What's for dinner tonight?

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what cant you stomach? the liver was lambs liver wife finds pigs liver too strong, and it was delicious I just wish we had it more often.
Fried chicken liver is pretty good but I can’t stomach the slimy stuff any other way. Although as we have all said before, when you’re truly hungry you might be suprised what tastes good.
Fried chicken liver is pretty good but I can’t stomach the slimy stuff any other way. Although as we have all said before, when you’re truly hungry you might be suprised what tastes good.
I'm not saying I wouldn't eat it if necessary. But I would also eat bugs and other things that are nutritious but don't generally consider to be food.
I'm not saying I wouldn't eat it if necessary. But I would also eat bugs and other things that are nutritious but don't generally consider to be food.
Yeah, I like to consider myself adventurous with foods and will generally try most things, but some things just aren’t normally on the menu.
i'm a fairly traditional Englishman in the food department, mostly meat and two veg sort of stuff. cant stomach pasta or any of that other continental stuff.
Steak fajitas with bell peppers and jalapenos cooked on the wood stove. I'll add some dried crushed habanero and ghost pepper for a little extra kick. Got a few cold ones buried in a snow bank right outside the cabin door to wash it all down with.
I guess that's one advantage of the inhumanly cold temperatures in your part of the world.
Angus? that's not an American breed, that's Scottish, I thought you lot bred longhorns.
Angus? that's not an American breed, that's Scottish, I thought you lot bred longhorns.

The Angus is naturally polled and solid black or red, though the udder may be white. The native colour is black, but more recently red colours have emerged.[2] The UK registers both in the same herd book, but in the United States they are regarded as two separate breeds – Red Angus and Black Angus. Black Angus is the most common breed of beef cattle in the United States, with 332,421 animals registered in 2017[3]. In 2014, the British Cattle Movement Service named Angus the UK's most popular native beef breed, and the second most popular beef breed overall.[4]
I cant eat it, it makes me feel physically sick.
Is it the noodles or the sauce? Because pasta sauce can be made from all sorts of things. My wife can't eat pasta with tomato sauce, like spaghetti, but can eat pasta with pesto and Alfredo sauce.
Angus? that's not an American breed, that's Scottish, I thought you lot bred longhorns.
Is it the noodles or the sauce? Because pasta sauce can be made from all sorts of things. My wife can't eat pasta with tomato sauce, like spaghetti, but can eat pasta with pesto and Alfredo sauce.
maybe its the tomato sauce, I prefer brown sauce, I cant stomach spaghetti either. like I said i'm a traditional Englishman, give me meat and 2 veg any day.

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