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Just wanted to add, nice to see the next generation carrying on with the 2nd amendment. Be careful though with online details. Not complaining just know how things get twisted. Anyway, looks like a great day!

I always figure they can come see us my great grandpa both my grandpas my dad and my brother all fought in wars for the freedoms we have in this country. We will apply those freedoms until they forcibly remove them from us. All I can say they better pack their dinner if they come up on the ridge.
Trying to catch up a bit. Thursday I woke up & everything appeared to be spinning. Got dizzy & nauseous every time I bent down or tipped my head. Back, side, front. Then I was getting random waves of dizziness while staying still. Next day it wasn't as bad. No nausea but I had the dizziness. Now it's gone but I still feel off. Been taking it easy & trying not to bend down too far bc I nearly passed out a couple of times. Only dizziness I got was bending down too far. I was able to bend far enough to reach my cat when he asked to be picked up (he meows & stands on his hind legs with front legs stretched up when he wants to be picked up). He likes to be put up on my shoulder. When I sleep he lies over my arm/shoulder-- which is where he is right now. Earlier he was pressed against my face purring in my ear. The kitties make me feel better. I think some of my malaise is from the weather. Barometric pressure changes affect my sinuses. Thunderstorms the past few days.
I always figure they can come see us my great grandpa both my grandpas my dad and my brother all fought in wars for the freedoms we have in this country. We will apply those freedoms until they forcibly remove them from us. All I can say they better pack their dinner if they come up on the ridge.

Good to know. My family has served America as well. I suppose that is why I get offended when people are destroying this country.
Our sheriff says he cannot enforce any new gun laws. He took an oath to uphold the Constitution.

Rusty, some believe this and some don't. EVERY single public servant, from what I remember and understand, swears an OATH to uphold the Constitution of the United States. At present, it is my belief that many are trampling upon or simply ignoring that fact. Might just be my viewpoint.
The motor used self-threading bolts, new ones not included. Its nice having a tool & die maker around. Dad partially tapped the bolt holes to make it easy to start the bolts from the underside of the frame.

Anyway, I got the new motor on, 3 bolts in but not tight. I need to lift the mower with the frontend loader to finish mounting the motor and reassemble everything I had to take apart, good place to stop.

Did some work on the chicken pen, chickens still getting out somewhere? I clipped their wings so they aren’t flying out. Called it a day…

mower threads sm.JPG

mower threads mount sm.JPG
The motor used self-threading bolts, new ones not included. Its nice having a tool & die maker around. Dad partially tapped the bolt holes to make it easy to start the bolts from the underside of the frame.

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Thank you for sharing this picture. I noticed the use of the steel blocks to keep the tap perfectly vertical to the surface face. My dad was a machine builder and taught me how to use taps and dies, but in our simple projects he never showed me (or I was too young and didn't remember) to use the blocks against the sides of the tap. I have his old tool chest and there are several of those steel blocks in the drawers with the taps, now I know why they are there.
Thanks again.
Thank you for sharing this picture. I noticed the use of the steel blocks to keep the tap perfectly vertical to the surface face.

As a young man before going in the military I worked in the tool and die shop my dad ran, about a year. I got to see him use the tools of his trade and use many myself.

If you look closely at the metal block in the pic above you'll see 2 holes drilled through it. Dad had several blocks with holes drilled through them. The size of the holes correspond to the most commonly used tap sizes. You can use the side of a block as a guide for something like the photo.

For precision he'd match the tap size with the hole drilled through a block. The holes were drilled just a few thousands of an inch larger than the tap. He'd clamp the block onto the piece of steel he was working with. This would keep the tap perfectly vertical when tapping something that needed precision.

