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Took my brother to a doctor's appointment & grabbed takeout food on the way home (good thing bc I won't be able to cook shepherd's pie for awhile).
Was checking e-mail when I smelled something burning. Checked the kitchen and the NuWave cooktop was on fire. One of the burners on the old stove had gotten bumped. I set the NuWave on it bc it's the most convenient spot & cats can't knock it off from there. Old useless stove is hardwired so we can't unplug it. It got turned to high & burned the buffer material I put underneath the NuWave & then was burning and melting the NuWave. I immediately turned the burner off & unplugged the NuWave. Looked for the fire extinguisher which I had just put somehwere I thought I could find the other day-- but couldn't find it--Wasn't in the same spot (either that or I just couldn't see well enough through all the smoke. Decided to take a risk to make sure fire got put out before it spread-- grabbed a bucket, got water in it & dumped it out. I know it's risky to mix electrical and water, but I didn't think I had time to search for the fire extinguisher. Watch it will be right where I put it but I couldn't see it.
Fire is out but we had to open a bunch of windows and turn on fans to air the house out.
I had messaged my friend about it so he called to check on us. Can't seem to find the same cooktop for sale for a decent price anymore so we may have to suck it up and get a new stove. Prices have come down a bit but they are still high. I have my eye on one with a built in air fryer & true convection. Will have to update breaker box with a new breaker (old one is 30amp, new will need 50). Will also need to get some 8/3 romex (or 8/2 with ground) & a power cord. I don't want a hard-wired stove anymore. My friend had to do the same update in his house so he knows how to do it & which plug to get.
We went to a ceremony to induct Jake into the National Honor Society with a gpa of 4.0. I'm so proud of him!

I'm working on building a ten foot high jack leg anti-personnel fence alone the property line. The ******* neighbors logged their land...which irritated me. They also said I could have as much wood from the slash piles as I wanted....so I'm using the wood to build a medieval/post apocalyptic barricade all along the edge of the property facing them.
I had to google jack leg fence.


That along with the medieval barricade is storybook! Please allow me and others to pay you the compliment of imitation. Although I don't think I am zoned for barricades.

In actuality I may have to revert to plan A and transplant multiflora rose and Japanese bar berry from the prime orchard and vineyards to the perimeter.

On a positive note didn't they clear a nice killing zone outside you future barricade and fire break?

One of my observations in life is...

If you don't own the view, it aint yours.

Took my brother to a doctor's appointment & grabbed takeout food on the way home (good thing bc I won't be able to cook shepherd's pie for awhile).
Was checking e-mail when I smelled something burning. Checked the kitchen and the NuWave cooktop was on fire. One of the burners on the old stove had gotten bumped. I set the NuWave on it bc it's the most convenient spot & cats can't knock it off from there. Old useless stove is hardwired so we can't unplug it. It got turned to high & burned the buffer material I put underneath the NuWave & then was burning and melting the NuWave. I immediately turned the burner off & unplugged the NuWave. Looked for the fire extinguisher which I had just put somehwere I thought I could find the other day-- but couldn't find it--Wasn't in the same spot (either that or I just couldn't see well enough through all the smoke. Decided to take a risk to make sure fire got put out before it spread-- grabbed a bucket, got water in it & dumped it out. I know it's risky to mix electrical and water, but I didn't think I had time to search for the fire extinguisher. Watch it will be right where I put it but I couldn't see it.
Fire is out but we had to open a bunch of windows and turn on fans to air the house out.
I had messaged my friend about it so he called to check on us. Can't seem to find the same cooktop for sale for a decent price anymore so we may have to suck it up and get a new stove. Prices have come down a bit but they are still high. I have my eye on one with a built in air fryer & true convection. Will have to update breaker box with a new breaker (old one is 30amp, new will need 50). Will also need to get some 8/3 romex (or 8/2 with ground) & a power cord. I don't want a hard-wired stove anymore. My friend had to do the same update in his house so he knows how to do it & which plug to get.
You are scary sometimes!

May I humbly request you start by mounting your fire extinguisher in a standard location?

In 60 plus years I have acquired a lot if stuff but also learned...

If you cant find it you don't got it.


You are rightfully proud if him.

But please stay involved with him. Young talent can benefit from a solid rock.


That's the most important thing in my life. I quickly found out that I was no help with his school work, I have very little formal education. I got to thinking I hire smart folks everyday in business and I can do the same in this situation. So I hired a lady with a phd in education to tutor him several hours a week and it has really paid off.
Got a blessing picked up today. Last week it was boxes of tattler lids and canning jars gifted. My nephew is remodeling house he is inheriting from my mother in law in nursing home. They want all electric! Husband moved propane tank today and we moved gas stove this afternoon! Win! They want glass top stove so I will have two stoves now. Propane tank is 40 percent. His mom asked if I wanted anything out of house and I said I collect cast iron and oil lamps. Got the 3 she had. Will hunt up the skillet another day. Brought home a wooden rocking chair, stained, probably from Cracker Barrel in great shape. On downside, feral young cat is having kittens in back yard. 3 right now have taken hours.
Got a blessing picked up today. Last week it was boxes of tattler lids and canning jars gifted. My nephew is remodeling house he is inheriting from my mother in law in nursing home. They want all electric! Husband moved propane tank today and we moved gas stove this afternoon! Win! They want glass top stove so I will have two stoves now. Propane tank is 40 percent. His mom asked if I wanted anything out of house and I said I collect cast iron and oil lamps. Got the 3 she had. Will hunt up the skillet another day. Brought home a wooden rocking chair, stained, probably from Cracker Barrel in great shape. On downside, feral young cat is having kittens in back yard. 3 right now have taken hours.
You win! I have never wanted a glass top stove. I don't understand why people do. Are they easier to clean?
The lady I clean for has one. I have to scrape it with a razor and industrial cleaner and only get half of it off. She is a widow and five years older than I am and a bad back. Uses air fryer a lot. I just keep plugging on it. Nephew and is wife are young with two children. Want a bigger stove than usual too.
Congards, Jake.

