What's everybody doing today?

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Good of you to help out your friends like that and nice they have someone to rely on @zannej :) . Incidentally welcome to the forum from Australia here where we have had flooding rains recently.

I am married to an ex military man with injuries from his service here so like us slow and steady gets the renovations done like we are doing here. We are on 1.21 acres here but fortunate enough to have our workshop close to our home and it is an old meat shed that from reading used to be a butcher shop where they sold their meat here from a piggery years ago.
Last nights V-day dinner and game night was a blast. Momma was happy and so everyone was happy. We ate, cleaned up, played a few different games, had some treats, then we all sat in the living room and talked about love and relationships. Including how we came to be a couple. Then we got into a tussle over who Mommas Boy's valentine was, so we played a game of rock-paper-scissor. My baby boy won valentine status of his mother (although he cheated) so I have to wait until next year to have a valentine. We put the younger kids to bed and then the Mrs. and I snuggled and watched a TV show where she promptly fell asleep. She is almost 4 decades old now so... :)

Today my wifey has 100 things on her schedule so I will be working around the house and spending some time with my guns in the man cave. Then I am taking the two youngest out shooting as today is "Single-Shot Saturday" at the range (single shot rimfires only) and then I have to drop off the girl for a play day and take the boy for a haircut. That's pretty much all I have planned, but I am sure other stuff will come up. It always does!
It got cold again last night. 16 deg when I turned in.
Suppose to be warmer today, so may be able to get outside for a while.
Watching Andy and Barney this morning,
Keeping the fire stoked up.

Saturdays are lazy around here ...not much different than any other day .:)

If it hits 50 deg , I'll be happy .

Wife is quilting....as always.

Be glad when I get my new glasses.

Hope y'all have a very happy and productive day

It's warming up here which is a very good thing. It looks like we'll run out of LP gas before I can get a truck out here monday or tuesday... I'm not sure who checked what and exactly what was seen last November when mom and dad were both in the hospital but... There is less that 3% left in the tank. I was told there was plenty of gas but decided to check the tank yesterday. Uh-oh!

I couldn't get the company dad uses on the phone late yesterday to order gas for monday so I guess it'll be tuesday. Dad never called the company. The driver who covers this area went to his church. Dad would call him directly. I've left a few messages this morning to try and find out who dad called, he's not able to tell me.

Anyway, here is hoping the gas doesn't run out... I'll pick up an electric heater for mom to use later today just in case. I'm fine here... the downstairs duplex sits into a hill side and is temperature stable plus I have an electric heater for really cold nights anyway. My only other heat is a wall mount space heater which I only run when the day time temps are in the 40's. Supposed to be in the 50's today.
The workmen are doing the kitchen counter tile today. I scrubbed the range top that was on the floor this morning. Got the dehydrator filled. Organizing grandkids with chores. Both the older ones have plans later this afternoon. Husband took off to run errands and to exercise. He hates to be home when workmen are here.
Strawberry and I have been outside today.
It got to 44*, felt good to get outside.
We walked up and down the sidewalk several times trying to get her used to the cane.
Hopefully next week I will lose the cane except when I take Strawberry outside.
Nothing much going on today.
Cooked, ate, cleaning trying to all the snow slush off my floors.
Will have to cook chicken tomorrow.
That's what I have thawing anyhow.
Found out This morning the youngest son and daughter in law are expecting a girl.
As long as baby and mom are healthy, I don't really care.
But everybody healthy I care about.
Sitting here drinking hot tea cause I'm chilly.
Strawberry is sleeping beside me in my recliner.
She's actually snoring peacefully.
Finally ran off all the helpers that have been helping or hindering me as I heal from this second knee replacement.
My house is so quite,Strawberry finally heaved a big sigh promptly went to sleep in my recliner.
Have walked quite a bit today. So I am also tired.
Nice day.
Went to Candys Kitchen in Marion KY, for lunch about 1 pm. Good lunch.

Wife stopped by True Value .
They have a huge fabric and quilting supply section. Her favorite place.

Got home about 2:30, I tinkered in garage on the toy.:fun fun:
Then took it out for a drive ..

Came back in house about 6 pm.
Had a big glass of ice tea and a bag of popcorn.

Resting now and checking on y'all.

