WHY PREP? Help me understand why? I dont get it.

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If I understand correctly, it sounds like the difference between a prepper an non-prepper is how you determine an acceptable level of risk. To me, putting a seat belt on is justified preparation because the risk level is relatively high. Similarly, storing excessive amounts of weapons, ammunition, food and water is not justified because the probability that any scenario requiring these items would play out is slim.

Maybe I should simply say “happy prepping” and leave it be, but this whole movement bothers me for a reason. Prepping is based on fear and fear spreads like wildfire. Ultimately, my concern is that preppers will create a self-fulfilling prophecy because of the fear and hostility they create by participating in these activities. Excessive preparation is synonymous with paranoia, and paranoid people act irrationally.
i dont prep out of fear it is something i recently started doing because i was bored /enjoy the outdoors/hunting/fishing/camping it is a hobby for me i love prepping and survival training and if it keeps my family safe and fed hey! thats a bonus. but you never know the great depression wasnt that long ago and things are alot worse now then they wre then in this country so who knows .
the one thing i love about ppl like naughtywombat..they start great topics instead of messing up everyones day like thier wanting to... :)
How much research have you done on risk's? Prepping eleminates a very high percent of those risks that you would be taking if anything where to happen, IE> putting your seatbelt on in the car. Look on the internet, studies are showing that everything is almost perfect for economical collapse, do you really think everyone will want to help their neighbor? wishful thinking. Greed would eventually takeover because there are so many people that cant adapt, they lack the knowledge and resources. My family gets made fun of all the time cause every where we go we have our own bug out packs, but if and event ever occured i assure you they will wish they had what i do.
Greed would eventually takeover because there are so many people that cant adapt, they lack the knowledge and resources. My family gets made fun of all the time cause every where we go we have our own bug out packs, but if and event ever occured i assure you they will wish they had what i do.

Yep. And you can almost count on someone attempting to take that pack from you in the midst of something happening right then and there.
If you have to ask why? You don't get it, Troll. I am not a sheep, I will not follow the herd. Keep your head firmly buried in the (bleep)ing sand or squarely up your bum all you want. Don't be prepared for anything, let the government take care of you. See how far that will get you. But I will prepare for whatever may come, be it a natural disaster or the government breaking out the brown shirts and jackboots. Preparing for a disaster and having in just in case, then sitting there in the aftermath and wondering what the hell I am going to do now. Look at Katrina, look at Sandy? The government agencies have no (bleeping) idea what to do and show up late. I refuse to be one of the sheeple that stand there expecting some federal bureaucrat to show up. If you don't get it now then go back under your bridge and stop bothering us!:mad:
Where do I start , one look at other county's with civil wars and all the stuff going on our there look at us were 17 TRILLION in debt to our own citizens and some to other country's so I prep personaly for a lot of reason to may to ramble on and on about but a few would be that our goverment has got way to big in its self lately and needs to get back to reality we don't need this much help from them and when people begin to notice the goverment they will see that they should revolt Agnest the goverment but I honestly hope I am wrong every day when I read the paper at 4 and watch the news I hope that I die with a lot of preps and never I mean never have to use them, that's why I prep
After reading just a few of the posts at the beginning of this thread, Troll came to mind before I read the first response that mentioned NW might be a troll. Several years ago our city was hit with a major ice storm. The most mature neighborhoods lost literally hundreds of trees to the storm. For those who haven't experienced it, what do you think happens when ice forms and builds up on trees looming over your house (large oaks, maples, etc)? Well, they come crashing down... and destroys anything and everything beneath them. My maple tree came crashing down on my house at 3:30 a.m. and ripped out all electrical wires, electrical pole, canister, meter... from the house. As you can imagine, I was not the only one who lost power this way. When the electric company came through the neighborhood they would NOT fix the power line until I had the electric pole replaced with the canister that would hold their meter. That's right. I found out that the canister that held the meter was MY responsibility. Next step was to find an electrician to reinstall the pole and canister. All attempts to reach a electrician was unsuccessful... none available. As a matter of fact, teams of electricians were coming in from other parts of the country to help out.

Driving through the neighborhood, I came across a couple electricians working on someone's house. I stopped and explained my situation and they agreed to help me out. I took me over 5 days to get my power back on. In the meantime, my girlfriend and I had to survive 5 days in a house with below freezing temperatures. All hotels in the area were booked solid. All stores were sold out of generators. To keep warm, we borrowed a small propane heater that we ran in the bedroom for a few days. After three days I was able to buy a generator literally off the truck from a local DYI store. My brother-in-law had the knowledge of how to back feed power into the house from the generator, and I was able to get power back to the entire house.... It was a big generator.

