I’m so sorry.Mom is In er. Bro and I are with her. Almost lost her to hypoglycemia. She's doing better now but still very tired.
It was my mom, I could read and spell complex words in the second grade but was wild as a Newport Brewer, I signed My test paper "The Domino Kid' once and my teacher asked me how I spelled it? Mother had a teachers certificate she got after OLD Rule High School on Virginia Ave in Knoxville. We had a NEW Standard Encyclopedia, New Century Atlas and Unabridged Dictionary.My grand maw worked on my reading some before I started school. Flew thru Dick and Jane in 1st grade. 3rd grade we had something where u could buy some little books. I got three, first one I read was Frankenstein by Mary Shelly. Teacher asked me about it, told her I wanted something different. She had us do a book repot on our book and was blown away at the detail I put in it.
When they started the testing stuff my reading was high school level by 5th grade. I read everything I could find. Daily newspaper cover to cover. Step-dad got a set of Encyclopedia Britannica. At some point I went thru most of those.
The reading farmboy. Lol
I hope she is feeling better, now!I'm hoping we can bring her home today.
We are repeating the sample to make sure that the first one wasn't contaminated at the lab.Sorry to hear that, Snappy. Is it his sputum sample coming back with something different this time? Husband's been on zosan instead of miripenum the last few times. We're pretty much resolved to doing this at home and not risking the hospital, unless his breathing shuts down entirely. Bummer about the zosan, though, it's 4 times a day instead of three. Not sure of the spelling.
I just do ingredients too for the same reason. I thought I was just picky. I will do onion soup then add the goodies to make it French onion soup but that’s about it.Zipping by to say hello — hi friends! Hope you’re all doing well.
Things have been okay over here, though I think I’ve decided that I’m going to stick with pressure-canning ingredients rather than meals. I have had no luck with any of the meals-in-jars I’ve tried, they all turn out bland.
Garlic’s up and growing vigorously. I have seen a few signs of asparagus coming up, but I’m not sure how well they actually took. We’ll see. Flowers on the clove currant, hooray. I’d love some more of those, honestly, even if just for the scent.
How is Mrs MTBeen pulling trees out with the tractor and burning brush piles around the place. I'm clearing a couple acres that I'll fence in for goats or sheep.