Sewingmachine, sorry to hear about your husband's injuries. Were you affected by the wildfires at all? A friend of mine over there was hospitalized from it because he was rescuing farm animals and refused to leave until he got them all to safety. He told me the eucalyptus trees were exploding even after the fires were put out. The truck sinking in the yard reminded me of the time we were having cement work done in our yard and the contractor told the cement truck driver to back in slowly. Driver ignored him and rushed in forward toward the pond, realized there was a pond at the last second, slammed on his brakes & the front end sunk into the ground so hard it broke the steps on his truck. The driver called his supervisor who wanted to speak with my father (obviously that was back when he was still alive). My father had been trying to get some sort of assistance to get the truck unstuck but the supervisor started screaming & swearing at my father on the phone and telling him he was going to bill him for the damage to the truck, the cost of a tow vehicle, and all the time the vehicle was out of commission. My father responded that it was the driver's fault for disregarding directions & being reckless & he could take it up with his driver. Our contractor (who has also since passed away) told us not to worry about it that we wouldn't be charged any extra & he'd be getting a new concrete company after that. A couple hours later a large towtruck arrived from Lake Charles and pulled in to the middle of the yard (where we warned them that the ground was soft). They hooked up a winch and tried to pull the cement truck out but it barely moved and then the tow truck sunk down & got stuck. A couple hours later another tow truck arrived and parked on high dry ground, ran a cable with a winch to the 1st tow truck & started pulling it. The Parish had some workers out doing something on a backhoe & they were coming to clear something near our yard, saw the predicament & helped out as much as they could. They then asked us not to tell anyone as they could get in trouble for using the backhoe for unofficial work. It took more time for the people pouring cement to get the stuff out of the truck and pour it bc it was too far away so they had to build a system of chutes but they decided to bill the delivery company for the extra time it took rather than charge us.

Peanut, I hope your parents are OK.

I also have hypothyroid & the medicine I take contributes to my kidney stones. I had to stop drinking tea because it made me have them more often. I haven't had to go to the hospital over it yet, but they really suck. It's mostly my right kidney that gives me trouble. My doctor mentioned that at some point I should get an MRI but where I live, they won't do MRIs on people who don't have insurance- and won't do them on insured people without pre-approval. My mother has to take a bunch of medications for Diabetes, high cholesterol, hypothyroid, polyneuropathy, etc. But her heart is in better condition than mine & she'll be 70 this year. I take medicine for hypothyroid, high cholesterol, and perimenopause.

Today I ended up sleeping longer than intended-- one of my exhausted days. I'm not as exhausted as frequently since I started taking medicine for hypothyroid, but I still have a chronic recurring virus related to mono that kicks my tail from time to time. Being fat doesn't help either. LOL. I try to take things slowly. I had to do a lot of cleaning with dishes because my brother cooked himself something and made a huge mess. He doesn't believe in dumping the grease out of his pans or rinsing stuff. He also forgot to turn the 2nd to last time he cooked so he permanently burned stuff into the pan and warped it. We have a Nu-Wave induction cooktop bc our stove is ruined from mice. Despite having 16 cats, the mice can still get in under the stove, get inside, and climb in to the insulation between the stove & the oven. I'm a big fan of the microwave for cooking. LOL.

I made beef stroganoff from a hamburger helper box. I add heavy cream & garlic salt during the cooking process and then a serving spoon full of sour cream at the end. I like to add mushrooms and a little white wine, but my mother doesn't like that so I leave it out. I decided to do a little bit of re-arranging of stuff once I put leftovers away. We had some plastic bins that stuff was shoved in while moving stuff around that were sitting in the kitchen taking up space. There was a coffee table that my brother threw out of his room and left in the hallway in front of my bedroom door (so I was constantly having to move it to get past it). A week after I asked him to put it in the front room & he disregarded the request, I decided to move it. Fortunately, it was lighter than I expected. At first I put it in the front room, but then I realized it would fit just about perfectly next to the counter where one of the plastic bins was sitting. So, I moved the top bin to sit on top of another bin, and then moved that bin in to the front room and set the coffee table in its place. Now I just need to pick up the stuff the cats knocked on the floor & get rid of the area rugs that got ruined from stuff spilling on them. Stuff fell on the floor and splattered. The rugs are there to cover the large area of missing parquet floor.

As an aside, what section would be a good place for me to do a thread about the numerous projects for my house/yard? It ranges from landscaping for a driveway, adding a gate opener & repairing the workshop to putting in flooring & renovating rooms in the house (mostly bathrooms). I don't know if I should do separate threads for separate projects or lump them all in one. I think I will do a separate thread for the projects at my best friend's house.
Sitting up with dad at the hospital tonight. I hope he sleeps so I can. I learned the other night they won't give him a sleep aid after 1am. I won't wait until 2am to ask this time.

