What's everybody doing today?

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Took Roo out front before lunch and had her rake the lawn. I had to help her a bit and show her what to do (for the hundredth time) but she got the job done. Most of the yard is in the shade at that point of the day so it was good to get out there. She got the chore done and she is working on laundry now. My folks have chores for her to do so she can buy her new bike soon.

I made bread this morning and checked my irrigation timer to make sure it was working. I want to have it troubleshooted before we go to my folks' this weekend. I don't want to lose our garden to the heat.

Temps are in the triple digits now.
I'm sitting in my chair and I think that's all I will do today except for taking a nap. I do what I want when I want to do it and if I don't want to do something I just don't do it.
I love being retired. :)
Must be nice!

Until The Princess retires I have to stay productive for my own safety. :confused2:

She did compose a resignation letter last night so hopefully soon.

I had planned to do the duct but The Princess informed me I had a 1/2 hour widow when would not be in a Zoom meeting and could make noise.

Plan B was to fix a under cabinet light that went bad this weekend. No the florescent tube didn't fix it. I found a sel of LED lights on Amazon so i shoveled out some storm drains behind my shop and settled in to watch some strong storms roll in.

Between Zoom meetings The Princess came out of the dungeon/office to see what was happening. When I got to the part about ordering led lights from Amazon she walked away then returned minutes later and dropped a bag at my feet and told me to look in there.

Seems I had purchased an extra set of lights the last time I replaced an under cabinet light in the kitchen. I have a tendency to purchase extras when I find a good price.

So I removed the florescent fixture and replaced it 3 LED light bars. This will give us better lighting on the counter and stove.

So that is how I earned my keep today.

We spent the day on the construction site like normal, I worked the boy like a rented mule today. He is taking tomorrow off to go to the water park and wanted some extra cash so I worked him extra hard today. It’s been awesome with school being out and him working everyday with me! He’s got big enough that he will outwork a lot of men now and he knows what to do this summer. I got home this afternoon took my shower kicked back in my recliner and the recliner handle fell off in my hand. So back to the shop for a little welding it was thin wall so I used the mig and fixed it up. Can’t rest with a broken chair

We have been really busy and I had a massive headache for several days so it sucked. I think my body doesn't like the blood pressure meds. I stopped taking it , and my headache went away. And NO I am not going back to the doctor....don't want to. I will take half a pill and see what that does. My blood pressure isn't that high ( around 130 most of the time) so I am not going to drop dead from heart attack any minute now.

Did farmers market , it was hot and humid and my head felt like it would explode but we did it. We sell all our bread in the first hour or so most of the time. I now have regular customers that come straight for my bread....that was supposed to be a "side thing" but it sells so well, I don't want to stop baking it. We also have regular customers that come buy goat meat ( we are the only people selling that anywhere around here) . Once people try it, they usually like it and come back .

Today I have to thin out some beets ( I just threw the seeds into the ground really fast and they grew in clumps, had no time but wanted to plant some) . This is not something I particularly like to eat, but they sell well for veggies. So I grow them mostly to sell.
I'm sitting in my chair and I think that's all I will do today except for taking a nap. I do what I want when I want to do it and if I don't want to do something I just don't do it.
I love being retired. :)

Same here!

Wife asked me what I have planned for today. "Nothing" was my answer. She said "That's what you did yesterday!" "Well I didn’t finished yet", was my reply.

(It's a joke)
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Grandson is out the door for work at the seed company. They're cleaning bins. In this heat, he comes home pretty tired. Granddaughter doesn't go to work till late afternoon, so she'll be helping me more on the turkey run build this morning. Going in to town for husband's allergy shot around noon, the the pharmacy for his pickup stuff, and then to the Deere place to pickup a back up mower blade. Possibly Tractor supply, too...needing some random stuff.
Sonya, I hope you get things sorted with the bp meds. It's not just heart attack that is the danger with bp. It can destroy your kidneys. Friend of mine had a major bp spike. Damaged his kidneys and severed his corneas. Doctors were able to do surgery to fix one of his eyes to a degree but other one couldn't be salvaged. So he's now legally blind. He was only 33 when it happened. He just turned 35 and is on dialysis for his kidneys.

