What's everybody doing today?

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Well, I couldn't type much yesterday because all of the drops the eye-doctor put in my eyes, so this is yesterday's.
My eyes have changed a lot so I needed new glasses.🤓
Insurance paid for the exam but when it came to getting the glasses, the girl told me insurance doesn't cover that :(.
They do, but only about $40 for el-cheapo frames with simple lenses.
(Translation: We're not even going to fool with that:rolleyes:)
1 pair of glasses that meet my 'specs' (pun) $754.
For everything else, there's MasterCard® :thumbs:.
Since I get 4-5 years out of them, it isn't that bad when you consider the ¢'s per hour wearing them all day, every day.
I filled out so many pages of paperwork before the appointment, I also figured out how they make money.
On the way out I got papers on where to go for a sleep-study, and where to go for hearing tests, (that they get kickbacks from for referrals).

I just wanted a dang pair of glasses!
(This is not a rant, it only sounds like one)
Take a look at this site. I know a guy that ordered from them and he was happy.
Glasses – Glasses Online – Prescription Glasses | Zenni Optical

I replaced a frost-free hydrant last weekend then Thursday I drove a T post beside it for support. Had my wife hold the hydrant to the side so I didn't hit it with the driver and the T fitting snapped off. I had to wait a day for the water to drain and for the early morning temps. Friday I dug it up and replace all the PVC connections. The new T had a crack along the seam so I got to start all over on today. It took 2 tries today but I finally got it replaced. Now if I just don't break anything when I fill in the hole I'll be OK.
A week and 4 trips to the hardware store to do a 30-minute job. :mad:
Today was cutting more tires and then on to replacing the windows in the school doors that someone had thrown rocks through in the past. That was a tough job because it was cool and overcast and we were swarmed with mosquitos. I am going to be swatting them all night.
Try out Thermacell

We carry the portable units and they wor!

Today I ordered the last few parts I need to make changes to my desktop computer. I also made some audio cd’s, haven’t done that in a while. I have an early 2000’s Silverado. Last fall the FM side of the radio quit working, AM worked. No biggy, I keep cd’s in the truck. In April the cd player part got really flakey, especially with really old cd’s with a lot of surface scratches.

So, I started researching the net for a replacement radio. I couldn’t use a radio out of a wrecked Silverado because of a security feature GM had built into radios that were specific vehicle dependent. I found one on egay, the seller guaranteed me he had one with the security feature over ridden that would work in my truck. He wanted $400 for it! I hope he’s happy with his $400 used radio because I’m not paying that much for one.

So I started searching for an aftermarket radio, a royal pain. Too bad the days of the automotive audio store are gone. One store with everything in stock for any vehicle and a dozen price points to choose from.

I finally got one ordered with the special bracket and antenna adapter. Verified it’d fit at two other websites… When it arrived last week I talked to the best chevy mechanic in town. He has an electronic guy working for him. He said he’d put it in for $100 but not until August.

So, I burned copies of some old cd’s today so I’ll have music when I drive…I verified the songs that wouldn't play before now play with the copies I burned. Have several projects I need to work on but the ground outside is a soggy mess, oh well.
The granddaughters came to visit so we took them on a short road trip to visit the Oliver Miller Homestead since they had volunteers working every building demonstrating the tools of the day.

For those not familiar with the homestead it was the center of the whiskey rebellion back about 1790. george Washington sent in troops because they were not paying taxes on the whiskey.

The Princess used to work there as a guide so between her and I we were able to identify and explain almost all of the tools and processes.

Some of the activites were

Spinning and cleaning wool
Weaving fabric
Sewing quilts etc
Cookint over a fire place
Making candles at the spring house
Cokking and distilling at an outdoir fire pit.
Wood tools and wood shop
Gun smithing

Here are a few images.




Below is the still owned by Oliver Miller that was shipped in from England and cost him 50 pounds at the time.




Went out and spent the day with my parents, sister, her hubby, and niece. Great day.

Tomorrow is gonna suck so bad. We gotta get our 12 yo Golden Retriever put down. She has a brain tumor and for the past several months we've been treating her with Anti Sieze meds. They worked well. But apparently the tumor has grown and is affecting her rear legs. Very hard for her to even get up. It sucks, but it's time to let her go..
@Bacpacker My old sheppard is nearing the end of the line also so I feel for you. Somehow it's been in my mind he was 7 maybe 8 at the most. I found pictures a couple weeks ago I know were taken in 2011, a calendar on my wall was in a photo. I've been really watching him since... his age shows in subtle ways. Large breed dogs don't make much past 10 or 11. I've been adjusting my mind to the facts. He's not suffering from anything specific so I still have time before any hard choices are made.
Our 1st Golden made it to 15, liked 2 months being 16. She was sickly her whole life, but mostly little things, never got over 45lbs. We came home from my aunt's funeral and she had something happen to her brain. Had to take her the next day
This one has mostly been healthy until the past year, but has went down steadily the last few weeks. This week though she just can't get around, no interest in food and not much in water. Just breaks my heart.
Backpacker, I'm so sorry about your dog. I've been there many times with pets and it always sucks.

