Work has finally picked back up to its normal "ball's to the wall" as we say. I'm back to my normal 14-18 hour work days. I'm also a not in recovery workaholic so I'm happy with my 47 hours in three days. I like working 18 hour days. 12-18 working hours is a typical day since 2016. My Russian comrade & I usually have the most hours in the company & I balance the most contracts for a single crew. In 2019 I had 1450 overtime hours.
Today, I was in three high-rises working on three of the 8 office remodeling contracts I'm in charge of completing. 6am-11:15pm. Every chance I get, like waiting & riding elevators, I'm checking & reading H&CL. I'm addicted to this site
I did meet a nice homeless man today in from of the uptown 7/11. He was sitting indian style under a sidewalk tree. If someone strikes me as honestly a good person, like he did, I will help them any way I can. I was about to walk in when he says, "Hey brother, would you buy me some sunflower seeds please?" I said, "Yeah, no problem." I bought him two large bags of sunflower seeds & two packages of mixed nuts." He appreciated them and thanked me.
About 6 hours later I saw him in the same spot, so we said hello again & I asked him if he needed anything else. He replied, "Maybe something to drink?" "What do you like?" "Mt. Dew." he says. "No problem." So, I came back out with 2 Mt. Dews, sunflower seeds & a brownie. Then I started talking to him like a mutual friend when he opened up & showed me why his cardboard sign said, "Please help disable". He showed me his ankles, which were mutilated from being hit by a car at 45mph. Both of his feet are floppy from the leg like something Iv'e never seen before. I mean, I don't know how he stands up? The impact from the car killed him and paramedics brought him back to life. He has rods in his legs & minor, somewhat obvious brain damage. He isn't supposed to be walking. He worked before the accident. After recovery, he became an alcoholic & lost everything.
As homeless as he is, he has been recovering & recently graduated from a local christian drug & alcohol program, Teen Challenge. I am aware of this program because they've come to our church before to let their successful organization be known. The testimonies I heard were amazing.
We chatted for a bit longer, my Russian helper looking at me slightly confused. Then he said, "Before you go, can I pray for you?" I said, "Yes" and we bowed our heads. He said a great prayer over my future like a church deacon would have given. His words spoke to my life & I felt the Holy Spirit! That was the highlight of my day. I hope to see him again. He wouldn't be the first homeless person Iv'e made friends with.
Now its time to get my 3 hours of sleep