WHY PREP? Help me understand why? I dont get it.

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I think the chances of an event happening that would end our modern way of life...is far more likely than an event that would cause our extinction as a species. The former is what we prep for. The latter, well, not much you can do about that....
I think the chances of an event happening that would end our modern way of life...is far more likely than an event that would cause our extinction as a species. The former is what we prep for. The latter, well, not much you can do about that....
In many ways our lives have changed a lot. When I became a mother I took a vow that I would do anything to protect my children and die for them. If I take the time to prepare for natural disasters then why wouldn't I prepare for even worse cases. Things are going to continue to get worse and I am going to do the best I can to protect my children!!
God may not even know our future. But he gave us knowledge and fore thought to care and provide for ourselves and our families. Farmers store hay and grain for their cattle before the coming winter, they know the season could be long and brutal. If they dont prepare/prep their animals could starve. I think it would be foolish not to prepare for the unknowns. We have become complacent in thinking our country is the safest place on earth. I totally agree with you DavyRocket!
To be prepared was a normal way of life before everybody was lured into consuming unnecessary stuff. This is how life is supposed to be. You take care of your own and be prepared for eventualities.
What do you guys have prepared to deal with illnesses when they arise? I recently heard from a guy that he was using a Life Force. And it's supposed to be able to kill viruses, pathogens, and bacteria? Anyone else ever heard of it?
What do you guys have prepared to deal with illnesses when they arise? I recently heard from a guy that he was using a Life Force. And it's supposed to be able to kill viruses, pathogens, and bacteria? Anyone else ever heard of it?
I stress that a good medical kit with supplies is important, but the most important thing you can do is learn. Take a first aide course, get CPR certified, read as much as you can for basic trauma care. Knowledge is probably the best thing you can stockpile. The life force thing sounds familiar but I'm not sure what it is.
Yea I definately agree with bettering my knowledge of such things. I'm CPR AED certified and have taken EMT courses. My question is though what do you have prepared for when an illness is president? I personally have used the life force technology and have felt a huge difference in my health. I suggest looking into the technology it has many uses. Including killing bacteria in water and aiding plant growth.
That all depends on the illness that you are talking about. Many of us are not doctors and we do not have the training to diagnosis what illness one would have so my safe bet is to continue collecting broad spectrum antibiotics! And gathering as much information as I can, not only to treat, but what steps I can take to keep our safe place clean!
You might want to look into the life force then. Other than keeping you're safe place clean you might want to consider keeping yourself healthy. You'd be surprised what a difference it could make for someone who THINKS they're already healthy. I want to experiment with it to see if it will help my plants grow any faster/healthier/or larger. Prepping by storing supplies is always good but knowing how to grow and produce is just as important.
When I first saw the thread title, my mind said "TROLL!" The next thing I thought was "I hope they don't feed the troll," which you guys kinda did. But, there is a huge upside; now I know a lot more about why people prep so thanks for that. The troll has scampered off to F with others good folks...

By the way, do the chow hall hamburger patties still taste like ground-up sawdust?
I have heard the OP so many times before, "I don't want to survive if I cant have my mobile phone/Xbox/Ipad or whatever the latest gadget is/ my current standard of living/foreign holidays etc.etc. etc." well fine by me buddy, it'll leave a lot more resources and breathing space for the rest of us who have BOTHERED to prep and who DO want to survive(cos I don't fancy the alternative!!!)
I also have to say my parents(WW2 generation-now sadly deceased) always kept a stocked food cupboard-no supermarkets back then- prepping is just an extension of this! being prepared is not having to rush to the shops when you run out of stuff-cos preppers DONT run out of stuff!! one day those same shops will have empty shelves...what you gonna do then Wombat???
I stumbled upon this thread and was extremely excited to answer (Living in Moore, Oklahoma and going through the May 20th tornado) but sadly the OP is gone and it seems everyone has already answered amazingly!
e="NaughtyWombat, post: 30739, member: 1456"]Ok, so I can understand purchasing a generator and a few extra supplies. To me this is not prepping. Maybe I don’t have a good understanding of what it means to be a prepper but I assume that most of you do more than purchase a generator and a handful of MREs.[/quote]