Trying to catch up. Internet has not been working well. Shoulder and arm are feeling worse-- pulled something again. Went to stretch and had shooting pain from my shoulder down to my elbow. Naproxyn doesn't seem to be helping with the irritation. I've had trouble sleeping comfortably before it. It's on the side I usually sleep on. My pelvis is twisted in a weird way-- to the side and downward-- so my left hip gets more pressure on it when I sleep on my left side. Until the shoulder issue, it was more comfortable to sleep on my right side. I wake up feeling horrible if I sleep on my back and I can't sleep on my stomach comfortably.

Watched a bunch of "How To" videos while internet was cooperating.
This one is very cool:

Picked up some trash-- brother was supposed to take trash out today and cans are all full but he's too busy playing video games. I'm getting close to unplugging his ethernet cord. Helped mom organize more stuff in her room. Fed the kitties. Did some dishes. Need to wipe down the counters again.
Went out and spent the day with my parents, sister, her hubby, and niece. Great day.

Tomorrow is gonna suck so bad. We gotta get our 12 yo Golden Retriever put down. She has a brain tumor and for the past several months we've been treating her with Anti Sieze meds. They worked well. But apparently the tumor has grown and is affecting her rear legs. Very hard for her to even get up. It sucks, but it's time to let her go..
@Bacpacker , that heartbreaking.

Went out and spent the day with my parents, sister, her hubby, and niece. Great day.

Tomorrow is gonna suck so bad. We gotta get our 12 yo Golden Retriever put down. She has a brain tumor and for the past several months we've been treating her with Anti Sieze meds. They worked well. But apparently the tumor has grown and is affecting her rear legs. Very hard for her to even get up. It sucks, but it's time to let her go..
@Bacpacker My old sheppard is nearing the end of the line also so I feel for you. Somehow it's been in my mind he was 7 maybe 8 at the most. I found pictures a couple weeks ago I know were taken in 2011, a calendar on my wall was in a photo. I've been really watching him since... his age shows in subtle ways. Large breed dogs don't make much past 10 or 11. I've been adjusting my mind to the facts. He's not suffering from anything specific so I still have time before any hard choices are made.
IMHO, this is one of the hardest things to deal with. I wish you both the best and will be praying for comfort for you.
Husband got to pick what I cooked today, he wanted lamb burgers and fries, plus homemade snickers bars for dessert.

It was too hot to do a ton of stuff today, but I did do a little bit of laundry.
Looks like a good time, Ben!
We went to the Lake. The kids swam, we had a picnic. Folding chairs in the shade, it was 102 out today. Husband is now starting the barbeque. It was too hot to eat dinner earlier.

Two double posts in a row... I guess I'm not the only one seeing lag time in forum response to input...
Went out and spent the day with my parents, sister, her hubby, and niece. Great day.

Tomorrow is gonna suck so bad. We gotta get our 12 yo Golden Retriever put down. She has a brain tumor and for the past several months we've been treating her with Anti Sieze meds. They worked well. But apparently the tumor has grown and is affecting her rear legs. Very hard for her to even get up. It sucks, but it's time to let her go..

So sorry :(
@Bacpacker My old sheppard is nearing the end of the line also so I feel for you. Somehow it's been in my mind he was 7 maybe 8 at the most. I found pictures a couple weeks ago I know were taken in 2011, a calendar on my wall was in a photo. I've been really watching him since... his age shows in subtle ways. Large breed dogs don't make much past 10 or 11. I've been adjusting my mind to the facts. He's not suffering from anything specific so I still have time before any hard choices are made.

My 8 year old GSD is starting to look old too. She is not as energetic as she used to be, sheds more, and sleeps more . I already dread it when she goes. She is my most favorite dog ever.
Today is a split day, 7-11 followed by 1- 6, I am hoping to finish cleaning my indoor growing stations today. That would allow me to start new plants this weekend. I like watching things grow. The garden is producing a little, but the heat is really hard on the poor plants.

I learned a lot from last years insect infestations and hope be have that resolved this year.
Long day yesterday~ went to the town where I grew up for funeral/celebration of life. He passed in January, but blah, blah, blah. At least we were now able to gather and show respect as we are meant to do for loved ones. It was a beautiful drive but long for a single day. Saw folks I hadn't seen in a while and a few I hadn't seen since HS - you know day before yesterday 🙄🤥. You know you belong when you can not see someone for a number of years and pick up conversation just as if it's been a week or two. Returned home about 11PM which is way late for us since we are usually awake by about 4AM.
Picked a bunch of broccoli right before we left and have is rinsed and in the fridge, but need to blanch and freeze what we won't be able to eat. Also, still shelling peas and have more to do but also have to be at work so we'll see how it all flies.
Walked first, fed dogs and gave second round of sedation pills to Corgi.
Did laundry.
Started a crock pot of pinto beans that were soaked last night.
Pulled a spoon bread out of the freezer.
Took Oreo to doc at 11:30 for anal gland expression and nail clip. Refilled sedation pills for next trip (hopefully not for 6 months or so).
Need to do one more load of laundry and go start organizing my new shelving in shed.
Hope you all have a good Monday!

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