Will you take the upcoming COVID vaccine?

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I was just reading an article off Censored. news last night that said China is involved with the vaccines. That's why they want to vaccinate the military first! It's not just to test it on them first, but to make a lot of our brave soldiers sick (hospitalizations or outright death) in preparation for a full-on move on this country. Then Warp Speed vaccines make the rest of us sick. Classic miltary plan of attack: 1) weaken the economy, 2) weaken the military up front and 3) weaken the population that might fight back. There are said to be Chinese forces based in Canada and Mexico and shipments of military weapons, etc. seized by customs in the last months. China has made no bones about wanting to take over the U.S. and to be the top superpower globally. They had admitted they are working on a race-specific targeted virus capability. Got to bring down the U.S. first if all this is to happen. So it's a lot bigger than just the U.S. Election or vaccines now.
And have you been reading about how the Chinese are ramping their Military lately thru genetics?
Yes,I have. Just came across this bit tonight published Oct. 2020:COVID-19 Vaccine Bombshell: FDA Documents Reveal DEATH + 21 Serious Health Conditions As Possible Adverse Outcomes | SGT Report
Screen Shot 2020-12-06 at 8_50_38 PM.png
If the vaccine did make 97% infertile this would be a good thing for the planet.
Here are some posts that probably show where the (Corona) trip is going, to be honest I have to say that it turns my stomach when I read some of it.

Search Results for “covid” – Biometric Update

I think more and more that the corona is welcome for the finer forces to enforce your surveillance plans, what is written here will be the absolute nightmare for a large part of the majority.
if that is true they kept it very quiet. I wonder if that is even possible.
I've been doing a bit of research over the internet on this new covid vaccine.
apparently the old vaccines we are all familiar with introduced a VIRUS particle into the bloodstream to create antibodies against whatever the particular virus was.
this MRNA vaccine dosent do that, it introduces a DNA particle of the virus .
its so new that there are no long term studies done so no one knows what the side effects might be.
I dont know about anyone else but I dont want any foreign DNA injected into my body thank you very much.
Cornell U. Offers Exemption to Mandatory Flu Vaccine Policy for ‘BIPOC’ Students

“Cornell University recently offered an exemption on its mandatory flu vaccine policy to minority students. A page on the university’s website suggests that “students who identify as Black, Indigenous, or as a Person of Color (BIPOC)” can apply to be exempt from the mandatory vaccine rule if it makes them uncomfortable for reasons that most may find perplexing.

BIPOC” students that are uncomfortable with the university’s vaccine policy are encouraged to apply for an exemption to the requirement, which otherwise applies to all students and faculty members

“Ithaca students with other concerns / extenuating circumstances may request an exemption from the Fall 2020 flu vaccination requirement that is part of the university’s COVID-19 Behavioral Compact,”

Thoughts anyone?
GrandDad's family (Mozingos) lived in the Goldsboro/Mt.Olive area of N.C., but my great grandmother's Indian family (Stricklands), we THINK, came from a Strickland family that migrated from the Alabama Cherokee tribe, up through northern Georgia and finally settling in esatern N.C. During my family research, I chatted with 2 gals online in N.C. who did end up being distant relatives!

Mom's folks did not migrate to Oklahoma in the TOT. Way back there was a stigma attached to intermarrying with Indians so families didn't talk about that lineage much except in private (if at all, which wsa th case with Mom's folks), so although a huge family, none of us really know much about our great-grandmother. Nobody even has a photograph of her. and of course N.C. didn't keep historical records before 1900, so research is difficult on-line. Grandma looked Indian always, to me. GrandDad was pale and of English/Irish descent. My mother looked very Indian when younger, when she had long, dark auburn pigtails, while still living on their sharecropped tobacco farm. But she didn't look too Indian as her hair grayed and she got older. Half her siblings were fair-skinned, freckled with redish hair genes); half were dark, olive complected, black/dark-haired and definitely looked Indian to me. All descendants at my generation level, including my late brother and I, all have the high cheek bones, but are fair-complected.
GrandDad's family (Mozingos) lived in the Goldsboro/Mt.Olive area of N.C., but my great grandmother's Indian family (Stricklands), we THINK, came from a Strickland family that migrated from the Alabama Cherokee tribe, up through northern Georgia and finally settling in esatern N.C. During my family research, I chatted with 2 gals online in N.C. who did end up being distant relatives!