Dad made up several of these blocks for use in the shop here on the farm. He stamped the hole sizes into the end of the blocks. I can think of only a couple of times we needed precision here on the farm, but they are handy if we did.
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Trying to catch up a bit. Thursday I woke up & everything appeared to be spinning. Got dizzy & nauseous every time I bent down or tipped my head. Back, side, front. Then I was getting random waves of dizziness while staying still. Next day it wasn't as bad. No nausea but I had the dizziness. Now it's gone but I still feel off. Been taking it easy & trying not to bend down too far bc I nearly passed out a couple of times. Only dizziness I got was bending down too far. I was able to bend far enough to reach my cat when he asked to be picked up (he meows & stands on his hind legs with front legs stretched up when he wants to be picked up). He likes to be put up on my shoulder. When I sleep he lies over my arm/shoulder-- which is where he is right now. Earlier he was pressed against my face purring in my ear. The kitties make me feel better. I think some of my malaise is from the weather. Barometric pressure changes affect my sinuses. Thunderstorms the past few days.

Have you given it any thought that you may have an over growth of Candida yeast? I had the same symptoms as you and fixed it with a tea for a week, several times a day. (dandelion root tea with minced fresh garlic and ginger) I now follow up with Kyolic daily.

As a young man before going in the military I worked in the tool and die shop my dad ran, about a year. I got to see him use the tools of his trade and use many myself.

If you look closely at the metal block in the pic above you'll see 2 holes drilled through it. Dad had several blocks with holes drilled through them. The size of the holes correspond to the most commonly used tap sizes. You can use the side of a block as a guide for something like the photo.

For precision he'd match the tap size with the hole drilled through a block. The holes were drilled just a few thousands of an inch larger than the tap. He'd clamp the block onto the piece of steel he was working with. This would keep the tap perfectly vertical when tapping something that needed precision.

Dad made up several of these blocks for use in the shop here on the farm. He stamped the hole sizes into the end of the blocks. I can think of only a couple of times we needed precision here on the farm, but they are handy if we did.
Thanks again. Very helpful information. When I get a chance I will look at the blocks in the drawers to see exactly what he has.
Yesterday went okay, I find the I only do about half as much work and hurt twice as much any more. I only got about 40 cubic feet of soil moved yesterday and was hurting all over... But I slept like a log, didn't wake up once till 04:30 and that's just normal time to get up.

Some of my larger plastic containers are showing signs of dry rot, they crack when you try to lift them... It looks like I will have a couple of loads ready for the dump by next Friday.

Well the sun is almost up so I need to get to moving. Have a great day..
I hear the chirps in the incubator, but no one has made their way out yet. Little granddaughter will be standing watch on it today, I'm sure.
The sun is out, and I have an area of rock to remove so I can plant 6 berry plants. Dinner at my favorite cousin's house tonight. Granddaughter's prom after party at the school lasted until 3:30 a.m. so I don't expect to see her up for quite awhile.
Took off this morning on my old scooter to go to a swap meet, she's 45 years old this year and like an old friend to me. It is was 50 degrees today a little chili but after I got caught in the rain storm and soaked to the bone it was damn cold. A neighbor just bought a load of guns and ammo to sell so me and the boy are going to check it out.

46 years old.jpg
We’re just sitting around the house other then cleaning out kennels and feeding the critters I’m just enjoying this beautiful Sunday with the family!
I had worked in yard before I earned the right sit down on the front porch with The Princess.

I finished weeding the raspberry patch as well as the blackberries.


I discovered 2 new blackberry plants that appeared to grow from fallen fruit.

We took a walk about the garden i was pleased with a few of my grape vine clones showing signs of life. I have a dream of building a grape tunnel using cattle panels as arched support and I need all of the seedless grape vines I can get.

Peanut, come live with us!! We need someone here that can fix things....LOL, we just don't have the patience I think. I hate working on mechanical equipment even if I know how it works...

Did laundry today, had to wash a bunch of sheets and blankets in the extra bedroom, friends planning on visiting next week. Put up some temporary fencing along the road for some of the goats to go in ( they are great mowers, we won't have to fix the lawn mower or the weed eaters , if they do their job :)

made lasagna

Still waiting on 3 more sheep to have their lambs and 1 goat.
I had worked in yard before I earned the right sit down on the front porch with The Princess.

I finished weeding the raspberry patch as well as the blackberries.

View attachment 63711

I discovered 2 new blackberry plants that appeared to grow from fallen fruit.

