Will you take the upcoming COVID vaccine?

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I agree that they were expedited, and that is a little worrying. I also know that they didn’t start from scratch here but built upon the research from existing vaccines that did pass the years of safety trials.

Well RNA vaccines have not yet been approved in standard vaccines, which is completely different stuff than tetanus or polio. There have been and still are attempts with RNA and since Corona is now, it is of course tempting to try new things on the masses, which was not possible in normal times.

If Bill Gates and Sleeping Jo are good friends (which I suppose they will be) then Sleeping Jo will probably be one of the first people to have the vaccination mandatory if he ever moves into the White House, as Merkel, Söder and other big politicians want it here. They are already thinking out loud about how to restrict people who don't want to be vaccinated, there should be a digital health passport and those who don't get vaccinated will be restricted in their freedom of movement.
Politicians here know that many people will not be vaccinated against Corona, so this passport will restrict the people even more as it is already the case now and prohibit them without vaccination vacations and freedom of movement.
Politicians are not interested in Corona disappearing completely, because if Corona disappears there would be no more money to be made with the vaccinations, no more restrictions on the population and politicians would not have as much power as they have now that they are undermining our basic rights.

If Gates or Sleeping Jo get vaccinated publicly you can be 100% sure that they will get a different vaccine than the people. This was also the case with the swine flu in Europe at that time. Unfortunately for the politicians who wanted to push through a compulsory vaccination and had hundreds of thousands of vaccine doses produced, the swine flu was so harmless that it was no longer worth talking about.
Corona is about a lot of power and money, I'm sure, then the WEF with the big "reset" will be added.
Unfortunately it is the way you write, and I regret this very much, today it is all about money and power. The normal citizen is only there for those up there to have their big incomes and the gap between rich and poor is getting bigger and bigger. At the moment they are building a big cage around us and the construction of this cage is already far advanced, when the cage is finished we are allowed to work and if we could retire it would be better for the powerful to go straight into the ground, because you don't earn anything from pensioners anymore.
I've got a question for those who want to take this vaccine. A serious question, please answer:

How long will the vaccination last?

I have heard zero about this. We've all heard with resounding evidence that natural immunity only lasts a few months at most. So how do these vaccines keep your protection from fading? These vaccines have only been tested for a couple/few months at most, any data from them?

A second question: if getting the vaccine is ok with you, how often are you willing to get it again? Annual? Quarterly?

It won't last very long and will cause more harm than good. Its not neccessary. Its a sham to make trillions of dollars. One good thing is the idiots that take it will have a higher death rate, so less idiots for the rest of us to deal with.
It won't last very long and will cause more harm than good. Its not neccessary. Its a sham to make trillions of dollars. One good thing is the idiots that take it will have a higher death rate, so less idiots for the rest of us to deal with.

Maybe it is a form of suicide? They take it trying to kill themselves. Most survive Next round, they try again, & most survive. It'll be like playing russian roulettes until nobody is left!
Concerning the corona vaccination there is a very good report here, also concerning the negative consequences of this stuff.

For those still interested in the question and for those still not have made up their mind...I took the time to translate the report from our friend in Switzerland from German to English. I really turns my stomach as to how gullible some are to how "good and super" vaccinations are...GP

  1. According to a study, in which it investigated, how the Acceptance Agreement for taking part in a COVID-19 vaccination study is worded, the volunteers were NOT informed that the vaccine could make them sensitive (more receptive: GARY) for a serious disease, if they were ever infected with the disease.
  2. Earlier attempts for a vaccine against the Coronavirus- including the vaccine against SARS, MERS und RSV- gave reason for concerns: the Vaccines have the tendency to encourage an increase in antibody-dependency.
  3. ADE means, the vaccines do not strengthen your immunity against the infection, but instead, it actually increases the ability of the Virus to invade your body cells and to infect them, which leads to a much more serious infection, had you not been vaccinated.
  4. The lethal Th2-Immunity pathology is a further potential risk. An incorrect T-cell-answer can induce an allergy infection; and poorly functioning Antibodies which the immune complex have produced, could activate the “compliment system” which leads to a damaging of the breathing apparatus itself.
There are indications, that older persons – who are the most vulnerable to a serious COVID-19 infection and would need the vaccinations more than others – are the most susceptible persons for ADE and Th2- immunity pathology.

>>Vaccines against SARS; MERS and RSV were never registered and during their developments and testing of these vaccines, the data which was collected point to a serious question: That Vaccines, which are developed in the typical basis (consisting of unmodified or minimally modified Corona-Virus-Spike, which should produce the neutralising antibodies) not depending on whether they were developed from proteins, viral vectors, DNA or RNA and also not depending on the method of vaccination, could actually make the COVID-19 infection even worse because of the ADE danger.

