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I found a new species of Plantain this week!!!!! I just realized it tonight while searching my books and going through photos. It's always been there, I just never noticed it. I had taken photos of another plant and posted it couple days ago.

Problem, my books name this new plantain by two different latin names, one book -one name, another book-another name, not unusual. Botanist run around renaming species all the time. A book printed with one name, another printed a few years later, different latin names.

Anyway, I have to clear up these discrepancies then... make some calls as to its medicinal qualities before I post it in remedies..

But here it is in the left edge and top right of the of the photo of a verbina. Its the slender things without leaves that are grey-green in color. Sort of looks like grey-green pencils sticking up from the grass.

Still, this plant and the new wild rose species I found make my whole week!!! 🙃

Long rd ( 9)a.JPG
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I overslept or went back to sleep or something this morning. Wasted half the morning. Worn out from yesterdays ! lol My body is screaming for rest and my pea brain is screaming do this do that do the other. There is no shortage of things that need done ASAP! It's humid hot & hazy already, kinda miserable to be honest. Changed the oil in the EU2000 after finding wet feed troughs and feeding all the critters.
A recovery day - maybe. Lol

At our farm we had to have someone cut down several very old maple trees lining the road (their placement was above our skill level). They're beautiful old trees, but not healthy, and their constant limb dropping was getting to be dangerous. Now that they're on the ground, we're working to clean them up (chipping, bucking for firewood, and hopefully finding a decent 4 foot section here and there that we can mill). It's not rocket science - just hot, hot work on a hot, hot day. And that hot, hot work affects us differently now than it did 10 years ago. 😂

As much as our bodies need the rest, we really should go back out today and do more. The farm is near the front end of a hollow, so everyone in the back of the hollow passes by. Half the neighbors are ticked off at us for cutting down the trees (never mind the 6 in branches that started falling in the road), the other half just wants to steal the wood. We really need to keep working to make that wood less accessible to someone wanting to take it off our hands...

Forget a recovery day, I'm off to talk DH into going back to the farm. Wish me luck! Lol.
Cats broke an antique oil lamp. It was on the highest surface in the kitchen and they've never been able to get up there before. Must have jumped from a bookcase 6ft away. It shattered and spilled oil all over the floor. Had to spread baking soda over it to soak it up. I'm letting it sop it up for now and will sweep it up and clean with dish detergent in the morning. Back was not cooperating enough to work on it tonight.
I feel your pain, no place is cat proof, but they are being cats.
A recovery day - maybe. Lol

At our farm we had to have someone cut down several very old maple trees lining the road (their placement was above our skill level). They're beautiful old trees, but not healthy, and their constant limb dropping was getting to be dangerous. Now that they're on the ground, we're working to clean them up (chipping, bucking for firewood, and hopefully finding a decent 4 foot section here and there that we can mill). It's not rocket science - just hot, hot work on a hot, hot day. And that hot, hot work affects us differently now than it did 10 years ago. 😂

As much as our bodies need the rest, we really should go back out today and do more. The farm is near the front end of a hollow, so everyone in the back of the hollow passes by. Half the neighbors are ticked off at us for cutting down the trees (never mind the 6 in branches that started falling in the road), the other half just wants to steal the wood. We really need to keep working to make that wood less accessible to someone wanting to take it off our hands...

Forget a recovery day, I'm off to talk DH into going back to the farm. Wish me luck! Lol.
If you need a deterrent, let me know. I'm not much good at heavy labor RN, but an old guy with a rifle that will drop a T-rex is hard to argue with :p
The twins finally got the corn in. That has taken forever. I worked on a very large tree pruning project, and had little granddaughter running the wheelbarrow to the burn pile. Husband worked on mowing, and cleared an area that we will be building a turkey run on. Little granddaughter's mom will be by to visit here soon. Then I need to go water for the neighbors that are out of town. Dinner tonight at my favorite cousin's house. Brownies have been requested.
We survived another sleep over with the granddaughters but it was odd because I authorized them bringing their electronics with them for the first time. It was quieter than previous times. Seems if they can't punch surfaces they turn to punching each other. Grampa is going to have to learn how to deal with these electronic kids.

The duct work project ready to take the big step of cutting open the main duct and assembling components. The following images reflect the fine tuning I did to avoid problems after the main duct is cut.

A cardboard template was made to match the main duct to allow me to fiddle with the fit and define the hole that needs to be cut. A subtle detail is the bead that forms the top and bottom edge of the duct. It amounts to just under 1/2" that I need to account for on the top and bottom. Fair enough. That is why I do the mock-ups and templates.


It took some creativity but I managed to some half arsed flanges formed to account for the beads of the main duct. They aint pretty but rhe person that will see them after me may never know me.


Below is the view from inside the main duct mock-up. Test fitting to the mock-up revealed issues in the corners that would have been hard to spot if I had skipped the mock-up and right at the final install.


The mockup will fitted over the main duct and be used to mark the opening I will have to cut.