Mom's folks did not migrate to Oklahoma in the TOT. Way back there was a stigma attached to intermarrying with Indians so families didn't talk about that lineage much except in private (if at all, which wsa th case with Mom's folks), so although a huge family, none of us really know much about our great-grandmother. Nobody even has a photograph of her. and of course N.C. didn't keep historical records before 1900, so research is difficult on-line. Grandma looked Indian always, to me. GrandDad was pale and of English/Irish descent. My mother looked very Indian when younger, when she had long, dark auburn pigtails, while still living on their sharecropped tobacco farm. But she didn't look too Indian as her hair grayed and she got older. Half her siblings were fair-skinned, freckled with redish hair genes); half were dark, olive complected, black/dark-haired and definitely looked Indian to me. All descendants at my generation level, including my late brother and I, all have the high cheek bones, but are fair-complected.

My family line is English/Irish too, along with Cherokee. Like you I have high prominent cheekbones. My hair and complexion is light though. Grandma was born in WV near the border of Kentucky. The Grandmother who passed before I was born was from Tennessee...she was from the other side of the family years ago I was told. Not been able to track it at all. Large families make it harder to track our heritage very well. And Grandma rarely spoke of being Cherokee. When she did it was not with much detail.
during the role out of the Pfizer vaccine in the UK 2 people had serious allergic reactions.
during clinical trials in the US 6 people DIED, FDA said they were not concerned, well they should be!!!
I havent seen anything about anyone dying from the vaccine. The two people with an allergic reaction had a history of allergic reactions beforehand. That’s the main reason they want you to be monitored after most drugs are given.
Looks like one person in Brazil has died but the early details are it was not related to the vaccine. It is still early and not enough info though. So far two people with known history of allergic reactions are the most serious issues so they are now saying if you fall into this category to not take it. They did not die though, just needed Benadryl.
Go down to page 19 of the report. 4 of the 6 deaths were controls given a placebo. Only 2 of the deaths were test subjects that were given the vaccine. This was out of nearly 38,000 people in the study. Statistically insignificant (less than 0.0%) I'm sure if you read the whole thing you will find that those that were given the vaccine and died had other causes of death.

Literally nothing to see here folks...

And please don't shoot the messenger, I am not saying it's safe or that I will take the vaccine, just trying to set the record straight.

Be aware that part of Warp Speed is follow up, a natural thing to expect with any "medical testing" (not what I call this human experimentation). But this little-publicised Warp Speed fact of planned follow up doesn't mean to just report back to your doctor adverse reactions, it means tracking your whereabouts for 24 months! So if you take the vaccine (which I absolutely will not without a gun to my head), there's no longer any such thing as a secret bug-out location, folks. The Plan Is Unfolding for How Vaccines Will Be Monitored | SGT Report
Be aware that part of Warp Speed is follow up, a natural thing to expect with any "medical testing" (not what I call this human experimentation). But this little-publicised Warp Speed fact of planned follow up doesn't mean to just report back to your doctor adverse reactions, it means tracking your whereabouts for 24 months! So if you take the vaccine (which I absolutely will not without a gun to my head), there's no longer any such thing as a secret bug-out location, folks. The Plan Is Unfolding for How Vaccines Will Be Monitored | SGT Report
Just to make you aware, Vernon Cole (featured in the vid) also thinks AIDS is a myth. There is no evidence here just opinion. They are all referred to as medical doctors, no indication they are currently still employed (Vernon was sacked years ago and is now a blogger and conspiracy theorist) Don’t get me wrong I’m not taking the vaccine because of lack of published research and the fact it is an entirely new beast. However, I do believe people have a right to choose and I am very wary of fake news, it’s causing absolute chaos.
Eines bin ich mir fast sicher: Wer stirbt oder nach der Impfung geschädigt wird, wird von den Verantwortlichen darauf hingewiesen, dass dies nichts mit der Impfung zu tun hat. Sie werden sich entziehen und andere Dinge dafür, wie bei den Todesfällen in der orona. In Europa heißt es für alle, die auch schwere Vorerkrankungen haben und Corona fängt, dass er nur an Corona und nichts anderes gestorben ist. Natürlich mag Corona zum Tod haben, aber die anderen Dinge werden nicht erwähnt. Die Impflobby wird alles um jeden Preis tun, dass es keine öffentlichen Todesfälle aufgrund der Impfung gibt, sie diese wollen Diskussion nicht, weil sie sagen, dass Impfstoff zu 95 % sicher ist und die Studien an der Spitze stehen. Die Regierung wird keine schlechten Nachrichten über den Impfstoff, der krasse zensiert wird. Zumindest ist das in Europa eine Tatsache.
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Just to make you aware, Vernon Cole (featured in the vid) also thinks AIDS is a myth. There is no evidence here just opinion. They are all referred to as medical doctors, no indication they are currently still employed (Vernon was sacked years ago and is now a blogger and conspiracy theorist) Don’t get me wrong I’m not taking the vaccine because of lack of published research and the fact it is an entirely new beast. However, I do believe people have a right to choose and I am very wary of fake news, it’s causing absolute chaos.
What video are you referencing? There is no reference to any Vernon Cole in the article I was posting. Unfortunately, I can't delete the 3 vid links at the top of the page. I didn't even look at those. My post was in reference to the written article below on that page, not any videos at the top.
Four Volunteers Who Took Pfizer’s COVID-19 Vaccine Developed Bell’s Palsy – FDA Denies the Temporary Facial Paralysis Caused by the Shot

