Busy day/week with dogs.
One of the dog parks needs gates worked on. The gates are put on backwards so that they swing out. Gates at dog parks should swing or open in so that dogs can't push their way out. A woman was telling about her and her dog being charged while walking by, by two pitbulls. Her dog was small enough that she could pick it up, but the dog was terrorized. The two dogs ran through the two gates. They can, because the latches have been broken for a long time.
One gate fell off a couple weeks ago and has been leaning ever since, falling and being dangerous. I decided that when I was there with Nova, I would work on hanging it again, but so it would swing in. My drill bag with my drill and accessories is now in the car. Gate is now re-hung, but needs a new latch. The hinges were still on the gate, so I hung it on the opposite side of the opening and now it swings in.
The latches were also not the right kind and as I've been driving between appointments, I have been looking for latches that would work on both sides of the gates. No luck. I finally decided to order some online today.
A woman said, "Wow, a woman is fixing the gates!" I told her any woman could do it, and we shouldn't ever buy into that being a man's job. We are capable. Needless to say, she was impressed.
I've been working on organizing more closets. I found the control to my electric blanket that has been MIA for a few years. Ordered more zipper bags for linens, blankets and quilts in particular. My down sleeping bag is in one, open and loose so that it will be good when I want to use it.
Today is what we call chocolate milk day. My ex was never a coffee drinker. He drank chocolate milk for breakfast. On his special days we drink chocolate milk in his memory. Today is the anniversary of his death. Another thing is that he often ate chocolate brownies and usually had hamburgers for lunch. He was a very picky eater. No onions or pickles on his burgers or on anything.