What's everybody doing today?

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Got up to use the bathroom and found the water is frozen. Cats were fighting in the hallway and Princess broke them up initially so I was able to step in and separate them. I had to put my foot and then legs between their faces before picking Senator Snugglebum up and setting him on top of the fridge. That tends to help him calm down.
Flat out busy day today started off this morning having to boil water in a pot because of yesterdays incident where mum cleaned out the kettle but was unaware that some water spilled out onto the contact pad resulting in meter box residual current device tripping so now she has a better kettle

Had to make a mad dash to Mount Gambier before 11 as the other half received a phone call from the dentist as her follow up appointment from last weeks tooth extrication originally was meant to be at lunch time but got moved forward by 1 hour due to a cancellation she finally got an answer to her lingering pain turned out to be a mere case of dry socket

After picking her and mum up from the dentist dropped them off down at Centro (one of the 2 shopping centers) so they could get a coffee whilst I headed to Autobarn to consult with Rachael the expert saleslady about which single din multimedia player would be best suited for the Tucson she showed me 6 models and said to pick the one that jumped out at me most

Whilst looking at each demo model she went through the process of sorting out swapping one product for an alternative after about 10 minutes I settled for a pioneer brand multimedia player which also has a special holster for smart phones in addition to a special app that can be downloaded so a phone can not only act as a music streamer but also tell how fast I'm going too

My goal was to have it also installed today but out of 4 places tried 1 didn't answer, another was booked up until next week, 3rd is back logged till March and 4th not ringing back so I rang spark automotive who put the break pads on my old suv in 2022 Jordan who is in-charge asked me to drop by on my way home of which I did and he has agreed to allocate half an hour aside tomorrow arvo around 3:30 or 4pm to install the media player although it may only take less than 10-15 minutes as parts/product are on hand already all he needs is the special removal keys to take out existing alpine cd player
Still trying to get used to the new routine at dad’s. He’s progressing and we have a 9 am appointment with the visiting dietician. Just waiting on appointments with speech therapist and physical therapist.

Work has been problematic. Three of my techs went back to school and now even more limited availability.
even colder than yesterday, below 0 today , my thermometer only goes to 0 ( it's for cooking)
Animal care same as yesterday, hope the goat is ok.
Son is going to do his various stuff before starting job. Hope he has no problems. Daughter texted me a photo of over a foot of snow at the beach , she actually has off today because of it. Didn't think the Navy had snow days LOL
We are almost out of propane and already need another load of wood. Tomorrow we are going to get propane , take the goat to the vet and get grain for the animals, but the wood will have to wait since it is in the other direction. But we are not totally out , probably have enough for another week
I am so over this winter!!!
We are staying above 0 today, so it's getting better here. 10 degrees at the moment. Sounds like you have Sonya, what we had yesterday.
Expecting a 100 lb lithium battery being delivered today, so I have a hand truck and strap at the ready. The Mega 2 and extra battery went on the big fridge yesterday to see what it could do and maybe made it 15 hrs. (science experiment for husband).
I need to take husband in for his labwork at some point today, he has a doc appt tomorrow.
We are staying above 0 today, so it's getting better here. 10 degrees at the moment. Sounds like you have Sonya, what we had yesterday.
Expecting a 100 lb lithium battery being delivered today, so I have a hand truck and strap at the ready. The Mega 2 and extra battery went on the big fridge yesterday to see what it could do and maybe made it 15 hrs. (science experiment for husband).
I need to take husband in for his labwork at some point today, he has a doc appt tomorrow.
are you hooking up solar to that battery? We thought about getting some of those, but they are very expensive. The ones we got were costly enough, more than the solar panels and rest of equipment. We have Trojan golf cart batteries
are you hooking up solar to that battery? We thought about getting some of those, but they are very expensive. The ones we got were costly enough, more than the solar panels and rest of equipment. We have Trojan golf cart batteries
Yep. We already have hookup in our garage for three lithiums running off solar panels on the roof. The Oupes Mega 1 and Mega 2 that we're messing with indoors have portable solar panels that you take outside, weigh about 30 lbs each. We don't have our lithiums in the garage charging at the moment because of the cold, they can't get that cold, our garage isn't heated. Right now husband is just electrically charging inside to see what they can run and how long. The big fridge was an experiment. I'm thinking the next big step is more outside panels with hookups inside where the temp is moderate for the lithiums. So at the moment we have two portable Oupes panels, permanent panels on our garage roof, 4 Millertech lithium batteries with inverters and chargers, An Oepus Mega 1, an Oepus Mega 2 with an extra battery to it. Not sure what to expect with the 100 lber arriving today. Husband has some "stack" he's building or something. His projects, I just plug stuff in and move stuff. He's the engineer.
I hope our equipment doesn't get messed up with this cold. It's all outside ( in a metal box with plywood around it) , so far it's still running but it's also very cold in the freezer room, so maybe they don't need to run much
But thanks for the reminder, I think husband hasn't checked ours this week yet either, and he is the electrical engineer so that's his job.
We had a delayed start at work today. Yesterday we moved all our gear down to Niland, CA which is out in the armpit of the desert about an hour or so north of the Mexican border. It got surprisingly cold last night - right now it's 34° and I didn't bring cold weather gear. If the clouds clear off it'll be 50 in no time though. I had forgotten how quick this desert will dry a person out so I'm hydrating and getting ready to go out and put some railroad ties in the ground...
Got a call from our daughter yesterday. She's decided to take the kids out of the government school system and home school them. We were so glad to hear that. She's now going to be in control of their education. Plus the kids will be able to spend much more time down here without the schools schedule getting in the way. The kids are excited about it too.
Woke up at 5:50am to a text from Oncor Electric, advising me of a power outage.

