What's everybody doing today?

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Hubby had me laughing this morning...denture commercial on TV...he talked about his Great Grandma Martin...said she was a lady of medium stature, and pleasantly plump...LOL...had trouble with her knees, she had to rock to get herself up out of a chair...he said she wore dentures...said, "My Granny would smile really big, so you could see her teeth...then she could stick her tongue out from the lower dentures and wiggle it at you"....LOL...stated his Grandpa always walked with a cane, the kids would try to get away from him and he would wrap the cane handle around their leg, or neck, and pull them toward him....he said they were always trying to get away from him, said sometimes Grandpa would pull the kids across the bed...LOL
Racked out & didn't wake up until after 4pm. Took Mom's computer over to friend's house & confirmed the power supply is dead. So, I need to order a new one. I'm asking my friend for advice on good ones. I think I found one though. Gold Plus certified with 10 year warranty.
Made a big bowl of banana pudding...my favorite cousin's husband's birthday is tomorrow, and we are having a coffee break breakfast and their place for his 75th. So we'll be up and add em early.

It's my husband's birthday today also, and son's :) I am not sure what I will cook them. Son will probably ask for Thai food

Weather has been very nice for 2 days, before that, an entire day of rain. We are down to 1 sheep left to have lambs. Last goat didn't do too well. She had 1 live one, and 2 dead. This is the first time this has happened. I am starting to think maybe the Boer buck was not a great idea? Not sure but this is the first year we have had single kids and not all born alive.

I need to work in the garden. It's way late. There is just too much to do. We did send a bunch of goats to the auction last Saturday so there are less to deal with now. I hope we get good prices, haven't gotten the check yet.
One project today...nothing more.

After lots of rain , every 2-3 days over past 2 weeks...the grass is out of hand.
Soooo this will be a long day , mowing.

I hate mowing.
Won't be long , I'll need to bush hog the whole farm. FUN.

Hope everybody has a beautiful day.


I put up temporary electric fencing any place that needs mowing and put some goats in until it's mowed. What's left is usually weeds that nothing will eat and I spray them with 2 4 D . We can't brush hog a lot of our property, too steep for our tractor, even too steep for a 4 wheel drive. The only thing you can drive on some of it is the ATV
Gotta pickup 3 grandkids at 9am.
They gonna go to Amish country with me to load firewood and unload it.
Hope to get 2 loads at $20 a load.

Gotta feed them for helping .
Maybe BBQ at Coppertop.or hamburgers at Coondog Inn.

I will be supervising.😊

Got all the mowing done yesterday. Suppose to rain next 2 days.

Y'all don't get in trouble if you can.

Made a small batch of potato soup. No one eats it but me so a half batch is fine. Plus those potatoes were staring at me when I opened the pantry door! o_O

I need to make another loaf of bread tomorrow. The kids eat homemade bread like candy!

The muffin mix is a hit! So I will be mixing up a big bag and putting it in the freezer. And getting more frozen blueberries.

Need to plan a trip to Bass Pro for this weekend. K has an order he needs to pickup and I want to look around. The girls like to look at the fish tanks/stream.

I also need to get to the fabric store for some quilt batting. I need to make a new case/sleeve for my pellet gun. The pattern also has a modification to be used for fishing poles so the batting is a must. I need to measure the quilt top so I can get all the batting at once (and get a bulk discount).
A woman I worked with gave me a potato soup recipe. I shared it with a friend. We could not get enough, and we both put on some pounds from eating that potato soup. She was living in North Carolina at the time. She told me she would make a batch and her husband would get a bowl, two bowls at best, and she chowed down on that soup. We both went on South Beach and lost the weight gain from that potato soup! I haven't made that recipe in more than a decade.
Gotta pickup 3 grandkids at 9am.
They gonna go to Amish country with me to load firewood and unload it.
Hope to get 2 loads at $20 a load.

Gotta feed them for helping .
Maybe BBQ at Coppertop.or hamburgers at Coondog Inn.

I will be supervising.😊

Got all the mowing done yesterday. Suppose to rain next 2 days.

Y'all don't get in trouble if you can.

Teenagers can sure eat a bunch of food, especially those teenage boys.
Hubby just got through transplanting a couple Hibiscus trees or whatever we call them,and I'm getting over being up till 3 am saving the world.I have floors to do and clothes to wash sometime today.
Hope all have a good day.BackP hope the wife is better today.
Good morning!

Yesterday, Walked first and walked dogs.
Ran to Kroger for local sales, then bank, then Walgreens. Trying to get the last photo printed that my little brother texted me before he passed. Not having luck yet. Actually stopped at Bath and Bodyworks for sale.
DH had a telephone doc appt. in the afternoon.
Didn't do too much else.