So, why do I prep? The same reason why I have an emergency cash fund. For those unexpected things that turn life upside down. Recently, I was forced to lose my job. Since I am a realist (not pessimist) I had enough money saved to maintain our family lifestyle WITHOUT relying on one cent from the government (um... my fellow American taxpayers). Three months later, I found a better job, making more then I did before.... and saving, prepping more than before.

I prep to be able to take care of MY family, friends, neighbors.... I don't prep because I am in fear.... I don't prep because I want to create fear.... I don't prep because I have some childhood fantasy to do so..... I prep because that's was rational people do... I prep for the unexpected. I wasn't prepared to live without power for 5 days in freezing temperatures.... but I learned... and I WAS prepared for financial hardship... and pulled through it just fine.
all things that eyce88 said i have to agree with i dont prep to make people think i am in fear of anything, if nothing ever happends im good with that to every extent i would much rather die of old age with preps then die young becouse something happends and im not prepared
I was in the Southeast after Katrina.... pretty far from the coast and we were without power for weeks. The dept was on alert and running full staff on "SWIFT" with fema the whole time. I saw what happens when TSHTF just a little. People loose their minds. Disasters happen all the time. Tornadoes in Ok, Sandy in New York, pretty much the disaster magnet that is California, we get blizzards here in Wisconsin. I went through a few bad storms as a kid and dad had gene's and camp stoves and we ate ok while other people froze and ate cold spam out of the can. We played board games by the fireplace and ate normally. Yu go right ahead and wait on daddy Gov to help...ask the Sandy victims how that works out.

My kids will be the ones with lights on and eating well while others don't. I'll help people where i can too.

Then add in the current insanity of the US gov printing money like the Weimar Republic on crack and spying on it's citizens, weponizing the IRS, giving guns to drug lords in Mexico and shoving their hands in your pants in the airport all to stop supposed "terrorism"...it's a crazy world.

Feel free to stand there like a "trendy" sheep, but not me.
I've been thru a hurricane with no power for about 10 days in the heat of summer and food was scarce in the stores for the first few days. I had a generator for the fridge and an ac unit, plus plenty of food and the generator ran the well also. When I moved to n ga. We had an ice storm, lost power for over a week and again we were comfortable throughout. I know first hand about what prepping is all about. You don't have to prepare for an apocoliptic event, just be prepared for any emergency life throws at you. I have a pantry that serves well as a mini grocery store. Whenever I'm cooking and run out of an ingredient, I usually have a couple more stored. I also stockup whenever there's a good sale, so it costs me less, makes my life easier, and can help me get thru tough times when needed. I think if you really have to ask why prep, then you're a lost cause to begin with.
well when i travel i don't drive to the next town on 1/4 tank of fuel. when you go out somewhere you take the appropriate clothing. well you go hunting or fishing you have a list of items to take. prepper is a shortened word of prepared. it's called common sense which many people lack unfortunately. when you work on your car you have the tools to do so. when you have a flat tire and no spare tire or it's flat also you learn not to be complacent. so you may not get the prepper concept but if you have any common sense you are already one in daily living. medpackman
I prep cause I want to be ready...I was right in the middle of hurricane sandy...I live on the jersey shore. It was rough
Recently, I was forced to lose my job. Since I am a realist (not pessimist) I had enough money saved to maintain our family lifestyle WITHOUT relying on one cent from the government (um... my fellow American taxpayers).

Receiving unemployment isn't getting money from taxpayers. It's money you and your former employers paid into the fund. Unemployment is a service you PAY for, you should never feel guilty if you have to use this between jobs. This is WHY you PAY for it!
I appreciate the response but this doesn’t help me understand the logic behind the “life style” you choose. I’m simply trying to understand why you are so certain that something catastrophic will happen. In my opinion, all the panic and pepping may result in some degree of self-fulfilling prophecy, but for the most part, it is highly improbable that the world is coming to an end. Why so much anger and distrust? Why the animosity toward people that see government and morality in a different light? It almost sounds like you want this all to come true so your cause can be validated. There is nothing healthy about this.

Prepping to me is a thought process and a lifestyle. It does not consume me, however it is my responsibility as the man of the house to make sure my family is taken care of in a disaster. Here is the way I look at it that is the easiest to put into words;

Being a prepper is like being a defensive driver. You may not ever have someone try and hit your or be involved in an accident, however you keep your eyes on everything and everyone that is driving around you and try to plan evasive maneuvers to maintain your safety.

