What's everybody doing today?

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It caught up with us! So Hubby and I don't usually drink much wine or eat out much, an occasional glass with dinner or something. Yesterday was the most either of us has had in one day in addition to some really good food and plenty of it. Both of us woke up about 1AM so miserable it wasn't funny. No sickness, but our systems were trying to deal with the consumption. I walked around a little, opened a window for fresh air, and we were both wide awake. Finally got back to sleep and slept in until 5:30. It rained during the night so the sound and smell of fresh rain (much needed!) was great.
I have to head up the mountain today to shock the well before sale of the house. Erg - crawling around in a short well house, oh yay (sarcasm.) BIL & SIL will be over this afternoon for steaks. It's supposed to clear up by then - either way indoors or out will be nice. Also, other BIL & SIL are supposed to stop by for a few but can't stay for dinner. The last time all 3 brothers were together was at a nieces wedding about 3 years ago so should be fun.

Can't afford good wine anymore,so its Bloody beers for me,sometimes a shot of liquor,but mostly its mug of vold beer tomato juise.I can have a couple mugs out of one beer.Spice it up with a little hot sauce ,etc,More than two beers and I don't feel good,so no more over indulgence.
It sucks when its no fault of your own. Still looks like you dropped the ball. I hate that.And the guys asking are always good customers. We do a lot of work for them., had a huge project with them last year for their new facility that was smooth as silk and 2 months ahead of schedule.. This year has been just the opposite. Nothing has went right.

Bug free
On time
On budget

Pick any two out of the three. Never will a project be finished with all three!
Bug free
On time
On budget

Pick any two out of the three. Never will a project be finished with all three!
Yes generally but there was that one time...

A manufacturer of thermogravimetric analyzers was considering changing the design approach from traditional multiple PCBs running C# code and talking to each other to a virtual FPGA approach. I was hired to do the virtual version and the in-house team of 8 engineers did it the old way.

I finished a month ahead of schedule, fully functional and under budget.


My contact was thrilled but upper management tossed the FPGA approach since it required retraining the engineering staff and would not be received well. My customer mentioned something about top management being a psychopath.

It was a personal challenge for me since companies rarely fund two approaches side by side not to mention being out numbered.

Rough few days.
Thursday eve, my stepdaughter either had a stroke or has the same neurological genetic disease as my DH. She is having problems talking and with vision but is walking ok and hospital did not find any evidence of stroke. We are not near her so it is difficult waiting for updates.
That is where I am gong to visit in about a month.

I am slacking today.
No video-- at least not yet.
Went to Sunday School and Church.
Came home and made tuna salad.
Got on this site to catch up and that may be it.
Rough few days.
Thursday eve, my stepdaughter either had a stroke or has the same neurological genetic disease as my DH. She is having problems talking and with vision but is walking ok and hospital did not find any evidence of stroke. We are not near her so it is difficult waiting for updates.
That is where I am gong to visit in about a month.

I am slacking today.
No video-- at least not yet.
Went to Sunday School and Church.
Came home and made tuna salad.
Got on this site to catch up and that may be it.

Snap sure hope she is ok and it was just one of those things we go thru now and then. 🙏..
Thanks! I am leaning towards it being the genetic disease and at least she will be diagnosed 20 years earlier than DH was. DNA testing is the only test for the disease. We will see.

Snap seems its always something plus other hings now. Talking to daughter on phone who is having heavy menapause,she thinks there is something she can do,lolI told her there is ride out the next few years. She had the four grand talking in the background .Itold her to make em be quite for a couple minutes. I use to know the cure for not listening but thats olf school.Funny how we go thru menapause and grandmotherhood at same time. My grand were older since I was a young G-mother.
Its a family circus at times. One of my granddaughters is now on Benzos asking her mon to get a scrip for her,no way of course. Its not easy getting old.
Wife wasn't feeling good when I got home last night. This morning was worse, finally got her to go to a walk in clinic. Right away they thought it was covid.. did both rapid test and the longer one. Rapid was negative. Gave her a steroid shot, a dose pack of more steroids and z pack.
Been tryin to do our taxes and when I heard about covid test, had to run to work and get my laptop. Bet ill be workin from home for a few days.
Wife wasn't feeling good when I got home last night. This morning was worse, finally got her to go to a walk in clinic. Right away they thought it was covid.. did both rapid test and the longer one. Rapid was negative. Gave her a steroid shot, a dose pack of more steroids and z pack.
Been tryin to do our taxes and when I heard about covid test, had to run to work and get my laptop. Bet ill be workin from home for a few days.

