What's for dinner tonight?

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these were home cooked beef burgers not under cooked ones from MacDonalds!! all our meals are home cooked.
sausages and baked beans tonight.
I will eat a burger occasionally if I cook it at home with really lean beef and have a salad on it too. The problem with fast food is they use much too much fat in the ground beef. It’s hard to beat a good hamburger once in a while.
there is a story in the British newspaper of someone who bought a burger at Macdonalds and it was uncooked, raw and bloody on the inside! that's why I wont eat this sort of stuff, also I don't know where the meat comes from, I try to eat British produced food if I possibly can. all our meals are cooked at home, we haven't eaten out for a long time, maybe a couple of years now.
all our meat is bought locally, either from the weekly market or from a farm shop.
I really like most cheeseburgers, but McDonald’s is the lowest on the list. I crave a whopper from Burger King occasionally with that fake smoke flavoring. Agreed though, a good home style burger is the best. I haven’t had one in a while now so will pu some lean ground beef soon. I like onion, lettuce, tomato, cheese and pickle on it too, with really lite mayo and ketchup. Yum....
I really like most cheeseburgers, but McDonald’s is the lowest on the list. I crave a whopper from Burger King occasionally with that fake smoke flavoring. Agreed though, a good home style burger is the best. I haven’t had one in a while now so will pu some lean ground beef soon. I like onion, lettuce, tomato, cheese and pickle on it too, with really lite mayo and ketchup. Yum....
I like lettuce, tomato, pickles, saute mushrooms and onions on mine with real cheddar cheese or colby jack, none of that fake "American" cheese that McD uses and is an insult to the entire country and really to the entire American continents. I don't usually put ketchup or mayo at all, except maybe a little bit of mayo when toasting the bun.
I like lettuce, tomato, pickles, saute mushrooms and onions on mine with real cheddar cheese or colby jack, none of that fake "American" cheese that McD uses and is an insult to the entire country and really to the entire American continents. I don't usually put ketchup or mayo at all, except maybe a little bit of mayo when toasting the bun.
I forgot mushrooms! Yeah good stuff. I only buy real cheese but since it is more expensive I doubt you ever get it at a fast food joint.
Basil isn’t one of my favorite spices. Small amounts are ok but taste is very subjective.
I like basil but I don't know that it would go well on a burger. I feel that with enough basil to substitute for the lettuce on a burger the strong flavor would overwhelm all the other flavors of the burger.
Fresh whole leaf sweet basil is very different from dried basil. I would have never tried it but for my mother who insisted that I try it. Knowing her she was probably out of lettuce one time and grabbed the only leafy substitute at hand, LOL And of course she used freshly picked basil from her backyard. One time and I was hooked.

Have you never eaten caprese?

You only need one leaf, but I use more. The flavor compliments the burger in a most delicious way.
Fresh whole leaf sweet basil is very different from dried basil. I would have never tried it but for my mother who insisted that I try it. Knowing her she was probably out of lettuce one time and grabbed the only leafy substitute at hand, LOL And of course she used freshly picked basil from her backyard. One time and I was hooked.

Have you never eaten caprese?

You only need one leaf, but I use more. The flavor compliments the burger in a most delicious way.
I know what fresh basil is. I used to have basil plants and would eat the leaves plain. They were delicious (we would also eat the parsley and dill, until my sister ate literally the whole dill plant and killed it). But basil is also a strong flavor. Caprese is supposed to taste like basil. Hamburgers are not.
I will eat a burger occasionally if I cook it at home with really lean beef and have a salad on it too. The problem with fast food is they use much too much fat in the ground beef. It’s hard to beat a good hamburger once in a while.

If your budget permits, buy ground sirloin instead of regular ground beef. And next time you make home-made chili, use ground sirloin...does wonders for the chili!!
Damn, chocolate cake sounds really good right now.
It sure does. Too bad cake is on my do not eat list.
I realized I was getting too fat so I am trying to focus on a healthier lifestyle, and I realized a lot of it for me is simply diet. For meals I might eat a lot of vegetables, lean meat, etc, but for "snacks" I was eating way too much sugar. So this year I am trying not to eat any donuts, cookies, cake, or candy (the "snacks" that seem way to readily available at the office all the time.)
But damn some chocolate cake sure sounds good.
It sure does. Too bad cake is on my do not eat list.
I realized I was getting too fat so I am trying to focus on a healthier lifestyle, and I realized a lot of it for me is simply diet. For meals I might eat a lot of vegetables, lean meat, etc, but for "snacks" I was eating way too much sugar. So this year I am trying not to eat any donuts, cookies, cake, or candy (the "snacks" that seem way to readily available at the office all the time.)
But damn some chocolate cake sure sounds good.
I do know one thing for sure, it’s a lot easier to stay in shape than it is to get back in shape. I was thin and fit most of my life and always wondered what the big deal was with dieting. Well, I let myself gain about thirty lbs. and now that I’m working on loosing it, it’s damned hard to resist that chocolate cake!
I had a turkey thigh that I had cooked earlier and vacuumed bagged for the freezer. When thawed and heated it was as good as the day I cooked it. Paired it with a salad and glass of sangria. I gave the dog the skin since I trim all the fat and skin now. She was happy.
I had a salad and a quarter of a turkey sandwich. Damned dieting.... have a loaf of bread in the bread maker cooking right now. Made a wheat loaf with walnuts and oats mixed in. I will have a hot slice in just a bit when it’s done, love fresh bread.
I am trying to eat healthier too.
At the office we've all been bringing different salad fixings and trying different types of salads for lunch. There are so many options I haven't gotten bored yet. For supper tonight I'm having spaghetti. . . not the best for a healthy diet but I've figured out that if I'm smart about what I eat earlier in the day I can enjoy a nice supper and still keep my calorie counter happy.
For example in the morning I used to always eat oatmeal, but I would get the flavored oatmeal packets, which have a lot of sugar. Now I've been making plain oatmeal with a little honey and fruit, which has like 2/3 the calories and half the sugar. The other day I forgot my oatmeal and I found one of the flavored packets in my desk drawer. I realized just how overly sweet they really are.
I got Chinese takeout tonight. I ate about 1/3 of it and will have two more meals out of it. Still not the best stuff for a diet but I’m not giving up good food. Will eat some salmon this weekend to make up for it....
I got Chinese takeout tonight. I ate about 1/3 of it and will have two more meals out of it. Still not the best stuff for a diet but I’m not giving up good food. Will eat some salmon this weekend to make up for it....
I've almost completely stopped eating sweets (cake, candy, cookies and donuts are on the NO list) but ice cream I cannot live without. Sometimes you just need good food. I believe that as long as you are smart about the amount you eat you'll be okay.

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