Lets look at prepping like this. So if you have an auto you have to have insurance, now our government says we have to have health insurance! What about home insurance, life insurance. Prepping is insurance! If you have children, I wonder how far you would go to feed or get that med that would save your child's life. What if your parent/'s needed O² fore there COPD, or insulin for there diabetes.
THOUGHT => Because the storm of the century on let's say the East coast. It hits the Bahamas, Miami and hammers hard two states in and moves up through Maine. Now the government is overwhelmed. This is a short term scenario let's say 6 month till there is a semblance of normally is returning. How far would you go to insure your love ones were fed, med needs, and security from those who see no need to prep. Now all the sudden there love one is starving, thirsting... what are you going to do take something from someone who you see as weaker than you, so you can now take care of your own?
Let's say a drought hit the Midwest like it has in our past, or that snow storm you spoke of was back to back with two more. That storm dipped in from Montana down into Nevada and upper Texas, then started coming back up through Arkansas upper Alabama the Carolina's all the way to Maine. Does this storm sound familiar it should it just happened, with the exception of a singular storm with a few weeks to prepare for the next.
After hurricane Andrew and Katrina I saw first hand how people acted, fight over a bottle of water, how many robberies, and rapes at the dome in New Orleans! Then damn the top collapsed.

FEMA.GOV says prep for a MINIMUM of 72hours, and suggest one to two weeks worth of food.

But, hey if you want to die, kill yourself, crawl under a rock, leave the door unlocked! So those of who have the will to fight, scavenge, work, farm to get back to at least the late 1800s/early 1900s, don't have to expend the calories to get in. As a medic of sorts I wounded if you know CPR if so why would YOU want to learn that life saving skill. I would also ask if you do repairs on stuff around your home or do you throw it away and by new.
At any rate as for me, I love me, and as a soldier I would fight for you to be the one that does not prep! If you desire to eat after a few days of no food, decide to live you may not want to come and try to take ours. For we are the aunts and you, well I am undecided.

Good luck, and may God bless you! He tends to look out for fools and drunks
Prepping may not necessarily make you worry, if anything it's quite the opposite (for me anyway). I have also learnt skills and done things that would never have even crossed my mind.

It's not all about sitting on your stockpile of cans waiting for a problem.
I know this is preaching from the pulpit. I just couldn't resist to add my thought the thread. I've only been a member for a few days, but I can assure you this is one of the best sites on the web. So thanks Clyde! Actually, I bumped into by accident because of one of the threads that was posted and it directed me to this website. Yes, I one of your so called prep people. I was in the Boys Scouts, when I was not following my father around the world, I lived a pretty good life which allowed me to head to my father's family home in upstate New York, where I camped, fished and mountain climbed most the big mountains in the Adirondacks. When my father retired from the military (just know my dad was a Vietnam Vet and a career Army Soldier, we didn't have him around much, again protecting our freedoms we enjoy). So being the oldest, my brother and I did things like all boys, we worked on farms, we delivered newspapers, helped neighbors, shoveled snow; all the while learning that self reliance is just part of our daily lives. Now I must admit, my kids, they are a bit spoiled, but that is the generation that they live, but they have watched their father and they get it. They know most of what I've taught them and used most of it. My daughter is a med student at Tech. My son is heading off to be an Engineer at one of the nine major universities that have offered him scholarships and he is only 16, guess where he learned self reliance...oh yeah and not to brag, but he has a sick sense of humor because he wants to be number 2 in his class of 480 students, simply so he can upstage the Valedictorian with his dry sense of humor and because as he say's "You salute the Salutatorian". So if you haven't figured it now, its C-O-M-M-U-N-I-C-A-T-I-O-N.

As, I said I am new, but because my past jobs required me to make a quick assessment of people, I can't say enough about the people of this site. Most of these folks that you see on this site are well respected people in their community, we all live normal lives each day. Quite comically, we don't represent those folks who you see on National Geo or whatever else shows up on mainstream T.V. The old axiom is built on trust and communication, which is why we all post and share ideas. We don't always agree, but we are all learning because we are not all experts in the field. My friend Jim in East Texas, who spent a few moments of his day just chatting with me, is a person I call a friend, never met him, but maybe one day, when I am not busy, I'll jump in my SUV and bring some coffee, just to help him with his yard...lol, okay Jim, you read this, maybe I'll just bring coffee. Jim made me reminisce my teenager years when I use to haul hay, fork out cow manure, and mend fences, not to say, I miss it, but it bring back some thoughts of how difficult the work was, but rewarding. Not to say, my normal day to day work is not rewarding, but I don't own a farm and over the years, I have forgotten animal husbandry and if I have a question about something like that, I can assure you, if I look around the site, someone has posted something. If not Jim or someone will chime in and help me out. I like that, I like that a lot!

