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I decided to try a new power cord for my computer. It obviously works. At the store I looked at all the people decked out for halloween. Then I realized I was at Walmart. I don't go there often so I don't know if this is a higher level of bad taste than normal.
EVERYDAY is Halloween in Walmart!!
Anyone ever seen 'Once upon a time in Mexico'? It's the mexican version of pulp fiction, sort of. A decent movie, has Antonio Banderas, Salma Hayek, Depp, Rourke... danny trejo, eva mendes.

There another that had cheech marin and the tarentino guy. I've seen it but in the 90's.

Anyway, in a discount movie bin i found them, and learned it was a trilogy, 3 disk set. Same director/creator but the first one was much more cheaply done... no high priced actors. Done in spanish with subtitles.

Anyway, the trilogy in order

1) El Mariachi - watched tonight, ehhh, could have used better everything. But now the later films make more sense.

3)Once upon a time in Mexico
I don't get a chance to watch many movies, but the other day I watched what must have been one of the top 5 dumbest movies ever. It was called Warm Body's. It was about a young woman who falls in love with a zombie, even after he eats her boyfriends brain.
Based on a true story???
YouTube videos. The algorithms are working well at feeding me what I wanna eat? There's a downside we should be conscious of?

To battle the addiction and balance the affirmation confirmation, I click on the trendy stuff and click a bunch of random likes. Let their algos chew on that?
Der Bergdoctor
it's like the mountain rescue thing I watched ( all the way to the current episode) but with a doctor
Basically General Hospital German style LOL
Completely unscientific ( I think they make up diseases that don't even exist) , but the doctor lives on a mountain farm, so I like watching it, very pretty scenary
YouTube videos. The algorithms are working well at feeding me what I wanna eat? There's a downside we should be conscious of?

To battle the addiction and balance the affirmation confirmation, I click on the trendy stuff and click a bunch of random likes. Let their algos chew on that?
Tweaking the algorithms

I regularly review my watch history and remove videos that I didn't care for. Close Youtube and reopen. The suggested videos are recomputed based on the cleaned up history.

Works for me.

I just watched "Blended" last night. Initially released in 2014. A RomCom (Romantic Comedy) with Adam Sandler and Drew Barrymore. Those two work well together, and I really enjoyed the movie. 100% predictable? Yes. But that's what you expect from this kind of movie. The hotel where they filmed scenes for this show? I want to go there!
I watched "Aquaman" the other night. My daughter said I might like it. She said she watched it and considered it mindless super hero action, but fun to watch anyway. She was right. Good special effects too. But indeed mindless. Grab a bag of popcorn and watch it simply to be entertained (remember, The Three Stooges were entertaining too!), not because you're expecting it to be a deeply thoughtful award winner like Schindler's List.
Earlier tonight i watched the 1954 classic 'Creature from the Black Lagoon'. Honestly, i watched parts of it. I could only tolerate the bad acting and worse dialog for a few minutes at the time. A monkey with the runs could write a better script and probably act as well. Other than that, it's a classic! 🤣 The only good part was the creature's costume. Clearly it took up most of the budget.

'The Blob' from 1958 is on now. Much, much better movie, a young Steve McQueen plays the lead. Playing opposite is a young aneta corsaut, Helen Crump from the andy griffith show.

Up next is Godzilla...
Earlier tonight i watched the 1954 classic 'Creature from the Black Lagoon'. Honestly, i watched parts of it. I could only tolerate the bad acting and worse dialog for a few minutes at the time. A monkey with the runs could write a better script and probably act as well. Other than that, it's a classic! 🤣 The only good part was the creature's costume. Clearly it took up most of the budget.

'The Blob' from 1958 is on now. Much, much better movie, a young Steve McQueen plays the lead. Playing opposite is a young aneta corsaut, Helen Crump from the andy griffith show.

Up next is Godzilla...
I remember walking to the movies, a mile, every Saturday. 'Creature from the Black Lagoon' is the first horror flick I remember. It was always a double feature. Walk a mile, watch 2 movies, eat some candy, and walk home. It was the cheapest babysitter Mom could buy. I wish I still had those dimes and quarters today, 90% silver.
I started watching a Youtube series of a guy who built a bunker in his backyard.

He's currently digging out his driveway to have a hidden garage that links to his bunker and the hidden tunnels. The soil composition is fascinating to me. Here we have sandy loam so the digging he's doing would be impossible.

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