In my neck of the woods, the governor placed everyone on a home lock down until April 30th. The schools are now out until fall. Of course essential people are still working, which is good, but it includes all my kids, so I worry. Had to take my mom to the ER yesterday as we thought she might be having a stroke, she was not thank goodness, just some confusion. Hospital did not keep her as the doc told me “you do not want her staying here!” So I figure they were trying to tell me that have positive cases. One thing I’ve wondered, here in Oklahoma we have a lot of Indian Clinics and Hospitals, do they report to the state their positive cases? I know my kid works at one and was notified that they had a patient that tested positive for COVID-19 two days ago, yet it wasn’t on the OK website... so I was just wondering. Around here, even though we are supposed to be on a kind of lock down, it seems like everyone is just going about as normal. I’ve been watching this since it started, nurse with a special interest in viruses here, and on January 19th knew this would go pandemic... I can’t remember why I knew, I think it was just the explosiveness of it that scared me, so I started prepping more. Always wanted to be a big time prepped but could only do a bit at a time, note medical than anything else... but I did start to get more food, meds, did get a N99 mask.. I did not panic and have not boarded, just got a bit extra each time I went to the store because I knew there would be panic buying and hoarding... started gathering stuff for my mom too. Anyway, I’m skipping off topic... sorry. It’s nice to have these forums to read and talk to people, everyone around here thinks everything is just fine. They don’t realize that if this virus has only a 1% fatality rate (the actual fatality rate is about 3%) that in a country with 330 million people then 3.3 million ppl die.. multiply that by the actual mortality rate plus the fact that no one seems to be prepared and it goes higher. I’m older with underlying health conditions and I don’t want to die.