Today, walked first, then fed dogs.
Kroger was out of chocolate milk and so far today, the milk delivery fellow hasn't gotten there.
I will get 6-8 half gallons at 88 cents each to pressure can. The fellow in the dairy dept. is setting them aside for me.
Laundry is already started.
I finally got the Spring fake flowers in the hanging baskets so it looks like Spring on the front porch
Hopefully, will be PCing chocolate milk soon and maybe doing eBay photos.
Should be about it.
Drove down the mtn for the kids covid test/quarantine. Stopped 50ish miles out for gas and diesel and my truck wouldn't start. Had the truck towed to the shop in our old town and its the starter. We just had it replaced last year!! Fortunately hubby was following me in my jeep (like usual) so I brought that down to the hospital for the test.
It drizzling out now. Someone in my area had some plants to give away. I went over around 9 this morning and she helped dig up poppies (scattered everywhere), asters, and a little blue spruce sedum. I came home, dug out a bunch more yellow iris, amended those areas with peat moss, and planted my free plants. I made a sign for free iris and put them by the side of the road. Free plants always disappear. One group was so intergrown that it was like a mat. The yellow iris really multiplied. Now I have to thin the German pink iris.
Got 2 loads of drops off crossties, all oak and hickory this time, home and unloaded.
Very heavy stuff.

I can't just watch. I had to help. Told wife I don't mind being tired from hard work.
Tired from doing nothing sucks.

Done for the day.
Don't look like much , but that's at least 2 ricks.

May split some.
Most of it is 8"x8"x20" long.

Got cracked up at the Chiropractor this morning. GF bought 4 new tires for her ride. At home now waiting for the horse feed to arrive.
Apparently there is a hay/feed shortage in Utah (maybe surrounding states too) and they are backed up on orders. We are getting pelletized feed because there is less waste compared to baled hay but I had asked a cousin who delivers hay about getting a few bales from him and he said it will be another 2 or 3 weeks until the local farmers start producing again. Not sure what that is about, maybe a delay due to new spring crops?
Oh, and then later this afternoon I get to do more drywall install on the house. Always something to do.
Got cracked up at the Chiropractor this morning. GF bought 4 new tires for her ride. At home now waiting for the horse feed to arrive.
Apparently there is a hay/feed shortage in Utah (maybe surrounding states too) and they are backed up on orders. We are getting pelletized feed because there is less waste compared to baled hay but I had asked a cousin who delivers hay about getting a few bales from him and he said it will be another 2 or 3 weeks until the local farmers start producing again. Not sure what that is about, maybe a delay due to new spring crops?
Oh, and then later this afternoon I get to do more drywall install on the house. Always something to do.

We need to learn how to grow food for us and them.
There was a hay shortage in alot of places last year. My cousin did well with it, filled up his barn and our entire roundtop with bales. Alot of it was sold and trucked to a farm in New Mexico. Winter wheat is getting close to being harvested here at the moment.
Winter wheat is almost ready for harvest in Kansas? In South Dakota it is more like July when it gets harvested.
Good morning!

Yesterday, Walked first and walked dogs.
Ran to Kroger for local sales, then bank, then Walgreens. Trying to get the last photo printed that my little brother texted me before he passed. Not having luck yet. Actually stopped at Bath and Bodyworks for sale.
DH had a telephone doc appt. in the afternoon.
Didn't do too much else.

Today, walked first, then fed dogs.
Kroger was out of chocolate milk and so far today, the milk delivery fellow hasn't gotten there.
I will get 6-8 half gallons at 88 cents each to pressure can. The fellow in the dairy dept. is setting them aside for me.
Laundry is already started.
I finally got the Spring fake flowers in the hanging baskets so it looks like Spring on the front porch
Hopefully, will be PCing chocolate milk soon and maybe doing eBay photos.
Should be about it.
Snappy, when you can it, do you get a yogurt like produce? I ‘ve only done it twice...... maybe it was older, too. Thanks.
This afternoon I moved more plants outside and then harvested half the bed of carrots that I had. I replanted with beets. We had burgers for dinner. Wife wants the spinach harvested in the morning so she can put up some.

I found that the washing machine really does not like sheets at this time, it is doing poorly and I have to be kind to it. Wife wants all the bedding cleaned and she just doesn't understand that if I am not careful with the machine it will have to be replaced and from what I see they are almost all on back order for a couple of months.
Yesterday my brother talked about the kitchen layout and I will have to revise the design again. We also planned another ditch I can dig to allow us to dump the sump pump at the back if the yard. My brother wants to fix the carb on the rototiller before that happens.

Today we finally took care of the branch on mulberry tree that has bark inclusion.


Hard to see in that image but it is the large branch on the left. I ran a rope over the top branch and manned the rope while my brother ran the saw. The top came down without any damage or hitting the road. Two more cuts later and the branch was gone and the tenant has mulberry wood for her fire pit.


That black streak shows where the bark inclusion rot is located.

We moved on to some recreational clearing of the lower side of The Ridge to allow maintenance with the lawn tractor. Not too long after my brother pulled a muscle starting the chain saw so he baled to put ice on it.

I took a walk up to the orchard t see how the pear trees survived the 2 day freeze we had. There may be a small number of fruit that lasted but mostly dead flowers. About that time I decided I felt like crap so I called it a day. I couldn't explain why I felt so weak so I took my blood pressure.


Dr Google said I checked all of the boxes for LOW BP and go to the emergency room. Called my Dr office and they said go to the ER.

After 4 hours I was released telling me that one of my teeth is is absessed and maybe my kidneys are questionable.



I didn't have issues before I was taking high BP medicine. Maybe the dosage is too high?

I have to schedule follow ups.

More in the rant thread i coming.


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