This RISK was so carefully hidden in the protocols of the clinical studies and in the Volunteering acceptance forms, that an adequate understanding by the patient of this risk is relatively not possible, so that a fully and correctly informed volunteer test patient/person for these studies was not possible.

The specific and significant COVID-19 risk of ADE should have gotten a more prominent placement and have an independent visibility in the forms being read and signed by the volunteering persons, those persons performing the study and the future patients after the vaccinations, in order to fulfill the Medical-Ethical Standard for the comprehension by the patients and other persons before and during their actual volunteering>>>

For those still interested in the question and for those still not have made up their mind...I took the time to translate the report from our friend in Switzerland from German to English. I really turns my stomach as to how gullible some are to how "good and super" vaccinations are...GP

  1. According to a study, in which it investigated, how the Acceptance Agreement for taking part in a COVID-19 vaccination study is worded, the volunteers were NOT informed that the vaccine could make them sensitive (more receptive: GARY) for a serious disease, if they were ever infected with the disease.
  2. Earlier attempts for a vaccine against the Coronavirus- including the vaccine against SARS, MERS und RSV- gave reason for concerns: the Vaccines have the tendency to encourage an increase in antibody-dependency.
  3. ADE means, the vaccines do not strengthen your immunity against the infection, but instead, it actually increases the ability of the Virus to invade your body cells and to infect them, which leads to a much more serious infection, had you not been vaccinated.
  4. The lethal Th2-Immunity pathology is a further potential risk. An incorrect T-cell-answer can induce an allergy infection; and poorly functioning Antibodies which the immune complex have produced, could activate the “compliment system” which leads to a damaging of the breathing apparatus itself.
There are indications, that older persons – who are the most vulnerable to a serious COVID-19 infection and would need the vaccinations more than others – are the most susceptible persons for ADE and Th2- immunity pathology.

>>Vaccines against SARS; MERS and RSV were never registered and during their developments and testing of these vaccines, the data which was collected point to a serious question: That Vaccines, which are developed in the typical basis (consisting of unmodified or minimally modified Corona-Virus-Spike, which should produce the neutralising antibodies) not depending on whether they were developed from proteins, viral vectors, DNA or RNA and also not depending on the method of vaccination, could actually make the COVID-19 infection even worse because of the ADE danger.

This RISK was so carefully hidden in the protocols of the clinical studies and in the Volunteering acceptance forms, that an adequate understanding by the patient of this risk is relatively not possible, so that a fully and correctly informed volunteer test patient/person for these studies was not possible.

The specific and significant COVID-19 risk of ADE should have gotten a more prominent placement and have an independent visibility in the forms being read and signed by the volunteering persons, those persons performing the study and the future patients after the vaccinations, in order to fulfill the Medical-Ethical Standard for the comprehension by the patients and other persons before and during their actual volunteering>>>


Gary, My profound thanks for your efforts to interpret this information for the members. Your efforts are greatly appreciated.
https://www.bitchute.com/video/zcWPlXP8rtXW/Whistleblowers claiming that the vaccine will cause sterility in women: AS MUCH AS 97% !!!!

IF Gates and this pharmaceutical company has done this, and young women are made sterile...they better get under ground and stay there. This country WILL take them out! We aren’t like the 3rd world people who he has done this too previously!!!
I was just reading an article off Censored. news last night that said China is involved with the vaccines. That's why they want to vaccinate the military first! It's not just to test it on them first, but to make a lot of our brave soldiers sick (hospitalizations or outright death) in preparation for a full-on move on this country. Then Warp Speed vaccines make the rest of us sick. Classic miltary plan of attack: 1) weaken the economy, 2) weaken the military up front and 3) weaken the population that might fight back. There are said to be Chinese forces based in Canada and Mexico and shipments of military weapons, etc. seized by customs in the last months. China has made no bones about wanting to take over the U.S. and to be the top superpower globally. They had admitted they are working on a race-specific targeted virus capability. Got to bring down the U.S. first if all this is to happen. So it's a lot bigger than just the U.S. Election or vaccines now.
I was just reading an article off Censored. news last night that said China is involved with the vaccines. That's why they want to vaccinate the military first! It's not just to test it on them first, but to make a lot of our brave soldiers sick (hospitalizations or outright death) in preparation for a full-on move on this country. Then Warp Speed vaccines make the rest of us sick. Classic miltary plan of attack: 1) weaken the economy, 2) weaken the military up front and 3) weaken the population that might fight back. There are said to be Chinese forces based in Canada and Mexico and shipments of military weapons, etc. seized by customs in the last months. China has made no bones about wanting to take over the U.S. and to be the top superpower globally. They had admitted they are working on a race-specific targeted virus capability. Got to bring down the U.S. first if all this is to happen. So it's a lot bigger than just the U.S. Election or vaccines now.

