What's everybody doing today?

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Just tried something new - Black Rifle Coffee Company. I've heard so much about how good this stuff is, so I got their "Just Black" medium roast, and...I'll stick with Folger's, thank you very much. Not impressed at all...
Never tried that one, but years ago I tried a mail order coffee, I use Kroger brand for many years now, the taste works & the price is good.
Never tried that one, but years ago I tried a mail order coffee, I use Kroger brand for many years now, the taste works & the price is good.
Black Rifle Coffee is a weird company. So, it's owned and operated by veterans and supports veteran causes and LE charities. But, the owner/operators are also millenials so they have some weird sensibilities and are very irreverent toward anything traditional. They have a youtube channel where they put out humorous videos like, "What if veterans were in horror movies?" or "Things you'll never hear veterans say". If you can put up with large amounts of military style off color humor and language, they're hilarious.

Even the coffee has weird names, like Gunship, AK-47 Roast, Caffeine and Hate, Caffeinated as F***, and Blackbeard's Delight. It was worth a try, and maybe I'll give the "Silencer Smooth" blend a shot some other time, but "Just Black" wasn't that good...
I had planned to do more electric work today and then I heard a siren and then another. To close so I had to step outside to see what was brewing. Smoke from down the street. I walked down to check it out and be able to report to @Firepolice271 since I suspected it would only be a matter of time before he showed up.

Two officers had deployed their fire extinguishers but only managed to put out the grass surrounding a lawn tractor that was engulfed in flames. One officer and and another guy had managed to pull the tractor away from the house. There was a little smoke damage to the back of the house but if they hadn't moved the tractor the house would have burned.

Everyone stood back and watched the flames until the fire truck arrived and soon thereafter my brother. By the time every was cleaned up and put away and the guided tours of the remodel project the day was a wash.

Tomorrow will be another day of gardening since the Jeep is in the shop to fix an issue with a low tire indicator.

Nuff now

DH and I went to Walmart this morning to look at TVs. The only ones they had were 70" TVs. No thanks. All the rest are out of stock. So tomorrow, we will head down into Louisiana and see if we find anything there.
I did a video a few minutes ago and still need to walk dogs in a few minutes.

This afternoon will make s/f pudding for us and cut up cheese treats for dogs.
I hesitate to call it "canned" I baked them in half pints in a 9x9 pan in the oven at 325 degrees for about 50 minutes. I have heard they will last anywhere from 2 months to 2 years. Also read that they are unsafe. I did heat lids in water and dried them. Put lids on when they came out of oven. I did grease the inside of jars and they have to have straight sides to get the brownie out. Pretty much an experiment at this point. And fill jars a little less than half full. I used a mix this time. I think I will try cornbread next.

I canned cake when Roo was 2. K would sneak a jar every so often. I think we had one left after a year and he said it tasted fine.

I was canning all kinds of foods from bacon to hot dogs.
I’ve been working my tale off the past few weeks. It’s what I like to do with my time. I even find extra curricular work after work some days just to do something productive.

Yesterday I got an outstanding yearly review so I’ve been smiling for some time. It’s nice to know my extra efforts are not overlooked.

I‘ll work from 6:30am to 11:00pm, which is a typical work day. No extra curricular work today.
Just tried something new - Black Rifle Coffee Company. I've heard so much about how good this stuff is, so I got their "Just Black" medium roast, and...I'll stick with Folger's, thank you very much. Not impressed at all...
Wasn't it you who liked the Dunkin Donuts brand? I only thought of it because they made my dad switch to decaf and he said DD was the only decaf that sorta tastes like coffee.
I’ve been working my tale off the past few weeks. It’s what I like to do with my time. I even find extra curricular work after work some days just to do something productive.

Yesterday I got an outstanding yearly review so I’ve been smiling for some time. It’s nice to know my extra efforts are not overlooked.