Being a non-prepper is like being a careless driver. Not paying attention to surroundings and freezing up when an accident could be avoided.
Respectfully, I just don’t understand why so many people are obsessed with prepping.

I'll break it down for you:
- It is fun
- It is a lifestyle and subculture
- It is gratifying

Why is it fun?
You get to buy stuff, plan stuff, and prepare for stuff that might never happen but if it does, you MIGHT be able to thrive despite that.

Remember that time when you moved out from your parental home and your mum was worried you'd not be able to take care of yourself?
Remember how good it felt to stand on your own two feet and noticed that not only could you take care of yourself, your actually doing pretty damn well ?
Prepping is like kinda like that. Just looking at a slightly bigger picture.

Now, you seemed to indicate that prepping is done out of a fear for something that might never happen.
Perhaps that is a significant part of the reason, perhaps some preppers do only prepare because they're scared senseless. BUT,
another big part of it is simply the gratification we get from prepping, it's like the example I gave.
It feels good to know you can hold your own no matter how bad things could get.
The last part of it is likely similar to when you watch something on tv, cycling or whatever. And you decide, Hell, Imma gonna get me a bike! It looks like fun!

We're no different from the lady down the street who bakes really often and tries out new recipes, or the boy down the street who goes skateboarding everyday, or that kid who plays plays tennis.
Basically you should see preppers as people with a hobby they enjoy a lot. Their hobby is preparing and being prepared for whatever they believe might happen, and experiencing all the techniques they need to survive beforehand.

In a way, we're just people with a lot of hobby's that overlap each other. We enjoy talking about guns and shooting them at the range, baking our own bread, burning wood in the fireplace, saving money on monthly expanses by getting a solar panel and a wood stove, camping, hunting, disaster management and safety. (hack man, disaster management is actually an occupation, why the hell can it not be a hobby?) It's all regular stuff. but suddenly when people got most of these hobby's and people slap a title on it, it's weird ?

Preppers are just people with a specific set of hobbies that when combined make some people frown. Tell you what tho, someone had to think of the fire safety plans for your kid's school so he could get out safely, Does that make him a wackjob because he thought something might happen and made a plan and preparations to bring your child to safety ?

If you look at it this way, are preppers really so weird?
Is it so hard to understand why there is a fire extinguisher in a hotel's kitchen, however unlikely and slim the chance of a fire might seem?

Preppers are normal people who care about their safety and have a lot of cool hobbies.

If you still don't understand why some people are obsessed with prepping, go ask your friend why he's so obsessed with football.
Maybe he can make you understand why, and then you can apply the same logic to us.

