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@Grimm I did not forget you. I’m just slow. This is my single burner (propane). It’s a Brinkman brand. The legs fold in and the propane tank of course comes off so it’s maybe a foot long, about 9” wide and 3-4” deep. It has saved my mornings with its ability to make coffee many o’ time.
@Grimm I did not forget you. I’m just slow. This is my single burner (propane). It’s a Brinkman brand. The legs fold in and the propane tank of course comes off so it’s maybe a foot long, about 9” wide and 3-4” deep. It has saved my mornings with its ability to make coffee many o’ time.
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Sea story time!

@Firepolice271 borrowed mine for a camping trip he had planned. He immediately wanted test it out so he proceeded to boil water in a pot. After the water boiled he plucked off some branches of a nearby hedge.... Just then @ThePrincess arrived to meet my family for the first time.

To this day she tells the story that when she met him he was cooking hedges.

Great day on the lake, didn't catch a thing. It was 35 this morning, so I hung out with the parents for a little while before leaving for the lake. Got up to 63 by 4 pm. We had a great day, just being out farting around. Been almost a year since we got to go last time. Didn't catch a thing, bass tournement going on and they weren't either. Oh well, we still had a blast.
Got back to their house and dad told me he had got a battery power chain saw and was gonna sell his three old ones. I got them for $200, one is a Older Husky 41, one a nearly new Poulan, and another Husky that needs tubing for the chain oiler to stop a leak. I'll fix the one and keep either it or the 41 and sell the other 2. Bet I'll make money on them and get a 3rd saw for myself. It'll go with my Older Husky 51 and a 2 yo Sthil 170
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I worked in the summer kitchen today. Since we got everything from up the mountain, there is more "stuff" to go through. Also, after winter it needed a good cleaning. There was lots of "evidence de meeces" shall we say for those who are genteel. For those who aren't so much :barf:. Have I ever mentioned how much I don't like mice amongst my things especially anything to do with kitchen? Working on going through stuff & getting rid of more all the time. My words to myself are "let it go." A lot of it is just actually putting my eyes and hands on it and figuring out what to do with it. I'm also trying to focus on what can be used for more than one purpose and what things I haven't used in a looong time. I'm to the point, I'm pretty good at being realistic and if it's emotional, acknowledge it and can move on.
I also got my red spuds in the ground, lawn watered and a few loads of laundry.
I worked in the summer kitchen today. Since we got everything from up the mountain, there is more "stuff" to go through. Also, after winter it needed a good cleaning. There was lots of "evidence de meeces" shall we say for those who are genteel. For those who aren't so much :barf:. Have I ever mentioned how much I don't like mice amongst my things especially anything to do with kitchen? Working on going through stuff & getting rid of more all the time. My words to myself are "let it go." A lot of it is just actually putting my eyes and hands on it and figuring out what to do with it. I'm also trying to focus on what can be used for more than one purpose and what things I haven't used in a looong time. I'm to the point, I'm pretty good at being realistic and if it's emotional, acknowledge it and can move on.
I also got my red spuds in the ground, lawn watered and a few loads of laundry.
A sumner kitchen is something @ThePrincess has longed for.

Finally got the old engine off dad's lawn mower. That last bolt was extremely difficult to remove. I even had to disassemble part of the steering linkage to get a wrench on the bolt. After that it went smoothly. Dad wants to putter around cleaning the rest of the frame tomorrow. Maybe late tomorrow I'll start reassembly.

Found a tick on myself this evening, first one of the year... I hate ticks, nasty little disease carrying vermin. I started dosing myself with Usnea tincture immediately.

mower motot off sm.JPG
@LadyLocust yep that was me. I'm always up for trying new coffee though. Sometimes...it ain't that great.

We get BRCC. The Coffee Saves roast. I plan to cancel our subscription soon. Their customer service sucks and they are not a pro free speech company. Surprising for a veteran owned company. They yanked their sponsorship of a conservative podcast when the host posted a picture of Kyle Rittenhouse on their Instagram and Kyle was wearing a BRCC t-shirt in the photo.

We have had issues with 3 orders out of 6. They do fix the issue but they will ignore there is a problem until you yell and scream at them. Plus $14.99 for 12oz is a lot. Back to Costco coffee for us.
We get BRCC. The Coffee Saves roast. I plan to cancel our subscription soon. Their customer service sucks and they are not a pro free speech company. Surprising for a veteran owned company. They yanked their sponsorship of a conservative podcast when the host posted a picture of Kyle Rittenhouse on their Instagram and Kyle was wearing a BRCC t-shirt in the photo.

We have had issues with 3 orders out of 6. They do fix the issue but they will ignore there is a problem until you yell and scream at them. Plus $14.99 for 12oz is a lot. Back to Costco coffee for us.
I bought my bag at Bass Pro Shops. 12.99 for 12 oz. I can get Dunkin Donuts coffee at Walmart for about half that...
I bought my bag at Bass Pro Shops. 12.99 for 12 oz. I can get Dunkin Donuts coffee at Walmart for about half that...

We were introduced to BRCC by getting a bag at Bass Pro too. We decided to buy direct when we found out they are a veteran owned company. Now we are taking a step back and cancelling. I might use the gift card I have for one last order but for the most part the coffee is okay but still not worth the money.