We took a walk about the garden i was pleased with a few of my grape vine clones showing signs of life. I have a dream of building a grape tunnel using cattle panels as arched support and I need all of the seedless grape vines I can get.

I have started my grape tunnel they ain’t quite as big as I’d like just yet but they are getting there. I’ll post a picture here after while for ya!
Got the blackberry and raspberry bushes planted. Survived the little granddaughter's visit with her mom and the boyfriend. They were over two hours. They are both not right in the head. We haven't allowed them to visit for a month, since they got into an argument with each other in front of the granddaughter, so they were on good behavior today. Transplanted a ton of seedlings into bigger pots, and also noticed a rabbit (I'm guessing) ate one of my red cabbage plants last night.
Working on getting my house put back together after grand daughter's overnight stay.
Dishes are done.
Pot of beans going in crock pot for supper.
Bathroom deep cleaned.
2 loads of laundry washed, dried and put away.
Strawberry and I have been outside several times today.
And we will go outside a few more times before bedtime.
Planted a few more onion sets.
Add more herbs to the herb standing washtub garden.
Got several tomato plants planted.
Will put together another 3 tier raised beds this week.
Got a flower pot of garlic planted,same with ginger.
Well we reached 82 degrees so far, had friend over last night and he told us that it's supposed to rain in a few days, I certainly hope it does as we are really short on rainfall and we didn't get much snow in the surrounding mountains, spring overflow is about half of what it should be at this time of year. My friend helped me assemble one of two cabinets 2' W X 1' D X 6' H, wife needed somewhere to store all the things cluttering the kitchen counter, while sitting here typing this message, she told me the next thing I need to do is to clean the ceiling fan blades, give me a break, I haven't even had my first cup of coffee yet to clear the cobwebs out of my mind!
Easy day today so far. Went to church, then made homemade Maid-Rites for lunch. That was my mom's traditional Sunday lunch, because she didn't want to work too hard at making stuff on Sunday. I think I might carry it on with my daughter.

We played some board games and then I took her back to her mom's at 4. One of their barn cats had kittens this week and she had to show me, one ginger patch pelt and one black tuxedo...

Now, I'm just chilling at home, doing some dishes, listening to music, and trying to psych myself up for going back to work this week...
Have you given it any thought that you may have an over growth of Candida yeast? I had the same symptoms as you and fixed it with a tea for a week, several times a day. (dandelion root tea with minced fresh garlic and ginger) I now follow up with Kyolic daily.

No. I've never heard of that before. I mean, I've heard of candida, but not of it being any overgrowth. I suppose it could be in my sinuses but I don't smell anything off. A friend of mine reported he had the same symptoms 3 weeks after the Covid vaccine. It's been about 3 weeks since my 1st dose & I'm getting the 2nd one tomorrow. I googled it & if it is Candida it could explain my fatigue. I just started taking Magnesium vitamins. Not sure how one would check for it. I'll have to ask my doctor about it.

Feeling a bit better today but still feel off. I turned my head too fast & got a tiny bit lightheaded (but that can happen when I'm not feeling off).

Went to the store to pick up some meds I ran out of & picked up some groceries. Got home & scrubbed the counters and cleaned the pressure cookers (grease reservoir fell off the pressure cooker & it gunked up the counter badly). I picked up all of the appliances on the counter and scrubbed them (especially the bottoms) and after the counter was clean I put them back. I boiled water to clean the bowl thingies that goes inside the pressure cookers. Scrubbed the sink down as well.

My brother is currently chopping vegetables for the chicken soup. He's been helpful since he knows I've been having trouble. I'm going to try to push through the malaise & try to clean the kitchen before the 21st (Mom's birthday).

Meanwhile, I had fun with Sketchup. My bed frame plans use Simpson Strong tie brackets/braces. They had 3D models of the joist hangers for download, but not of the angle braces. So, I made my own in Sketchup. I downloaded some hex head bolts (to use as representing the screws) but they were gigantic-- as big as the bed frame. So I resized & modified them, cut off the bolt end so I would just have the caps, and put them in place over the braces.

Pics are screenshots of the braces I made with & without the hex heads.
I'm going to try to figure out how to upload them to the 3dwarehouse.

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