When you first hear or read stuff like this the normal response is, no way or how silly. But, if you actually do your research and delve into it, you see the facts. Scary for sure. It is why there are Chinese who know CCP well are ringing the alarm as loud as they can!!
A recent survey in Finland showed about 50% weren't thinking of getting the vaccine. If the government trusting Finns are skeptical I would imagine the stats in other countries will show an even lower take-up rate.
Here the politicians want to start vaccinating in mid-January and your goal is that everyone will be vaccinated by June. Only 50% of the population does not want to be vaccinated at all, I'll see what happens when most of them refuse. ;-) What the politicians say here only marginally, even with vaccination, mask and restrictions remain mandatory, so there will continue to be massive restrictions, only the idiots who will be vaccinated first will then find out that you are not a bit freer, you even know not whether the number of cases goes down with a vaccination or what about the infection. With the vaccination you will only lose, but not gain anything, if there are side effects that are bad, then there will be very ugly consequences, which then has the potential for a riot.
most preppers-with only a few exceptions- seem to be against having the vaccine, most Sheeple are foaming at the mouth to line up for their jabs. I wait to see how the side effects will appear.
the fact that in the UK we are told we cannot sue the manufacturers if the side effects are long lasting and life changing just makes me suspicious that there is an ulterior motive.
maybe good for the planet but not good for the human race.

Will be good for the human race too. Humans for the most part are not capable of living in harmony with any other species and there are far too many idiots. If people are stupid enough to line up for an untested vaccine then I am totally OK if those aren't able to reproduce.
I don’t condone spreading conspiracy theories about the vaccine. I do feel it should be a personal choice but scaring others who are on the fence about it is wrong. Our medical community, while far from being perfect, isn’t out to kill, sterilize or maim everyone. So far there have been no terrible side affects from them. I am certain there will be someone, or likely a handful of people with a bad reaction but vaccines save a lot more lives than they take.
I read about this several months ago somewhere on the net and it is at the root of why I will NEVER take any vaccine so rushed through trials/testing and with no ability to sue the makers for potentially permanent, irreparable RNA/DNA damage to my entire body. I have personally suffered some bizarre symptoms after repeated therapies of CIPROFLOXICIN in my life for UTI's. Those side effects were body-wide and totally debilitating for 4-6 months (some people suffer permanent crippling muscular disorders from this family of drugs). Two different doctors ran all sorts of tests to rule out other possible causes. They concluded what I suspected, it was likely accumalative CIPRO toxicity, whose damage is at the molecular/cell level (primarily in the muscles and tendons) and irreversible! I just don't want to go down that "possibly painful side-effect" road again, EVER. As my Dad used to say all the time........promises, promises. I need some PROOF it's safe and I just don't think they have that.......or will have that for 5 years or more. I'll take my chances with "the disease", thank you very much, as it seems to actually kill a miniscule fraction of the population on the whole. #Cases does not equal #deaths!

Big Pharma had no incentive to make these vaccines safe knowing they can't be sued, so "why bother?" Scientists have discovered a way to store a patient's vaccination history "under the skin at the same time as the vaccine". Wonder what ELSE they can store under your skin at the same time as a vaccination? Or what can they ADD to subsequent 'booster' shots? Just sayin'.
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@Brent S

But you already know that this vaccine is completely different from the vaccines we know and that RNA vaccines have never been used across the board, in this regard, some new territory and that has hardly been tested, especially not over a long period of time. If something goes wrong it can have very bad consequences that I don't want to imagine. Against Corona, I would only get a vaccine with weakened or killed pathogens, if at all, but apparently there is no interest in developing something like this on the part of the pharmaceuticals. An RNA vaccine is made on the fly and once approved the door is wide open for similar projects. No offense, but as far as that goes, the development is too fast and the phase III testing actually goes until around 2022, but you want to apply it to practically everyone now, from the point of view I have no interest in experiments on myself.
It is never a good thing to make people sterile by giving them a vaccine. It is not justifiable to say it's for the good of the people to limit the earth's population.
Luckily it’s not true that any vaccine makes anyone sterile. As far as the earth being over populated, that’s true. Birth control would be the easiest way to solve most of the worlds problems, but I would never see any politician actually speak about that in public.
Well, sure they speak out about it all the time. The left wants free birth control given out as a right, and it was a big deal a few years back that all health insurance cover it. Remember the nuns issue? And the left supports abortion as a right, and many believe abortion is also a means of birth control, as twisted as that sounds. If a vaccine made people sterile, and it was not told to people given the vaccine, I think that's pretty evil.
Now that you mention it I do remember the controversy over birth control. I’ve always been for free it as I feel it’s a lot cheaper than paying for all the kids on welfare programs. Even though I’m pro abortion I think it should just be a personal choice for or against it. I would never do it for my self/partner but have no problem if someone wants it for an unwanted child That would likely be abused or neglected.

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