We get a decent whole bean medium roast from Costco for $9.99 for 3 lbs.
Today being Saturday, I slept in till 5, then hit HD, picked up some plastic liner for my raised beds, some heavy screws, and the last of the pressure-treated 2X10s they had in stock, home by 06:45. I have now made 2 complete kits and I hope to assemble them before the weekend is over. I would prefer to use 2X12s but they cost double what the 2X10s cost and 20" deep is enough for my needs. I use the pressure treated to keep the bugs out of them (I find they will last for a decade), but I have to line them with plastic to keep the bad stuff away from my plants, I use 2+ layers of 6mil black plastic, if it is not exposed to sun light it will be good for the life of the bed.
We get the Sam's whole bean, and sometimes the Starbucks whole bean at Sams. Daily day to day coffee is Folgers, though.

I have to admit we are a bit of coffee snobs. We don't buy the top coffee but we buy what tastes good. Back when K put tons of sugar in his coffee we bought the cheap stuff. It was just a vehicle for the sugar and cream so why should it taste good?!

Plus my dad is a coffee snob big time. He tests a coffee with multiple brewing methods before committing to a coffee. When ever we visit he uses us as lab rats to his newest roast or brand. It does make gift shopping easy. I just buy coffee paraphernalia. I think this year I will make him some reusable filters for his pour over.
Walked first this morning.
Went to Walmart to check about installation for new TV. Yay!
Went to Walgreens to see about printing little brother's last photo that he had texted to me before passing.
Went to local grocery stores for sales
Stopped at one thrift store
Visited with a friend for a little while.
That's about it for the day, I hope!
Brought home a boat I guess I inherited from my old neighbor that passed away last summer. His grandson chose not to transport it from Utah to California, because it doesn't have an outboard motor. It does have the Mercury Power Thruster 12 volt trolling motor mounted on the bow.
Anyone know where I can get an owner manual or information on use and care for this motor?
Looking forward to trolling and fishing around the small reservoirs nearby. I can relax at 1 mph.


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Went to Amish country today , to check at the sawmill for drops off crossties , for firewood.
Yep, they got plenty,
Now if I can get the grandsons to load it for me.
Truck load for $20.

Having lunch at Candy's Kitchen.

Then going to Yoder's General store , to let wife look at quilting stuff.

Then ride thru country.

Now you went and it!

After the girls departed it was my job to fold the futon lower part of the bunk bed back into the couch mode. It has always been hard to do even with help from The Princess. There is a heavy matress on it that makes it harder. Last time I did it I used a ratchet strap to assist with folding it up.

So attempted repeat the challenge but this time I could not get the back to fold up. Push harder crank on the strap tighter still a no-go. Looked close at the folding mechanism and discovered I had bent a linkage on both sides. Bummer.

After removing the mattress I used a tire iron and vise grips the straighten out the bent linkages. The frame works fine now and I will restore the mattress later today.

Discovered a shipment of the air layering gizmos I had ordered. I rewatched the video I had seen on them am so excited I ordered 3 more sets.

After fixing the futon I earned the right to sit around and watch Skilcult grafting videos and machining videos on YouTube.

Behave and dont break anything!

It does have the Mercury Power Thruster 12 volt trolling motor mounted on the bow. Anyone know where I can get an owner manual or information on use and care for this motor?
Looking forward to trolling and fishing around the small reservoirs nearby. I can relax at 1 mph.

A trolling motor is great for relaxing with a small boat or canoe. I had a canoe I used in the small rivers and streams around Buffalo NY (just had to be careful not to get swept out into the Niagara river above the falls).

I carved out a transom from wood. I replaced the eye bolt on the canoe end with something longer then bolted on the transom. I mounted the trolling motor there. I had a little stadium seat I clipped to the canoe bench seat. With the trolling motor dead center rear, I discovered it drove just like a motorcycle. All I had to do was lean to one side or the other with a foot up on each side of the canoe. I almost never had to use a paddle to steer, just lean back and cruise. That made for some very relaxing afternoons on the water, wonderful. Joggers, bicyclist beside one small river used to yell at me... things like "Not fair" or "That's just lazy!" I'd just smile and wave! Miss that canoe, had to sell it when I moved.
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I discovered that in our last move one of my oil lamp fonts got a crack in it. I took the lamp apart and filled the font with water and let it sit all day. No leaking from the crack. I put it back together for now. I'll use it as a last resort. I did find a few newer ones online. I bought a painted blue one for my room. It blends in with my cobalt glass collection on my dresser. I also ordered 2 more from Lehman's. So I asked K to get a jug of oil when he ran to the hardware store. I have 3 but more won't hurt. I want a jug per lamp.

We did run to home depot this morning before most folks were awake. Got some more veggie starts and some coaxial cable to fix our internet again. K wanted to give it a try this time so we were without internet for less than 12 hours. Good thing he was eager to try and repair the cable. He ended up using some pipe to cover the cable and bury it a foot under the soil. Hopefully the dog stays away.

Made a batch of cornbread dry mix. We used the last of the Jiffy cornbread mix and I decided to start making my own to save money. Cornmeal is rather cheap compared to prepared mixes. Muffin mix is next!
The boy and I spent the afternoon up Emory Creek mushroom hunting my phone says we walked 6.4 miles my body feels like we walked 20. We found a nice mess of morels and a bucket full of beefsteak mushrooms. I don’t eat beefsteaks but I have a friend that wanted them if we found any. It was a cold 48 degrees but we had a damn fine time just the boy and me!


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