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October 19th 2024
9.15 pm I feel like its 11 pm
58f its warm and a bit of light rain
Tomorrow and Friday supposed to be sunny

Glad that day is over ..almost
Was busy here and there since the start of the week almost :rolleyes:

Now I sit with Shiraz and try to relax hopefully sleeping deeply

Wish you will sleep well too and be cozy

**Turning hope into dreams, you can learn to fly!**

Didn’t seem like I got much done today but did get some things finished up: finished the ironing :dancing: yep, that one deserves a happy dance. It’s been lingering and every time I did laundry made more when I thought I was done.
Baked a loaf of sourdough- turned out great. I reworked my starter before using it this time. Made a batch of pecan pie bark so I could return a dish. Pa and hubby both approved. Covered the peppers and 3 tomato plants since it’s supposed to get close to freezing.
Received our ballots (we have mail in only). Now I have to decide who to vote for 😂.
My wife has been trying to make sourdough bread for a couple years now. On her first attempt it kinda fell flat and was like eating a 2×6. It tasted good but I needed a chisel to cut it.
My wife has been trying to make sourdough bread for a couple years now. On her first attempt it kinda fell flat and was like eating a 2×6. It tasted good but I needed a chisel to cut it.
When I first started making Sourdough Bread "Hockey Puck" was what mine was like. Or "Clay Pigeon" except you could throw it several times. I did varnish one used it as door stop for awhile. It finally disappeared.
I've not made sourdough, but have been experimenting with different grain breads. 9 grain and quinoa bread so far is husband's favorite. Using a bread machine, time saving for sure. Neighbor was over this evening because he's starting his cleanup before it's his time to host church, and he likes to store excess farm equipment in our roundtop before church. We started talking about bread for some weird reason, and his wife picked up a bucket of some special kind of grain down the road at a home place that's selling that I never heard of. So maybe I'll get an in there. Gave him a sample of 9 grain and some chopped nine grain to bring home. Second amish person now that wants to rig up a bread machine to solar. Although he pointed out that for Sunday service, they need about 8 loaves.
My grad is on today but can't attend, so I'm going to watch it online; other than that, just the usual chores then writing. Had induction this week for my PhD;of course I was the oldest there :D but fellow researchers were very nice, and some really interesting research going on. I have the feeling the three years are going to fly by. The weather is incredibly mild for the time of year- Storm Ashley passed us by with no issues, but there is more torrential rain on the way- and I think the following week the cold is to come in. The clock hasn't changed yet but already the days are shorter - everything is still growing though!
finished the rearranging project. Just need to clean the floor now
Husband and son are still working on the solar panels...I asked them yesterday if it will be done this year....
Did laundry yesterday too
today no major plans other than cleaning , might drive the Yukon to the gas station and fill it up , hope it starts

I can post how I make my sourdough bead if anyone wants it. It sells well , it's soft and chewey
My sourdough rye is dense and harder but it is supposed to be that way
Why is it women ...manage... mens stuff when they get into there ..nesting mood.. and not big bunch of ...shoes, purses, scarves... you name it on there 9/10 of the closet ?? Why is there never money for a fishing reel that will last for years, but the toilet gets matching rug, tank top, seat carpet 5-6 times a year ?? Why isn't there a medication for this ??

Don't get me started...
Not me either!!! I have to smoke some weed before I get myself into the walmart to just do the grocery shopping....
And I hate useless clutter in the house.
Argghhh! Boxes.
You know if something breaks anyway (like a tv with an extended warantee), no need to keep the box This happened. You take a photo of the ID numbers of the tv, and they send you another one. Same with the ice maker. I found that happens this year. Since husband can't get out and shop, he buys stuff online and has it delivered. Sooo many boxes. You don't have to save them. Really.
I will take a photo of our pile when I get done...you have to see it to believe it!
Little granddaughter has a half day school today and is off tomorrow, so that'll change things up a bit here. Supposed to be high 80's today, too, which I can't even imagine for almost the end of October. Going to fill a cart at Aldi this afternoon, and stop in at the Walmart across the street for more turkey if they have anymore. Got one last week for 88 cents a lb, and cooked that for freezer meat. Hoping to get a couple more to roast. My single hatched turkey, the last one I incubated is a hen, so she gets spared this year. Typically only butcher excess toms, and they aren't laying anymore till spring. I'll keep the dozen I have for my breeding stock.
It's 24 degrees this morning, highs today will probably in the upper 40's. Once the frost melts off the chicken coop roof I'll get the tar paper nailed down. This really isn't a very big project but 101 things keep getting in the way. Like today I need to clean the chimney on the fur shed. The chimney is on the north side of the roof so the ice probably won't melt off. And there's no snow on the ground to break my fall like last time. I have to level the wood shed today, we need to start putting the firewood away before the snow comes.
Way busy, yesterday. After walk, I took my friend to town. We went to Dollar Tree, Dollar General, Verizon store, Lowes, Aldi, Walmart and then home. Did monthly shopping a week early because one never knows what may happen.

Today I will walk with Bo in a bit.
Walk dogs.
Write ebay drafts.
Take ebay photos.
Bible study this evening.
Water roses.
Much easier day!

