What's everybody doing today?

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Today at work I've been convincing my coworkers to go into a specific coworkers office and say "What kind of spider is that? Oh nevermind it's gone."

I've gotten three people to do it and they don't suspect a thing.

Also, I got paid so I'm hitting the shops on my electric scooter after work.
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@hashbrown i tell ya what your kid is something else...he scared the crap out of you with the jeep and driving it and decided he liked/wanted the truck instead....NOW...hes coming in at asphalt landing a fragile airplane...do you watch him take off or land the thing?
I usually get to watch every couple of weeks. I’m trying to find a plane to rent this Saturday to go to a fly in at Berryville Arkansas this weekend and I’ll be a passenger. Nerves of steel I tell you! 🤣🤣🤣
Filled the new garden bed and added to last years bed. It will be a couple days before the weather will allow for another truck load. I should be able to plant potatoes soon.

I dusted the greenhouse with diatomaceous earth that came in today. Tomorrow will be some up-potting the True Potato Seeds seedlings.

Today at work I've been convincing my coworkers to go into a specific coworkers office and say "What kind of spider is that? Oh nevermind it's gone."

I've gotten three people to do it and they don't suspect a thing.

Also, I got paid so I'm hitting the shops on my electric scooter after work.
You’re making your pop proud 😅
(@Magus )
So sorry, Amish. Hugs for you.

Finally managing to get a few things done; tons of laundry and cooked a venison roast I found in the freezer. No idea how old it was but I'm not dead yet.
Put together a small metal planter and planted a couple of blueberry bushes. They're temporarily protected with screen-wrapped tomato cages until I can decide if I'm going to spend money on a deer fence.
It's my turn on altar guild, so staying after service to clean up on Sundays.
Fieldwork tomorrow, thankfully only a couple of hours away. Hopefully I will have enough energy to try and stop at some flooring places. It's amazing that I'm having so much trouble trying to buy some tile for the woodstove hearth; found exactly what I wanted but the place only does wholesale, so I went to a local shop to have them order for me, and they never did. The guy in the local shop was also was rude and not helpful when I was asking questions. Too bad, if he'd been decent to me I was actually ready to spend like three grand in his shop getting all the tile for the bathrooms but he had to be a pompous horse's rear so never mind.
Easy day at work. Tomorrow the boss can't drive to Arizona because his wife is sick so I am taking his truck and trailer to Lake Havasu for warranty work on his Speed UTV. I will be in bed soon and waking up about 3:30 to get on the road early.
Lets see, getting paid, driving a fancy new truck, possibly meeting Robbie Gordon, hanging out in Havasu for a while, maybe going to the lake to look at bikinis, and either driving back home or spending the night if necessary, depending on how long the repairs take.
I love road trips, and solo ones are nice and quiet so that is a plus.

Sweet dreams.
trying to figure out how to cram all the work into this week that needs to be done. Well, not all "work" but a lot of driving. So I might have to go shopping for groceries and pick up my prescriptions today by myself while husband drives the other direction to pick up the processed meat and goes to farm store for supplies. It seems to not end with the driving this week
Saturday is first market, so I will be starting bread dough today and tomorrow to bake Friday
Finally got a row of potatoes planted yesterday late. I want to do another one
Still have plants in pots that need to go into the garden also
I had a stressful day at the thrift store today. Last week, we discovered a woman had been pulling price tags off of things then asking how much hoping to get a lower price. My coworker confronted her the next time she came in to shop. I was the one she conned into a lower price and I didn’t realize what she was doing. So she came in today when I was working and I confronted her, too. She said she didn’t know it had been priced, though my coworker TOLD her how much the item was so I know she knew. We found the price tags in the floor where the items were. I told her I felt like I couldn’t trust her anymore. She stood her ground and was not sorry at all.

