What's everybody doing today?

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Ate too much, had a nice bottle of wine with the meal. Hubby got two entrees 😂. Not uncommon for him. Southern food - delicious! Funny, I have a southern recipe book from a friend of mine. Nearly every recipe ends “cayenne to taste.” 😂. I might look at the recipes and see what’s there and leave off that last line.
Ate too much, had a nice bottle of wine with the meal. Hubby got two entrees 😂. Not uncommon for him. Southern food - delicious! Funny, I have a southern recipe book from a friend of mine. Nearly every recipe ends “cayenne to taste.” 😂. I might look at the recipes and see what’s there and leave off that last line.
Today was mini-finance day. I had some liquid money in a high-yield checking account ("high" being relative to other checking accounts) and also a fairly high yield money market account ("high" relative to other money markets). With the recent interest rate drop the feds just did last week, those high-yield accounts will probably soon turn into mediocre-yield ones. Interest rates can turn on a dime for these type of accounts.

Since I still wanted this money fluid (relatively speaking), I cut those two previous accounts down in size a bit and put the money into a couple of laddered CD's (three month, six month, one year, and two year). CD interest rates stay fixed, so you're better set against fed changes to the interest rate.

Over the last few months, high-yield checking accounts have rivaled CD's interest rates. When rates are stable, favor goes to the high-yield checking (if rates compete with CD's) since that money is 100% fluid whereas CD's are only "kind of fluid" depending on their term. But when interest rates are themselves fluid, heading down, and the economy is volatile (the Dems are in control after all - so what else do you expect?), favor switches from high-yield checking to CD's. At least in my way of managing money.

I also wanted to give a little more "spread" to the fluid money subset by getting some more banks/credit unions folded in to the money mix. You don't want all your eggs in one basket. Or two baskets. Three baskets is the minimum for banks/credit unions in my way of thinking. You also need to be mindful of how much each basket holds - you want to keep individual baskets below the FDIC/NCUA insurance limits (currently $250k, but you can increase that by adding POD beneficiaries).
This morning I sliced a ham and a large block of pepper jack cheese with our new LEM meat slicer. After I cleaned the machine I was installing the blade it slipped and sliced my hand pretty good. These blades are sharp.
Later we went down south and picked up building materials for the new roof over the deck on the chicken coop. Did some grocery shopping on the way home too.
My daughter was released from the hospital today. She sounded pretty groggy on the phone. I think she'll be laid up for awhile, but it sounds like she'll be OK.
Looking at the weather. I guess we will be getting rain all week from storm. It poured last night and bad thunderstorm, woke me up. I hope Saturday doesn't get rained out, we have a festival to go sell at.

Glad we put all the animals in yesterday but now we have to go clean the barn. So not much else getting done today most likely. No point cleaning the house, dogs will track mud in anyway.
Trash Day, waiting for packages that require a signature, and stacking old decking for when we order the dumpster.

The guy that collects aluminum for donation will be by to pick up the wheels I have.

Bourbon supply depleted, will correct that in next few days :)

Lori gets to visit Star :p
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Toasted up some rice for non-caffeinated genmaicha. Is it really tea if there’s no tea in it? Caffeine for dinner keeps me up these days, even something as low-caffeine as green tea.

I need to cook up some mushrooms, get a walk, and clean the house. Friends are coming over tonight for D&D.
Had planned to bushhog a few acres this morning but it can wait till next week. Started raining last night, expected to continue through hurricane landfall into the weekend. Well, I got all the outside work finished that was necessary for the beef calf except getting a tank of water. I can do that saturday rain or shine.

Had bought oil and a filter for the truck but don’t want to lay in the mud to change oil so I’ll put them in the shop for next time. I need a few groceries, cattle feed and mineral blocks. Sooo… I’ll get the oil changed while I’m in town.
Had planned to bushhog a few acres this morning but it can wait till next week. Started raining last night, expected to continue through hurricane landfall into the weekend. Well, I got all the outside work finished that was necessary for the beef calf except getting a tank of water. I can do that saturday rain or shine.

Had bought oil and a filter for the truck but don’t want to lay in the mud to change oil so I’ll put them in the shop for next time. I need a few groceries, cattle feed and mineral blocks. Sooo… I’ll get the oil changed while I’m in town.
Rain. I wish we'd get some, maybe next month. You just reminded me that I need to change oil in the Perkins generator, my truck, tractor, my Jeep, both snow blowers, the side by side and the ATV's. I keep a good stock of filters and oil on hand.
The "girls" are back :p

Pretty colors on those hens, @dademoss
Stayed home from work, because I can. That means there are still twice as many staff in there today as there are on Saturdays so get over it.
What I need to do today is not purchase any more books or seeds. It is a problem.
@Mountain trapper how's your sliced up hand? I'll bet you should have gotten stitches. My LH would say nah it'll be fine. Use butterfly closures?
I reckon I'll read some today...from books, with pages.
Butterfly closures or skin glue. Both are my best friends.
Dog is at the vet, he'll get picked up in a few hours. Dave here working on stuff, but won't be back till next week. Favorite cousin and her daughter popped in to see the work so far. They leave for Ohio in two days....her grandson getting married. I can't believe he's that old. Grew up in this community, met an Ohio girl, moved there, and that's how it goes. This house needs serious cleaning after all this inside work, and tons of painting now. Will see what I start and get going on.
Got up, worked out, cleaned up, came up with a menu plan, cleaned out the fridge and freezer, went to the grocery store, came back and put the groceries away, cut chicken wings into sections, put them in a bag with some dry rub, went shopping again and bought a small chest freezer and a handgun safe, went back to the apartment and got them both set up, walked down to get the mail and took a thorough self-guided tour of the whole complex, then returned to lounge around and play on this NSA monitored network until the lady gets home.
Got up and fed kitties. Went out to truck in the dark to bring in new cat food bag.
cooked breakfast for Mom: steak and potatoes. I cut up her steak for her and removed the fat just like she wanted. She wanted a slice of apple pie afterward. Samsclub has 72oz apple pies that are delicious.

Brought ina new waterer and set it up on the floor so Rupert can reach it. I've still been giving him water and pedialyte orally via syringe but he drinks it happily instead of fighting. He's much more alert and has been walking around and eating out of the food bowls. I gave them some of the chicken puree I made. Some of the cats don't like it but others love it.

They still can't figure out the pet door.

Rupert is sitting on me purring happily. I'm going to take a brief nap and then get up to do some cleaning.

Bro was just in the shower singing. LOL.

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