ps. daaaaang GW, you beat me to it! :)
Respectfully, I just don’t understand why so many people are obsessed with prepping. If something catastrophic were to actually happen, I’m not sure I would want to survive the aftermath. True survival is pure agony and a post-apocalyptic world would be ruthless and unrelenting. Hording water, food and weapons would not change this. Furthermore, I don’t see the point in spending the productive years of my life worrying about what could happen. I would rather enjoy my life and if something horrible happens, then so be it. I can’t predict the future and there is no sense in pretending like I can.
Like most things, preparation is good in moderation. I prepare for a meeting at work, or an impending snow storm, but there is no sense in preparing for incidents of low probability. It’s not logical and I see it as an extremely negative and depressing way to exist. Although our world is flawed, some people exaggerate the moral decline of society and choose to view America as a modern day Sodom and Gomorrah. We are fortunate enough to be witnesses to an age of information that has changed the way we perceive the world. There have always been murderers, rapist, genocide and terrorism. The only difference is that we are now more informed. The advent of new information mediums combined with politically motivated 24hr news networks, has resulted in paranoid and skewed perspective of reality.
The bottom line is If I lived every aspect of my life with the pessimism of a prepper , I would never try anything new and would avoid anything that involved any level of risk. I would wear a chain mail diving suit when swimming in ocean so I could be prepared for a shark attack, and I would construct a rubber room in my home so I would be protected from lighting strikes. It seems like an awful lot of preppers are playing out some sort or childhood fantasy. Just like with religious zealots, preppers seem to get off on the idea that they possess some sort of secret knowledge that the rest of the world is ignorant to. To me, it’s all a waste of time. Life is too short to imprison myself in my own mind and if the disasters do come, I can only hope the damage from the volcanic eruption, nuclear bomb or solar flare is great enough to kill me instantly.
First off, why in the hell would you even be on this form. Second, if you are really that down towards the idea of prepping, good for you, but If you were really interested in learning anything about making your family safer in this world, this is a great site to gain information. My opinion on what you wrote is that you're obviously intelligent, and if you really believed what you wrote you wouldn't be wasting your time here. If you watch the news, the story about the family that had their jeep roll over in sub zero weather and they managed to survive for two days was pretty inspirational to me. That's what prepping is all about, being able to handle whatever life throws at you. As for me, yes I contribute to a 401 k, do I really think it will be worth anything in 15 years when I reach retirement age, well my gut tells me our economy is in for some tough times, so probably not. Yet I still contribute 6% to it every payday. All you can do in life is try to prepare for uncertain times, as they always change. As far as life is short, you're right, I find great satisfaction in growing my own food, building my own house, raising animals that bring me joy and sustinence. I really enjoy the things I do, I suggest you quit wasting your time reading forums like this one and go do whatever it is that makes you happy.
After 14 years in the Army I am not, I repeat NOT storing any MRE's....
Damn, just bought some mre's! I got c rats when I was in the army, and they were nasty. Hot sauce was a must! They may not be gourmet, but not too bad.
Troll, moron, idiot, maybey she's all those things, but this is the liveliest thread I've ever seen on this site! Maybey she's done us a favor.
We just had an ice storm in North Texas. The trucks and trains that deliver our food and fuel were not in service for 3-4 days. People were stranded for hours, sometimes days, on the roads. A large percentage of the people lost their power. Within two days, the shelves at the stores were empty in many areas. There weren't any trucks to deliver new goods to the stores. Many people couldn't even get to a store. People ran out of prescription meds. Many drug stores ran out of certain prescription meds. Many gas stations ran out of fuel. Even though we had a week's notice, many people did not go out and stock up on food and supplies. Many didn't fill their cars up with gas. Many resorted to trying to walk to stores and ended up busting their ***** on the ice and sometimes their injuries were worse, requiring medical care. Others had to knock on neighbors' doors and basically beg for a handout. If it was this bad after an ice storm that only lasted for a few days AND we had a week's notice that it was coming, what in the hell would happen if something really bad happened WITHOUT notice? What if it lasted for weeks or months or God forbid, years? Oh, I know what you're thinking. You're thinking, "Come on. We live in the US. The government isn't going to let anything bad happen to us. They'll take care of us if there is an emergency." Well, look at Katrina. Look at what some people are still going through in New Jersey. The government doesn't know you. They don't care about you as an individual. They aren't going to be heart broken if you die or suffer. The government might even be the one who is creating the situation. Only you can be responsible for making sure you and your family are taken care of. If you and your family suffer, it is on your head. Consider yourself warned. Things happen. Whether they are weather related or man made situations, they happen. Those that are prepared will be able to make it. Those that questioned the need for preparedness will be the ones to suffer. It is up to you to decide which you will be. Now, you know why.
ally oakley. i printed up what you posted.and showed it to my mom.she agrees with what you said.and so do i ..
I appreciate the response but this doesn’t help me understand the logic behind the “life style” you choose. I’m simply trying to understand why you are so certain that something catastrophic will happen. In my opinion, all the panic and pepping may result in some degree of self-fulfilling prophecy, but for the most part, it is highly improbable that the world is coming to an end. Why so much anger and distrust? Why the animosity toward people that see government and morality in a different light? It almost sounds like you want this all to come true so your cause can be validated. There is nothing healthy about this.
Hey , im new but maby i can help..
