WHY PREP? Help me understand why? I dont get it.
You don't get it ? I get it, your stupid............
WHY PREP? Help me understand why? I dont get it.
You don't get it ? I get it, your stupid............
i dont prep out of fear it is something i recently started doing because i was bored /enjoy the outdoors/hunting/fishing/camping it is a hobby for me i love prepping and survival training and if it keeps my family safe and fed hey! thats a bonus. but you never know the great depression wasnt that long ago and things are alot worse now then they wre then in this country so who knows .If I understand correctly, it sounds like the difference between a prepper an non-prepper is how you determine an acceptable level of risk. To me, putting a seat belt on is justified preparation because the risk level is relatively high. Similarly, storing excessive amounts of weapons, ammunition, food and water is not justified because the probability that any scenario requiring these items would play out is slim.
Maybe I should simply say “happy prepping” and leave it be, but this whole movement bothers me for a reason. Prepping is based on fear and fear spreads like wildfire. Ultimately, my concern is that preppers will create a self-fulfilling prophecy because of the fear and hostility they create by participating in these activities. Excessive preparation is synonymous with paranoia, and paranoid people act irrationally.
the one thing i love about ppl like naughtywombat..they start great topics instead of messing up everyones day like thier wanting to...
Greed would eventually takeover because there are so many people that cant adapt, they lack the knowledge and resources. My family gets made fun of all the time cause every where we go we have our own bug out packs, but if and event ever occured i assure you they will wish they had what i do.
Recently, I was forced to lose my job. Since I am a realist (not pessimist) I had enough money saved to maintain our family lifestyle WITHOUT relying on one cent from the government (um... my fellow American taxpayers).
I appreciate the response but this doesn’t help me understand the logic behind the “life style” you choose. I’m simply trying to understand why you are so certain that something catastrophic will happen. In my opinion, all the panic and pepping may result in some degree of self-fulfilling prophecy, but for the most part, it is highly improbable that the world is coming to an end. Why so much anger and distrust? Why the animosity toward people that see government and morality in a different light? It almost sounds like you want this all to come true so your cause can be validated. There is nothing healthy about this.
Respectfully, I just don’t understand why so many people are obsessed with prepping.
First off, why in the hell would you even be on this form. Second, if you are really that down towards the idea of prepping, good for you, but If you were really interested in learning anything about making your family safer in this world, this is a great site to gain information. My opinion on what you wrote is that you're obviously intelligent, and if you really believed what you wrote you wouldn't be wasting your time here. If you watch the news, the story about the family that had their jeep roll over in sub zero weather and they managed to survive for two days was pretty inspirational to me. That's what prepping is all about, being able to handle whatever life throws at you. As for me, yes I contribute to a 401 k, do I really think it will be worth anything in 15 years when I reach retirement age, well my gut tells me our economy is in for some tough times, so probably not. Yet I still contribute 6% to it every payday. All you can do in life is try to prepare for uncertain times, as they always change. As far as life is short, you're right, I find great satisfaction in growing my own food, building my own house, raising animals that bring me joy and sustinence. I really enjoy the things I do, I suggest you quit wasting your time reading forums like this one and go do whatever it is that makes you happy.Respectfully, I just don’t understand why so many people are obsessed with prepping. If something catastrophic were to actually happen, I’m not sure I would want to survive the aftermath. True survival is pure agony and a post-apocalyptic world would be ruthless and unrelenting. Hording water, food and weapons would not change this. Furthermore, I don’t see the point in spending the productive years of my life worrying about what could happen. I would rather enjoy my life and if something horrible happens, then so be it. I can’t predict the future and there is no sense in pretending like I can.
Like most things, preparation is good in moderation. I prepare for a meeting at work, or an impending snow storm, but there is no sense in preparing for incidents of low probability. It’s not logical and I see it as an extremely negative and depressing way to exist. Although our world is flawed, some people exaggerate the moral decline of society and choose to view America as a modern day Sodom and Gomorrah. We are fortunate enough to be witnesses to an age of information that has changed the way we perceive the world. There have always been murderers, rapist, genocide and terrorism. The only difference is that we are now more informed. The advent of new information mediums combined with politically motivated 24hr news networks, has resulted in paranoid and skewed perspective of reality.
The bottom line is If I lived every aspect of my life with the pessimism of a prepper , I would never try anything new and would avoid anything that involved any level of risk. I would wear a chain mail diving suit when swimming in ocean so I could be prepared for a shark attack, and I would construct a rubber room in my home so I would be protected from lighting strikes. It seems like an awful lot of preppers are playing out some sort or childhood fantasy. Just like with religious zealots, preppers seem to get off on the idea that they possess some sort of secret knowledge that the rest of the world is ignorant to. To me, it’s all a waste of time. Life is too short to imprison myself in my own mind and if the disasters do come, I can only hope the damage from the volcanic eruption, nuclear bomb or solar flare is great enough to kill me instantly.