Notice Naughtywombat, I've not mentioned my background at all, so let me not scare you, here is realism. Hurricane Katrina, some people made it out, some didn't. I should know I worked for the Red Cross back then and I was heading directly into the Hurricane. So what about those that didn't make it out. Those that didn't were terrified, despite what your heard about looting, killings...all crap, spread by media...because that is what makes commercial T.V....the people who were looting, well some were bad, but the most of them were simply hungry because the Walmart closed, they were not prepared, they were scared because first responders were responding to saving lives and not in the recovery mode (where food is delivered). As such, people gathered together to protect themselves, that is nature, you can draw that back to the caveman days. As for all the gloom and doom, well you're like my wife, she has the same view, but you know, what she hasn't starved, she hasn't been without water (to the point your throat is raw from thirst), but she has one thing going for her, a husband who does. Ever come on a apartment complex, your not sure who lives there, well I had 10 volunteers from around the country, they believed in the mission and because I did my surgical and gunshot wound training in New Orleans in the early 80's was very familiar with the area. But here I and my 10 volunteers come to this apartment complex, we knocked on the door expecting only a few residence; wrong, their were about 50 families still living in the complex, they had not had food in days, so we left an entire U-Haul truck worth of food and water for them. One lady came up to my volunteer and started crying, saying thank you and that god delivered us to her. Guess what my friend in California still writes me and tells me that was the best day of his life. In my military career, I can't tell you the times, I've seen misery brought upon by man and nature. Somalia, Bosnia, Kuwait, Afghanistan, Rawanda, Nigeria, Congo, Iraq, yeah those were ugly and if you've not worn boots on the ground, you have no clue as to what some of my brother and sisters have been through and are still living through. Yes and some like my friend, will never, because he paid the ultimate sacrifice. So I've seen what humans can do to each other, some take it for granted, others like these people, we just prepare. I am not a ultra-Christian, my daughter is, but even she agrees the bible talks about preparing. But I do respect my friends, who do prepare and follow their beliefs, its the American way. Also, if you've read one of my posts, you will notice that I wrote about the pandemic kit, this is an area of expertise, I can assure you that smallpox, Ebola, SARS, even an evil strain of Flu can wreck our very fragile world. Notice I didn't talk about anything about what happened after September 11th that cost the lives of innocent people and law enforcement still is trying to hunt those responsible for the event. So I don't fear it, I just keep learning as much as I can, prepare and deal with it when it comes.

So why, do I prep, I don't want to be that old lady or the people in the apartment, also remember those kids I mentioned, well I look at them as not only the kids I love unconditionally and with it, I want them to survive and they WILL, but they have to have a place to fall back to and their dad has prepared them well to coexist with the other members of our group. On day, it is my hope, our team will have more people who are like minded, the same as the good people on this site.

So if you've read some of these threads....we all like to eat and drink. Oh yeah...I graduated from the best survival school and spent months in the desert (not once, but twice) with soldier, sailors, marines and airman, so that you can post today. I'm a dues paying member of the VFW and Legion, not because I hang out at my local post because I've never stepped in once since I retired from the military, but because my father (who was my hero and a real combat vet...had five purple hearts, silver star with valor and bronze star) raised me to be proud of our values and he raised me to support those organization that I believed helped me. I was raised with these simple words "Duty, Honor and Country". My duty is now to prepare, my honor is to my family and my friends, and Country...well that is simple, if need be I will uphold the Constitution as it was written by our Founding Fathers.

