I am trying to relax so may as well update.
I met with my brother to verify the kitchen measurements and settle on the choice of counter tops. Some changes will be required. Made an appointment for Thursday to get those changes made and place the order.
Then I had a Zoom meeting with an associate I had mentored years ago. I helped him diagnose an issue in a complex application that had been developed by another group. He was pleased silly and indicated I should be looking for an Amazon
gift card in thanks.
Today I dodged Zoom meetings The Princess had to avoid making a lot of noise in the background.
The template was fitted to the duct
And used to mark the opening I need to cut.
I had to kill time in the garage harvesting copper and motors for my stash but got the call that the coast was clear and I could make noise.
Queue the adrenaline
I started the cut using a Dremel tool with a cut-off tool.
Before you read on, guess was happened that got me worked up.
The top cut went well and then moved to the cut along the bottom edge (did you guess yet?)
The sparks from the cut-off tool had ignited dust in the bottom ot the duct! Add in the strong air flow from the AC it was like starting tinder with a spark and blowing on it to get it going. Don't ever claim I cant start a fire without a match.
I yelled at The Princess to grab a fire extinguisher while I grabbed my water glass. The fire was out before she got back. I monitored for a bit and decided I wanted to open the duct so I could get a good look inside.
Yup the fire is out
So I learned a few things.
Don't use a cut-off tool to cut into an air duct that you can't vacuum out first.
One can never have too many fire extinguishers (The Princess had 4 more on order within minutes).
Starting a fire in the house and putting it out satisfies the "do something everyday" criteria.
Behave (unlike me)