A very interesting discussion. In the country I live in, the SHTF every day. Terrorism, bomb blasts, kidnappings, power outages, floods, corruption, nepotism, mis-governance, etc. Yet people live on. life goes on, people still get married and still have babies. I know a very nice gentleman who lost his 20 something son in the WTC on 9/11. He also still lives on. The point I want to make is this; we want to have come semblance of control in our lives.
Some politicians thousands of miles away decide to favor General Electric or General Motors, or General Foods and we get screwed. Some Banker in NewYork or London sells junk securities and our homes lose half their value. Some nutcase in North Korea wants to to prove he is tougher than his dad so the Japanese start glowing in the dark (again). Some failed artist in Germany decides to blame his country's woes on a small minority and the Holocaust happens.
In these days we see the US government bailing out the very same banks that caused a global collapse but the poor suckers who lost their homes, who baled them out?
You work, you struggle, you take on debt, you pay your bills, you do your civic duty, and what do you have to show for it? A collapsing manufacturing sector, a rust belt, falling real wages, crumbling infrastructure, crumbling social services. And the rich getting richer, the paper pushers being paid 20 times what the heavy lifters are paid. The politicos laughing all the way to the bank.
Its all about control. The average Jane or Joe wants a degree of freedom about where she or he lives, works or plays, what they want to feed their kids. I remember that some time ago a Nobel Prize was awarded to economists who proved that Choice was the key to economic prosperity.
That's what prepping is about. To give one a choice, to not be forced into making a decision by default.
Lets see what I have in my emergency kit: a Victorinox, duck tape, WD40, 2 Duracells ...Oh crap!