I‘ll work from 6:30am to 11:00pm, which is a typical work day. No extra curricular work today.
Hey 2B why the long face 😂 (kidding) fun new pix. I guess if you're working that hard, you stay out of trouble.
I had planned to do more electric work today and then I heard a siren and then another. To close so I had to step outside to see what was brewing. Smoke from down the street. I walked down to check it out and be able to report to @Firepolice271 since I suspected it would only be a matter of time before he showed up.

Two officers had deployed their fire extinguishers but only managed to put out the grass surrounding a lawn tractor that was engulfed in flames. One officer and and another guy had managed to pull the tractor away from the house. There was a little smoke damage to the back of the house but if they hadn't moved the tractor the house would have burned.

Everyone stood back and watched the flames until the fire truck arrived and soon thereafter my brother. By the time every was cleaned up and put away and the guided tours of the remodel project the day was a wash.

Tomorrow will be another day of gardening since the Jeep is in the shop to fix an issue with a low tire indicator.

Nuff now

I've BBQed quite a few things but never a lawnmower.
I'm back.
Been dealing with my dad.
He's fine just ornery, lonely.
In two weeks he won't be lonely got company coming in from Texas.
Been trying to get a semi family reunion together with the grand kids and the great grand kids.
There' a couple he hasn't even seen yet.
Because of the virus crap.
Finally been cleared to get goofy giddy vaccine.
Now 30 days out from surgery.
Appointment has been set up.
Working on getting raised beds,placed, filled with new soil.
This weekend is the start Garage Sale season.
City wide sales start in several towns around me.
Waiting on a special package to come in for Estelle's birthday in June.
Neb, Lady Locust, you two will get a hoot out of this.
Got her a child's size version of a knitting machine.
Mainly so she will leave mine alone.
She slightly frustrating at the moment.
Partly my fault.
Just heard a crash, felt the floor and wall shake in living room.
Closet pole in my only closet in my room, fell.
So that will have to be repaired.
Still waiting on stove to be repaired.
Walking,weather has been nice so Strawberry and I have been outside quite a bit.
That's awesome! Knots and such (like knitting) and seeing how things work and weave is actually good for the math part of her little brain. 😊
At work we have a storage area we were unaware of. In late March we were told we had to move our stuff out, but was in deep into getting ready for the possible strike. So soon as that was settled we were told to be out by end of the month. Turns out the stuff in there was brought in when another facility shut down and has the potential for beryllium contamination. The area its stored in definately has both beryllium and lead contamination. I had a crew set to start working on it this weekend, but after going thru it with our health and safety lady she went the the site maps and found the levels were high enough to require respirator or PAPR use and full dress out. Disposal will be costly and we need to keep some of the stuff to keep a really old system running. Work has been pushed back to next weekend so I and others have time to get everything in place so the work can be done safely. But this afternoon boss came in and ask about just throwing away everything, which would make sense except that the parts are no longer made. If we toss it, we will have to replace the entire system. I'll end up having to find and get quotes for a new system I have no idea about.
Got home and got my fishing gear all lined up, lures tied on and loaded in the truck. I'm heading to my parents in the morning and dad and I are heading to Douglas lake to do some crappie fishing. He and I are both so excited to get out.
At work we have a storage area we were unaware of. In late March we were told we had to move our stuff out, but was in deep into getting ready for the possible strike. So soon as that was settled we were told to be out by end of the month. Turns out the stuff in there was brought in when another facility shut down and has the potential for beryllium contamination. The area its stored in definately has both beryllium and lead contamination. I had a crew set to start working on it this weekend, but after going thru it with our health and safety lady she went the the site maps and found the levels were high enough to require respirator or PAPR use and full dress out. Disposal will be costly and we need to keep some of the stuff to keep a really old system running. Work has been pushed back to next weekend so I and others have time to get everything in place so the work can be done safely. But this afternoon boss came in and ask about just throwing away everything, which would make sense except that the parts are no longer made. If we toss it, we will have to replace the entire system. I'll end up having to find and get quotes for a new system I have no idea about.
Got home and got my fishing gear all lined up, lures tied on and loaded in the truck. I'm heading to my parents in the morning and dad and I are heading to Douglas lake to do some crappie fishing. He and I are both so excited to get out.
I would not let her into my shop!