Why you should prep is because it is living life . Why should people try to survive in the jungle? ,why you should try to get your body in shape? .. It's because you like it and it makes you feel safe and good ..
Don't life a film , live your life
Respectfully, I just don’t understand why so many people are obsessed with prepping. If something catastrophic were to actually happen, I’m not sure I would want to survive the aftermath. True survival is pure agony and a post-apocalyptic world would be ruthless and unrelenting. Hording water, food and weapons would not change this. Furthermore, I don’t see the point in spending the productive years of my life worrying about what could happen. I would rather enjoy my life and if something horrible happens, then so be it. I can’t predict the future and there is no sense in pretending like I can.
Like most things, preparation is good in moderation. I prepare for a meeting at work, or an impending snow storm, but there is no sense in preparing for incidents of low probability. It’s not logical and I see it as an extremely negative and depressing way to exist. Although our world is flawed, some people exaggerate the moral decline of society and choose to view America as a modern day Sodom and Gomorrah. We are fortunate enough to be witnesses to an age of information that has changed the way we perceive the world. There have always been murderers, rapist, genocide and terrorism. The only difference is that we are now more informed. The advent of new information mediums combined with politically motivated 24hr news networks, has resulted in paranoid and skewed perspective of reality.
The bottom line is If I lived every aspect of my life with the pessimism of a prepper , I would never try anything new and would avoid anything that involved any level of risk. I would wear a chain mail diving suit when swimming in ocean so I could be prepared for a shark attack, and I would construct a rubber room in my home so I would be protected from lighting strikes. It seems like an awful lot of preppers are playing out some sort or childhood fantasy. Just like with religious zealots, preppers seem to get off on the idea that they possess some sort of secret knowledge that the rest of the world is ignorant to. To me, it’s all a waste of time. Life is too short to imprison myself in my own mind and if the disasters do come, I can only hope the damage from the volcanic eruption, nuclear bomb or solar flare is great enough to kill me instantly.
I cant stad the word horde! We are not hording! we bust our ass's and pay for everything we have with blood and sweat! what we spend our dam money on is our buisiness and ours alone ! we have earned it! there i said my peace on the word horde!
We just had an ice storm in North Texas. The trucks and trains that deliver our food and fuel were not in service for 3-4 days. People were stranded for hours, sometimes days, on the roads. A large percentage of the people lost their power. Within two days, the shelves at the stores were empty in many areas. There weren't any trucks to deliver new goods to the stores. Many people couldn't even get to a store. People ran out of prescription meds. Many drug stores ran out of certain prescription meds. Many gas stations ran out of fuel. Even though we had a week's notice, many people did not go out and stock up on food and supplies. Many didn't fill their cars up with gas. Many resorted to trying to walk to stores and ended up busting their ***** on the ice and sometimes their injuries were worse, requiring medical care. Others had to knock on neighbors' doors and basically beg for a handout. If it was this bad after an ice storm that only lasted for a few days AND we had a week's notice that it was coming, what in the hell would happen if something really bad happened WITHOUT notice? What if it lasted for weeks or months or God forbid, years? Oh, I know what you're thinking. You're thinking, "Come on. We live in the US. The government isn't going to let anything bad happen to us. They'll take care of us if there is an emergency." Well, look at Katrina. Look at what some people are still going through in New Jersey. The government doesn't know you. They don't care about you as an individual. They aren't going to be heart broken if you die or suffer. The government might even be the one who is creating the situation. Only you can be responsible for making sure you and your family are taken care of. If you and your family suffer, it is on your head. Consider yourself warned. Things happen. Whether they are weather related or man made situations, they happen. Those that are prepared will be able to make it. Those that questioned the need for preparedness will be the ones to suffer. It is up to you to decide which you will be. Now, you know why.
I couldn't have said anything any better that that.
Because it's in our DNA to survive. And preppers, prep to survive. A: it's fun to prep, B: it's in our DNA, and C: because we feel it is important
HMMM... ok, tbh, I skipped a lot of answers, so if some, most, or all of what I say was already covered, forgive my impatience to read everything, when the answers were burning in my mind when I first read the original post.
first, pessimistic? optimistic? nope, im a realist of sorts. yes im a huge believer in prepping, yet I still go to college.
let me say this, if we thought the world was gonna end, we wouldn't prep. none of us would. we prep to live after a major catastrophe, if its possible to. let me give you a few, just a few instances: theres an island in the Canary Islands that can, at any moment, drop a billion pounds of earth into the sea, taking out the whole east coast. Yellowstone could blow (volcano) without warning, and send us into total hell, not to even mention political stuff. or how about Japan, Fukushima dumping toxic waste into the ocean. I mean, damn there is just so much that COULD happen, that IF something happened, id like to still raise, be a part of, provide, and watch my children grow. if a catastrophic disaster did hit, and no one prepped, would that then just be the end of humanity as we know it? or could we rebuild? well idk about you, but for me, if theres even a slight chance I/my family could survive something like that, I wouldn't want to then watch them die by starvation (etc) cuz I didn't know wtf to do. everything I learn helps that slightness by an even grater margin.
here's a FACT: something catastrophic WILL happen. sooner or later it will, no if, ands, or buts. will it happen in my lifetime? I have no clue. quite possibly not, but id rather be prepared and nothing happen, than not be prepared and something happen.
and btw, I don't base my whole life on prepping, actually a small portion on it, but its in my mind quite often.
hoped this helped.

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