I went to bed early last night but the phone rang after 11pm. Not sure if it was a scammer or a wrong number. Whoever it was didn't speak. Just hung up. Tossed and turned after that. Cats were bugging me because they were hungry but the cat food was in the truck (brother forgot to unload it). I had to wait until daylight to go get it. Nearly fell over while carrying it because they got underfoot. Stopped to try to scrub the roof of the truck off before grabbing the cat food. It was not too hot yet so I managed to get it cleaned a little. Some sort of black gunk that turned red when I scrubbed it. Didn't have the right stuff for scrubbing. Will take it through the car wash later. Right arm is still being a pain. Deltoid does not want to heal. Fed the kitties and am about to take my allergy meds because I started sneezing.

Hope the turkey run build goes well, Amish_Heart.

I need to hit the local hardware store and see if they have a 2x8 I can use to put the wall-mount for my monitor on. Then I can mount this monitor and put a pillow underneath in case cats somehow tear it down.
Walked first and fed dogs.
Dh and I went to thrift shop, Tractor Supply for dog food, Kroger for local sale, Lowes for hose and shelving units for my canned goods (ran out of room), then the vet's to schedule appt. for psycho dog who has to be sedated for gland express and nail trim.

It's hot! Supposed to be 95 today. It was 92 when I went out to finish pruning the roses, but that is done. The fellow keeps putting off tilling the garden and I am thinking it's getting too late for a regular garden, might wait until Fall. Any thoughts about that?
Mopped, mopped and mopped some more. It rained for 7 straight days, my floors were a mess (thanks to 2 german sheppards who are scared of thunder). I tried to mop last friday, mopped the kitchen, took over 2hrs for the floor to sort of get dry with fans blowing on it, the humidity was very high. I spot mopped as best I could all week.

Today I got the bathroom, hall, entrance area and kitchen mopped twice, even pulled out the bottom stove drawer and cleaned the floor underneath. Took 1/2 my area rugs outside to sun all day, beat the crap out of them with a broom. Got the rest of the area rugs vacuumed but they need a day in the sun and a good beating. At least 1/2 my house is clean! Now for the other half.
Today, I finished updating my primary growing stations lights, I am taking off tomorrow. Need to haul some stuff to the land fill, work in the garden, and help with the remodeling work. Plan to pickup some canned goods in the morning... I am trying to cover all my bases. I hope (but I am not holding my breath) to do work on my water storage system for the garden. I have everything I need,except possibly some PVC for the collection and distribution manifolds. Trying to figure out how to support my summer squash that is hanging out of it's container, possibly a wire shelf at the edge of the container? Not sure, been up since 04:30 and am a little fuzzy.
I could not do with that little sleep like you do, Urban, and still be active. I don't know how you do it.
Back to the turkey run build today. Or at least this morning. The garden seriously needs weeding, but it'll have to be done also in the morning hours, so I hope I finish the run either today or tomorrow. Fowl in small cages or brooder bins take alot more attention. Had to clean out the turkey temp cage and refill feed and water three times yesterday, and I have three other brooders with small babies in that need tending to a number of times, too.
Finally got around to making a dump run. I have a trash trailer that I toss junk into and when it gets full, about twice a year, I have to go to the dump. Today the trash weighed 1260 pounds and cost me $23.96 to dump it.
Temps are going to be in the 90s so I got it done early. I'll just putter around the rest of the day.
I am trying to relax so may as well update.

I met with my brother to verify the kitchen measurements and settle on the choice of counter tops. Some changes will be required. Made an appointment for Thursday to get those changes made and place the order.

Then I had a Zoom meeting with an associate I had mentored years ago. I helped him diagnose an issue in a complex application that had been developed by another group. He was pleased silly and indicated I should be looking for an Amazon gift card in thanks.

Today I dodged Zoom meetings The Princess had to avoid making a lot of noise in the background.

The template was fitted to the duct


And used to mark the opening I need to cut.


I had to kill time in the garage harvesting copper and motors for my stash but got the call that the coast was clear and I could make noise.

Queue the adrenaline

I started the cut using a Dremel tool with a cut-off tool.

Before you read on, guess was happened that got me worked up.

The top cut went well and then moved to the cut along the bottom edge (did you guess yet?)

The sparks from the cut-off tool had ignited dust in the bottom ot the duct! Add in the strong air flow from the AC it was like starting tinder with a spark and blowing on it to get it going. Don't ever claim I cant start a fire without a match.


I yelled at The Princess to grab a fire extinguisher while I grabbed my water glass. The fire was out before she got back. I monitored for a bit and decided I wanted to open the duct so I could get a good look inside.


Yup the fire is out


So I learned a few things.

