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Door to back basement came out today.


It looks like at least shelf will need to be emptied and moved. But I should be able to some progress on digging drainage troughs before that is required.

The trick is to bet early, before obvious changes. I don't play the market, but would like to. The thing with today's news... and of late, relatively speaking... placing the proper bet could pay-off.

Edit: I don't have enough faith to leave money in long-term and expect to profit.
I only invest for the long term, I've owned some shares over 20 years. But if some stocks aren't preforming like I think they should I'll sell them. About 10 years ago I turned most of our investment accounts and all of our retirement accounts over to a professional money manager. They put it all in to a moderate risk portfolio. I've been very happy with their results.
trying to get the "new" power unit engine for my splitter, someone A. didn't use the same coloured wires on the fuel shut off solinoid, and some one treated the harness a little rough. managing to pill all 3 wires out of the plug. , I will have to see what the internet knows about Kubota shutoff solinoid wire colors,
More spring cleaning, used a large container and put in a gallon of evapo rust. Added another batch of rusty tools. Finally went through the tool box on the truck, tackled the ratchet strap mess. Some straps were frayed or badly worn, some ratchets were non-functional. I brought the pile to the tool room in the house and stripped everything apart. Used lithium grease on the ratchets, restored 5 to good working order, even had 5 good straps to match. The rest went in the trash.

Found yet another set of sockets I didn’t know about, a decent 49 piece metric set, 1/4 and 3/8 drive. Brought it inside to get cleaned up on a rainy day.

Wrote up a wish list, thinking of going to the big town early in the morning. Heard there was a mushroom guy at the big farmers market. I need to have a chat with him about Lion’s Mane. I’ll buy from him but I really want to pick his brain and grow my own. Also want to go by the big nursery. Heard they have onion sets ready, supposed to have cabbages too.

Nothing planned but dinner and tv.
I got bread baked today and have been pulling up weeds and feeding them to the chickens. I got another tiny green egg from my pullets today, I'm really glad my kid talked me into getting those chicks last fall! The kids are all outside playing in the yard with the hose, it's a good day for it. Will probably start on laundry and give the dogs their heartworm stuff later this afternoon.
I made small apple pies last year ( from our apples) and they sold out really fast. If we get apples this year I will do it again. Not worth it if you have to buy the apples
Haven't found a great recipe for cheese bread yet, but I put cheese on my foccaccia bread
I just grate some cheese and put it in my loaf recipe. Another thing that sells is pizza bread. So regular bread recipe, grated cheese, and chopped pepperoni. Top is glazed with a bit of olive oil. Small loaves of that sell for $4 each here (the mini loaf size)
Survived shoe shopping with little granddaughter...she found a pair of boots, a pair of converse hi tops and a pair of low tops. Also Hobby Lobby for material and beading she needed...sewing and jewelry projects she's doing. Stocked up on feed at Atwoods, and they had their 5 inch tall tomato plants for 99 cents each, and strawberry plants, too. Got some of both. A lady came in and bought all their chicks they had left, about a dz at a high price, couldn't see what kind, if they were just bantams or what. They had ten buck guinea keets and 7 buck ducks. My new incubator is on the table, I'll load it up tomorrow after I read directions on it. Picked up husband's prescriptions, and now to get ready for the liverwurst and fried mush meal.
Dad’s radiation was early this morning—8:55am. Whole process takes about 15 - 20 minutes. Enough time to enjoy a coffee from the refreshment room.

The rest of the day was very productive. I tried out the new Bissell carpet scrubber on a few really bad stains for the dog and it did pretty good. After lunch I went next door to my vacation home (that’s what I call my apartment now) and wound a short warp to put on the little table loom I’ve got down here at Dad’s. Also picked up a bit of weaving paraphernalia I will be needing. Up-potted broccoli and cabbage that got their true leaves. I have an abundance of cabbage seedlings that I need to decide what to with.

Made dinner—angel hair with meatballs. Have to cut up and chop everything for dad to be able to swallow but he really enjoyed it. We’ve gone from four bollus feedings through the tube to just one. That right there is a beautiful thing. Unfortunately it won’t stay that way. The last couple of weeks of treatment he’ll be going back to four just so he can get proper nutrition.
Husband's done that with sensors, and they are expensive. Now I put a sensor protector on it, goes on like a large bandaid, called adhesive patches or adhesive covers. The company will probably send you a free sensor if you call them and ask. They will if it's just rarely.
Do the patches cover the sensor completely or do they have a cutout? I ended up using a 3rd party adhesive patch on her most recent dexcom thingy. It was designed for Freestyle Libre so I had to cut a slit in it and overlap it to make it fit around the Dexcom sensor. I also get skin patches for the cannula to make them stay on better.

