What's everybody doing today?

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I became a cattle Barron today. I bought 3 black Angus calves, 2 heifers, and a steer. There is a 50 50 chance the heifers are bred because he lets 5 bulls run with his herd. The total weight was 1600 pounds and cost me $1.53 a pound and he even delivered them 20 miles to my place. This is my first foray into having calves but I don't want to have to mow the pasture.
Mo, I hope your arm heals quickly
UrbanHunter, I hope you're able to fix your computer. Was it blue screening? Crashing? Or just not booting up?

Got thunderstorms and we're on tornado watch. Internet keeps going out.

I'm looking forward to more posts from Ben about the kitchen reno.
Bathroom walls too? We have a 1/2 bath on the main floor that I now wish I had added insulation (sound deadening) in the walls.
The master bathroom will be insulated for sure. If have enough I will insulate the 2nd bathroom. I can't remember if I bought enough for that, but probably so. The main reason was to keep the noise out of the bedroom, but that does work both ways. :cool:
I planned ahead for many things. Doorways wide enough for wheel chairs, bathrooms large enough for wheelchairs, a 4' wide stairway incase a lift is eventually needed to bring someone upstairs, an RV garage to park my toyhauler and truck after a vacation without unhitching, but tall enough in case I win the lotto or the next owner has a motorhome. 6' walls for added insulation, extra ceiling insulation to conserve heat, wood stove to limit the use of the furnace.
Drywall on the bathroom, wired in the fart fan and light fixture (temporary). Had a couple visitors to so it slowed down production. Tomorrow more drywall in the kitchen living room area.
Had a few fingers of bourbon and ready for a hot shower and a good night sleep. It's been a long week.
Stay safe everyone.
I became a cattle Barron today. I bought 3 black Angus calves, 2 heifers, and a steer. There is a 50 50 chance the heifers are bred because he lets 5 bulls run with his herd. The total weight was 1600 pounds and cost me $1.53 a pound and he even delivered them 20 miles to my place. This is my first foray into having calves but I don't want to have to mow the pasture.

Good for you! You paid the going market rate. The local price I heard last week for here was $1.55/lb. Nice of him to deliver, folks around here don't do that.

Keep us posted on the progress, post plenty of photo's and details. As you know, several folks here in the forum have raised cows for decades... Any question you might have could find an answer or at least be pointed in the right direction. Wish you good luck with them!
Mo, I hope your arm heals quickly
UrbanHunter, I hope you're able to fix your computer. Was it blue screening? Crashing? Or just not booting up?

Got thunderstorms and we're on tornado watch. Internet keeps going out.

I'm looking forward to more posts from Ben about the kitchen reno.
The computer quit booting up.... I have it working now, but it took 12 hours to get back to square 1.
Post Office. Wife has a package to mail.
Pickup recent Widowed girlfriend of the wife's and take her with us to a Stockholder's annual meeting.
Rain forecast this afternoon. Inside projects.
Finish swaging 5.56 primer pockets on brass.
Anneal the 5.56 brass.
Complete application for a competition event in August. Call Organizer to reserve a camping spot.
Good for you! You paid the going market rate. The local price I heard last week for here was $1.55/lb. Nice of him to deliver, folks around here don't do that.

Keep us posted on the progress, post plenty of photo's and details. As you know, several folks here in the forum have raised cows for decades... Any question you might have could find an answer or at least be pointed in the right direction. Wish you good luck with them!
I sold a bull calf and a heifer calf last weekend. He weighed 600 plus and she weighed 500 plus. She brought 1.33 a pound and he brought 1.38 a pound. I was happy but husband said it wasn't enough. They were angus cross brangus. He was just 5 months and she was 7 months. Had to get them off mommas and can't afford putting a lot of feed to sell. Usually smaller calves bring more per pound.
We loaded up our equipment on the train in Polo, Missouri last night. Today we are showing up to work in a tiny village called Mondamin in far western Iowa. The equipment train isn't here yet so we don't know if we're going to get anything done today. But, I get to see a part of Iowa I've never been to, so it's an adventure...
Been a busy week, so today just relaxing.
Might as well , because it's been raining
, hard at times, since before sunup.
Dreary day.
Still coming down.

Hope it aint too much for the new mater plants.

Probly go for ribs later this afternoon.

Watching Tombstone Territory then Bat Masterson. Love Saturday morning.

