ground around the garden this weekend. The twins need to dispatch a bunch of roosters this weekend, and I do the second part of that.
Picture please 😊

Give me a chance to iron it and lay it out. I intend to measure it for the batting and backing so I might as well get some great pictures of a quilt older than my folks!

As for the one I want to work on... I have the bulk of the fabrics and the template. I just need to cut the batting squares and start working on it.
Finally had time to take the pup to the vet... That boy had a cow die 3+ weeks ago. When the pup came home dragging a leg bone I found out he didn't bury the cow, just dragged it to the back of the farm with a tractor and left it. Last weekend I noticed the pup was getting really skinny... figured it worms he picked up from that carcass.

Wednesday the pup stopped eating... I was worried he'd swallowed a piece of plastic. He's still a pup and likes to occasionally destroy something by chewing it up.

So it was off to the vet... His vet was closed for some unknown reason, the backup had stopped seeing large animals, she considers a german sheppard a large animal. I had to drive another 30 miles to another small town to find a vet.. grrrr

Turns out the worms were so bad he developed colitis. At least he didn't swallow a plastic flower pot. Still cost me $260 for the meds and an X-ray.

Tonight, got a nap after supper because bad weather was coming in... Yep, another all nighter, 2 inches of rain so far, lots of lighting but no tornadoes. I'll call dad about 5:30am so he can take over the vigil, even more storms on the way about daylight. The current storm covers 1/3 of the state.

Spring time in Alabama, never a dull moment.

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The view from my office the last couple of days.


Working in the crawl space on junction boxes over my head offers a good work out for shoulders and arms.

@Firepolice271 will have an alternate project next week so I will mixing up other projects into the schedule. A spring clearing of the garden is planned.

This afternoon @ThePrincess and I will take a walk to the orchard on The Ridge. She hasn't seen the blooms on the fruit trees that I want her to see.

Today is my Bday so Hubby took me to lunch at a good restaurant that we weren't sure would reopen after last year. Excellent food! Yesterday I dipped 2 batches of beeswax candles (24/batch) so am feeling my right shoulder blade this morning. They smell sooo good. Wrong time of year, but needed to make more - will just be fewer to make come fall.
Today is windy, rainy, haily - will wait 5 min. and let you know what's next.
Thanks, Meerkat. I can't drink coffee. Never really liked it to begin with. Can't have caffeine, decaf gives me a headache, & coffee in general gives me a stomach ache. I was told citrus would help so I need to get some lemonade or something. If I get water at a restaurant I always get it with lemon. Although there are not enough lemons in the world to salvage the water at the Mexican restaurant. Even before they bought the place, previous restaurants in that building had the same problem with the water tasting terrible. I think they have some sort of water softener that needs to be cleaned or something bc it makes the water taste awful.

Kidney stones again today. Took naproxyn & am waiting for it to kick in. Got some dishes done at least.
After @ThePrincess mowed the lawn we walked up to The Ridge so that she can see the blooms on the pear trees.




While enjoying the afternoon The Princess spotted an apple tree that was in bloom


That is a legacy apple tree left over from before we bought the place. None of the apple trees we planter were flowering but they are getting close.

Three of the young cheery trees were flowering.

We took a walk to the north end and on way back and planning where the chest and english walnuts will will be planted, The Princess spotted an old tree 50-60 foot tall that was flowering. After closer inspection it was actually 3 very old pear trees. We didn't even realize they were there.

If the cold holds off, it could be good year for fruit.


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