Say no more,say no more.

Been busy around here lately. Started the drywall install in the house I am building. Sooo, I finally had to install the interior doors, which was pretty easy once I got everything I needed in one spot. Bought some flowers, tomato and bell pepper and strawberry plants and scattered them around the property. Went to the chiropractor to straighten out my hip, and used the punch-you-like-a-jackhammer massager to relax the muscles that have been jacked since I mistepped in the yard last week. (How can a simple wrong step jack my body up so bad?)
Yesterday, the best thing we did, bought Brain Awake Red (supplement by Irwin Naturals) to try and help my GF's daughters undiagnosed ADD/ADHD. Had her take it when we got home while she was doing her home school studies. She had about 2 more hours of work and said she noticed the difference pretty quick. She took it again this morning and had another great day. It says it helps calm and nourish the central nervous system and promotes focus and mental clarity, while improving information retention and increasing feelings of energy. I figured, what the heck and took some this morning. I was working nonstop on the doors and drywall and several times I actually walked into another room to get something, got distracted, and then immediately remembered what I needed. I didn't think of it at the time but just remembered that I actually remembered. :cool: dancing chicken
I did nothing today but a late afternoon trip to town for a few groceries. I was to stove up! Getting old sux! When young I might be sore the next day after running a chainsaw. Now it waits 2, maybe 3 days for the soreness to set in! In 3 days I might forget what I did to feel this way, grrrr! A friend once called it the over 60 surprise... Wake up crippled with no idea why!
I did nothing today but a late afternoon trip to town for a few groceries. I was to stove up! Getting old sux! When young I might be sore the next day after running a chainsaw. Now it waits 2, maybe 3 days for the soreness to set in! In 3 days I might forget what I did to feel this way, grrrr!
LOL. See my post above yours and maybe that stuff will help you remember. Well, it wont help a few days ago, but it will help you remember the next time you overdue it. :ghostly:
LOL. See my post above yours and maybe that stuff will help you remember. Well, it wont help a few days ago, but it will help you remember the next time you overdue it. :ghostly:

I take Lion's Mane tincture... works good but I don't take it everyday (CFS). I save it for when I have to function at a high level. It's also used by folks with various forms of dementia and AD/HD. Lion's Mane is a mushroom that grows on trees (Hericium erinaceus), a common treatment in Chinese medicine. Any good herbal medicine shop will have it in various forms. I make almost all the medications I take. This one I get from a friend. Lion's Mane is common where he lives, rare where I live.
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Will do a video (rain again) in a bit.
Getting ready to head to the kitchen to make Loaded Baked Potato Soup to PC. The potatoes and cheese were gifted so I want to use them up.
Next will be the small chores I didn't do yesterday-- cut cheese and make pudding.
A little later, we will head to Best Buy in Louisiana to see if we can find a TV for DH.
Went to the big plant nursery and bought a bunch of flowers, some more berry bushes, mints, rhubarb, red cabbage, and horse radish. Then to the bulk store and loaded up on local flour, bulk candies, and their used buckets with lids. One smells like oregano, but I'll deal with it. Lunch at the Amish restaurant, and now relaxing with old man cat on my lap till it's time to get the little granddaughter from school. Older granddaughter will need a ride to work this evening. Tomorrow will be busy with the prom getting ready goings on. We were at the kids band concert last night and granddaughter almost died of embarrassment when the young man's parents came to meet us. Ha Ha.
The bulk or any other store in Canada cannot sell used buckets since a year ago. They also cannot sell 50 lb bags of beans ect.. I haven't seen nutmeg or cream of tarter in grocery stores, either. I could do a good rant about that.

After my move, I couldn't find my stash of nutmeg so I tried to buy a bulk box but I needed special permission from head office and it would take a few weeks. I just started filling up plastic bags from the bin and they didn't have a problem with that. A month later I was approved for a five lb box of nutmeg so I was swimming in the stuff. Yesterday, while unpacking a garage tool box, I found my old stash of nut mego_O

When SHTF i am going to open a nutmeg store.

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