Sure hope your wife is ok and no Covid comes up. All of us have things going on and its good to be able to talk to each other about things and have each other pulling for us and praying of course.
Last night I crashed after dinner... woke up at 02:30 asleep in a chair in the living room with the lights on.... After 2 hours trying to get back to sleep, I drank some sleeping juice, turned off the lights and didn't wake up till 07:00. I did a little work in the garden and then we had church. After church I loaded up 36 extra tomato plants and delivered them to a friend, it was nice to visit with him. He is 58 and has 35 years in, planning to retire next March, he and his wife are going on a field trip to MO this summer looking for a place to move to. I asked him how big a spread he was hoping for and he said 30 acres. I told him that I would give an arm for 25, but I have 6 more years before I can walk away from the rat race.
Yes generally but there was that one time...

A manufacturer of thermogravimetric analyzers was considering changing the design approach from traditional multiple PCBs running C# code and talking to each other to a virtual FPGA approach. I was hired to do the virtual version and the in-house team of 8 engineers did it the old way.

I finished a month ahead of schedule, fully functional and under budget.

View attachment 64308

My contact was thrilled but upper management tossed the FPGA approach since it required retraining the engineering staff and would not be received well. My customer mentioned something about top management being a psychopath.

It was a personal challenge for me since companies rarely fund two approaches side by side not to mention being out numbered.

You should have bought a lottery ticket instead. You used up your one “Why can’t something work out for once”.
Last night I crashed after dinner... woke up at 02:30 asleep in a chair in the living room with the lights on.... After 2 hours trying to get back to sleep, I drank some sleeping juice, turned off the lights and didn't wake up till 07:00. I did a little work in the garden and then we had church. After church I loaded up 36 extra tomato plants and delivered them to a friend, it was nice to visit with him. He is 58 and has 35 years in, planning to retire next March, he and his wife are going on a field trip to MO this summer looking for a place to move to. I asked him how big a spread he was hoping for and he said 30 acres. I told him that I would give an arm for 25, but I have 6 more years before I can walk away from the rat race.

UrbanH my daughter and SIL have been looking for land for several months now in Georgia and it sells before they can even look at most of it. They can't find land and materials are to the moon in prices.
Rough few days.
Thursday eve, my stepdaughter either had a stroke or has the same neurological genetic disease as my DH. She is having problems talking and with vision but is walking ok and hospital did not find any evidence of stroke. We are not near her so it is difficult waiting for updates.
That is where I am gong to visit in about a month.

I am slacking today.
No video-- at least not yet.
Went to Sunday School and Church.
Came home and made tuna salad.
Got on this site to catch up and that may be it.
Wow Snap! Prayers for you and SD. I think you are due for some blessings - many many blessings!

Only one set of BIL and SILs made it today. Other SIL was miserable with allergies. I went up the mountain early and got the well treated. Made it back, mowed the lawn and worked a spot and got carrots planted. Tomorrow is Monday all over again, and the week is all booked up like crazy. I think my goal for the week is going to be to get the trailer cleaned up and ready to roll. Maybe next weekend I can kidnap Hubby and make him go fishing.
Made up a batch of dry muffin mix for the pantry. I might just have to make muffins tomorrow. Good thing I have frozen blueberries. ;)

K had a sprinkler head to fix today and to change the oil in his car. He is starting at a new job site Monday and we need to make sure his car is tip top. He got a flat last week and used his full size spare so the donut had to go back in the car til the tire gets fixed. I made sure the air compressor was in his trunk too. His commute is farther than before so we'll see how much gas he uses this week and adjust the gas budget accordingly. We have gas stored so that may or may not help if this is long term change.

