What's for dinner tonight?

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We drove up to visit our kids and grand kids yesterday. For dinner tonight we made fried rice with chicken, egg, bell peppers, shrimp and bacon.
These trips are always too short but the drive is long, 8 hours each way. We bought the G kids bicycles today and we're pretty well wore out now. We'll be leaving early in the morning.
I can easily beat Popeyes, there the best fast food red beans, but not even close to mine. You would be driving here to visit ;)
Red beans and rice from Popeyes is one of the few fast food items that I can say I really love. I tried a few of the internet copies of restaurant recipes and nothing came close.
I was in such bliss last night, I forgot to post. Enough words, I'll skip to the visuals.
Speaking of spicy concoctions... :D
(similar to red beans and rice but with pinto beans and venison sausage)
That looks really good! I made homemade tacos last night. Seasoned Chicken and beef, freshly picked lettuce, freshly shredded sharp cheddar, tomatoes and avocado. Sided with a baked corn on the Cobb and some fresh beet slices. Kind of an eclectic mix but I went to bed content with the world.
That looks really good! I made homemade tacos last night. Seasoned Chicken and beef, freshly picked lettuce, freshly shredded sharp cheddar, tomatoes and avocado...
That sounds good too!

The way I make "red beans and rice" really sticks to your ribs. I used to make it quite often when the kids were still home because it was always a hit with them. Now I rarely make it anymore because my wife doesn't like beans. Chinese use sweet bean paste in pastries and she thinks unsweetened beans taste weird, LOL. (I think sweet bean paste tastes weird, so THERE) I forgot to mention that when making the roux, I used peanut oil that I had used previously for country frying venison, which gave it a hint of country fried venison.

Yes Rellgar, I saved you some. :D
Tonight I grilled a thick NY steak for me and the dog, along with lemon and pepper seasoned red bell peppers and sourdough garlic cheese toast.
And for desert I'm having rainbow sherbet. The wife just had to remind me that this is "pride" month so the rainbow sherbet fit right in. Had to look up what "pride" month was.
Sorry to hear that Brent. Not fun. I got it twice at deer camp in January. Bad lettuce, but I didn't know it was the lettuce the first time, and it wasn't very bad, just some nausea and flu-like symptoms. The second time had a big salad, and that time it really knocked me for a loop. I was nauseated for weeks afterwards. My doctor told me to take a probiotic. That cleared up the nausea.
Sorry to hear that Brent. Not fun. I got it twice at deer camp in January. Bad lettuce, but I didn't know it was the lettuce the first time, and it wasn't very bad, just some nausea and flu-like symptoms. The second time had a big salad, and that time it really knocked me for a loop. I was nauseated for weeks afterwards. My doctor told me to take a probiotic. That cleared up the nausea.
I still feel pretty raw at the moment, but held down some light food yesterday. Sometime today I am going to chunk everything in the fridge that I touched on Friday. I hate wasting it but the thought of going through this twice is, well, nauseating....
One thought on getting food poisoning, is during an emergency we all need to consider safety more than ever. Being incapacitated during tough times isn’t something I want to try. Drinking unclean water is likely the easiest thing to mitigate but consider how safe your food is too.
In a grid down situation without proper refrigeration, food poisoning will be much much more common.

I just wonder how many people in my neighborhood will get some sort of food poisoning from the power being out for 8 hours the other day.