Then, a woman and her husband came in 5 minutes before closing. I told them we close in 5 minutes. The slowly browsed around the store. I said we’re closing. They continue to non chalantly (sp?) browse the store. I again said I was closing. They look at me and keep browsing. I went and turned off the lights but there are windows so it wasn’t pitch black. They bring their items up to me and I ring up their purchases. Then the man, angrily, said you didn’t have to turn the lights off on us. I said it didn’t look like they were finishing up. They stormed out and slammed the door. I feel a bit bad but I also feel justified. 😩 And both offenders were of the same ethnicity and they were not black.
I was in a Dollar Tree, checking out, when a man came in the door. Immediately, all the employees told him to leave. I have known of other people being banned from places for stealing and whatever other problems. Would this be something you could do with this woman?
Picked up my favorite cousin and her daughter and they helped me clear out mom's room at the nursing home. Had an appt at the mortuary for mom's stuff, that took awhile. Back home with a million phone calls to return. My favorite cousin and her daughter want to do the family dinner at our place the night before the funeral, they are too sweet. Two of our amish neighbors and their families came over this evening and did all the mowing, weed whacking, trimming of our main yard area, that was incredible. One cousin said she'll be making all the pies for after the funeral. My mother in law in California said she'd be sending all the flowers. Everyone is pretty wonderful except for two of my sisters. One got into it with my Florida sis because she wants money now. Florida sis is the executor. Then she told me to get death certificates today, and was pretty ticked when I told her they take up to a month to get, and then all mom's accounts need to be settled. Luckily nothing is in that sister's name, so no access, but she still is awful.
My guess is that this is the sister who tried to get your mom's money years ago. Friends of mine lost a brother. I have no idea of the details, but it took a couple years to settle their estate. Of course, there was a home involved, where your mother didn't have any real estate.
Just piddlin around the camper. Did some Bible study. Started reading Jack London's White Fang. Been many years since I read that
I have never read White Fang, but it will forever be an important book for me.

I had a student, a second grader when he came to me as a non reader. If you don't know how that fact alone makes me so angry, let me tell you, it is an outrage for me! Where were all the adults who were supposed to be there for him? Asleep at the wheel!!!

I interviewed him about reading, what his thoughts were, visited with him, asked him about his interests. Wolves! He loved wolves. We went to the school library. He was well aware of this book and wanted to read it!!! How do you read a book like that when you cannot read at all!!??

We worked on phonics, read through a series of phonics readers, worked on high frequency words. He had daily one on one help with his reading, at least 15 minutes a day, sometimes more, usually with an assistant, but sometimes with me. He was at the top of the list for students to be worked with every day. He was first because he needed to be. By the end of the school year, he had read White Fang! OMG! What a success for a second grade child to read that book, and especially a child who less than a year ago had not been reading at all.

His mother came to me at the end of the school year, so grateful, so full of gratitude about the fact that in one school year her son had accomplished that much. How? Follow the interests of the child. Work with them, one on one with their needs. Encourage them. Give them what they need. Love them for who they are and where they are in life. I believe he is a mechanic now. I haven't seen him in a few decades.
My grand maw worked on my reading some before I started school. Flew thru Dick and Jane in 1st grade. 3rd grade we had something where u could buy some little books. I got three, first one I read was Frankenstein by Mary Shelly. Teacher asked me about it, told her I wanted something different. She had us do a book repot on our book and was blown away at the detail I put in it.
When they started the testing stuff my reading was high school level by 5th grade. I read everything I could find. Daily newspaper cover to cover. Step-dad got a set of Encyclopedia Britannica. At some point I went thru most of those.
The reading farmboy. Lol
survived doctor appointment, lol, the guy wanted to give me 4 pills at first LOLOLO that will get me through half of one flight....
finally explained to him that I will be there 2 weeks and 4 flights and he gave me enough, plus some other pills for sleeping if I need them. Looked it up LOL again, it's basically prescription strength Benadryl...if that was good enough to fix my anxiety I would have tried that years ago.....whatever, I just need to get through the 2 week trip
this is a new doctor, old one left. He asked too many questions like to start "when was your last momogram" ? I told him never. I don't do cancer checks of any kind and don't plan on getting it treated if I get any. My choice. Less money for the doctor so his reply " oh" and ' I have to ask you that" ...

heating up lunch I cooked yesterday, after all that doctor stress and exposure to germs I had a few shots of vodka....
Good Deal, Stay away from Dr's as much as possible...!!! Everything We Need to Cure US is available without Dr's...!!
Today and tomorrow I'm going to try to convince people that the word "read" comes from the word "reed" as early books were printed on "reeds."

Just as I used to convince people that in the middle ages vegetables were rare so people would be paid in celery, hence the term "Salary."
Trip town, got lunch, went by the nursery for plants. Bought some pea and okra seed. Oh, stopped at a friends on the way home and got a pound of maggie butter. Maggie is her daughters Jersey cow. Found out she's selling the Jersey and buying some odd breed. I think she called it an 'AG' cow. No idea what that breed is, may have misheard what she said.

Anyway, Maggie is the cow that had the udder staph infection last fall. I got her healed up with garlic and yellowroot. Turns out to be a chronic condition. 2 months to heal her up, milk for a month then the staph comes back again and again and...


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