Need to make a run to Costco but not sure when I'll get there. We only have 12 gallons of milk in the deep freeze.
Little granddaughter's crazy mom and the boyfriend had their visit with her for a couple of hours today, so glad that's done for another week. Husband wanted to meet a neighbor couple (english) that we haven't met. So I made a pie for them, and we went to visit. I think we made an ok impression, stayed an hour and visited, and they were still talking. The man is good friends with someone who owns some nearby farmland that husband got into an argument with a few years back. We have a small access road on our property that he can use to get to his landlocked property, but he wanted us to double widen the road, gravel it, take out a row of large trees, all at our expense, so he can drive big equipment to it. That didn't go over well. He also told the neighbor that we met today that the row of trees were on his property, and he was going to take them out. Ha Ha. He never did because they're on our land. So, the neighbors we met brought this up, and husband told him we could show him our property lines. They're even on line. So, hope they like the pie I left, and told them to stop by whenever they like. I think he was surprised that whenever he name dropped an Amish guy around here, I'd explain that they were my cousin. Made a big bowl of banana pudding...my favorite cousin's husband's birthday is tomorrow, and we are having a coffee break breakfast and their place for his 75th. So we'll be up and add em early.
Snappy, I hope something can be done to help your stepdaughter. A genetic disorder like that sounds awful.
Just when I was going to start working on my bathroom, the power went out. No water, no lights, no AC. Ugh. My backup unit failed to keep my computer on. Hope I don't need a new unit or battery in it. The outage killed my mom's computer. I think it may have blown the internal power supply even though it was through a surge protector/backup unit. No idea why it went out. It was a sunny windless day. Power company trucks were leaving when I was on my way back home. They were speeding & one of them kicked up a rock into my windshield but it didn't crack it-- despite being very loud.

Friend came out to pull the battery from my brother's truck (it worked last week but died today). He stopped in to see Mom & give her a hug & then saw her computer wasn't working so he tried to troubleshoot it. Decided we can bring it to his house later for him to look at. I got him some food from Popeyes & then picked up my brother & went to get a new battery. Friend is having trouble lifting stuff. I had to take the battery from him bc he couldn't hold it up. He had trouble holding the 8-month old baby that is now 30lbs.

Discovered my keyfob for my truck broke-- blade is starting to come out. Good thing I have a silicone sleeve holding it together, but I know that will only last for awhile. Friend linked me replacement cases I can use. My brother's key broke as well & it's cheaper to buy a 2 pack.

Mom stuffed her face with apple fritters, oranges, & apples all day so didn't ask me to cook for her when the power came back on.
4:30 AM here. Woke at 3. Hubby headed to work to prepare for a 7AM install & I will head up the mountain in just a few min. to let the water run for a little while after adding the bleach yesterday. Big prayers it does the trick. I really don't want any hiccups with the sale. I've been in a "tying up loose ends" mode for the past few months. Have the bronco loaded with items to go to donation - still have more to sort and figure out but at least making a dent. I want our next move to be a little easier though it'll probably be longer. If I have things orderly on this end, theoretically, it should make things easier on the other end as well.
One project today...nothing more.

After lots of rain , every 2-3 days over past 2 weeks...the grass is out of hand.
Soooo this will be a long day , mowing.

I hate mowing.
Won't be long , I'll need to bush hog the whole farm. FUN.

Hope everybody has a beautiful day.

Raking and Baling is next ;)
Rain today. Finally getting some moisture. It has probably been about 2 months since the last snow/sprinkle. Walked around with the handheld fertilizer spread, the ground here has no nitrogen or potassium so it is a necessary evil for the next year or so until the Back To Eden method kicks in.
And, since it is raining I get to do more drywall install inside. (that was happening anyways but I can now blame the rain)
Beef soup planned for dinner. Yummy
Made a small batch of potato soup. No one eats it but me so a half batch is fine. Plus those potatoes were staring at me when I opened the pantry door! o_O

I need to make another loaf of bread tomorrow. The kids eat homemade bread like candy!

The muffin mix is a hit! So I will be mixing up a big bag and putting it in the freezer. And getting more frozen blueberries.

Need to plan a trip to Bass Pro for this weekend. K has an order he needs to pickup and I want to look around. The girls like to look at the fish tanks/stream.

I also need to get to the fabric store for some quilt batting. I need to make a new case/sleeve for my pellet gun. The pattern also has a modification to be used for fishing poles so the batting is a must. I need to measure the quilt top so I can get all the batting at once (and get a bulk discount).

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