Thats an excellent point Gazrok
I guess I'm an optimist as I can ignore the idiot and focus on all the good info brought up here because of it. Even all the mistakes I've made in my life have helped make me who I am today, so something good can be found in almost everything.i dont seeing how i love picking on them
besides.just think of the good points others have made in this topic!!!....
Well, the troll who started the thread made people share lots of good feedback. So not only a stupid thing??I think the troll that started all this has died and gone to Troll heaven
Well, I'm not into golf... So I had to find something to do LOLRespectfully, I just don’t understand why so many people are obsessed with prepping. If something catastrophic were to actually happen, I’m not sure I would want to survive the aftermath. True survival is pure agony and a post-apocalyptic world would be ruthless and unrelenting. Hording water, food and weapons would not change this. Furthermore, I don’t see the point in spending the productive years of my life worrying about what could happen. I would rather enjoy my life and if something horrible happens, then so be it. I can’t predict the future and there is no sense in pretending like I can.
Like most things, preparation is good in moderation. I prepare for a meeting at work, or an impending snow storm, but there is no sense in preparing for incidents of low probability. It’s not logical and I see it as an extremely negative and depressing way to exist. Although our world is flawed, some people exaggerate the moral decline of society and choose to view America as a modern day Sodom and Gomorrah. We are fortunate enough to be witnesses to an age of information that has changed the way we perceive the world. There have always been murderers, rapist, genocide and terrorism. The only difference is that we are now more informed. The advent of new information mediums combined with politically motivated 24hr news networks, has resulted in paranoid and skewed perspective of reality.
The bottom line is If I lived every aspect of my life with the pessimism of a prepper , I would never try anything new and would avoid anything that involved any level of risk. I would wear a chain mail diving suit when swimming in ocean so I could be prepared for a shark attack, and I would construct a rubber room in my home so I would be protected from lighting strikes. It seems like an awful lot of preppers are playing out some sort or childhood fantasy. Just like with religious zealots, preppers seem to get off on the idea that they possess some sort of secret knowledge that the rest of the world is ignorant to. To me, it’s all a waste of time. Life is too short to imprison myself in my own mind and if the disasters do come, I can only hope the damage from the volcanic eruption, nuclear bomb or solar flare is great enough to kill me instantly.
I'll make this short and simple, and hopefully easy to understand. Some Jews felt/thought the same way in Germany, others were just caught off guard. Look what happened to them. Same thing in Russia, Italy, China. Mass amounts of people died because of some whacked out "POLITICIAN". The same is happening again here at home. It is totally your choice to give in to Gov't, and want them to help when in reality when SHTF you will be forced into a FEMA camp, AKA concentration camp, re-education camp. In short a prison where you never leave... ALIVE. Again, if that is how to want to go, that is totally your choice, and I really feel sorry for you. Us "preppers" choose to be self reliant. I refuse to give in to Tyrannical Gov't taking me somewhere I DO NOT WANT TO GO, telling me what to do, or how to do it. The name calling is so typical of Liberal's. By the way I am very "optimistic". Please DO NOT refer to ALL "preppers" as pessimistic atleast without facts to back it up. Have a great day.