Y'all stay dry.

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Good for you! You paid the going market rate. The local price I heard last week for here was $1.55/lb. Nice of him to deliver, folks around here don't do that.

Keep us posted on the progress, post plenty of photo's and details. As you know, several folks here in the forum have raised cows for decades... Any question you might have could find an answer or at least be pointed in the right direction. Wish you good luck with them!
I actually got them a few cents below market price for this area.
He had them all in a corral because he had just had the Vet there to castrate and give shots so I could pick the ones I wanted. I took my cousin because he knows more about cattle so I'm pretty confident I did OK.
Mo, I hope your arm heals quickly
UrbanHunter, I hope you're able to fix your computer. Was it blue screening? Crashing? Or just not booting up?

Got thunderstorms and we're on tornado watch. Internet keeps going out.

I'm looking forward to more posts from Ben about the kitchen reno.
I will update when my brother and I meet on Monday to nail down the design and consider the various suggestions. This video shows what our previous remodel project and rental looked like before we cleaned up the tools and supplies.

I hope the new kitchen turns out about as nice.

Today I am off on a road trip with my son to get gutters and down spouts for his place.


Been a busy week, so today just relaxing.
Might as well , because it's been raining
, hard at times, since before sunup.
Dreary day.
Still coming down.

Hope it aint too much for the new mater plants.

Probly go for ribs later this afternoon.

Watching Tombstone Territory then Bat Masterson. Love Saturday morning.

Y'all stay dry.

I hope the rain is not overwhelming for your area, but I am jealous. The main downfall of living in the high desert is the lack of good rain storms, probably why it's a desert I guess. I miss them. 29 years of desert living really has me missing good rainstorms. I am hoping the end of summer I can go on vacation to somewhere with thunderstorms, or maybe a mild hurricane.
I will update when my brother and I meet on Monday to nail down the design and consider the various suggestions. This video shows what our previous remodel project and rental looked like before we cleaned up the tools and supplies.

I hope the new kitchen turns out about as nice.

Today I am off on a road trip with my son to get gutters and down spouts for his place.



Looks nice.
Peeling about 25 pounds of free garlic.
Trying to get it ready for dehydrator.
Got about 5 pounds of Aspargus too.
My house smells garlicy.
I'm thinking something with garlic for supper.
Strawberry is home now.
She's snoozing on the love seat.
Got spaghetti sauce simmering now.
Sipping coffee.
Planted more garlic- elephant, and white.
Have opinion to pick up more garlic Monday.
Will have to see how far I get with this flat.
That sounds awesome Mo. I'm planning to plant a few lbs of garlic this fall. I miss having fresh.

Well this week has been a cluster**** at work this week, last couple weeks actually. Long story short my radio guy's predecesor was gifted a bunch of broadband gear that was removed from another nasty facility and it wasn't checked out before it was handed over. This was 20+ years ago. Anywho, things changed, departments closed, and the stuff was transfered to our department with no knowledge being handed off with it. A few weeks ago we got a notice that there was some "stuff" in a contaminated storage area and it must be ours. Several of us went and looked around and my radio guy recognized what it was, so guess who got stuck with taking care of getting the area emptied??? Last week and this week I put together a plan to save what we need to keep, and ditch the rest. But Tuesday I found out there was more involved. Just how much was mind blowing. Our Safety group lead to the respitory program. I also contact waste management on how to dispose of the stuff, Since we have beryllium and lead contamination that we know of, there is a whole different plan used for that, so mine goes out the window. I also was told that every single piece will have to be surveyed for Rad contamination as well. This was Thursday afternoon for a job to happen on Saturday. Needless to say I was scrambling along with several others who without their help I would not have even come close to getting what we were able to done. I had four guys in full dress out with respirators all day today and they got a lot done. But we will be doing more next week. Still have no idea when that will be done.
I also got 2 emails Friday morning about another project I am way behind on wanting to knwo when they will hear anything.

I also went for my yearly physical yesterday. Needless to say my BP is up, normal is 120 something over 80 something. Yesterday 154 over 80. I wonder why its up??????

After re-reading this, I should have posted in the rant section.
I went to the grocery store to grab some things. I told my brother I wanted to look in the hardware & paint section but he went and got ice cream & then got very impatient with me so I decided to look when he's not at the store with me. He did run and grab me some chocolate milk though.