"In actuality I may have to revert to plan A and transplant multiflora rose and Japanese bar berry from the prime orchard and vineyards to the perimeter. "
NEB, I love this ideal, Rose bush will give you protection from foot soldier & rose hips/ rose oil. Bar Berry can do the same, I understand the berries are high in vitamin C .
I had one and it was a huge pain to keep clean.
Despise them! Once I bought one when I moved into a newly finished apartment without a stove or fridge. The 2nd day I burned myself on an eye I didn't realize was on. The relationship went downhill from there. When I moved I sold it to my neighbor/apartment owner and left it there, good riddance. I'll never buy another one... Gas stoves for me!
We have an old glass top 5 burner stove and it has done well by us, I have to clean it because the wife just doesn't have the strength to scrub it properly (same with pots) anymore. We have used our's for canning but I think I had to hunt around to find a pressure canner with a truly flat bottom. Ceramics are brittle, they don't like point loads, impacts, and they also do not like thermal shocks. Sometimes I try to tell the wife and kids that, but I would have better luck talking to the stove.

For Full Disclosure, we only have small (<16 qt) pressure canners, larger canners might represent a problem for us.
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Catching up.

Survived the girls and only had to seperate them once. The eldest got a little impatient while dying eggs while I supervised the process. She wanted to follow the instructions heself saying "I'm friggin 12!". Any time I had to remind her to do something right I aded "after all you are friggin 12". She will not live that down until she is "friggin 13".

After their departure I thinned out some garlic that didn't get harvested last year. I was surprised that there were 55 in the end. Then I sat back and enjoyed more Atlas Shrugged audio book.

For you Ayn Rand fans.

Fast forward to;

4:54:32 Francisco arrives at Jim Taggert wedding
5:12:00 The money is not the root of all evil speach

For those wondering what is happening to the US keep listening. Ayn Rand called it.

Today we got the backdoor installed.

View attachment 61682

View attachment 61685

View attachment 61686

Tomorrow it gets a step.



Had to hunt back to find this~ have heard both of those parts now. Will continue in book thread.
Ben, it turned out it was where I left it but I just couldn't see it through the smoke, and something had fallen on top of it making it even more obscure. It's a gray fire extinguisher. I'm going to see what I need to install a smoke alarm (I see the remnants of one on the ceiling) and I'm going to wrap that mofo in brightly colored tape so I can see it. It had been mounted on the wall but it fell off.

While I'm waiting for my shoulder to recover enough to work on my bathroom floor, I am researching how to make my own upholstered platform bed. I want the sides & foot to be cushioned to protect my shins/legs & will get rid of my broken boxspring & the crappy support frame but I'm keeping my headboard.

I'm waiting for my brother to wake up so we can go to the pharmacy & get him a new glucose monitor. I think my friend's gf may have taken his old one when we were staying there after the hurricane (even though she's not diabetic & has no reason to use one).
Ben, it turned out it was where I left it but I just couldn't see it through the smoke, and something had fallen on top of it making it even more obscure. It's a gray fire extinguisher. I'm going to see what I need to install a smoke alarm (I see the remnants of one on the ceiling) and I'm going to wrap that mofo in brightly colored tape so I can see it. It had been mounted on the wall but it fell off.

While I'm waiting for my shoulder to recover enough to work on my bathroom floor, I am researching how to make my own upholstered platform bed. I want the sides & foot to be cushioned to protect my shins/legs & will get rid of my broken boxspring & the crappy support frame but I'm keeping my headboard.

I'm waiting for my brother to wake up so we can go to the pharmacy & get him a new glucose monitor. I think my friend's gf may have taken his old one when we were staying there after the hurricane (even though she's not diabetic & has no reason to use one).
I wonder if your house resembles mine sometimes. When a room gets emptied to paint, replace window coverings, shampoo carpets, wash windows, etc., then the rest of the house becomes a mess, stacked with furniture and furnishings from room one. Have someone who wants to help move onto the next room before the first one is done and you can hardly move. Then the designer told me to move this over there, and that out, blah, blah. I have never really recovered, even if I do something almost every day to get it back. I am filling my trash bin almost every week with stuff to go and hauling stuff to donate to the thrift stores.
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Sounds like our mess. Finally the add on is pretty much done, and I'm still having piles to go through before messing up the new area. Not to mention the big building outside the house that has a ton of boxes in it to go through. Oh well, a little here and there. There's a garden to plant first. And chickens to take care of. And baby turkeys come in next week. Maybe.
I drove 64 miles to buy boards for a trailer deck.
The wood is silver fir and it's straight-grained and knot-free. It is actually 2" by 6" not 1.5 by 5.5. He charges $1.50 a board foot unless you want something thicker than 8" or some of his hard-to-find wood like 20" white pine boards.
I will be going back for more.
Some very nice wood for a trailer deck. I also bought enough wood to build a new picnic table. Total cost was $320. The guy even gave us some planks of different types of wood so we can try them on the CNC router.
I understand you cannot use a pressure canner on glass topped stoves.

We have canned literally 1000s of quarts on a glass top pressure and hot bath. The only trouble we have ever had is when the wife left me in charge of stirring the jelly and and i got distracted from my duties allowing the jelly to boil over. We refer to that as the Great Jelly Incident of 2016 which ruined the top. On a side note I haven't had to stir jelly since then.

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