Worked in the garden more.
Is she beginning to see the difference between home life now and previously?Got the blackberry and raspberry bushes planted. Survived the little granddaughter's visit with her mom and the boyfriend. They were over two hours. They are both not right in the head. We haven't allowed them to visit for a month, since they got into an argument with each other in front of the granddaughter, so they were on good behavior today. Transplanted a ton of seedlings into bigger pots, and also noticed a rabbit (I'm guessing) ate one of my red cabbage plants last night.
What are Maid-Rites?Easy day today so far. Went to church, then made homemade Maid-Rites for lunch. That was my mom's traditional Sunday lunch, because she didn't want to work too hard at making stuff on Sunday. I think I might carry it on with my daughter.
We played some board games and then I took her back to her mom's at 4. One of their barn cats had kittens this week and she had to show me, one ginger patch pelt and one black tuxedo...
Now, I'm just chilling at home, doing some dishes, listening to music, and trying to psych myself up for going back to work this week...
It always feels good to know the counters are clean even under things. The older I get the fewer things I like on the counters - because I don't want to clean it all.No. I've never heard of that before. I mean, I've heard of candida, but not of it being any overgrowth. I suppose it could be in my sinuses but I don't smell anything off. A friend of mine reported he had the same symptoms 3 weeks after the Covid vaccine. It's been about 3 weeks since my 1st dose & I'm getting the 2nd one tomorrow. I googled it & if it is Candida it could explain my fatigue. I just started taking Magnesium vitamins. Not sure how one would check for it. I'll have to ask my doctor about it.
Feeling a bit better today but still feel off. I turned my head too fast & got a tiny bit lightheaded (but that can happen when I'm not feeling off).
Went to the store to pick up some meds I ran out of & picked up some groceries. Got home & scrubbed the counters and cleaned the pressure cookers (grease reservoir fell off the pressure cooker & it gunked up the counter badly). I picked up all of the appliances on the counter and scrubbed them (especially the bottoms) and after the counter was clean I put them back. I boiled water to clean the bowl thingies that goes inside the pressure cookers. Scrubbed the sink down as well.
My brother is currently chopping vegetables for the chicken soup. He's been helpful since he knows I've been having trouble. I'm going to try to push through the malaise & try to clean the kitchen before the 21st (Mom's birthday).
Meanwhile, I had fun with Sketchup. My bed frame plans use Simpson Strong tie brackets/braces. They had 3D models of the joist hangers for download, but not of the angle braces. So, I made my own in Sketchup. I downloaded some hex head bolts (to use as representing the screws) but they were gigantic-- as big as the bed frame. So I resized & modified them, cut off the bolt end so I would just have the caps, and put them in place over the braces.
Pics are screenshots of the braces I made with & without the hex heads.
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I'm going to try to figure out how to upload them to the 3dwarehouse.
The older I get the fewer things I like on the counters - because I don't want to clean it all.
No. I've never heard of that before. I mean, I've heard of candida, but not of it being any overgrowth. I suppose it could be in my sinuses but I don't smell anything off. A friend of mine reported he had the same symptoms 3 weeks after the Covid vaccine. It's been about 3 weeks since my 1st dose & I'm getting the 2nd one tomorrow. I googled it & if it is Candida it could explain my fatigue. I just started taking Magnesium vitamins. Not sure how one would check for it. I'll have to ask my doctor about it.
Feeling a bit better today but still feel off. I turned my head too fast & got a tiny bit lightheaded (but that can happen when I'm not feeling off).
I worked a guy that destroyed one of those but not the way one would expect.Worked on the LSV some more.
Since the price of building materials is apocalyptic I don't think I'm going to get a lot done on the addition this year so I think it may be a summer for finishing up old projects.
If your wondering what LSV stands for.....its Light Strike Vehicle
The inspiration:
Where I'm at so far:
We're getting snow right now. We are predicted to get between 3 to 7 inches.Supposed to get a little snow late tonight, tomorrow morning. Am going to cut some milk jugs for my cabbages and brussel sprouts, not just because of that, but because at least two are disappearing every night.
Just brought up three dz eggs to give to a neighbor, and got a warm loaf of wheat bread in return. She's so sweet. Chick count...10 hatched, one trying to hatch.