Breaking news – Daily Mail reports that at least four individuals contracted Bell’s Palsy after taking Pfizer’s COVID-19 Vaccine. Relations between Pfizer and China also in question.

The vaccine business is big money for Big Pharma – the large corporations that benefit from the production of vaccines. This was summarized by Bobby Kennedy, Jr. months ago as he listed the protections these companies receive from the US government (similar in the manner Big Tech is protected):

The list of side effects from the COVID vaccine have previously been reported, but this morning Daily Mail reports that recent cases of Bells palsy developed from the Pfizer trial:

Four people who got Pfizer‘s coronavirus vaccine in the firm’s trial developed Bell’s palsy, a form of temporary facial paralysis, according to U.S. regulators’ report on the shot.

Food and Drug Administration (FDA) regulators said there wasn’t any clear way that the vaccine caused Bell’s palsy, but warned that doctors should watch for the alarming side effect and Pfizer should continue to keep tab on how many people it strikes.

No one knows what exactly causes Bell’s palsy, which resolves on its own most of the time.

On November 13, MSM reported on the Pfizer’s progress:

American drugmaker Pfizer Inc. and German biotechnology firm BioNTech SE announced this week that its vaccine appears more than 90% effective in stopping Covid-19 infections. The preliminary finding spurred a global stock rally and put the companies at the head of the pack in the race for the vaccine.

At around the same time, China saw the final-stage trial of one of its top vaccine candidates halted in Brazil due to a serious adverse event. While Brazil reversed its decision in less than 48 hours, the episode underscored the fraught geopolitical tensions around vaccine development: Last month President Jair Bolsonaro said China lacks credibility and people wouldn’t feel safe with the shot “due to its origin.”

What was not mentioned in the above report was that Pfizer had signed an agreement in August with Gilead.

Pfizer Inc. (NYSE: PFE) today announced a multi-year agreement with Gilead Sciences, Inc. to manufacture and supply Gilead’s investigational antiviral remdesivir, as one of multiple external manufacturing organizations supporting efforts to scale up supply of the investigational treatment for COVID-19. Under the terms of the agreement, Pfizer will provide contract manufacturing services at Pfizer’s McPherson, Kansas facility to manufacture and supply remdesivir for Gilead.

And Gilead and Dr. Fauci were working with China in February mass producing Remdesivir:

Four Volunteers Who Took Pfizer's COVID-19 Vaccine Developed Bell's Palsy - FDA Denies the Temporary Facial Paralysis Caused by the Shot
What video are you referencing? There is no reference to any Vernon Cole in the article I was posting. Unfortunately, I can't delete the 3 vid links at the top of the page. I didn't even look at those. My post was in reference to the written article below on that page, not any videos at the top.
Clicked on the link and it was the first video that came up.

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