What's everybody doing today?

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The cat woke me up this morning 3 minutes after I was supposed to be on my computer working. He was not amused. He had to wait until the boys got up to feed him since I just crawled into the office and shut the door. Haven’t slept that late in a long time. So work, coffee, boys made me breakfast.

Going swimming in a bit with mom. After swimming, working with dad and the menfolk on the little house.

Dad has plans to get the couple of windows done today and a bulk of the plumbing. All the joists and subfloor repairs are done and hubby has been marching along on electrical. Boys have hauled 12 yards of dirt out of the crawl space. One more day of scratching around to smooth it out and they can lay vapor barrier.
Maybe the extra job after work is why I slept so late?
I didn't wake up until 8am. Yesterday was rough on me. After working ten hours to get the derailment fixed, I drove an hour and a half to see mom at the nursing home. She and pops and I had a rousing game of dominoes. I left there a bit after 9pm and drove an hour home, with a stop at the store to grab a few staples. A little after 11 I was relaxing in my recliner, and then suddenly it was 8am! Now it's quarter after ten and all I've accomplished is to eat, shower and walk up to the coffee shop. I've got a big cup of the Mexican blend in front of me now.

I've got some vehicle cleaning to do and then this afternoon I'll spend some time with my GF and her dog. I'm guessing we'll find a county park trail to take a light hike on.
Got home yesterday afternoon and unloaded the camper and took all that in the house. Post office to collect and restart our mail. Hope they don't screw things up again, last time we had it held, it took a month to get everything back in a normal routine. Took care of the birds, got 22 eggs. Not bad for 5 birds over 5 days. We crashed hard after showers.
Today, last day of vacation, I went to CoOp and got some red Beefsteak tomatos, bell and banana peppers, bar and chain and bar oil for my saw, and 10 new asparagus roots to fill in where we lost some in a bed.
Headin to the dump later, and mow after that if it don't start raining again
My grand maw worked on my reading some before I started school. Flew thru Dick and Jane in 1st grade. 3rd grade we had something where u could buy some little books. I got three, first one I read was Frankenstein by Mary Shelly. Teacher asked me about it, told her I wanted something different. She had us do a book repot on our book and was blown away at the detail I put in it.
When they started the testing stuff my reading was high school level by 5th grade. I read everything I could find. Daily newspaper cover to cover. Step-dad got a set of Encyclopedia Britannica. At some point I went thru most of those.
The reading farmboy. Lol
It was my mom, I could read and spell complex words in the second grade but was wild as a Newport Brewer, I signed My test paper "The Domino Kid' once and my teacher asked me how I spelled it? Mother had a teachers certificate she got after OLD Rule High School on Virginia Ave in Knoxville. We had a NEW Standard Encyclopedia, New Century Atlas and Unabridged Dictionary.
For all my trouble and meanness I got sent to a Shrink at UT in the fifth grade.

What kind of Speed buggy did you deliver @INresponse My son fools with those things a lot he works a lot at Mudparks and Benefits for UTV racing and rock climbing, bounty holes ETC he hasn't done a dune race YET.
Hope your mom is ok now, Zannej. Blood sugar is tricky.
Animal chores and greenhouse chores. Then I heard some baby mews. Princess Fluffy had her kitties in the greenhouse. So now there's Greenhouse, Garage, and Milkhouse. That drive by male (Bowie) that comes around now and again sure hit them up at the same time. Haven't gone into town yet, but will, soon. Neighbor made some fresh bread and about 4 dz peanut butter cookies. Thinking to put some in the freezer till mid week with company.
Thanks. Mom slept through the Dexcom alarm but my brother heard it when he went to the bathroom. He came and got me and I put a relion tablet under her tongue. I kept trying to get her to wake up and every once in awhile she would open her eyes really wide and stare at me and at one point it seemed like she was choking. Unlike the time she had ketoacidosis, she was not able to cooperate at all with anything. Couldn't even hold her head up. Ambulance response time here is slow so I called my friend to help to see if we could get her into the wheelchair and get her out to the truck. It became apparent that it wasn't going to work since she couldn't hold on to my friend or assist at all so I called 911 and asked for an ambulance. The tablets I kept giving her got her sugar up to 47. Paramedics came in and gave her IV fluids with sugar and kept trying to get her to respond. She would look at the guy but couldn't answer any questions for a bit. Even when her sugar was back in normal levels she was still out of it, but she was able to stand with assistance and get into the wheelchair. The paramedics couldn't get the wheelchair around some of the corners so my friend was able to roll her out and get her to the door. They switched her to a carry chair from there, then out to the sidewalk to get her on a gurney.