Text said will be restored by 8:30am
Next text said restored by 10:30am
Next text said restored by 12:30am

Power just came on at 11:10.

I hope there was no damage to our pool equipment. Seems to be running ok now.

This outage affected 65 homes in my direct area. A local freakin problem which took them 6 hours to fix! It's not as if it was storm damage or downed lines (ours are all underground). It's just plain incompetence.
Woke up at 5:50am to a text from Oncor Electric, advising me of a power outage.

Text said will be restored by 8:30am
Next text said restored by 10:30am
Next text said restored by 12:30am

Power just came on at 11:10.

I hope there was no damage to our pool equipment. Seems to be running ok now.

This outage affected 65 homes in my direct area. A local freakin problem which took them 6 hours to fix! It's not as if it was storm damage or downed lines (ours are all underground). It's just plain incompetence.
I've never liked depending on anyone for anything, especially a utility company. The only time I ever have a power outage is in the first cold days of fall when the diesel gells up or when I forget to fill the generator day tank. Other than that, our electric system works flawlessly.
Digging out ice from a water hydrant leaking all night onto the door base of the chicken run. Not fun at all. But the weather is nicer for sure! FedX just delivered the very heavy battery, and I talked the driver into putting it on our handtruck and bringing it in the door. Our "stackable water cubes" also came in, that I wanted to try, so our front room is now piled high. Hope no one stops in.
Digging out ice from a water hydrant leaking all night onto the door base of the chicken run. Not fun at all. But the weather is nicer for sure! FedX just delivered the very heavy battery, and I talked the driver into putting it on our handtruck and bringing it in the door. Our "stackable water cubes" also came in, that I wanted to try, so our front room is now piled high. Hope no one stops in.
we had to dump a almost frozen garbage can we put under our leaky hydrant. Everything is frozen except that hydrant! How can that even be?
Have you ever replaced a hydrant? We haven't . I hope it isn't going to cause huge problems taking it apart once it warms up
It feel like it should be thursday..lol..
Or friday..
Gah..well..on one hand I'm grateful for a winter that is mild for this area...but I do know if we don't get the moisture summer might be like southern California.
Not much going on during the work week as usual..just need to get ready for work..
we had to dump a almost frozen garbage can we put under our leaky hydrant. Everything is frozen except that hydrant! How can that even be?
Have you ever replaced a hydrant? We haven't . I hope it isn't going to cause huge problems taking it apart once it warms up
Nope, but we had one replaced when we called a plumber out anyway. We save up two or three jobs before we call someone.
we had to dump a almost frozen garbage can we put under our leaky hydrant. Everything is frozen except that hydrant! How can that even be?
Have you ever replaced a hydrant? We haven't . I hope it isn't going to cause huge problems taking it apart once it warms up
I've had to replace several hydrants around here so far and need to replace the one by the chicken coop this spring. I use 8 foot hydrants and bury them 5 feet deep. They aren't hard to replace, just need a backhoe or a good shovel. I've got about a dozen hydrants scattered around here.
I find myself in a mess of my own doing.

My son has borrowed my jeep to get to work and back. My brother is quite attached to my pick-up so his car needs a battery and inspection. That leaves me bumming a ride on the odd trip I need to make.

So I will borrow The Princess car while she is at work tomorrow so I can get a new drivers license. Such is life.

I made a little progress with the Hobbit Hole. Started to dismantle a switch box but I was stymied but the toughness of the beam the switch is mounted on. With Pine I could just pry the box of the wall. Not this beam. Managed to mangle the box. I will have to replace the switch box. On the plus side that beam may make a nice mantle. Hmmmm....


I find myself in a mess of my own doing.

My son has borrowed my jeep to get to work and back. My brother is quite attached to my pick-up so his car needs a battery and inspection. That leaves me bumming a ride on the odd trip I need to make.

So I will borrow The Princess car while she is at work tomorrow so I can get a new drivers license. Such is life.

I made a little progress with the Hobbit Hole. Started to dismantle a switch box but I was stymied but the toughness of the beam the switch is mounted on. With Pine I could just pry the box of the wall. Not this beam. Managed to mangle the box. I will have to replace the switch box. On the plus side that beam may make a nice mantle. Hmmmm....


You are being too nice 🙁
Today I found out I didn't get the job I applied for, tested for and was even interviewed. Was kinda bummed, but it wasn't the best job for cruising thru the next few years until retirement. Would have been kind of rough at times. I can make the seasonal machine operator job I have work for me, except the pay and benefits suck. I'll keep looking, and apply for more suitable jobs.