What's everybody doing today?

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Finally some weather this morning in the low 80's and we had a little bit of rain last night, not much. So just came in from garden weeding. Odds and ends to do this afternoon....laundry, dehydrator, clean the kitchen.... Picked 3 yellow squash, 4 cucumbers, 4 zucchini, handfulls of snap peas, and a few green beans.
Finally some weather this morning in the low 80's and we had a little bit of rain last night, not much. So just came in from garden weeding. Odds and ends to do this afternoon....laundry, dehydrator, clean the kitchen.... Picked 3 yellow squash, 4 cucumbers, 4 zucchini, handfulls of snap peas, and a few green beans.
I think for here, tomorrow and Wed. in upper 90's then 100-108 through next Wed. which is as far out as the forecast goes. 🥵
Phase I done!

A 10" round duct is now sucking warm air from my closet on the second floor!

Opening in the main duct is to the left and the hole through the wall is to the right.


The curved section went in after some effort and fit fine after I bent the flanges over from the inside of the duct.


Installed the access panel and finished taping all of the seams.


Last view of the curved section as viewed from the other side of basement.


The round trunk line through the wall was supported by a rope at the top end with rope tied off using a chain stitch securing it the a closet rod in the second floor closet. The chain stitch allowed me to release the rope from the basement. Lifting the stack pipe got it out of the way while finalizing the plenum through the wall.


The stack mated with plenum fine and secured it with screws and all seams taped off.

Not shown was the strapping that was installed to support the weight of the stack pipe.

From this point the next phase branch the 10" duct to 3 6" ducts running to three registers.

Tomorrow temps will be in the high 60s so I will be working in the garden killing batteries in my weed eater.

All is good!

Got up and dug the grave for our old dog. 90 degrees and 80% humidity. That was fun. Took her to the vet this afternoon and put her down. She was in worse shape than I realized. Brought her home and buried her next to our 1st Golden. Right at the end of where the raised beds are going. Bad day all the way around. Gonna miss her.
Went out and spent the day with my parents, sister, her hubby, and niece. Great day.

Tomorrow is gonna suck so bad. We gotta get our 12 yo Golden Retriever put down. She has a brain tumor and for the past several months we've been treating her with Anti Sieze meds. They worked well. But apparently the tumor has grown and is affecting her rear legs. Very hard for her to even get up. It sucks, but it's time to let her go..
I’m so sorry, Backpacker. My thoughts are with you today. Know you have your dog a wonderful life.
Spent the morning trouble shooting a printing problem. The Shooting competitions I'm involved with change their scoring program for the 2021 season. New program is overall fantastic! Unfortunately it was written by the Generation X crowd. I say unfortunately because the printing function evidently was attempted as an afterthought. Printing directly from an Android tablet to a wireless printer results in a postage size readout that the Hubble telescope couldn't read. Tech support solution is just post the results online. They can't quite grasp that there are still some folks that don't have (or don't care to) online access and want a printout instead!
Too many stinky brooders in the house. I bought a bunch of hardware cloth wire to put over large dog cages to start getting some of the babies out of here today. I cut it and wire it over the existing cage, wire is 1/4 in square. Hoping to at least get 27 guinea fowl out of here. Then work on 13 chicks moved, and 11 meats moved separately.
1. Work. Only a couple of hours. Which was a good break from the usual crazy rhythm.

2. Two small tasks I did not finish. I'll still work on them in the evening and see what I can do with them tomorrow.

3. I went to a hardware store and got the information I needed for the brick BBQ I'm planning on building. I want to do it all myself. As much as possible. I take it as one of many practice projects for the day I'll eventually take on building a cabin by myself. God willing.

4. I went over my list of organic seeds I'm ordering soon. I don't have the space to even grow them right now but at least they'll be here.
Got up and dug the grave for our old dog. 90 degrees and 80% humidity. That was fun. Took her to the vet this afternoon and put her down. She was in worse shape than I realized. Brought her home and buried her next to our 1st Golden. Right at the end of where the raised beds are going. Bad day all the way around. Gonna miss her.
Aww, I'm sorry.
Ate up about 11 AH worth of 20V batteries weed whacking everything.