Spent a few hours at the ER with her. Sugar is now a bit high but she's got hypothermia. Her temp got down to 90. So they have her in a 'bear hugger". Like an inflatable blanket that is pumped with warm air, multiple blankets, and I wrapped a jacket around the top of her head and sides of her face. A nurse added a blanket around that. Temp went up to 93.1 and they switched her to warm IV fluids. Bro's tailbone was hurting and he'd left food in the microwave so I brought him home. I'm currently charging my phone and waiting for some naproxen to kick in before I go back. I'm hoping we can bring her home today.
I'm hoping we can bring her home today.
I hope she is feeling better, now!

Still trying to catch up on here.
Yesterday, we tried to deal with DH's IV antibiotics, but his culture came back with something not seen before so he had to repeat it. We are hoping that it will come back and IV antibiotics can be arranged before he ends up in the hospital.

Walked first this morning.
Went to salvage grocery store and then quick doc appt. follow up for me.
Came back and worked at my friend's little cafe for a couple of hours.
Taking it easy the rest of the day.
Zipping by to say hello — hi friends! Hope you’re all doing well.

Things have been okay over here, though I think I’ve decided that I’m going to stick with pressure-canning ingredients rather than meals. I have had no luck with any of the meals-in-jars I’ve tried, they all turn out bland.

Garlic’s up and growing vigorously. I have seen a few signs of asparagus coming up, but I’m not sure how well they actually took. We’ll see. Flowers on the clove currant, hooray. I’d love some more of those, honestly, even if just for the scent.
Sorry to hear that, Snappy. Is it his sputum sample coming back with something different this time? Husband's been on zosan instead of miripenum the last few times. We're pretty much resolved to doing this at home and not risking the hospital, unless his breathing shuts down entirely. Bummer about the zosan, though, it's 4 times a day instead of three. Not sure of the spelling.
Sorry to hear that, Snappy. Is it his sputum sample coming back with something different this time? Husband's been on zosan instead of miripenum the last few times. We're pretty much resolved to doing this at home and not risking the hospital, unless his breathing shuts down entirely. Bummer about the zosan, though, it's 4 times a day instead of three. Not sure of the spelling.
We are repeating the sample to make sure that the first one wasn't contaminated at the lab.
Jake’s FFA poultry team took 7th place in the state of Missouri today. Not good enough to go to Nationals but not too shabby either.

Another day of nothing... so tired. Started thinking my body might be fighting off a bug. It's difficult to tell, the flu mimics my cfs symptoms. I opted for precautions, took a round of tinctures last night, had 2 rounds today. Still feel crappy so i'm not sure. No plans but crappy tv to match. 2 is 1, one is none! 😁
Zipping by to say hello — hi friends! Hope you’re all doing well.

Things have been okay over here, though I think I’ve decided that I’m going to stick with pressure-canning ingredients rather than meals. I have had no luck with any of the meals-in-jars I’ve tried, they all turn out bland.

Garlic’s up and growing vigorously. I have seen a few signs of asparagus coming up, but I’m not sure how well they actually took. We’ll see. Flowers on the clove currant, hooray. I’d love some more of those, honestly, even if just for the scent.
I just do ingredients too for the same reason. I thought I was just picky. I will do onion soup then add the goodies to make it French onion soup but that’s about it.

@zannej Hope your mom is feeling better but I agree with AH, might be good for them to monitor her for the night.

@Tirediron Do you still have snow ❄️

Been pulling trees out with the tractor and burning brush piles around the place. I'm clearing a couple acres that I'll fence in for goats or sheep.
How is Mrs MT
Cleaning is a priority today...vacuum, dust, mop, a bathroom to clean. Oldest daughter comes in from Washington around dinnertime, but I've got a driver to pick her up and bring her here from the airport. I'll get husband settled and animal chores done this morning, and then take little granddaughter into our town for customer appreciation day. We really only have one handful of businesses on a very small mainstreet, but they do a free burger lunch and ice cream today, also business giveaways, raffles, discounts in the stores. Everyone comes out for it. The auto shop always brings in specialty donuts that they pick up in Wichita. Besides, I owe him some money, if he'll let me pay, he had a mechanic come out, got our extra truck running, drove it to the shop and super charged it overnight, brought it back the next morning and picked up his vehicle. Super sweet. I need the extra truck with all the kids coming in. Just need to decide if we want free lunch at the feed store, or at the amish grocery store.

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