I think I am ready to go with the 14 step ballet that if it goes well will result in sucking hot air from the second floor closet.

I did get my shipment of cut-off wheels for the Dremel tool so that should not complicate the dance.

Tomorrow I should meet with my brother to finalize the plans for the kitchen design so I can get that on order.

I plan to spend the afternoon on rhe front porch with The Princess hoping for rain as she gets all of her passwords integrated into some fancy password application.


Hey @Neb are you going to pinch the flaps as you attach it to the old duct? Will you have access to the inside of the duct to do the final connections?

Just wondering, I know you have a plan....
Since the assembly is here on the front porch I can share 2 more images.

Curved section mated to mockup section.

Flipped to see it from the bottom.

An access panel big enough for me to reach in and pinch the flaps before step #7 in the installation when the access cover is installed.


Thank you for the sanity check!

Cats broke an antique oil lamp. It was on the highest surface in the kitchen and they've never been able to get up there before. Must have jumped from a bookcase 6ft away. It shattered and spilled oil all over the floor. Had to spread baking soda over it to soak it up. I'm letting it sop it up for now and will sweep it up and clean with dish detergent in the morning. Back was not cooperating enough to work on it tonight.

I have 3 that I was going to list for sale. They are yours if you want them. Just cover the shipping costs.

Getting some cleaning done. Teaching Roo to clean her bathroom from top to bottom. She is the pig between the 2 girls and if she has to keep it clean then she might not be so gross.

Making pizza dough from scratch for dinner tonight. Using the breadmaker to make the dough. If it turns out I will be adding calzones back to the family menu. I'll have to add pizza sauce to the pantry and start making mozzarella from scratch again. Anyone make it from goats milk before?

Restocking cleaning supplies. The scamdemic but a cramp in the products we normally use as most companies changed their product lines to meet demands for other items. Well I can finally get the dish soap we have always used again. It will be nice to have a soap that lasts more than a month and a drop or two will clean the whole sink load!
Today I finished up the laundry, did church and then worked in the garden a little. I discovered squash beatles and want to deal with that early.... The indoor growing station remodel is almost finished, once it's new home is clean I will roll in there.

I am doing catch up on my grocery shelves inventory and restocking, it might take several nights.
The kids service dog has been having issues for the past few days too. I think it's the smoke out of AZ but we have a vet visit scheduled on Wed. Benadryl help a just a little bit.

Doc said it is her soft palate flipping forward. It's happening because she was intubated for the dental cleaning. I think it is going to take a while for her to get through it.
I have asthma and found a more humid environment helps during the very dry hot summers and when it is fire season. I use the swamp cooler but a humidifier might work.

Humid air helps some but I'm allergic to a mold that grows in humid air so it's a toss up. I'd go stay with my sister but she is closer to the fires...
Ben, duct is looking great! I love Honey Bunches of Oats. Need to buy some more next time I'm at the store.

Grimm, I appreciate the offer but cats will probably end up breaking them.

I hate the humidity. Brings out fleas and I get overheated. Since I suspect the duct for my room is broken or disconnected, it gets too hot in here. I tossed and turned all night. Finally got to sleep around 6am. Had very strange dreams about being in a small plane seeing cool scenery. Like a town built into a cliff of a mountain with a waterfall that defied physics (water followed a decorative path down instead of going straight down).

Mom woke me up so I cooked for her. Swept the floor. Fed the kitties. Going to spread some diatomaceous earth around later.

Terri, sorry to hear your asthma is acting up. I remember when there were fires in Malaysia that affected us in Singapore. We could no longer go outside for PE classes because we would all choke. Being near all that smoke is definitely not good.
Took the dads to dinner yesterday evening. It was kinda sad really. It's a great little spot on the Oregon side. They are down to being open 2 days per week. They had one waitress and one new waitress (first day). Evidently there wasn't the help there usually is in the kitchen either. They were running. We tried to gather the plates to one end of the table when we were done etc. to make it quicker/easier for them. It amazes me that people can't figure this out. If nobody works, nobody will eat, get needed items etc. The dinner was great and we all had a nice visit.
I started cleaning out in the garage today. Not finished by any means, but making progress. It's maybe halfway done. Still cleaning and sorting in the summer kitchen also. That is coming along also, but was in a little better shape to begin with. I really need to get ruthless with the sorting. It's getting down to the tough stuff. Procrastination is easier but not as effective.
Spent the morning with the two granddaughters starting the putting together of the turkey run. Got the mulberry tree pruned above it, Chained link sides put up, so it's 30 by 25 feet. Got about 1/4 of the top done. Granddaughter is working on that, she's a little taller. I'm working on the utility wire bottom, with part of it dug in and secured on top with cement blocks so we don't get digger predators. Only got about 10 feet of that done so far. We'll be working on it each morning till it's done, I bet it takes all week. It's hot, so we're knocking off about lunch. Husband has physical therapy this afternoon in the bigger town, so the girls and I will go, too, and get dropped off at a new discount store that just opened while husband is in PT.

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