I made shepherd's pie in the pressure cooker. There's a learning curve so I will have to do it differently next time.
That sounds awesome Mo. I'm planning to plant a few lbs of garlic this fall. I miss having fresh.

Well this week has been a cluster**** at work this week, last couple weeks actually. Long story short my radio guy's predecesor was gifted a bunch of broadband gear that was removed from another nasty facility and it wasn't checked out before it was handed over. This was 20+ years ago. Anywho, things changed, departments closed, and the stuff was transfered to our department with no knowledge being handed off with it. A few weeks ago we got a notice that there was some "stuff" in a contaminated storage area and it must be ours. Several of us went and looked around and my radio guy recognized what it was, so guess who got stuck with taking care of getting the area emptied??? Last week and this week I put together a plan to save what we need to keep, and ditch the rest. But Tuesday I found out there was more involved. Just how much was mind blowing. Our Safety group lead to the respitory program. I also contact waste management on how to dispose of the stuff, Since we have beryllium and lead contamination that we know of, there is a whole different plan used for that, so mine goes out the window. I also was told that every single piece will have to be surveyed for Rad contamination as well. This was Thursday afternoon for a job to happen on Saturday. Needless to say I was scrambling along with several others who without their help I would not have even come close to getting what we were able to done. I had four guys in full dress out with respirators all day today and they got a lot done. But we will be doing more next week. Still have no idea when that will be done.
I also got 2 emails Friday morning about another project I am way behind on wanting to knwo when they will hear anything.

I also went for my yearly physical yesterday. Needless to say my BP is up, normal is 120 something over 80 something. Yesterday 154 over 80. I wonder why its up??????

After re-reading this, I should have posted in the rant section.
I can relate.
I remember when one of my projects got pushed back because some fool dropped a bottle of something nasty. It took them more than a month.

It sucks when its no fault of your own. Still looks like you dropped the ball. I hate that.And the guys asking are always good customers. We do a lot of work for them., had a huge project with them last year for their new facility that was smooth as silk and 2 months ahead of schedule.. This year has been just the opposite. Nothing has went right.
A great day with BIL and SIL. We went to lunch then wine tasting. We only made it to 3 wineries - we're so novice. The good news, 2 out of the 3 were excellent. Then went and ate supper. I'm am so full, I'm learning how to waddle. Am exhausted, woke at 3:30AM this morning. Will go to bed shortly and hopefully get to sleep in until at lest 4:30-5. Good food, good company, good day.
I'm ready to call it a day, too. Mom wore me out. Took her to the town's festivities all day and then to the High School concert. Got her home, and unloaded all her purchases. Had to laugh at the concert, the twins are in jazz band, and only 7 kids were on stage playing. So they are two of the seven. I nudged her and pointed them out. She said, "Do I know any of these people?" Ha. I think it was all just overwhelming.
It caught up with us! So Hubby and I don't usually drink much wine or eat out much, an occasional glass with dinner or something. Yesterday was the most either of us has had in one day in addition to some really good food and plenty of it. Both of us woke up about 1AM so miserable it wasn't funny. No sickness, but our systems were trying to deal with the consumption. I walked around a little, opened a window for fresh air, and we were both wide awake. Finally got back to sleep and slept in until 5:30. It rained during the night so the sound and smell of fresh rain (much needed!) was great.
I have to head up the mountain today to shock the well before sale of the house. Erg - crawling around in a short well house, oh yay (sarcasm.) BIL & SIL will be over this afternoon for steaks. It's supposed to clear up by then - either way indoors or out will be nice. Also, other BIL & SIL are supposed to stop by for a few but can't stay for dinner. The last time all 3 brothers were together was at a nieces wedding about 3 years ago so should be fun.
I'm trying to motivate myself to get up and do something productive. No one else in the house is awake (unless you count the cats that are singing the song of their people). Dog is racked out on the foot of my bed. I'm trying to figure out if I can fix my ceiling fan. Motor doesn't even seem to be trying to turn the blades. I wonder if the power to it is messed up/interrupted. Like, maybe I need a new light switch. It died after massive power surges & an outage. It's an Evergo ceiling fan that was installed in the late 1980s. I don't want to have to get a new one. The newer ones break down fast & I don't like the looks. Mine has gold stencil design on the blades.

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