All the years I grew sweet corn ....Ambrosia...... after trying many varieties.Left work at 130 to take wife to a meeting with a Medicare advisor. Left there and stopped at CoOp and got some mint plants, some more peppers. Also got 2 nice Sugar Maple trees that I've been looking for for 2 years, 6'+ tall for $25 each. Wife got some flower seeds, some Mrs Wages canning mixes, a bluebird house, another humming bird feeder. I picked up a bag of 19-19-19, a bag of 6-12-12 fertilize, a bag of Treflan pre emergant, and a lb of Ambrosia corn.
It' does feel good & it's also a very good thing I cleaned it so thoroughly because some of the veggies for the chicken soup fell on the counter when my brother was putting them in the pressure cooker. It was absolutely disgusting & unsanitary before.It always feels good to know the counters are clean even under things. The older I get the fewer things I like on the counters - because I don't want to clean it all.
Oh wow! That fire screen is amazing! Your husband must be very proud of his work. I wish I was skilled at doing stuff like that.It's been a nice weekend - busy, but nice. Yesterday we went over the mountain and installed a firescreen that Hubby smithed.
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I have plenty of cabinets but I never got everything put back up after the raccoons got in and pulled things out. I need to thoroughly clean the insides of the cabinets before I put stuff away. Although, some of my appliances are too large to fit in any of the cabinets. I like to have as little as possible on the counters because the cats (and one of the dogs) can get up there & knock stuff down. My younger dog would climb trees if she had the ability to. She loves to get up on things. She gets on top of my dresser to look outside the window and gets up on the back of the couch. She does this adorable thing where she runs over behind me and then crawls on to my shoulder & licks my face.You and me both... I have so few cabinets in my kitchen I'm stuck cluttering up my counters. Am left with two little spots for food prep. If I need extra prep space I have to move a bunch of stuff to my kitchen table then move it back when I eat... All my food is on shelves across the hall in my pantry room & the fridge.
Thanks! I'll have to consult my doctor first to make sure it doesn't conflict with any of my meds & that it doesn't increase chances of kidney stones. I've been trying to stop getting kidney stones. I got some lemonade and I also got oranges. Reminds me, I need to go eat an orange. I'm trying to eat more fruit. I need to see if we have the right appliance to blend up orange and banana together. When I lived in Singapore there was a kiosk in Funan Center where you could pick whatever fruit they had on hand & they'd make it in to a drink for you. We'd get orange apple and banana. I think they had some ice crunched up like a slushy as well. It's been a very long time so it's hard to remember. Ice & fruit deserts were very popular there. I meant to call the doctor today but forgot about it until it was closed (his office doesn't stay open late and has no answering machine to leave messages).Try the tea. It is easy to make and after a few days I felt worse but that is the Candida die-off. Once that past I felt tons better. You could also just take the Kyolic daily as a detox/cleanse.
6++++++++++++++++++++More wiring today. Installed the last overhead light switch and some wire management fixtures.
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I liked Peaches and Cream, but Ambrosia is hands down better.
I use treflan on my onion rows, keeps em weed free. Gonna try it on my taters and beans this year too.
Thanks! I really need better cable management and if there's room to do that with some of the cables under the house it can make things a bit safer. Do they go in with a nail or a screw?"
(The above was my cat's contribution to the post-- he kept stepping on my keyboard & I kept pushing him off of it).
I meant to say that I didn't know those cable managers existed and now I want some. That would solve a lot of organization issues with my wires. Where do you get those and what are they called?
I'll get a picture of the bag. The name is something a committee would be proud if.
I don't know if you plan on sealing those or not, but there is some stuff called Duck's Back that is the best I've found for sealing wood & lasts longer than a week. So many are like putting water on the wood - do absolutely nothing. I know BiMart carries it & I think Sherwin Williams but is more expensive there.I built the table this weekend and decked the trailer today.
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She was on here this morning, but she's been a little quieter lately. Up in the search, you can put a member's name and see when they were last on here. It seems like the other day she found some good deals in the way of preps.Dishes are done and put away.
Laundry is all done, washed, dried and put away.
Floors are swept.
Strawberry has been walked.
Her business has been cleaned up in the yard.
Trash taken out.
Finished getting everything picked up from Grand daughter's sleepover with Granny.
All the books are put away.
Thank you again Terri.
Have covered the plants that I planted Sunday.
Brought the house plants back inside.
Just got to make coffee for morning.
Sipping last cup of coffee for the night.
Where's WV Dragon lady?