Spotted 2 praying mantis that were about an inch long. They have a lot of growing left to go.

I convinced myself to move the forward handle on the weed whacker so it balances better. I will have to think about it next time to see if is easier to use.

Since it was so nice out (62 degrees now) I spent time in the shop dismantling an old electric motor. It has to 50-60 years ol but still ran but it would start smoking after about 2 minutes. It was fun dealing with all of the rusted fasters were PB blaster and and impact driver could not break loose. I still have to figure out how to get the stator windings out of the housing so I can harvest the copper.

Not sure what I am up to tomorrow.

My husband is working from home the next 2 weeks. One of his co-workers came down with COVID so he’s ordered to work from home. I’m so excited. I LOVE having him home.

Today I weeded, fertilized, raked in the fertilizer, laid another layer of mulch, watered.

Tomorrow I’m going to lunch with a girlfriend then driving through a neighborhood known for beautiful houses and gardens.
Work work work.

Putting the sunshades on the skylights to keep the temps down in the house.

Endless tiny things to do in the greenhouse.

Washing dishes. Feeding the kittens.

Hopefully when it cools off a little jacking up the parts car and seeing if its exhaust system is in better shape than the one on my moms car, which has had its muffler rust off.
Sorting through some yarn as I have a friend who utilized the scrap balls of yarn I have no use for.
Weeding, fertilizing and watering my gardens.
I call those Grand daughter's yarn basket.
While she figures out how to make slip knots.
When her basket gets full, then Granny makes doll blankets for Christmas.
She picks which colors goes into the doll blankets.
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Sister was supposed to stay 15 days.
She stayed 2 days.
It was just too much for her.
Backpacker, so sorry about your fur baby.
Dad, my youngest sister and myself are going to look at an apartment for him tomorrow.
Then is supposed to go out to dinner with ex in laws, ex husband ,both sons. daughter in law and both grand daughters Thursday.Lost another 4 pounds this week.
Same here!
Wife asked me what I have planned for today. "Nothing" was my answer. She said "That's what you did yesterday!" "Well I didn’t finished yet", was my reply.

(It's a joke)
Some times it's a good idea to always have a small unfinished job to do to keep you out of harms way.
Work work work.

Putting the sunshades on the skylights to keep the temps down in the house.

Endless tiny things to do in the greenhouse.

Washing dishes. Feeding the kittens.

Hopefully when it cools off a little jacking up the parts car and seeing if its exhaust system is in better shape than the one on my moms car, which has had its muffler rust off.
That's right! How is the cat wranglin' going?
Dad, bless his heart, he shouldn’t be trying to run the pole saw or the weedeater. I saw him using both last week. He must have run the pole saw into the brick wall of the shop again because… Today when I tried to use it, it wouldn’t have cut through a stick of butter. So, tomorrow I get to sharpen the chain. I did run the weedeater until I needed to tap it to get more line to feed out. It wouldn’t feed out new line. So, I took the cutting head apart, dad had put on new line and spooled it backwards… I’m not going to say a word, no point, it’d just make him feel bad. But I did get about a half hour of weedeating done once I got the line spooled correctly.

Last week I’d dug up an area at the end of the porch. I’m going to make a small raised pad for my charcoal grill. I dug up several bricks, bunches of plant roots from a giant clump of monkey grass that had been there. I did level it somewhat. Today I tried to pack the earth down, was going put down more soil to level it. Actually I want it sloped about 5 degrees to keep water from standing there.

Its also right by the down spout of the gutter, we just got 5.5 inches of rain. My pad area was basically quicksand, it’d pack only to squirt up a foot away. I guess I have to wait a few days for it to dry a little more.
That's right! How is the cat wranglin' going?

Well, the three that survived the first few days are doing good. One of the girls is still smaller than the others no matter how much extra care I give her but seems to be healthy. They are about six weeks old now, eating wet food well and playful. Darn cute, don't want to give any of them away but I can't have this many cats in my house. I may keep one of them though, we will see.


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