Had a good time watching the original 'GONE IN 60 SECONDS' last night, that is such a classic flick. I'm not big on car theft either, I've never stolen a car and I doubt I ever will, but there are such cool cars in that movie, and the chase scene is crazy!!! That scene with the granny thumping each hood with her umbrella was FLAT-OUT HILARIOUS, lol. So was the dude who had his car cut in half, and the psychobilly Cadillac full o' hood rats (definitely NOT politically correct, lol, and downright RACIST by any modern libtard standards). The Mach 1 Mustang Eleanor stole the show, of course, with some pretty good stunt driving and a whole heap of abuse, lol. Great flick, not an Academy Award winner for 'Best Acting' but still quite entertaining... there are some funny lines in there too! 
Let's see, the only library DVD left in this group of 5 is the Brendan Fraser film 'BREAKOUT'---I guess I'll watch that this afternoon. The whole premise of pulling a jailbreak to rescue kids is rather unrealistic, but I'm not expecting any great degree of realism from any film made in recent years. Kinda like those SyFy movies, where realism was an extremely tall order, lol. Meh, what the heck, it's just entertainment... if I sense any leftist libtard propaganda while I'm watching the film, I'll simply yank the DVD and go back to the 'HELL ON WHEELS' series I was watching earlier. That series is a little cheesy, but there are still some good scenes, and I love old trains so I'll overlook the BS, lol. What sort of unpatriotic fool doesn't like old trains? Belching smoke and hissing steam... ah, the good ol' days!!!
Let's see, the only library DVD left in this group of 5 is the Brendan Fraser film 'BREAKOUT'---I guess I'll watch that this afternoon. The whole premise of pulling a jailbreak to rescue kids is rather unrealistic, but I'm not expecting any great degree of realism from any film made in recent years. Kinda like those SyFy movies, where realism was an extremely tall order, lol. Meh, what the heck, it's just entertainment... if I sense any leftist libtard propaganda while I'm watching the film, I'll simply yank the DVD and go back to the 'HELL ON WHEELS' series I was watching earlier. That series is a little cheesy, but there are still some good scenes, and I love old trains so I'll overlook the BS, lol. What sort of unpatriotic fool doesn't like old trains? Belching smoke and hissing steam... ah, the good ol' days!!!