Damn, just bought some mre's! I got c rats when I was in the army, and they were nasty. Hot sauce was a must! They may not be gourmet, but not too bad.After 14 years in the Army I am not, I repeat NOT storing any MRE's....
Hey , im new but maby i can help..I appreciate the response but this doesn’t help me understand the logic behind the “life style” you choose. I’m simply trying to understand why you are so certain that something catastrophic will happen. In my opinion, all the panic and pepping may result in some degree of self-fulfilling prophecy, but for the most part, it is highly improbable that the world is coming to an end. Why so much anger and distrust? Why the animosity toward people that see government and morality in a different light? It almost sounds like you want this all to come true so your cause can be validated. There is nothing healthy about this.
I cant stad the word horde! We are not hording! we bust our ass's and pay for everything we have with blood and sweat! what we spend our dam money on is our buisiness and ours alone ! we have earned it! there i said my peace on the word horde!Respectfully, I just don’t understand why so many people are obsessed with prepping. If something catastrophic were to actually happen, I’m not sure I would want to survive the aftermath. True survival is pure agony and a post-apocalyptic world would be ruthless and unrelenting. Hording water, food and weapons would not change this. Furthermore, I don’t see the point in spending the productive years of my life worrying about what could happen. I would rather enjoy my life and if something horrible happens, then so be it. I can’t predict the future and there is no sense in pretending like I can.
Like most things, preparation is good in moderation. I prepare for a meeting at work, or an impending snow storm, but there is no sense in preparing for incidents of low probability. It’s not logical and I see it as an extremely negative and depressing way to exist. Although our world is flawed, some people exaggerate the moral decline of society and choose to view America as a modern day Sodom and Gomorrah. We are fortunate enough to be witnesses to an age of information that has changed the way we perceive the world. There have always been murderers, rapist, genocide and terrorism. The only difference is that we are now more informed. The advent of new information mediums combined with politically motivated 24hr news networks, has resulted in paranoid and skewed perspective of reality.
The bottom line is If I lived every aspect of my life with the pessimism of a prepper , I would never try anything new and would avoid anything that involved any level of risk. I would wear a chain mail diving suit when swimming in ocean so I could be prepared for a shark attack, and I would construct a rubber room in my home so I would be protected from lighting strikes. It seems like an awful lot of preppers are playing out some sort or childhood fantasy. Just like with religious zealots, preppers seem to get off on the idea that they possess some sort of secret knowledge that the rest of the world is ignorant to. To me, it’s all a waste of time. Life is too short to imprison myself in my own mind and if the disasters do come, I can only hope the damage from the volcanic eruption, nuclear bomb or solar flare is great enough to kill me instantly.
I couldn't have said anything any better that that.We just had an ice storm in North Texas. The trucks and trains that deliver our food and fuel were not in service for 3-4 days. People were stranded for hours, sometimes days, on the roads. A large percentage of the people lost their power. Within two days, the shelves at the stores were empty in many areas. There weren't any trucks to deliver new goods to the stores. Many people couldn't even get to a store. People ran out of prescription meds. Many drug stores ran out of certain prescription meds. Many gas stations ran out of fuel. Even though we had a week's notice, many people did not go out and stock up on food and supplies. Many didn't fill their cars up with gas. Many resorted to trying to walk to stores and ended up busting their ***** on the ice and sometimes their injuries were worse, requiring medical care. Others had to knock on neighbors' doors and basically beg for a handout. If it was this bad after an ice storm that only lasted for a few days AND we had a week's notice that it was coming, what in the hell would happen if something really bad happened WITHOUT notice? What if it lasted for weeks or months or God forbid, years? Oh, I know what you're thinking. You're thinking, "Come on. We live in the US. The government isn't going to let anything bad happen to us. They'll take care of us if there is an emergency." Well, look at Katrina. Look at what some people are still going through in New Jersey. The government doesn't know you. They don't care about you as an individual. They aren't going to be heart broken if you die or suffer. The government might even be the one who is creating the situation. Only you can be responsible for making sure you and your family are taken care of. If you and your family suffer, it is on your head. Consider yourself warned. Things happen. Whether they are weather related or man made situations, they happen. Those that are prepared will be able to make it. Those that questioned the need for preparedness will be the ones to suffer. It is up to you to decide which you will be. Now, you know why.