Sleep well NaughtyWombat, its your constitutional right to have an opinion, but don't mock us, unless your one of those guys who goes from website to website just to agitate.
I just don't see the point of wasting my breath on people who just don't understand you cant rely on the state for your survival in a life changing event. people are stupid and no matter what we say they will remain stupid. still, I'm very happy for them to all starve and die post SHTF, leaves more breathing space for the rest of us.
I just don't see the point of wasting my breath on people who just don't understand you cant rely on the state for your survival in a life changing event. people are stupid and no matter what we say they will remain stupid. still, I'm very happy for them to all starve and die post SHTF, leaves more breathing space for the rest of us.

The bad part would be that these idiots would be coming to our doors asking for food and shelter in SHTF.
Respectfully, I just don’t understand why so many people are obsessed with prepping. If something catastrophic were to actually happen, I’m not sure I would want to survive the aftermath. True survival is pure agony and a post-apocalyptic world would be ruthless and unrelenting. Hording water, food and weapons would not change this. Furthermore, I don’t see the point in spending the productive years of my life worrying about what could happen. I would rather enjoy my life and if something horrible happens, then so be it. I can’t predict the future and there is no sense in pretending like I can.
Like most things, preparation is good in moderation. I prepare for a meeting at work, or an impending snow storm, but there is no sense in preparing for incidents of low probability. It’s not logical and I see it as an extremely negative and depressing way to exist. Although our world is flawed, some people exaggerate the moral decline of society and choose to view America as a modern day Sodom and Gomorrah. We are fortunate enough to be witnesses to an age of information that has changed the way we perceive the world. There have always been murderers, rapist, genocide and terrorism. The only difference is that we are now more informed. The advent of new information mediums combined with politically motivated 24hr news networks, has resulted in paranoid and skewed perspective of reality.
The bottom line is If I lived every aspect of my life with the pessimism of a prepper , I would never try anything new and would avoid anything that involved any level of risk. I would wear a chain mail diving suit when swimming in ocean so I could be prepared for a shark attack, and I would construct a rubber room in my home so I would be protected from lighting strikes. It seems like an awful lot of preppers are playing out some sort or childhood fantasy. Just like with religious zealots, preppers seem to get off on the idea that they possess some sort of secret knowledge that the rest of the world is ignorant to. To me, it’s all a waste of time. Life is too short to imprison myself in my own mind and if the disasters do come, I can only hope the damage from the volcanic eruption, nuclear bomb or solar flare is great enough to kill me instantly.
O you are a Naughty wombat!. For me Prepping is being at one with mother nature, Keeping old Tribal skills alive and passing them on, Prepping is a way of life that makes me feel alive. Chatting to other preppers energises me and fills me with hope for the future.:D
Prepping is just prepared for anything that may happen. I'm not a hard core prepper or anything but could easily go a week if not a little more without leaving my house. I've always loved reading up about survival tactics since I was a kid, it's an interest of mine. I am always looking to learn more. I do not go out and practice what I read due to lack of time and money (and bad knees and ankles, always in severe pain). I think it's smart to be prepared to be stuck in a place for at least a week or without power for that long. When we had the derecho come through a few years ago everything was knocked out power wise even the emergency lines for the hospitals and police stations. Of you needed help (an ambulance or PD) you had to go to them because there was no way to call them for help. I had to bring my daughter to the ER and they said all their systems were down, they could treat patients but they had no way to know when someone was being brought in regardless if it was by ambulance or on their own. There was no way to get gas, food or even money unless you drove a couple hours away to an area where it didn't hit. My family was relatively comfortable for the week we didn't have power because we were "prepped" for something like that.

I know this is an older thread and the OP has disappeared but I wanted to give my input/opinion for anyone else who may have the same question and come looking.
The bad part would be that these idiots would be coming to our doors asking for food and shelter in SHTF.

I'm probably in the minority of preppers as I don't see non-preppers as stupid. I get that my ideas are counter to the mainstream way of thinking. In fact, if it weren't for my particular assets (being on a small ranch), I'd likely only be mildly prepped for more like a hurricane, etc. vs. a SHTF scenario.

Within reason, if folks are willing to pitch in and work for it, I'll be willing to take them in. I even developed protocols for it (as there will be a period where we won't fully trust them, obviously). Bottom line being, in a SHTF scenario, numbers are going to be important. Sure, another member means more resources to provide, but the gamble is that the manpower can provide more resources than the person consumes, so the overflow then goes to the group as a whole.

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