Went for curbside pickup at samsclub and it took 30+min for them to bring my order out. I was heading in to the store when I saw the lady coming out with my stuff. The app was saying my stuff was already delivered while I was still waiting. Stopped at the Walmart up there to return some bluelight readers I got for Mom. wrong magnification. I grabbed 2 more and got in line. Only self checkout was open. When it was down to me being 2nd in line a guy with a full shopping cart asked to get through behind me. I moved for him and he suddenly spun his cart around and nearly ran over the lady in front of me to cut in front of her in line and then ran to a register that another customer just left. Lady in front of me hollered something like "I appreciate you cutting in front of all of us" and he held up something and called back something I couldn't hear. An employee walked over to the register and the lady hollered to her that he had just cut in line in front of all of us (at least 8 people in line) and the employee shouted back that the guy was doing a shop and deliver. Lady in front of me said he was still rude and should have a separate checkout area and shouldn't just cut in line like that. She didn't even mention that he almost rammed her with his cart to cut in line. She was pretty agitated so I calmed her down by talking to her about her tattoos. She had angel wings on her back and Chucky and bride of Chucky on her arm and some other horror themed stuff.
Friday Friday Friday
February 28th 2025 ---Tomorrow March 2025
🫣 What a crappy crap month that was in every way

Hopefully the page will flip for the best 🙏
Lets turn that page

Good thing at least I sleep good lately

My fur babies are well and now most of them already sleep

So ...another week is almost gone in few hours

Night Night....whenever 😊

Italia · Andrea Bocelli 🥰· Chris Botti 🥰
Busy day/week with dogs.

One of the dog parks needs gates worked on. The gates are put on backwards so that they swing out. Gates at dog parks should swing or open in so that dogs can't push their way out. A woman was telling about her and her dog being charged while walking by, by two pitbulls. Her dog was small enough that she could pick it up, but the dog was terrorized. The two dogs ran through the two gates. They can, because the latches have been broken for a long time.

One gate fell off a couple weeks ago and has been leaning ever since, falling and being dangerous. I decided that when I was there with Nova, I would work on hanging it again, but so it would swing in. My drill bag with my drill and accessories is now in the car. Gate is now re-hung, but needs a new latch. The hinges were still on the gate, so I hung it on the opposite side of the opening and now it swings in.
The latches were also not the right kind and as I've been driving between appointments, I have been looking for latches that would work on both sides of the gates. No luck. I finally decided to order some online today.

A woman said, "Wow, a woman is fixing the gates!" I told her any woman could do it, and we shouldn't ever buy into that being a man's job. We are capable. Needless to say, she was impressed.

I've been working on organizing more closets. I found the control to my electric blanket that has been MIA for a few years. Ordered more zipper bags for linens, blankets and quilts in particular. My down sleeping bag is in one, open and loose so that it will be good when I want to use it.

Today is what we call chocolate milk day. My ex was never a coffee drinker. He drank chocolate milk for breakfast. On his special days we drink chocolate milk in his memory. Today is the anniversary of his death. Another thing is that he often ate chocolate brownies and usually had hamburgers for lunch. He was a very picky eater. No onions or pickles on his burgers or on anything.
Do the patches cover the sensor completely or do they have a cutout? I ended up using a 3rd party adhesive patch on her most recent dexcom thingy. It was designed for Freestyle Libre so I had to cut a slit in it and overlap it to make it fit around the Dexcom sensor. I also get skin patches for the cannula to make them stay on better.

Went for curbside pickup at samsclub and it took 30+min for them to bring my order out. I was heading in to the store when I saw the lady coming out with my stuff. The app was saying my stuff was already delivered while I was still waiting. Stopped at the Walmart up there to return some bluelight readers I got for Mom. wrong magnification. I grabbed 2 more and got in line. Only self checkout was open. When it was down to me being 2nd in line a guy with a full shopping cart asked to get through behind me. I moved for him and he suddenly spun his cart around and nearly ran over the lady in front of me to cut in front of her in line and then ran to a register that another customer just left. Lady in front of me hollered something like "I appreciate you cutting in front of all of us" and he held up something and called back something I couldn't hear. An employee walked over to the register and the lady hollered to her that he had just cut in line in front of all of us (at least 8 people in line) and the employee shouted back that the guy was doing a shop and deliver. Lady in front of me said he was still rude and should have a separate checkout area and shouldn't just cut in line like that. She didn't even mention that he almost rammed her with his cart to cut in line. She was pretty agitated so I calmed her down by talking to her about her tattoos. She had angel wings on her back and Chucky and bride of Chucky on her arm and some other horror themed stuff.
We've tried a couple of different patches. The first one kinda looked like a donut that left the hole for the sensor. The ones we use now are pretty big and cover the sensor and a good amount beyond. Husband has thin skin, so when taking it off, I use some liquid sticky remover pads
We've tried a couple of different patches. The first one kinda looked like a donut that left the hole for the sensor. The ones we use now are pretty big and cover the sensor and a good amount beyond. Husband has thin skin, so when taking it off, I use some liquid sticky remover pads
Do you have a link to the ones you use over the sensor? Or the name and brand? Do they ever interfere with the signal? I tend to use alcohol swabs to dab at the edges and remove adhesive when taking them off. For the most part, Mom can usually get the patches off herself but she still relies on me to put them on.
Do you have a link to the ones you use over the sensor? Or the name and brand? Do they ever interfere with the signal? I tend to use alcohol swabs to dab at the edges and remove adhesive when taking them off. For the most part, Mom can usually get the patches off herself but she still relies on me to put them on.
Don't know how to link, but looked it up on Amazon and its:
FixiC Freestyle Adhesive Patches 25 pcs $16.91

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