I'm doing some research on medicinal plants tonight. I have 8 posts almost ready for the Natural Remedies section. I still have to dot the I's and cross the T's... make sure all the details are accurate. I got a little sidetracked reading today. A man, an MD, a surgeon who lived during the civil war who wrote an amazing book during the war... plant medicine is included. I have a pdf copy of his book. I guess I should post it also. Nurses in the room, got to go for a bit.
Strawberry and I have been outside several times, besides her taking care of her business.
Going to attempt faith this week walk up small hill to clean up her business.
I'm roasting root veggies along with chicken drumsticks in the oven.
Season with pepper, tarragon. Smells divine.
Got enough cooking for a couple of days.
But laid out a pork loin last evening so will do something with it tomorrow.
Then will have enough to last the week.
Normal housework is done also. Just have to take out trash for the week tonight.
Drinking water, crocheting in panels a baby blanket for newest grand daughter.
Will be making Oldest grand daughter a blanket too so she's not left out.
Started crocheting and quilting up Christmas.
Same old stuff different day.
Sitting on the porch thinking about the upcoming week and drinking wine I made in 2010.
Well I didn't get this written yesterday but I installed a new battery in our 2007 Tundra, we got the new battery from Costco on the 14th, saved $60 by getting it there over Interstate Battery. The battery that was in the Tundra when we bought it was only a 600 CCA Delco, I've never had good luck with Delco batteries, on the other hand Interstate batteries have always been good, the one we got was a 27F with 710 CCA. I hate having vehicles around that won't start and I'm trying to get everything SHTF ready, tires, batteries,fluid changes and we have no payments, it all makes us feel a lot better to have everything in the best running order we can get it. The next big expenditure is getting 4 house batteries and an engine battery for our motorhome, that will be around $500, plus I need to make some new connector wires for the house batteries. Anyway, it's not like I don't have anything to do, life is definitely not boring.
I attended my monthly genealogy writing class at the library. Today's class was about intellectual property, what we can use, how, what permissions we need, and when to not even think of using something. All government documents are fair game.

Class is set up so that there is a presentation followed by questions and answers. Then we pair up and read each other's work and give feedback.

There are so many interesting stories and so much interesting pieces of information. There are stories that are needing to be told. You couldn't make some of the stuff up.
Back at the hospital with dad tonight. I got about 3 hours sleep last night. Hope I can get a bit more tonight.

On the bright side I have about a dozen nurses who want to come for a plant class when it gets warm out. A little chilly tonight.

Dad seems to be resting easy tonight. Guess I'll watch some tv... maybe do a little research to.
It's the last night of my work schedule in Colorado. I just ate a bacon and egg cheeseburger at the restaurant next to my hotel, so now I feel like a slob, but it was good!:D Tomorrow I'm hoping to get off a little early tomorrow because there's a winter storm coming in and I don't want to drive home in it...anyway, hope y'all are having a great nite!
@Weedygarden Some family stories certainly are interesting! I have my "great-uncle's" diary from the civil war era with an entry of Lincoln being shot as well as coming home one evening and the wagon breaking down. They used one of the gals garters to fix it enough to get home.
(He was my great grandfather's great uncle after whom my ggpa was named - whatever that makes him to me.)
Peanut, I'm sorry to hear your dad is in the hospital. That is always stressful.

Phideaux, I hope you get feeling better soon.

Other than heating up some stuff in the microwave and seeing to a delivery of hay, I didn't get much done. I was supposed to go into town to go to the pharmacy but the guy wanted to deliver the hay at a certain time and was running late. A wheel-bearing went out on his trailer. Nice guy- dropped off 10 rolls of hay. The cows are spoiled and wanted the kind with molasses that's $17 a bale but they eat it too fast & it's too expensive to keep getting. They will just have to make do with the hay we got. Had to have it put way in the back because my brother is severely allergic to hay.
Got morning chores done, then went to the hunting and fishing show at the fairgrounds. Little granddaughter loved shooting the pellet rifle the 4H group set up to shoot indoors. She hit 10 out of 12, and had never shot anything. Went back, and did it again. Tried the climbing wall like her siblings did, but didn't get far. New things for her, so we are now told to call her, "Extreme Syrah". Instead of just Syrah. No oven, no stove, no kitchen sink, so I had the dutch ovens going on the patio for dinner. Two of our daughters came out for dinner.
Went skiing, just home and crashing for a few.
I was never much of a skier, probably skied a dozen times in my life. If I had had more money, time and energy, I would have. The last time I went skiing, I realized I wasn't in good enough shape because I worked too much and didn't have time to work out. I knew if I wasn't careful, I was going to get hurt, and then how would I support myself?