Don't use a cut-off tool to cut into an air duct that you can't vacuum out first.

One can never have too many fire extinguishers (The Princess had 4 more on order within minutes).

Starting a fire in the house and putting it out satisfies the "do something everyday" criteria.

Behave (unlike me)

I had an interesting couple days. The heat and humidity have been brutal in Iowa this week. At work, the front axle on my machine failed yesterday at the end of the day, causing the right front wheel to snap off. Luckily I was slow rolling through a switch and the impact of hitting the ground wasn't too bad. It took a semi wrecker to set the 23,000 pound machine off the tracks on to flat ground, then I had to work til 7:30 to put the new axle in and get it set back on. Today, every little creak and clank my machine made set my nerves on edge all day! I had to repair some minor damage from the accident, some hydraulic fittings under the frame got beat up when I went off the rail, but all in all it wasn't bad. I got a super cheap deal on a hotel room with a kitchen at a Candlewood Inn & Suites, so I'm living the good life at the hotel.

Sounds like everyone is dealing with the heat. Stay hydrated! Keeping enough water in your system is your best line of defense from the heat. Be safe out there!
I had an interesting couple days. The heat and humidity have been brutal in Iowa this week. At work, the front axle on my machine failed yesterday at the end of the day, causing the right front wheel to snap off. Luckily I was slow rolling through a switch and the impact of hitting the ground wasn't too bad. It took a semi wrecker to set the 23,000 pound machine off the tracks on to flat ground, then I had to work til 7:30 to put the new axle in and get it set back on. Today, every little creak and clank my machine made set my nerves on edge all day! I had to repair some minor damage from the accident, some hydraulic fittings under the frame got beat up when I went off the rail, but all in all it wasn't bad. I got a super cheap deal on a hotel room with a kitchen at a Candlewood Inn & Suites, so I'm living the good life at the hotel.

Sounds like everyone is dealing with the heat. Stay hydrated! Keeping enough water in your system is your best line of defense from the heat. Be safe out there!
Re semi wrecker

My neighbor worked for the railroad and drove a truck with the railroad wheels on the front and back. When he arrived at home he noticed his dog had got loose so he threw the truck in park (almost) to grab his dog. The truck slipped into neutral and rolled down the road and then over the hillside taking out trees as it went. AAA sent a flat bead that even with our pickup and its winch helping couldn't pull it out of the woods. Eventually the flat bed broke its cable trying.

Eventually they brought in a semi wrecker to pull it out. Aside from some scratches on the bottom of the running boards as it went over the curb there was zero damage aside from the trees.

The Princess claimed it would be in bad taste when I told her I wanted to put up a no parking sign in the woods.

The day did not go well, wife and I were both down.... We got a little done, but nothing near where we wanted to do.. I finished running all the errands in the middle of the day and then the wife made a rice a roni type orzo, rice, and veggies dish with chicken thighs on top, was the best meal I've had in a long time.

After the final grocery run, I dated and inventoried everything and placed it on shelves in the receiving area. I am trying to get my inventory back up to snuff. Based on what I got to fill holes and increase total my capacity a little, I could last a while. The receiving area is 4 2'X3' shelves and it is completely full of canned goods, pasta, and oats. I had to put the cleaning supplies on the floor.... just not enough room on the shelves....

One thing that I was not able to find was small cans of pineapple products..... I can find the larger ones, but the small one seem to be in short supply.

It's funny, the wife wanted chocolate today (she is not suppose to have it), I went looking and found a (1) kit-kat bar that expired in 2017, she said it wasn't good......
Figuring out the twins work schedules...grandson works tomorrow, more fields to walk and weed, and then he's off for a couple of weeks because he's under 18 and they'll be harvesting. So hopefully getting him a harvesting help job with a cousin for that time. Things are dry and hot right now, and everyone is in full wheat harvest. Supposed to be 105 tomorrow with 35% humidity. Granddaughter mostly works 4 to 9pm at our local burger dive, so she helps me in the morning. Tomorrow will be up at o'dark 30, getting the garden soaked and weeded. Hoping to come back in by 10 or 11 am. Had slight heat exhaustion today, I was out way too long finishing up the turkey Hilton. Have mom to take grocery shopping tomorrow, if she doesn't cancel, and one of the dogs has a vet visit for a swollen ear flap. I've been powdering him, but the flies are vicious on his ears. I suspect that one may be full of maggots, and I'm not cutting it open. Nope.

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