I have an emergency/ funeral dress.
That's all I have too. Probably way too big.
Uh-oh! Still curious why a dozen state people were looking at the land by my house. Had a thought this morning and spent an hour digging through news articles. Alabama’s prison system as been in trouble for years with the feds. Old antiquated facilities and overcrowding being the 2 main reasons.

3 big modern prisons are currently under construction in other parts of the state. They are the 1st tier projects and will house the bulk of prisoners. The 1st one to open late next year. None are close to me… then I found a list of all the DOC facilities on the chopping block.

Next county over from me has a small facility for aged and infirmed prisoners. The prison system ‘old folks home’. It’s 50yrs old, the few buildings are in bad shape. It sits on a 15acre property. It is on the list for ‘possible’ replacement. Nothing written in stone, no monies allocated...

Hmm, makes me wonder.


No plans for the day but new strings for my guitar. Saturday is the last bluegrass event of the year on Pine Mtn. No winter events on the schedule. I'd like to go play under the trees one more time before it gets cold.
There are some people who consider Missouri to be Southern. This same person says I talk with a southern drawl. Nope, I live up by Kansas City, Mo.
I was a South Dakota girl who was looking for a place to get trained in Montessori education. The scholarship offer person said he would send my friend and I to Italy to take training, but, we had to have a degree to get into that program. I found out I could get my degree in Preschool education with Montessori emphasis in KCMO. I know that going to school in Italy would have been great, but that meant training in Italian, versus English, and 5 years of school instead of 4.

I called the college, and the switchboard person had, at least for me, a deep southern accent. She may or may not have been a Kansas City native, but to this South Dakota girl, she definitely had a southern accent/drawl.

After I moved to KCMO, almost everyone had a southern accent/drawl. People in S.D. also don't say y'all, but it was common there. Another thing that was interesting to me was that people ended sentences with prepositions. 'We are going to the mall, would you like to go with (us)?" I lived in KCMO for 5 years, and people back home definitely noticed my accent changing.
My grad is on today but can't attend, so I'm going to watch it online;
Is this you graduating from a Master's program?

I looked up the Costco new policy. Apparently it is to reduce people from scamming the system and using someone else's card. I just thought it was to log when you enter and how long you shop. Along with documenting everything you purchased as always.
I typically go to Costco once a month, because there are none close to me. I noticed two visits ago that I had to scan my card to get in. I was a little confused, as change will do to you, but there it was. I understand the tracking of members and shopping.

Around a year or more ago, I got into the self check out line and someone wanted to check my card. That was new for me. That bothered me. But I also understand that people want to shop at Costco, using someone else's membership card.

Someone I know asked me if she could use my card to shop. I asked her if she had ever seen someone checking out, trying to shop on someone else's card? No, she hadn't. I have. Two or more people checking out and a second person wants to check out on the other person's card while using their own credit or debit card. It does not fly.

Also, I am not a stroller, so I can't shop with her in tow, because of how she might shop much slower than me, taking her time. I can't. My back does not allow it. I go in with a list and zip up and down the aisles. I might have to check out which variety of something I want, but I cannot dawdle like people I know do. I walk almost every aisle when I am there and have the time. I can get a mile of steps in while I am in there with all the aisles.

The monster granddaughter that we haven't seen in forever since all that horribleness just sent us a "save the date" for her upcoming marriage (to a girl/guy) in May. Have no clue why she would think it is appropriate to even contact us for anything. She is a prison guard a few hours away.
I have been wondering how things are going with the twins. It must be irritating and somewhat painful for whatever comes from them.

Well not something I did, but earlier today a drunk driver plowed thru the AA Meeting hall in town. :D :D

Luckily no meeting was going on. It's on a side street, behind a parking lot, musta been hammered, and hammer down! LOL

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AA meeting hall? I think he found the place he needs!
I've not made sourdough, but have been experimenting with different grain breads. 9 grain and quinoa bread so far is husband's favorite. Using a bread machine, time saving for sure
I'd be curious about your recipes, especially the quinoa bread. Quinoa is one of the things daughter eats in place of gluten. We can buy gluten free bread, but I have been trying to stock up on gf bread ingredients.
I just made up a sweet marinade to soak a pile of meat strips in for making jerky tomorrow. It'll soak it overnight and in the morning I'll put it in the smoker. We're taking a road trip this weekend and needed something to snack on.
I know this will be a shocker to some, but I didn't add any hot peppers to this marinade. But I will sprinkle just a little crushed dried mystery peppers on top when it goes in the smoker.
I have found 3 dresses in various closets now.
1 could be used a elegant dress, Ivory lace ankle length.
No high heels though.
High heels are overrated. I had to attend a wedding and found some fantastic bedazzled slip-on sneakers that went beautifully with my outfit. You might as well be comfy and look fantastic.
Housecleaning this morning, minis in the afternoon. I am trying to finish up a little Christmas gift for my family, and I think it’ll be really cute when it’s done, but every time I think I’m close to wrapping it up, 2-3 more things to do for it keep appearing …

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